I Signed-In in Tokyo

One hundred and ninety-fourth, in the gloomy garden, is the tool man doing something again?

"Hmm... Junior Lin En, is it really all right?"

"If you don't want to, I can actually refuse..."

Lin En's straightforward reaction stunned Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

Of course she knew very well why her responsible editor wanted to see Lynn.

Because of this, from the heart, she is not very willing to let the two parties meet.

After all, after the meeting, her responsible editor will inevitably fight for the interests of the publishing house, and may even force Lynn to sign an unequal contract from the perspective of interests.

You must know that the power of the publishing house is still very large, and it is really easy to choose an author.

Although both Immortal Chuan Library and Lin En's office belonged to Kasumi Hill Shiyu's partners, if they had to make a choice, Kasumi Hill Shiyu would still be on Lin En's side.

After all, without Lynn, her works would eventually be abandoned by the Immortal Chuan Library.

Now that I am on fire, I just want to pick peaches. How can there be so many beautiful things in the world?

Due to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's good relationship with her editor-in-charge, she conveyed a piece of news.

But she didn't expect that Lynn agreed without saying a word, which was beyond her expectation.

But looking at Lynn at this time, he still remained calm.

"There's no need to refuse. It's a good thing for both parties to meet and communicate."

Yes, that's right.

Lynn was of course very calm.

Rather, he is now looking forward to the reaction of the editor in charge of Kasumigaoka-senpai knowing his true identity.

By the way...

The editor-in-charge of Xia Zhiqiu-senpai seems to be a beauty?

cough cough...

This is not the point, the point is that if the opponent's ability is sufficient, it may also be used by Lynn.

all in all!

Interrupted by a phone call,

The conversation between Lin En and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu came to an end.

After all, the atmosphere was completely disrupted. The senior sister wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything in the end.

As for Lynn, he doesn't have much to chat with his senior for the time being—they don't know each other very well, so what kind of romance can this lonely man and widow talk about on the rooftop?

So soon, the two people who ended their topic of meeting after school parted on the rooftop.

Then wait until Lynn returns to Class B of Year 2...

? ? ?

Sonoko... what happened to her?

As soon as he stepped into the classroom, Lin En found that Yuanzi, who was usually full of vitality, was lying on the table weakly at this moment, with a sullen expression on his face.

At the table in front of her, Xiao Lan looked at her best friend behind her worriedly, as if she wanted to persuade her, but she didn't know how to speak.

The most important thing is that standing next to the seats of the two girls, there is actually a Kudo Shinichi with embarrassment written all over his face.


This tool man is here to do things again?

"What's wrong?"

"Student Lin En! You are finally back!"

Hearing Lynn's voice, Xiao Lan couldn't help being overjoyed.

But Lin En didn't know anything about the current situation, so he could only ask quickly under the circumstances.

"Yuanzi, what happened?"

"Is Kudo-san bullying her?"

Hearing what Lynn said, Kudo Shinichi grinned suddenly, his expression was aggrieved

What do you mean I bully Sonoko?

Good guy!

It's not bad if she doesn't bully me!

Who can bully that kind of jumping guy?

"not like this……"

"However... it should actually be Shinichi's fault."

Kudo Shinichi was feeling aggrieved, but looking at Xiaolan again, although she defended her childhood sweetheart immediately, but soon, under her hesitant expression, she seemed to pull Kudo Shinichi back .

So...Xiao Lan, what are you talking about?

Blinking and blinking, Lynn couldn't understand the contradictory statement, so he could only wait for Xiaolan to continue to explain, and then let him briefly follow up everything that happened in the classroom since he left.

It turned out that after Lin En was called away by Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, Kudo Shinichi saw the separation of the iron triangle for a while, so he took the initiative to run to Xiaolan and Sonoko.

During this period of time, he felt that he spent too little time with Xiaolan, and the relationship between the two was obviously rusty, so he naturally hoped to find an opportunity to restore this friendship.

So how did Kudo Shinichi do it?

very simple.

No matter how busy he is, it is impossible to really forget that two days later is the day when Xiaolan will lead the team to participate in the special zone competition.

Now that he wants to restore the childhood friendship, Kudo Shinichi of course said that he will cheer for Xiaolan on the field, even if the preliminary competition is scheduled for school, he will definitely go to class to support!

Hearing Kudo Shinichi's words, he really put his heart into it.

After all, even Xiaolan's game time has been found out clearly, which shows that he has indeed put a lot of thought into this aspect.

But the problem is.

Xiaolan has not told Yuanzi when she will participate in the competition.

Even if Lynn was willing to take on this task last night, the problem is, hasn't he found a chance yet?

It turned out well.

Kudo Shin, who didn't know the situation, was caught by Xiaolan every time he opened his mouth.

When he heard that Lin En and Xiaolan would take leave on Thursday and Friday to prepare for and participate in the SAR competition, but he didn't know anything about it, Yuanzi immediately felt abandoned by the two of them.

In this way, can she be happy?

Do not!

Of course Yuanzi is not happy!

Obviously everyone is best friends, and obviously I have worked very hard to turn everyone into a family.

But why did he seem to be an outsider in the end?

Thinking of this, Yuanzi immediately became awkward.

For this reason, Xiaolan is also very worried, and it is not easy to persuade her if she wants to, but just say nothing, it is not a problem to let Yuanzi get sulky.

So it's stuck here.

And Xiaolan said that it was Kudo Shinichi's fault, and there was nothing wrong with it.

If he didn't talk too much, naturally this kind of thing wouldn't happen.

"alright, I got it."

"Yuanzi, it's not like you don't know that Xiaolan and I will participate in a karate competition in the near future. Since the schedule is advanced, the course will definitely be delayed. You should be able to think of this, right?"

Knowing the cause and effect, Lynn naturally could no longer just watch.

Immediately walked up to Yuanzi and spoke with a smile.

With this statement, Yuanzi, who was lying on the table, immediately raised his head!

"That's what I said, but I shouldn't be the last person to know about this!"


Sonoko still really minded that she was being concealed.


"That's not right, the fact that the SAR Karate Competition has been advanced, probably has already been heard in the school."

"Even Kudo-san knows, Sonoko, you are so well-informed, there should be no reason not to know."

It is true that it was Xiaolan's fault for not telling Yuanzi about this in advance.

But the problem is, even Kudo Shinichi, a tool person who often skips classes, can know the news. Sonoko, who is familiar with all kinds of gossip and has a good understanding of school information, doesn't know about it. Obviously something is wrong, right?

Are you sure it wasn't because you didn't pay attention to the karate competition that you didn't get the news in advance?


Hearing Lynn's question, Yuanzi was stunned.


As a know-it-all in Didan High School, almost no news and gossip can escape her ears.

Especially since Xiaolan is still her best friend, logically speaking, she should not be ignorant of the fact that the karate club participated in the competition in advance.

But the problem is!

In the recent period, where did Yuanzi have the opportunity to inquire about gossip?

Apart from being with Lynn every day, she spends the rest of the time besides sleeping and thinking about how to catch the male god.


Did Xiaolan abandon Yuanzi, or did Yuanzi not care about Xiaolan?

If this question is serious, it will be really embarrassing!

"Well, it's actually just a small thing."

"Even I only received the news yesterday, I guess Xiaolan is not much earlier than me."

"If you really don't want to be separated from us, Yuanzi, at worst, please take two days off and act with us."

It was impossible for Lynn to turn the atmosphere into an embarrassment, so he changed the subject and quickly put forward his own suggestion.

Be reasonable.

If this wasn't a team competition, and all members of the karate club had to choose to participate, he probably wouldn't have said that, and he would have gone to 'sleep and fly' with Xiaolan long ago.

But this is not just two people acting alone. Even if there is no garden, there are so many light bulbs around, it is better to bring the garden together.

After Lin En finished speaking, Yuanzi immediately raised his head, his big eyes were shining brightly.

"Really? Can I ask for leave to accompany you to the competition?"

Actually tell the truth.

Yuanzi's loss at this moment is not entirely due to Xiaolan's "concealment".

After all, Lin En's reasoning is very clear, and she never thought of blaming Xiaolan in the past, let alone talk about whether she is angry or not.

Where she is depressed.

My male god and Xiaolan left, leaving her 'alone' in school, how uncomfortable is that kind of scene?

The most important thing is that it will take two days for them to leave!

Yuanzi couldn't bear this kind of thing even for a few hours, but it was two days!

How can this make her live! ! !

But now, Lynn's proposal made her feel like a turning point.

She doesn't mind taking leave of absence from school or anything like that.

She was just worried about whether Lynn would reject her, and insisted on letting herself stay in the class to attend lectures and study.

After all, everyone is a student. Except for Kudo Shinichi, how many people dare to skip class without reason?

Wouldn't that be a bad girl?

But now!

Lin En actually took the initiative to ask Yuanzi to ask for leave and skip class, which instantly excited her.

Especially after seeing Lin En's affirmative nod, she couldn't help jumping up even more!

"Great! I'm going to ask for leave!"

"Lynn! I love you to death!"

Sonoko, who was cheering and jumping, even started talking nonsense.

But at the same moment, Kudo Shinichi, who was standing in the aisle of two rows of tables and chairs, couldn't help but be dazed.

I was tangled and embarrassed for a long time, and I didn't know what to say.

As a result, Lin En's few words made the garden turn cloudy to sunny?


What are you doing standing here?

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