I Signed-In in Tokyo

Three hundred and eighty-four I just want to have a good relationship! The Elemental Fairies who are

"I do not care!"

"You guys are too much! You actually did that kind of thing behind my back!"

"No... wait a minute, we're just reviewing our homework, what did you do behind your back?"

Yuanzi was dissatisfied with Lynn and Xiaolan reviewing their homework in private, and opened his mouth to denounce them.

But the problem is.

What she said was too ambiguous, not only did Xiaolan blush, but even Lynn's forehead was full of black lines when he heard it.

Your language skills are too poor!

To be clear is to lead people in a wrong way!


"Who knows if you will do this or that when you are reviewing your homework!"

Facing Lin En's retort with black lines all over his face, Yuanzi pinched his waist with both hands and let out a soft hum.

Good guy.

She didn't believe that Lin En and Xiaolan were just reviewing their homework at all.

No wonder.

After all, they are both male and female friends. Who knows if this homework is reviewed on the desk.


"The garden!"

Lynn was speechless at this time, but Xiaolan couldn't listen anymore.

Even if everyone is already dating, they can't be so outspoken!

Especially since this is still a classroom, if someone overhears it, wouldn't it be a big deal?


"I mean to say..."

"Who allows the two of you to be together every day, but I will be excluded..."

Seeing that Xiaolan was really angry, Yuanzi immediately shrank his neck.

The main reason why she reacted so strongly was because she couldn't get along with Lin En all the time, and there was also a trace of envy and jealousy towards Xiaolan in it.

What's more, no matter how upset she was, she knew what was good and didn't dare to make it public.

Otherwise, with her big mouth, everyone will definitely know about it.

"Okay, okay, Yuanzi is just speaking out, Xiaolan, don't be angry."

"It's a big deal, next time we review our homework, we should also bring Yuanzi with us."

Suddenly the atmosphere became tense, and Lynn quickly opened his mouth to smooth things over.

With his rhetoric, Xiaolan's expression softened a little. After all, she is a good friend for many years, and she also knows that Yuanzi speaks without thinking, so she won't be serious with her.

It's just that looking at Yuanzi again at this moment, her reaction was a little stiff at this moment.

Review... review homework?

Why did Yuanzi suddenly feel as if he had lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot?

When you're with Lynn, isn't it delicious to have a sweet and sweet time together?

Still studying?

No! ! !

"Okay! Then it's decided!"

"Next time you review, you must bring Yuanzi with you! In case she suspects that we are doing something unsound behind her back!"


Before Yuanzi could speak, Xiaolan had already made a decision.

Xiaolan is a man of action, and the decision she made must be completed!

But knowing this, Yuanzi became even more depressed.

Who wants to study with you!

I just want to have a good relationship, okay?

The above is just a small episode after the exam.

Because there was no class in the afternoon, Lynn and his party, who had lunch in the class at noon, went straight to the idol office after leaving school.

As for why you came to the idol office.

That's because Lynn felt that he should focus more on the LoveLive project recently.

After all, at this stage, the LoveLive craze on the Internet has reached a considerable height. If you don't take advantage of this time to strike while the iron is hot, it will be difficult to find such a good opportunity in the future!

As for his next plan.

On this point, he already had a conclusion in his mind.

It will take a certain amount of time for μ's to take shape. No matter how fast it is, there is absolutely no way to make it happen immediately, because the next idol group that Lynn plans to launch will still be placed on the four elemental fairies of Ganhui Paradise.

Hello Elemental Fairies.

All of them are fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged, and they are definitely the favorite of those nerds and nerds.

As long as they come up with a good work to package them, Lin En is sure that in a short time, they will definitely become an idol group that explodes on the Internet!

And because of this.

During the lunch break, he had already contacted Saori Nishibuka, asking her to prepare in advance.

When he came to the office with Xiaolan and Yuanzi, the four elemental goblins of Gan Hui Paradise had been waiting here for a long time!

"Good afternoon, everyone."

Lin En was in a very happy mood after meeting the four elemental goblins.

And looking at the four goblins on the opposite side, Muse, who was the leader of the team, reacted immediately, hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to Lynn to say hello.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Manager."

Why did you call back to Mr. Manager?

Looking at the water goblin in front of him with an uneasy expression and stiff hands and feet, Lin En couldn't help but tinge a hint of helplessness in his smile.

never mind.

Mr. Manager, Mr. Manager, it doesn't make sense to remind you of this kind of thing again and again.

As for the water fairy Muse, look at the remaining three elemental fairies——

The earth goblin Kebo Li was a bit cautious. Although she also said hello to Lin En, she kept her neck shrunk and hid behind the fire goblin Salomon without a trace.

And Saloman, who didn't realize that he had become a shield, greeted Lynn a little casually, and then hurriedly swiped his phone.

This is really a veteran old netizen!

As for the last Wind Fairy Silphie...

Well, this guy has gone crazy.

After all, there are few nerves in his mind, and he never cares about whether the manager is a manager or not. He just looks like letting himself go.

have to!

It's not the first time we meet, we are familiar with each other.

Just go straight to the point, save wasting time!

"I've come here this time, mainly to inform you."

"The firm has decided to officially release works for you in the near future, taking the first step as an online idol."

"So starting today, your task is to master the singing and dancing movements of the new work proficiently."

Just to add a word, the reading app I am using recently has many sources of books, complete books, and fast updates!

"As long as the training meets the standards and the filming is successfully completed, your work will be promoted as soon as possible."

When Lin En contacted Xishenjing Saori, he only said to let the four elemental goblins come to the office, and did not remind more.

And Xishenjing Saori.

Although when she first saw these four elemental goblins, she patted her chest and said that she must train these four girls to be top idols.

But now she has an extra sheet of Wang Bo's Okino Yoko in her hand, causing this guy to change his mind immediately, and put all his thoughts on Miss Yoko, completely forgetting about the four elemental fairies.

This is not.

Even at this important moment, Saori Nishifuka was not present, which is enough to show that this guy is a complete scumbag!

Of course.

At this time, the presence or absence of Xishenjing Saori is not very important.

After Lynn finished speaking, he looked at the elemental fairies on the opposite side——

Except for Sylphy who was still letting herself go, the remaining three goblins all widened their beautiful eyes. Even the veteran netizen Saloman didn't bother to swipe his phone again, showing an expression of disbelief on his face.

"According to... Mr. Manager..."

"You mean...we are going to debut?"

After hearing Lynn's words for the first time, Muse felt as if she was dreaming.

Although after successfully signing into Lynn's firm, she knew that her life would be different from before.

The idol road I once dreamed of is already close at hand.

But she still didn't expect that this day would come so soon!

before this.

Muse is just a humble stage dancer.

Even after joining Gan Hui Paradise, she was just an unpopular stage performer foreman.

But now... she is going to become a real idol?

If this is a dream...can you wake up a little later?

"That's right!"

"You guys are going to make your debut soon!"

"And I'm also very optimistic about your debut this time."

"Because you are not just an idol group launched by our office, but also shoulder the important task of being the publicity ambassador of Gancheng Brilliant Paradise!"

"As long as you can become famous on the Internet, you can use your fame to feed back Gan Hui Paradise, increase the traffic of Gan Hui Paradise, and become a golden sign of Gan Hui Paradise!"

"It is also because of this that you have to work harder now to master the works I handed over to you."

"In this way, it can be regarded as living up to the expectations of me and Miss Latifa for you."


None of this is a dream.

As Lynn said.

He had great expectations for the debut of the four elemental goblins.

Because they are not just pure idol debuts, but also an important part of Ganhui Paradise's rebirth!

After learning about the important mission he shouldered.

The three elemental fairies except Sylphie all looked serious.

After looking at each other——

"Yes! Manager!"

"We will never disappoint the expectations of the manager and Princess Latifa!"

this moment.

Not only the water fairy Muse, but also the earth fairy Kebri and the fire fairy Saloman, both of them started to get serious.

After all, through the introduction of Muse, a loyal fan of Lynn, they already knew what kind of success the manager in front of them had achieved!

If you can get the work created by the manager himself, you will have the full support of the manager.

Then everyone's future may really be bright!

And most importantly-

The sense of mission to save everyone's home makes all the elemental fairies very excited!

We want to become the golden signboard of Ganhui Paradise!

This feeling...is really great!

Then, when the enthusiasm of the element fairies was all mobilized!

On Lin En's side, he also launched his latest work tailored for this elemental fairy combination - "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss"!

The Otaku Divine Comedy that once bloodbathed Xiaopozhan——

It's time to go out!

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