I Signed-In in Tokyo

Three hundred and seventy The legendary ICT ranger is just a matter of effort

The one who can appear in front of Lynn at this moment is undoubtedly his battle maid Roberto!

Through Lynn's advance order, she has already got a clear picture of the situation in the factory not far away!

"Very good! What's going on inside?"

Looking around, Lynn could naturally see the shocked expressions of the bodyguards.

After all, it was Robert who broke through silently. If it was an enemy, the employer would have been killed on the spot before they could react.

As a bodyguard, this is the biggest dereliction of duty, can this not make them frightened?

But Lin En doesn't have to care about the mood of the security team at Yukinoshita's Home.

Turning to look at Robert in front of him——

"Report to Master Lynn."

"There were thirteen robbers in the factory, all armed with assault rifles, and no heavy firepower configuration was found."

He casually reported the situation in the factory to Lin En, but the three mothers and daughters of the Xuexia family who heard this were all shocked!

Thirteen robbers with assault rifles?

How to save people from this group of gangsters who are armed to the teeth?

In fact, it's not just the three mothers and daughters of Yukinoshita's family.

Looking at the bodyguards around, they all had ugly expressions.

Not to mention the strength and quality of the individual, just in terms of weapons, they lost everything.

after all……

They can't use tranquilizer guns and electric shock devices to hedge against real guns, can they?

How many lives there are are not enough to fill!

"how can that be……"

"This is Dongying! How could they have so many guns?"

Shocked by Roberto's answer, Yukinoshita Yono even exclaimed subconsciously.

In fact, no wonder.

Dongying's gun ban laws are very strict. Once found to be illegally possessing guns, they will definitely be sentenced severely.

Therefore, even for those Yakuza, they would never dare to put their firearms on the bright side, because once they are discovered, the organization will definitely be met with a very bad comprehensive cleaning!

But now it's fine.

Thirteen guns appeared all at once?

In Yang Nai's view, this is simply unimaginable!

But for her exclamation, look at Lynn again——

"What happened to Dong Ying?"

"As long as you have money, anything is possible."

Smiling and shaking his head at Yukinoshita Yono, then Lynn's eyes turned to Roberto.

"The hostage rescue operation can begin."

"Remember to be safe."

The audience is already in place, and the next good show should naturally be staged.

Following Lynn's order, Robert took out an M1216 shotgun from under her skirt.

With a click, the bullet was loaded.


"Get ready for action!"

Right now!

The bodyguards of Yukinoshita's family suddenly discovered that they had already been surrounded by people without knowing when.

At Robert's order, several figures appeared in unison among the weeds around where everyone was.

Being approached without anyone noticing, no one notices?

And look at these figures——

my God!

These people...are special forces?

That's right!

I saw this team that followed the order and appeared. Their members were all wearing a full set of black tactical uniforms, tactical helmets, guns, and tactical backpacks on their backs.

Anyone with a little discernment can tell that this is definitely a real special operations team!

Every piece of equipment on their bodies is not superfluous!

They are all well-trained and absolutely battle-hardened!


They are not affiliated to any army, because the words ICT are printed on their armbands!

these people……

Could it be the ICT Special Forces of the legendary Iron Curtain Security Company?

The person in charge of the security team of Yukinoshita's family, after he discovered this fact, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets!

Everyone is in the security industry, who hasn't heard of the famous Iron Curtain Security Company?

Especially the ICT Special Forces has already become a legend in the security world!

Unfortunately, the ICT Rangers are famous, but no one has really seen them.

At one time, everyone thought it was just an urban legend.

However at this moment...

The legendary ICT Ranger actually showed up?

And... They actually obeyed the orders of the fiance of the second young lady of Yukinoshita's family?

Who is this ordinary second lady's fiancé?

With the appearance of the ICT Special Forces, no one knew that the person in charge of security at Yukinoshita's home had a sharp shake in his heart.

Most people's attention was still on the special operations team, and they watched them rush into the dilapidated factory building not far away under the leadership of Robert, who was wearing a maid outfit.

After a while.

The gunshots in the factory were loud!

Hearing the continuous gunshots, Yang Nai and Xue Nai's hearts seemed to be pulled hard at this moment!

"Master Lynn..."

Almost subconsciously, Yukinoshita Haruno cast his eyes on Lin En.

Sensing the worry in the other party's eyes, Lin En showed a smile at this moment.

"Don't worry, Miss Yang Nai."

"It will be over soon."


As Lynn said.

The gun sounded fast and went out quickly.

About seven or eight minutes later, the special warfare team that broke into the factory reappeared.

They retreated in an orderly manner, as if they had never experienced any war at all.

At this time, without waiting for Yang Nai to say anything else, looking in the direction of the factory building, Roberto's figure also appeared, and at the same time, she was holding a bloody humanoid object in her hand.

Although it doesn't sound like a good description.

But that is exactly what it is.

With Robert's return, when she put the hostage in her hand on the ground.

Just from the other party's miserable state, it can be seen that this middle-aged man covered in bruises must have experienced very painful torture.


Seeing this scene, Yang Nai and Xue Nai immediately rushed forward, all pale in shock.

Regardless of the blood stains on the opponent's body, he hurriedly checked his father's injuries.

And at the same moment.

Lynn looked at Roberto.

"You're not hurt?"

Now that the hostages have been rescued, Lynn has fulfilled his responsibility. Compared with Mr. Yukinoshita who doesn't know his life or death on the ground, he is actually more concerned about Robert's safety.

"Report to Master Lin En, the enemy has all been killed, and there are no casualties on our side!"

Sensing Lynn's concerned gaze, Robert felt warmed in his heart, but he still made a loud report quickly.

"Very good, thanks for your hard work."

"By the way... what's the situation with the hostage?"

Lynn was very satisfied that there were no casualties on his side.

At this time, look at Yang Nai and Xue Nai who are about to cry, they are obviously sad and painful for what happened to their father.


It was just being kidnapped, why did it happen like this?

"People questioned as if they had been tortured to extract a confession."


One sentence from Roberto explained the situation of Mr. Yukinoshita clearly.

If you were tortured to extract a confession, it would be understandable if you received a severe beating.

But in the current situation, it seems impossible to ask those dead people what the content of the confession was.

Because at this moment, Mr. Yukinoshita, who was seriously injured, fell into a severe coma, and at the same time, Yang Nao and Yukino screamed.

Instead, it was Mrs. Yukinoshita.

She is still calm at this moment.

He ordered the bodyguards to carry her husband into the car and send her to the nearest hospital for treatment as soon as possible.


"Master Lynn, thank you very much for your help!"

Instead of rushing to the hospital with the car, Mrs. Yukinoshita turned her head, and the first thing she did was to thank Lynn.

This time, Mrs. Yukinoshita's attitude was very sincere.

It can't be said that the previous attitude was not sincere, but after all, it was all utilitarian, mostly because of the Lin family's factors.

But this time...

As Lin En showed his wrist completely, Mrs. Yukinoshita understood that even if she didn't rely on the Lin family, Lin En was definitely not someone the Yukinoshita family could provoke.

Then she naturally needs to change to another way in terms of her attitude towards Lynn!


This is very comfortable!

"Madam Yukinoshita, you're welcome, it's just a little effort."

"After all... I don't want Miss Yang Nai to disappoint me either."

Smiling towards Madam Yukinoshita, Lynn immediately turned his gaze to Yonoshita Yono.

"Miss Yang Nai, this time, I have fulfilled my duty, right?"

Originally, when his father was sent to the car, Yang Nai wanted to go with him to the hospital immediately.

But suddenly, Lin En said such words to her, which made her froze in place for a moment, unable to recover for a long time.

Of course, she could hear the conversation between Lynn and her mother clearly.

Don't want to let yourself down?

Did your duty?

What does he mean... all of this... just for himself?

Suddenly, an unspeakable emotion emerged from Yang Nai's heart.

Did he... really regard himself as his woman?

Obviously... He never seemed to take that promise to heart.


Then it was at the time when Yukinoshita Yoshino's heart was complicated and chaotic.

Looking at Lynn again, he had already bid farewell to Mrs. Yukinoshita and left on the spot.

Yes, that's right!

Lynn just left, simply left.

No wonder.

After all the hostages have been rescued, it has nothing to do with him whether to rush to the hospital for emergency treatment or prepare for revenge against the hostile family.

As for the words before leaving.

To be reasonable, it was deliberately said to Mrs. Yukinoshita!

That's right!

These words are not for Yang Nao, but for Mrs. Yukinoshita!

Through this sentence, Lynn is conveying a fact to Mrs. Yukinoshita.

He, Lin En, does not recognize the marriage contract between the Lin family and the Xuexia family!

My own shot this time has nothing to do with the marriage contract at all!

If you really think that if you accept this marriage contract, the Yukinoshita family can be unscrupulous in the future, then you really think too much!

But Lynn didn't think about it.

When he hit Mrs. Yukinoshita, what kind of impact would such words have on Yang Nao.

At the same time, he didn't even know what kind of psychological changes this would cause Yang Nai!

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