I Signed-In in Tokyo

Two hundred and thirteenth, the sign-in reward day sells TV stations, don't offend women for 00

Tonight, to Lynn, there was nothing unusual.

After all, he had never had any wrong thoughts about Miwako Sato, so it was impossible for him to be as emotional as Xiaolan was when he stayed overnight, which made him not sleep well all night.

So after comforting Miwako Sato, he slept until dawn, and he slept sweetly.

Then after waking up, the first thing waiting for Lynn is naturally the sign-in reward time for today.

〖Ding——today’s sign-in has been completed, 67% of TV station’s shares will be sold on sign-in reward day, sign-in reward has been issued〗


Just yesterday, I had an intersection with the program group of Nichimai TV, and today I directly rewarded the shares of the TV station?

And 67% of the shares, isn't this already an absolute holding?

In Dongying, most of the TV stations belong to the company, which is a joint stock company of private enterprises.

But even so, it is bound to be impossible for ordinary people to be able to take up shares in the TV station and become shareholders.

Therefore, Lynn was really surprised by the absolute control of the day-selling TV station that was rewarded for signing in today.

But since it is a sign-in reward of the system, there will definitely be no mistakes.

After taking out the reward documents and checking them carefully, it can be confirmed that this is the same as the industry rewarded before, and there is an external agent in charge of the operation. Lynn, the behind-the-scenes BOSS, only needs to be responsible for collecting money with peace of mind.

It's just that the TV station that was rewarded this time made Lynn more or less interested.

After all, he is a man who wants to run an idol agency, and he has to fulfill his ambition of leading the Qingyin girls to the Budokan!

A single ACGN barrage network can certainly increase the girls' reputation, but in comparison, the publicity on the Internet is still not as good as the orthodox communication channels like TV stations.

After all, it is a matter of national recognition. No matter how popular it is on the Internet, it cannot be broadcast on TV stations, and it is impossible to be truly known to the public.

Therefore, after confirming today's reward, some plans were also produced in Lynn's mind.

It seems that I can really arrange a few programs for everyone,

Let everyone's fame directly complete an explosion!

Of course.

Regarding this plan, it definitely needs to be saved until after the special zone karate competition is over. I just need to find time to discuss with Saori Nishishenjing and see if she can come up with some better suggestions.

all in all!

This morning's rewards were pretty good and left Lyn refreshed.

But after he got up, he looked at Miwako Sato who was sleeping next door...

"Miss Sato...you didn't sleep well last night?"

Not long after hearing the news of Lynn getting up, Miwako Sato also walked out of the room with her tired body and thick dark circles under her eyes.

This can't help but surprise Lynn.

Why does it look like he worked all night last night?

Thanks to the fact that there are only two people in this house, otherwise, if other people saw it, I might not be able to clean it up if I jumped into the Yellow River!

"Hmm... I was a little worried about the situation in the headquarters, so I didn't sleep well..."

Facing the surprised Lynn, Miwako Sato couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Why didn't I sleep well, don't you have any idea?

It ran into my mind all night, and when I closed my eyes, all I saw was your appearance. It's strange that I can sleep well!

However, Miwako Sato knew that if she really blamed Lynn for this, she would be making trouble for no reason. After all, Lynn couldn't possibly know what she was thinking.

So in the end, she could only find a plausible answer.

Hmm... let's take it that way.

"It's getting late, why don't you call and ask?"

Miwako Sato's eyes were very dark, and Lynn didn't notice.

Hearing what the other party said, he also immediately proposed to call the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Department to inquire. After all, if this matter cannot be resolved, Miwako Sato will always be in danger.

"Well, I'll call right away."

Seeing that Lin En didn't notice her abnormality, Miwako Sato breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly took out her mobile phone to make a call.

After a while, when she hung up the phone, she let out a long breath.


"The command system of the headquarters has been restored, and the above has also completed communication with the local Jidao organization, confirming that this is just a misunderstanding."

"Now the headquarters is doing its best to track down the foreign organizations that entered Dongying, and the local Jidao has also sent people to cooperate. It should not be long before they can foil the plot of those guys."

Not bad, I got a piece of good news from Miwako Sato.

Now that the Metropolitan Police Department has completed the communication with Jidao, there is no need to worry about her safety, which is really gratifying.

"However... the higher-ups gave me a vacation and let me rest for two days."

"At this critical moment, how can I rest in peace!"

Although the good news was told, Miwako Sato's expression at the moment was not happy.

She was chased by Ji Dao last night, and her superiors cared about her and arranged for her to take a vacation.

Although it was the good intentions of the superiors, it would be strange if something like this happened, given Miwako Sato's character, she could rest in peace.

"What are you going to do if you don't rest?"

"Go after those foreign organizations? That's not the job of your search team, is it?"

The reaction of Miwako Sato left Lynn speechless.

You are still not happy that the superior gave you a holiday, why don't you be so dedicated?

And the most important thing is that the search department is not responsible for handling this kind of thing at all. If you don't hand it over to a special person, what are you messing with?

"Although it's not the job of the search department, those guys have provoked me!"

"I can't avenge this with my own hands! I can't get rid of this anger!"


It turned out that it wasn't that Miwako Sato was dedicated to her work, but that she was too vengeful.

She was tricked yesterday and was treated as a pawn again, which was clearly remembered in her heart.

So the old saying goes well.

Never offend women!

Look at our beautiful girl, isn't it the best example?

"Even so, I don't recommend that you arrest those guys now."

"Look at your current state, can you actively and seriously devote yourself to your work?"

"I think what you need to do most now is to get a good night's sleep, take care of your mind and body, and then think about how to get revenge."

"After all, you also know very well that since that foreign organization can plan such a well-planned operation, it means that they must not be so easy to be wiped out."

"There is still a lot of time left for you, don't rush this moment."

The vengeful Sato Miwako wanted to take revenge, but this Lynn couldn't stop her.

But at least he can give some suggestions.

After all, in the state of this beautiful police officer, it is indeed not suitable for her to continue working.

Revenge cannot be achieved in a day, so why not face those enemies in the best condition?


If it was someone else, then Miwako Sato would probably not care what she said.

But it was Lynn who said this, the big boy who broke into her mind and left an indelible mark on her, which made her hesitate for a while.

Be willing to refute, but don't really want to leave a bad impression on the other party.

But she was very unwilling to let her rest like this.

"Listen to me and you're right."

"Well, I'll make you something to eat, and I'll go back to sleep after you eat."

"No outsiders come here, and no one will disturb you."

"When you rest, I won't stop you for whatever you want to do."

In the end, Miwako Sato was persuaded by Lynn.

The most important thing is that Lin En then combined his diet therapy skills and special chef cooking to make her a bowl of top-notch calming porridge. After she drank it, her eyelids began to fight immediately, and she fell into a dream after a while middle.

After all, it is a spirit that has been tense all night, and once it relaxes, it will immediately fall into exhaustion.

Coupled with the dishes made by the blessing of the two major skills, lying on the dining table in seconds is also a routine operation.

Only in this way, Lynn could only take her into the room and let her lie on the bed and have a good sleep.

This is also thanks to Lin En being an honest gentleman, otherwise it makes sense, once this sleepy girl starts to play, wouldn't this beautiful police department fall at the rhythm of falling every minute?

cough cough...

Don't think too much about it!

Lynn is such a decent guy!


After finishing Miwako Sato, Lynn checked the time, it was almost time to go back to the coffee shop, otherwise Xiaolan would go downstairs in a while.

After hastily leaving a note by the bedside and leaving the spare key of her apartment and the car key, Lynn left the house in a hurry, drove another car and went straight to the Polo Coffee Shop.

When they got to the store, they helped Yang and the others prepare breakfast, and after a while, Xiaolan appeared at the stairs.

"Good morning, Lin En."

"Good morning, Xiaolan."

"By the way, Xiaolan, you... haven't had a good rest?"

After meeting Xiaolan and saying hello, Lin En was surprised to find that Xiaolan didn't seem to be in the right state today.

Different from the state of full energy every day, seeing her today, Lynn actually saw two faint dark circles under her eyes!

How is this... Is insomnia contagious?

Miwako Sato is like this, and so is Xiaolan?

"Uh...I'm a little excited, so I didn't sleep well..."

The reason for Xiaolan's insomnia last night was naturally related to the phone call with Yuanzi.

Asked by Lynn, she immediately blushed subconsciously. After all, the person standing in front of her at this moment was the person who caused her to barely fall asleep last night.

But the problem is, Xiaolan doesn't want Lynn to know what's on her mind, so she can only find other excuses.

Fortunately, Lin En was not suspicious, but after listening to it, he gave a few words of concern.

"The competition is coming soon, and it is normal to be excited."

"But Xiaolan, don't ignore rest just because you're excited."

"Without a good mental state, there will be no way to achieve good results in the competition."

"If it really doesn't work, I'll make you a pot of soothing porridge before going to bed tonight, so that you can sleep until dawn after drinking it."

After all, it is a good sleep product that can make Miwako Sato fall asleep in seconds, and the effect is absolutely guaranteed!

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