I Signed-In in Tokyo

Two hundred and forty-eighth Why did you hug it directly? Freedom to spread female but not male!


A master who is not easy to meet!

How could it end so easily!

Just as the referee's countdown was about to end, Kyogoku pushed him up sharply with his super willpower.

"Master Kyogoku, are you sure you can continue?"

Every knockdown of Lynn brings a KO end.

Kyogoku got up before the end of the countdown, which surprised the referee for at least three seconds before confirming his condition.

"No problem, I can continue!"

Kyogoku, who was struggling to get up, just wanted to keep the game going.

Subconsciously shaking his dizzy head, the next moment, his eyes were completely locked on Lynn!

"Effective scoring! The game continues!"

Now that Kyogoku has gotten up, the score for the upper kick this time will naturally be counted on Lynn.

If the same score is scored twice, the victory of this game will be locked in advance.

But the problem is!

In Kyogoku's true state, can his head still support Lynn's feet?

The answer is actually no.

Although Kyogoku is really powerful, but he has not experienced Qi Jin practice, so naturally he has no way to resist this kind of Qi Jin penetrating BUG method.

As the two sides fell into a confrontation again, Lynn's second kick hit.

This time, Kyogoku really couldn't get up within the effective time.

Although it took almost thirty seconds after the countdown ended, his body recovered a lot.

But unfortunately, the game has been declared over at this time.

"competition is over!"

"The winner is Lynn from the red team!"

According to the judgment of the referee,

In this final, Lynn still won the final victory by KO.

Of course.

After the real champion was determined, the applause and cheers from the stands almost burst through the ceiling.

Especially the garden.

After seeing Lynn's final victory, she stood up and jumped and screamed, but it shocked both Mori Kogoro and Hieiri.

Although they were all very happy to see Lynn winning.

Ke Yuanzi...

"Lynn! I love you to death!"

"You're the best!"


Girls don't know how to be reserved at all, and they fall in love with each other when they open their mouths.

Is this plausible?

It's better that my Xiaolan is more well-behaved, and won't be as crazy as Yuanzi.

Speaking of Xiaolan...

? ? ?


Why did you hug her directly?

That's right!

Under the surprised gazes of Mori Kogoro and Fei Yingli, Xiaolan on the other side of the field rushed to Lin En excitedly, hugged Lin En tightly with a big hug!

no way.

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Xiaolan is so excited now!

Although it has long been known that with Lynn's strength, he will definitely win the championship.

But after he actually won this honor, the excitement still made it hard for her to hold back!

after all……

As the main general, Xiaolan, she was under too much pressure.

Now that Lin En came back after being the first to compete for an honor, how could she express her joy without this hug?

"Congratulations! Lin En!"

"Thank you... Lin En!"

Congratulations and thanks again and again.

Xiao Lan, whose eyes were slightly wet, seemed to be in a state of confusion, but Lin En could completely understand her reaction.

"Xiaolan, it's your turn next."

At this moment, Lynn didn't talk nonsense.

He knows that this game is not over yet, he has completed the task, but there is still Xiaolan's battle to come!

So nothing to say.

Now it's his turn to support Xiaolan.

Let them end this exciting game with the most perfect results!


"Leave it to me next!"

Lynn's victory is quite exciting.

Facing the next women's individual competition, Xiaolan also completely cleared away the burden in her heart, and faced every contestant with her strongest strength!

So next, the scene that made the stadium quiet and silent appeared.

Every time Xiaolan, the karate female warrior, appeared, she defeated her opponent with a perfect KO method just like Lynn, just like Lynn's second!

face this scene.

The audience in the stands, especially the female audience, what should they think?


They chose to watch with their eyes closed!

In fact, at the beginning, Xiao Lan gave Lin En a hug, which immediately made many girls in the stands boo with envy and hatred.

Although it was just a hug, as female fans who were attracted by Lynn's appearance, this behavior was completely unacceptable.

Even at that time, many female viewers secretly said hello in their hearts, and even fantasized about how to teach each other a lesson and replace them.

But now...

? ? ?

If you have this kind of strength, you should have said it earlier!

You said earlier, we dare not even say hello, we dare not even dream about it!

Who would dare to offend such a violent superwoman?

Of course.

Lynn and Xiaolan didn't know about the psychological activities of many female fans in the stands, and there was absolutely no need to know about them.

Since the start of the women's competition, Lin En has been standing outside the field watching Xiaolan's fight, and at the same time made him nod repeatedly.

The recent special training has really been very effective.

Now Xiaolan's strength has clearly surpassed all female players, and she has absolute dominance in the arena. The championship can be said to be sure.

But just as Lynn was observing the situation on the field...

"Student Lin, can we have a chat?"

Unexpectedly, Makoto Kyogoku, who was defeated in the finals and won the second place in this special zone competition, came to Lin En and took the initiative to chat with him.

This can't help but make Lynn very strange.

He doesn't remember any intersection between himself and Kyogoku, what else can they talk about?

But it's not good to refuse people thousands of miles away at this time, so Lynn didn't refuse.

"Okay, Kyogoku-san, what do you want to talk about?"

I still remember that after Kyogoku was declared defeated, when he woke up from a brief faint and learned the result of the game, a daze flashed in his eyes first, followed by disappointment, and finally brought a kind of A strong sense of excitement.

Lynn definitely didn't know his mental journey at that time.

But he always felt that the other party's initiative to talk this time must have something to do with this.

"Student Lin, what you used in the battle with me shouldn't be an ordinary move?"

Seeing Lynn responding to him, Kyogoku really had a happy expression.

But the question he asked immediately made Lynn raise his eyebrows slightly.

"Oh? Then Kyogoku-san, what do you think of my move?"

Why would Kyogoku ask such a question?

Did he notice the existence of Qi Jin?

"After being hit by classmate Lin's attack, I was obviously wearing a mask, but I felt a surge of air."

"So I think... Lin, the moves you use are very likely to be the legendary Qi Jin!"


did not expect.

Kyogoku really guessed it right!

This can't help but make Lynn interested.

"Why do you think it's Qi Jin, Kyogoku-san?"

"Obviously the vast majority of karate schools believe that Qi Jin is just a legend fabricated by the predecessors, not a real power."

Lin En's rhetorical question is well-founded, after all, in the mainstream karate genre, Qi Jin is only treated as a legend.

But looking at Kyogoku again at this time, he shook his head in disapproval.

"Although I have never seen Qi Jin, the legend is not necessarily fabricated, and there is an essential difference between the two."

"What's more, student Lin, didn't you let me see the existence of Qi Jin?"

"I think there is no other explanation for what can make this kind of impact, except for the legendary power of Qi Jin."


It seems that Kyogoku is really sure of the existence of Qi Jin.

Then congratulations.


"Kyogoku-san, your idea is very interesting."

"But you are right, what I used before was indeed Qi Jin."

"Is it really angry?"

"This is amazing!"

After receiving Lynn's affirmative answer, Kyogoku's expression obviously became more excited.

Although he believed that this was the power of Qi Jin, but until he got an affirmative answer, everything was still unknown.

But now it's all right.

The answer was finally revealed, and he got the answer he wanted most!

So what about after learning this answer?

"Student Lin! Can I join your karate school and learn your Qi Jin?"

Judging from the results, Kyogoku’s performance seems not surprising.

After all, he is a man obsessed with karate. After confirming the real existence of the legendary power, his first thought was to learn this power!


"Sorry, my sect doesn't recruit disciples at will, and my current strength has not reached the level of accepting disciples at will."

no doubt.

Faced with Kyogoku's real request, Lin En refused without thinking!

Beautiful girls like Xiaolan and Tsukamoto-senpai can teach themselves, but you are a big man, why should I take you as an apprentice?

Keep you by my side, and let you covet the garden?

no kidding!

After the special zone competition is over, you should hurry to visit the special zone and go to visit the special zone!

"Um...is that so..."

Lynn refused without hesitation, making Kyogoku stunned instinctively.

He didn't expect that he would be rejected so happily.

But yes.

How could the secret of the genre be taught so easily to the outside world?

For this, Kyogoku really can understand.

However, it is impossible for him to give up like this!

"Then Lin, what is the standard for accepting apprentices in your school?"

"What do I have to do to join?"

Kyogoku has already decided that no matter what price he pays, he must join the school of this classmate Lin and learn the legendary vigor!

But look at Lynn now...

"Sorry, Kyogoku-san."

"We free stream karate from women to men, so gender-wise, you're never going to be able to make it."

? ? ?

Just one sentence made Kyogoku really dumbfounded.

What genre would set up such a bloody rule?

And student Lin, aren't you a man?

How did you join this genre if it was passed on from female to male?

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