I Signed-In in Tokyo

113 The newly made cat friends have created revenue for the pet hospital again

"I check in and punch in Tokyo ()"

"Meow meow meow!"

'Have a meal! Have a meal! ’

'I'm hungry! I'm hungry! ’

Oshisori Nana is a very good and conscientious pet clerk.

She did not recommend all kinds of expensive brands to Lynn because he was a novice in raising cats. Instead, she recommended brands that were moderately priced and very suitable for these two cats, which was enough to prove that she was kind in her heart.

However, Oshishou Nana's patience in explaining, couldn't stand the duet of the two little guys on the ground.

No way, who made Lynn promise to take them for dinner, but just put them away.

"Eh? They are..."

Originally, Nana, who was trying to explain, was guarding Nana, and found that the two kittens, who were fully guarded against him, were surrounded by Lynn's feet and kept grabbing at his trousers.

This made her wonder, wild cats are generally very wary of strangers, but these two little guys are so close to this guest...

Could it be... so handsome that even animals like it?

Yes, this guest is indeed very handsome. Seeing that he is wearing the uniform of Didan High School, he should be the same age as his younger brother.

But this handsomeness is completely incomparable to my brother...

"Miss Guardian? Miss Guardian?"

"Eh? Sorry, I'm a little lost."

"Ask the guest to..."

"These two little guys are hungry, can you please bring me two canned cat food, Miss Guardian? I'll let these two little guys have enough to eat, and I'll settle the bill together later."

The guard Nana, who woke up from his absence, saw Lynn's slightly helpless expression.

Hearing what he said, she immediately asked her to quickly grab two canned cats from the shelf.

"Ming... I understand, please use..."

"Thank you, sorry for your troubles, Miss Guardian."

Lynn didn't know why the guard Nana was distracted. In fact, he didn't have the heart to pay attention to the beautiful lady clerk now.

After taking the cat can, Lynn opened it one after another, and then squatted on the ground in front of the two little guys.

"Eat, when we're full, we'll pick up your brother."

'Wow! Have a meal! It's time to eat! ’

The younger guy was a little heartless. He smelled the aroma of the canned cat food, and he immediately drooled in disappointment.

After the can was placed on the ground, it dashed forward and almost shoved its head into the can. It was a big feast.

On the contrary, the bigger little wild cat, although the corners of his mouth were drooling, he still noticed Lynn's words.

After nodding lightly at him, the little guy came to the canned cat food. It seemed that he wanted to pretend to be reserved, but after taking the first bite...

'good to eat! ’

'tasty! ’

Well, there is nothing wrong with the eating of this sister and brother.

"Okay, Miss Warden, let's continue."

The eating of the two kittens caused a faint smile on the corner of Lynn's mouth.

Looking back at Oshishou Nana, he still needs to continue talking about the unfinished introduction.

"Guest, you... are very popular with these little guys."

"Where did I just say, oh right, it's cat litter, I recommend this one..."

Although he likes pets very much, his favorite is cats, but after seeing Lin En's doting eyes on the two little guys, he couldn't help but lose his mind for a while.

It wasn't until she felt Lynn's gaze that she sorted out her mood in a panic, and quickly assumed the responsibility of being a clerk, and continued to introduce Lynn.

It was only during the introduction that the faint redness on her neck and cheeks never dissipated.

"It turns out that there is such a great knowledge in raising cats. It's really educated."

Nana's explanation was very detailed, not only about the feeding of cats, but also about various details of daily life and various matters that need to be paid attention to. Not an easy task.

Fortunately, after being able to communicate with those little guys,

A lot of trouble could have been avoided, which would have saved Lynn a lot of trouble.

"Miss Guard, can we exchange the contact information? If I encounter any problems in the future, I hope to ask you for advice."

Today, Lynn gained a lot of new knowledge.

So after Nana's explanation, he also took out his mobile phone, hoping to make friends with him.

Don't get me wrong, it's not because he learned about the existence of nobles, and after knowing that he might marry many wives in the future, he let go of himself, and when he saw a beautiful young lady, he wanted to do it.

He just wants to make a cat friend, and he can ask for advice in time and solve it as soon as possible when he encounters various problems in the future.

After all, Nana Osamu is obviously a qualified cat slave, and serving the cat owner is definitely professional!

"Huh? Eh! Good! Then...this is my phone number..."

As a beauty, Nana Osamu actually encountered this situation too often.

However, under normal circumstances, she will reject the other party very decisively, because she can clearly see who is really for the pet, and who is using the pet's excuse to strike up a conversation with herself.

But facing Lynn alone, she panicked for a while.

Exchange contacts?

Could it be that this handsome big boy also...

Do not!


He simply wants to ask himself questions, because eyes can never deceive people!

Guard Nana!

What are you thinking about!

In a hurry, the guardian Nana took out his mobile phone and exchanged phone numbers with Lynn in a dizzy manner.

Then, after the two exchanged phone numbers...

"Okay, now it's time to buy."

"Miss Guard, I want all the cat food you recommended, as well as canned cat food, give me a box too."

"In addition, cat litter, cat toys, cat house, and cat bag, I will all get three points. Besides these two little guys, there is another little guy who is receiving treatment in the hospital, and I can't forget it."

"By the way, does your pet store have a delivery service?"

"No? Well, then I'll take it away now."

Under the shocked gaze of Nana, the guardian, Lynn selected all the necessities for raising cats one by one.

In fact, if he only chose a few items, Omitsu Nana wouldn't be so surprised, but he got so many out, even if they were all packed in a cardboard box, he got two whole boxes.

Especially the heaviest cat litter, Lin En bought a lot in one go. Overall, it was at least seventy or eighty pounds.

Not to mention the price for a while, he actually planned to take such a heavy thing away?

"That... Mr. Lynn, are you sure you can take all these away?"

After all the daily necessities of these cats were settled, Nana Oguardi looked hesitantly at the two large boxes on the ground, and then looked at Lynn, who was not tall and sturdy.

Although he has undergone two enhancements, Lynn's height has only grown by a few centimeters. At present, he is only about 1.75 meters, and he is still the type of thin clothes, which makes people look like he is not very strong. look.

It's no wonder that Nana, the guardian, said that.

"How about I contact my brother and ask him to come over and help with the delivery?"

At this time, the worried guard Nana could only think of her younger brother.

Although she was only working part-time in this pet store, for the sake of customers, she could only work hard for her brother.

"It's okay, it's not too heavy, I can still afford it."

Guarding Nana's kindness made Lynn raise the corners of his mouth.

What a kind clerk and sister, it's great to be able to form a cat friend.

However, he really didn't pay attention to this mere tens of kilograms of boxes.

Mainly, he didn't want to bother to run to the store, so he bought so much in one go, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to make a scene in front of him.

"Eh? Mr. Lynn... he's really strong."

Seeing that Lynn picked up the box very easily, without any reluctance at all, the guard Nana couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Of course, no matter what, I'm also a full member of the Karate Club."

"Thank you for this time, Miss Guardian."

"If there is any problem with feeding these little guys in the future, I hope that Miss Guardian can give me some advice."

"Of course, that's what I should do."

After the money was settled, Lynn held two boxes in his hands and said goodbye to the guardian Nana.

As for the two little guys who were satisfied after enjoying their respective cat cans...

"Let's go, two little guys, it's time to find your brother."

Hearing Lynn's words, the little wild cat shuddered immediately, pushed the kitten beside him, and quickly followed Lynn who had already walked to the door.

"Excuse me, Miss Guardian."

"Goodbye, Mr. Lynn, and welcome next time..."

The guardian Nana, who was standing at the door of the pet goods store, watched Lin En, who had walked out the door, holding the box in his hand, followed by two figures, one big and one small, and his eyes couldn't help but be lost for a while.

Lynn... sir...

Subconsciously, Nana Osamu took out the phone in his hand and looked at the phone number and name marked on the phone.

It's the first time for me to exchange contact information for the first time...


"Huh? Two more little guys here?"

Guarding Nana's thoughts at the moment, Lynn, who has walked out of the pet store, must not know.

At this time, he had brought the two little guys back to the pet hospital, and also let the two little guys see the weak cat brother who had just completed the infusion.

Seeing their relatives, the two little guys rushed forward. Fortunately, Lynn stopped them, so they didn't let them disturb the resting little sick.

It was at this moment that Mr. Fujimura, who had completed another pet treatment, appeared.

Seeing the two little guys in Lynn's hands, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yeah, here are two more little guys."

"Doctor Fujimura, the vaccines and deworming of these two little guys are all up to you."

Now that he is going to adopt these two little guys together, Lynn is destined to generate more revenue for Doctor Fujimura today.

But can these two little guys accept injections and deworming?

Thinking about it...

Well, I still have to communicate well for a while!

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