I Signed-In in Tokyo

One hundred and forty-six I am not a hero to save the beauty! It's not for you to make a promis

"I check in in Tokyo ()" to find the latest chapter!

"Even if you're just a high school student, you're still a man! And you're a man who's willing to take risks for his girlfriend!"

"If I use you as a hostage, I can't guarantee that you will resist to the end!"

"So... stand there and don't move! Just move again! I'll kill her!"

It seemed that although the murderer looked very excited, he did not completely lose his mind.

He knew very well that the girl in his hands was suitable as a hostage, but it was the most unwise choice at this time to hold a tough guy who was willing to do his best for his girlfriend.

Therefore, he rejected Lynn without hesitation, and ordered him to stand still!

Otherwise, he really can do anything!


"Okay, if you don't let me move, then I won't move."

Facing the murderer's threat, Lynn continued to stand with his hands raised.

But at this time, the distance between the two sides is actually no more than four meters away, and both sides can see each other's appearance clearly.

The murderer who took the hostages looked like he was dressed as a chef, and he was also a traditional Dongying chef. He was about forty years old, with a stubble beard on his face, and he looked full of vicissitudes.

The hostage girl who was taken hostage was wearing a school uniform with a dark blue suit jacket and a rice flower plaid pleated skirt. She had short shoulder-length pink hair and a beautiful face full of fear at this moment.

But at the same time of fear, when the hostage girl looked at Lynn, her eyes were full of puzzlement.

Because she knew very well that she had never dated anyone since she was born, let alone this super handsome boy in front of her.

But right now, this handsome big boy actually claims to be his boyfriend, and is even willing to take his place as a hostage.

He... Who the hell is he?

He...why would he pay so much for himself?

Three people, three pairs of eyes were looking at each other, and no one took the initiative to speak after that, time seemed to be frozen at this moment.

But at a farther position, in the eyes of Xiaolan and Kudo Shinichi, they saw that just as Lynn stood not far from the murderer and the hostage and raised his hands, he looked behind the two , unexpectedly also appeared a figure of Lynn!

"That is……"

Such a scene even made Kudo Shinichi exclaim in surprise.

What an unscientific thing this is!

Classmate Lin En... two of them actually appeared?


still is……

However, before Kudo Shin could make more noises, Lynn, who was behind the murderer and the hostage, had already made a bold move!

I saw him pinch the murderer's shoulders like lightning, seemingly without force, and then only heard the sound of bone cracking, and then the kitchen knife in the murderer's hand fell down the next moment on the ground.

There was no way, the shoulder bones were all broken, it would be really weird if he could hold the knife again.

Then, right after this, Lin En pulled away the rather burly body of the murderer with his backhand, and gently pulled back, the man fell to the ground with a slap as if he had been hit by a hundred catties.

As for the hostage girl who escaped from the murderer's control, Lynn immediately hugged her waist.

There is no way, if I don't help her at this time, I'm afraid that her legs are already weak and she will immediately fall to the ground.


? ? ?

Sister smashed!

I hug you just to prevent you from falling down, not to be a hero to save the beauty, and let you make a promise with my body!

Seeing this hostage girl, after realizing that she was rescued by Lin En and her life was no longer threatened, instead of pushing Lin En away, she turned around and threw herself directly into Lin En's arms!

In an instant, the fragrance of the young girl's body spread into Lin En's nasal cavity, and what's more... Although I didn't notice much when I was wearing clothes, but I actually felt the size of this girl... It's a bit spectacular!

cough cough!


That's not the point!

Xiaolan is watching from not far away,

At this time, buddy is a gentleman!

"This classmate... are you okay?"

Push the girl in her arms away intentionally, but the trembling of the girl's body is telling Lin En that she has been frightened too much and needs someone to give her enough sense of security at this moment.

If you push her away like this, I'm afraid the shadow in her heart will be enlarged infinitely.

don't push...

Do you really want to hug her like this?

Then at this time!

The siren sounded in his ears, letting Lin En know that the people from the Metropolitan Police Department finally arrived after a long delay.

Is it true that after everything is over, there will be cleaning up the mess?

In this regard, Lynn didn't want to complain any more.

"I am very sorry."

Fortunately, the sound of the siren finally brought the girl in Lin En's arms back to her senses.

Realizing that she was still lying in the arms of a strange boy, she hurriedly took two steps back, arranged her clothes in a panic, and then bowed deeply to Lin En.

"Thank you very much for your help! If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would really encounter an accident today!"

not bad.

She is a girl who knows how to be grateful.

But for this apology and thanks, Lynn just waved his hand, with a look of indifference.

"It's okay, it's just a small matter that can be solved easily, don't take it to heart."

Although he saved his sister's life, Lin En was not without rewards.

At this moment, the diet therapy proficiency skills have been successfully acquired, which is already the biggest gain today!

In contrast, the others are just small things.

"Xiaolan, Kudo-san."

"By the way... in this situation, can I retreat first?"

While talking, Xiaolan and Kudo Shinichi also came to Lynn.

After saying hello to them, Lynn looked up at the murderer who was still unable to get up on the ground.

The shoulder bones on both shoulders were broken, and they were thrown heavily on the ground. This guy is completely unable to stand up now.

Regarding this situation, Lynn couldn't help but slightly frowned.

I... Did I hit too hard?

This time, Kudo Shinichi, a tool man, can help him carry it down?

"Sorry, I'm afraid not."

"The prisoner's injuries are too serious. I'm afraid... Lin En, you are going to be in trouble."

Hearing what Lynn said, Kudo Shinichi's expression turned ugly.

Anyway, he actually has to bear a lot of responsibility for such a trouble today, and if possible, he also wants to help Lynn with this.

However, the prisoner's current injuries are indeed serious, and Lin En is not affiliated to the Metropolitan Police Department system, so he hurt the prisoner as an ordinary person. From a certain point of view, this is also a crime.

Although the incident happened for a reason, and the charges can be offset in various ways afterwards, it is obviously impossible for him to leave immediately.

Even if it is Kudo Shinichi, there is nothing he can do!

"Is that really the case?"

After hearing Kudo Shinichi's answer, Lynn raised his eyebrows.

However, he didn't say anything about it, and he didn't even care too much about it.

After all, no matter what, he did it bravely and did not intentionally hurt him. Even if the prisoner appealed to him, he might not have a big problem.

It's just that in this way, some troubles will definitely not escape, at least today, he may not have to go to the Metropolitan Police Department.

"It's okay, if it's this matter, please leave it to me to handle it."

? ? ?

Just when Lin En was thinking about it, it seemed that today was going to be a mess, and when she looked at the pink-haired hostage girl again, she suddenly opened her mouth.

"You injured the prisoner in order to protect me. This incident happened because of me, so naturally I should be responsible."

This girl...

Is she capable of dealing with the Metropolitan Police Department, or is she just innocent enough to think that one person can do things alone?

Looking at the other party's swearing expression, Lynn always felt that the former was more likely.

Could it be that... this hostage girl is also a big shot?

By the way, her clothes look familiar, and her pink hair...

"Everyone is not allowed to move!"

"Huh? Brother Kudo? Why is it you again?"

Lin En didn't allow him to think too much, and a shout had already reached his ears.

Turning his head to look, a fat man wearing an orange windbreaker, a mustache, and a hat on his head was running quickly with a few subordinates.

But when he ran to see it, the man immediately called out Kudo Shinichi's name.

"Officer Megure..."

When Kudo Shinichi saw the visitor, he immediately revealed the identity of the visitor.

That's right, he is Miwako Sato's boss, who often appears in the original plot, but usually only appears as a background board - Meguro Thirteen!

"Brother Kudo, this is..."

Regarding the situation at the scene, Mu Mu Shisan also looked at a loss at the moment.

After receiving the call to the police, he immediately led his men to the scene of the crime.

But when I came here, I saw a middle-aged man lying on the ground, and a group of boys and girls standing around.

Didn't you say that there was a murder case?

What's the situation?

"That's the murderer. He was trying to take hostages after his identity was exposed just now, but he has been controlled."

"As for the body of the deceased, it's still at the first scene of the crime. Officer Mu Mu, you can take someone to check it."

Facing Megushisan, Kudo Shinichi was weak.

Although he was in good condition today and easily solved the case, the series of incidents that happened afterwards made him feel exhausted physically and mentally.

This means that Lynn saved the hostage in the end. Otherwise, if the hostage was hurt, he really wouldn't have to fall into any kind of self-blame.

"Student Lynn?"

Then just as Kudo Shinichi reported the situation to Megushisan, behind Megussan, a female voice also came to Lynn's ears at the same time.

"Miss Sato, I didn't expect to meet again so soon."

The owner of that voice, Lynn, actually saw the other party as soon as he appeared.

That's right!

That was Miwako Sato who had just met him yesterday.

Originally, we hadn't been able to formally say goodbye when we separated, but I didn't expect that we would meet again on this occasion a few days later.

"I don't want to see you in a place like this at all!"

Seeing Lynn, Miwako Sato's eyes flashed with complexity.

Especially looking at the murderer lying on the ground...

"That guy...couldn't it be you who did this?"

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