I Signed-In in Tokyo

Four hundred and seventeenth, have you heard of the Lin family? Anyway, it's just a tool for ma

"Hey hey..."

"Look, let me tell you a secret."

"Lyn's girlfriend is not just me."

"Xiaolan is the same as me, and now she's dating Lynn!"

! ! !

When Yuanzi said this, he was shocked!

This made Suzuki Ayako stand up subconsciously, and the original pair of squinting eyes couldn't help but stare at the boss!

Squint your eyes!

And it was as expected by Lynn.

After really opening her eyes, Suzuki Ayako's appearance really took a qualitative leap!


At this moment, Suzuki Ayako's appearance is not the key point.

"What did you say, Sonoko?"

Suzuki Ayako never imagined that her younger sister would play so boldly.

At the beginning, she even almost thought that she had an illusion, which led to auditory hallucinations.

But the problem is.

This is not an illusion, nor is it an auditory hallucination, but it actually happened before my eyes!

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

Suzuki Ayako's reaction was very intense, but at this moment Sonoko deliberately put on an innocent face, as if she couldn't understand why her sister's reaction was so big.

And because of this.

Suzuki Ayako was even more speechless.


"How can you do this!"

After a while, Suzuki Ayako finally organized the words.

First he pointed to the garden,

Then he pointed to Lynn and Xiaolan.

She couldn't describe how she felt at the moment.

This is simply a farce!

Although this man was very handsome, he was so handsome that she felt a little heartbeat.

But the fact that two girls dated a man had a huge impact on her three views, and she couldn't accept it at all!

"Why can't we do this?"

Suzuki Ayako's shocked reaction made Xiaolan subconsciously lower her head, not daring to face it.

After all, the fact that she and Yuanzi dated Lynn together is indeed unlikely to be accepted by normal people.

But look at the garden at the moment.

But she behaved generously, and even asked her sister why she couldn't.

This left Suzuki Ayako at a loss as to how to answer.

Opened his mouth.

I want to say a few words.

But don't know how to speak.

"Anyway, I'm different from you, sister. There's no need to think about marriage or not."

"I can associate with whomever I want, isn't it normal?"

Just as Suzuki Ayako was silent, Sonoko shrugged her shoulders and spread her hands in an indifferent manner.

But it was also her reaction.

But Suzuki Ayako calmed down all of a sudden.

"The garden..."

Take a deep breath.

Suzuki Ayako sat back in her seat.

Looking at her sister who was not far away, her expression showed a touch of emotion.

"I know you don't want me to get married, and I can understand your feelings."

"But you should know that the Suzuki family is not an ordinary family. There are many things that we can't help ourselves."

"You can be free, this is already your greatest luck."

"As for my sister... I never thought of resisting this fate."

"So Sonoko, you really don't have to make up this lie to irritate me."


Ayako Suzuki knew.

My younger sister has always been against me marrying for the family.

She is very grateful that her sister is so considerate of herself, but she also knows that some things cannot be changed by manpower.

So she never thought of resisting, nor did she plan to resist.

Unlike Yuanzi, she had accepted this fateful arrangement early on.

It is also for this reason.

Right now, there was a misunderstanding for Suzuki Ayako.


She mistakenly thought that all of Yuanzi's words were fabricated lies, just to stimulate herself and make herself reject the marriage.

But what Suzuki Ayako didn't expect was.

Before she finished speaking, Yuanzi on the opposite side interrupted her.

"Sister... I didn't lie."

"Lin En is really my boyfriend, and Xiao Lan is indeed Lynn's girlfriend."

"The three of us are dating together, and have nothing to do with your sister's marriage."


Sonoko really didn't want Suzuki Ayako to get married, but her plan was not to use this to stimulate her sister.

So when he said these words, Sonoko's expression was very calm.

As a sister for many years, Suzuki Ayako can certainly see that Sonoko is not lying.

But it was also because of this that she was even more shocked!


Are the three of them really dating together?


How can this be?

"The garden..."

"You should know that your mother will not allow you to have a boyfriend casually, let alone... share a boyfriend with other people."

"Have you ever thought how angry your mother would be if she found out about this?"

Suzuki Ayako never thought of interfering with Sonoko's boyfriend, as long as her sister likes it.

But she doesn't interfere, but it doesn't mean others don't interfere.

At least her strong mother would never allow Yuanzi to find a random boyfriend to associate with.

After all, Sonoko's future husband will marry into Suzuki's family.

Such a man does not need to be rich, but he must be very good!

And how many men in the world can be admired by mothers?

After all... Mother is not a superficial woman who only looks at the skin!

Ayako Suzuki is very clear.

Yuanzi wants to find a partner, and his mother is a big barrier.

If Yuanzi really likes it, she will also help persuade her and try to help her sister.

But right now.

The daughter of the Suzuki family actually shared a boyfriend with someone else?

As long as this word reaches her mother's ears, Suzuki Ayako can imagine what kind of reaction her mother will make when she is furious!

Now that he knew it was a fire pit.

Suzuki Ayako will definitely have to pull her sister along!


"It doesn't matter on my mother's side. She will definitely not object."

? ? ?

Originally, Suzuki Ayako tried her best to persuade her sister.

It turned out well.

Sonoko shook her head, as if she didn't take her mother's reaction to heart at all.

This can't help but make Suzuki Ayako feel puzzled.

What kind of character is the mother, who can know the sisters?

But why does the garden...

"Hum hum!"

"Sister, you don't know Lynn's identity yet, otherwise you wouldn't be so worried at all."

Seeing her sister's bewilderment, Yuanzi snorted like a villain.

to be honest.

She has been waiting for this moment for a long time!

She, Suzuki Sonoko... is ready for a showdown!

? ? ?

Lin Enjun's identity?

Seeing her sister's pretentious appearance, Suzuki Ayako's expression became more and more puzzled.

Also at this very moment.

Sonoko moved closer to Suzuki Ayako.

Pretending to be mysterious, he blinked at his sister.

"Sister, have you heard of...the Lin family?"


Sonoko's question made Suzuki Ayako stunned.

The younger sister spent a long time with the accent, but finally asked this sentence?


What Lin family?


Lin! ! !

As the eldest daughter of the Suzuki Consortium, Suzuki Ayako certainly has a good understanding of Tozakura and even the upper classes of the Ming Dynasty.

There are many people surnamed Lin in this world.

But the only thing worth noting is that one!

In fact.

A month ago, Suzuki Ayako's understanding of the Lin family was still limited.

But not long ago, the Lin family from the Ming Dynasty announced their marriage with the Nakiri family and the Yukinoshita family in a high-profile manner, which caused quite a stir among the upper class of Dongying.

Originally, apart from some of the top families of Dongying, there were quite a few upper-class families who didn't know much about the noble families of the Ming Dynasty.

However, the strong posture of the Lin family made most of the upper class in Dongying realize how terrifying the power of the family from the nobles of the Ming Dynasty is!

So the Lin family that Yuanzi mentioned...

Is that the legendary Lin family?

Lin Enjun...could it be from the Lin family...

"The Lin family, an aristocratic family in the Ming Dynasty, you should know about it, sister?"

"Lin En is the sole heir of the Lin family."

"In this way, you can understand why I said that I don't have to worry about my mother's objection?"

Under Suzuki Ayako's dull eyes, Sonoko proudly raised her chest.

Although she knew that Lin En didn't like the Lin family, she didn't plan to return to the Lin family.

But this did not prevent her from using the Lin family's reputation to fool her sister.

In fact, Yuanzi's approach is indeed very effective.

"It turned out to be the young master of the Lin family..."

"No wonder..."


If he is the sole heir of the Lin family, then as a nobleman, no matter how many women he wants to date, there is no problem.

Even marriage is within the scope of the law.



"As far as I know, the young master of the Lin family is not from the Nakiri family and the Yukinoshita family..."

"You don't have to worry about this sister."

"It's just a marriage after all, a marriage."

"There is no emotion at all."

"Even if Lynn marries God's Tongue from Nakiri's family and the second lady from Yukinoshita's family in the future, won't he still like me and Xiaolan the most?"

"It's just a tool for marriage anyway, so don't worry about it."

Thinking of the rumored marriage contract of the young master of the Lin family, Suzuki Ayako still had the heart to say a few more words.

But before she finished speaking, Yuanzi interrupted her with a wave of her hand indifferently.

Only this time, what Sonoko said really hurt Suzuki Ayako's heart.

This seemingly random sentence.

It seemed as if all the protection that Suzuki Ayako put on herself had been smashed, and she completely exposed the weakness in her heart.


Marriage without emotion is just a tool man.

Whether it's the daughter of the Nakiri family and the Yukinoshita family, or himself from the Suzuki family.

Isn't the end result the same?

Thinking of this, Suzuki Ayako fell silent for a while.

Seeing this scene, Sonoko also felt a stabbing pain in his heart.

But she knew that she couldn't stop.

The so-called can't be broken, if I don't stimulate my sister here, she will not change her mind no matter what.


Everything that Yuanzi said at this moment had already been planned by her.


She would not let her sister become a tool for marriage!

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