I Signed-In in Tokyo

One hundred and fifty-two as long as I coax fast enough, the tennis ball won't hit me in the fa

"I check in in Tokyo ()" to find the latest chapter!

After scoring two consecutive serves, the score between Lynn and Shitani directly reached 30:0.

Of course.

The score is no longer the focus of everyone's attention.

The point is, this guy who looks like just a little boy, he actually has the strength comparable to a professional tennis player!

Two consecutive serves that are completely beyond common sense, hitting the opponent's face twice in a row to score.

If such a scene had not been witnessed by everyone, I am afraid that no one would believe that this scene would happen in reality!


Reality is often more outrageous than anime or movies!

"Xiagu, are you ready? I'm going to continue teeing off."

In an instant, exclamations came and went from outside the arena.

But in the arena, Lin En, who was holding a racket and tennis ball, looked playfully at Xia Gu, who had an unbelievable expression on his face and whose tears had not yet been wiped away.

"The two goals just now were just a warm-up exercise. Next, I'm going to start doing it for real!"

After all, Lynn put on a tee-off position.

At the same time, he didn't lie.

This outspin serve is usually only used to deter the opponent, but if it is used too much, the opponent can seize the opportunity and counterattack.

Although with the strength of that Xiagu classmate, it should be impossible to counterattack, but it is not impossible to resolve this move.

but it does not matter!

In addition to the external spin serve, Lynn has mastered a lot of "killer tennis" skills.

for example……

Can the advanced version of the stormy outspin serve be used to give the opponent a try?

In other words, if this trick is used, it won't really set off a storm, right?


"I surrender!"

Just when Lin En was ready to serve, but looking at the opposite side again, the classmate Xiagu who caught the ball with his face twice and his nose was red like a clown at the moment, dropped the racket without hesitation, stood where he was and turned towards Lin En. En bowed deeply.

"Your strength is much higher than mine, I am not your opponent, so... I admit defeat!"

? ? ?

Are you so bachelor?

Obviously before, he looked like he wanted to teach him a lesson, but after two goals, he just admitted it so simply?

Seeing this scene, Lynn couldn't help raising his eyebrows deeply.


Since the other party voluntarily admits defeat, there will be no way for this duel to continue.

"Is that so...it's a pity, I still want to try my newly practiced nirvana."

Lin En shook his head regretfully at this scene.

Now that the matter has come to this point, he will not insist that the other party must continue to compete with him.

But after hearing Lin En's words, looking at the student Xia Gu opposite, there were big drops of sweat running across his cheeks.

Two serves that are completely unreasonable have already hit him to the point of autism, especially when he heard Lynn say that he was just warming up before and that he was going to be serious next time, he couldn't even imagine that if he continued to fight, he would be beaten what it looks like.

Now hearing that Lin En is going to use himself to try a new trick, he couldn't help but feel even more grateful.

Fortunately, I was quick enough!

Otherwise, what is waiting for me may not be as simple as catching a tennis ball with my face!

"Thanks, Sonoko."

Since Xiagu chose Congxin resolutely, Lin En didn't intend to make any further entanglements.

Anyway, looking at him like that, he should have been taught a lesson, and immediately walked off the court, came to Xiaolan and Yuanzi, and returned the racket to Yuanzi.

"Lynn! Your tennis skills are so good?"

The so-called layman watches the excitement, and the insider watches the doorway. Although Yuanzi is not a tennis club candidate, he is not a layman either. Of course, he can see what Lynn's two serves represent.

It was also because of this that Yuanzi's expression at the moment was so exaggerated.

She knew that her male god was very strong, as if nothing could stop him.

But such strong tennis skills are still beyond her imagination!

"well enough,

It's just that I used to play occasionally, it's nothing. "

Yuanzi's exaggerated expression made Lynn smile.

He really doesn't have much interest in tennis. Even if he gets a reward for completing the check-in task, it's just a collection achievement for him, and it's just an extra skill.

It is really impossible to say that this changed his view of tennis and suddenly made him fall in love with tennis.

However, hearing what he said, Ayaka Totsuka subconsciously shook her head.

"Student Lin En, your skills are not insignificant at all!"

"Student Shitani, he is the official player of our tennis club. Even in the SAR competition, his strength is above the middle level."

"But it's Xiagu classmate like this, but he can't even catch your serve!"

"Student Lynn! Do you want to join our tennis club?"

"With your strength, as long as you join our tennis club, you will definitely become our trump card!"

As the president of the tennis club, Totsuka Ayaka wholeheartedly hopes that her club can achieve better results.

Although the Di Dan High School Tennis Club, which is currently ranked in the special zone, is definitely not an underdog, but with such a super ace in front, how can he not be tempted?

What's more, Ayaka Totsuka had a good impression of Lynn, so naturally she hoped that he would join her tennis club even more at this moment!

He, Ayaka Totsuka, is thirsty for talents!

"Sorry, Totsuka-san."

"Although I am very grateful for your invitation, I have already joined two clubs, and I really don't have the energy to join the third club."

Totsuka Ayaka's invitation was somewhat beyond Lynn's expectation, but it was reasonable.

Unfortunately, he was afraid that he would disappoint the other party.

Firstly, he is not very interested in tennis, and secondly, as he said, how can he join the third club after he has already registered in the karate club and the light music club?

Is he really afraid that he doesn't have enough time?

"Have you already joined two clubs? What a pity..."

"However, Lin En, if you still plan to join a new club in the future, please consider our tennis club!"


Totsuka Ayaka wasn't the troublesome type to push through.

He was rejected by Lynn, although he still made a final fight, but he was completely unprepared to continue entanglement.

In Lynn's view, this quality is quite commendable.

"Okay, if there is a chance in the future, I will seriously consider it."

Although there should be no such opportunity, Lynn did not refuse too thoroughly.

Because of this, Totsuka Saika had a bright smile on her face.

But having said that...

Should it be said that it is Ayaka Totsuka?

This smile is really more dazzling than that of a girl!

No wonder there are boys who are jealous of him, this charm is really not a joke!

"I regret!"

"Why should I take you to the tennis club?"

"This is definitely my biggest mistake, Suzuki Sonoko!"

Suzuki Sonoko held deep resentment about the fact that she took Lynn and Xiaolan to visit the tennis club today.

Even after bidding farewell to the members of the tennis club, on the way home from the school, she kept talking about this matter, which made Lin En and Xiaolan who were traveling together dumbfounded.

Why is Yuanzi so resentful?

The reason is actually very simple.

During this trip to the tennis club, Lynn not only met Ayaka Totsuka, but most importantly, his handsome looks and superb tennis skills also conquered all the men and women in the tennis club in the follow-up!

That's right!

It's like a reenactment of the events in the karate club.

Not only the girls in the tennis club, but even the boys have given up their previous prejudice against Lynn, especially after finding out that he really doesn't seem to be interested in President Ayaka Totsuka, but just treats him as an ordinary friend. Lynn highly recommends it!

By the time the group waved goodbye, the group of boys who had no morals were already shouting one by one, Senior Lynn!

It can be said that Lin En conquered the girls with his good looks, and conquered all the boys with his absolute strength.

After continuing the karate club, he completed another dominance in the tennis club!

But the result of this is that he gained another vote of admirers, and also made Yuanzi have many "rivals in love" invisibly!

Under such circumstances, can Yuanzi not complain?

"By the way... I'm going to make some nourishing medicinal meals tonight."

"Yuanzi, if you're not in a hurry to go home, would you like to have a meal with me?"

Yuanzi complained non-stop, causing Xiaolan to look at Lin En for help.

Seeing this, Lin En saw that he was almost complaining all the way from school to home, and it was indeed not a problem, so he decisively opened his mouth and directly changed the topic to attract Yuanzi's attention.

"Medicated food?"

Sure enough, when Lynn spoke, let alone Yuanzi, even Xiaolan attracted curious eyes.

"Student Lin En, the medicated diet you are talking about is the kind of traditional Chinese medicine that can cure diseases?"

As Xiao Lan, who can do all the housework, she is certainly no stranger to medicinal food.

But she only has a little understanding of this, if she is really asked to cook medicinal food, it is a field she has never touched.

"Medicinal diet is not suitable for treating all diseases. The greater value lies in nourishing the body and preventing diseases."

"Especially some herbal diets also have the effect of nourishing the appearance. Eating more appropriately is also good for you girls."

Lynn smiled and answered Xiaolan's question.

The treatment proficiency skills he obtained before, to put it bluntly, are the use of medicinal cuisine, which allows him to regulate the human body to the greatest extent.

Therefore, he is also very aware of the efficacy of the medicinal diet, so naturally he quickly resolved Xiaolan's misunderstanding.


When Lin En said that medicinal food can nourish the appearance, it is suitable for girls to eat more, and then looked at Xiaolan and Yuanzi, but both eyes lit up.

Especially Yuanzi, she even forgot the previous resentment at this moment, and directly grabbed Lin En's wrist with a backhand!

"Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and make a medicinal meal!"

This garden doesn't care about nourishing the body and preventing diseases, but nourishing the appearance is something that no woman wants to miss!

So at this moment, she couldn't wait for Lynn to cook herbal meals!

"No...you should wait a moment and let me buy the materials..."

In such a busy garden, with her here, she really won't be lonely...

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