I Signed-In in Tokyo

Four hundred and twenty-three entertainment boss Lin En, suspicion from Conan?

"As far as I know, Tomoko Ikezawa seems to have caught up with a new film by a big director recently, and I heard that this film is a big investment and has a very good prospect."

"If she can shine in this drama, her popularity will usher in a qualitative increase."

"If Miss Yoko's situation doesn't improve, she may even take this opportunity to surpass Miss Yoko..."

"Perhaps it is for this reason that she has the confidence."

Something happened to Okino Yoko, Saori Nishibuka must be most concerned.

Therefore, she also got a thorough understanding of Chi Zeyouzi's details at the first time.

"No wonder..."

Just say it.

How could that Tomoko Ikezawa dare to be so arrogant.

It turned out that I felt that I had the capital to expand, and coupled with the resentment against Yoko Okino all the time, that's why I made such a move.

For this woman, Tomoko Ikezawa, Lin En, who has seen the original plot, has some impressions.

Although it looks really good.

It's a pity that his character is really not good.

Not only is he arrogant and savage, but he is also quite sinister.

This can be seen from her sneaking into Yoko Okino's apartment quietly.

And because of this.

Lynn wanted to teach her a lesson without any psychological burden.

After all, he won't follow his facial features just because the villain is good-looking.

Just a passerby role.

It's not difficult at all to move her!

Don't forget.

The current Lynn can also be called a big boss in the entertainment industry.

Once he ordered the banning of Tomoko Chizawa, even if the firm behind her came forward, they would definitely not be able to keep her!

"This Yuko Ikezawa..."

"Okay, let me handle this matter."

After briefly investigating this Tomoko Ikezawa on the Internet, Lin En was suddenly happy.

What a coincidence.

Dare to feel that the so-called great director she was next to, and the crew she was about to join, turned out to be a movie produced by Toei.

Wouldn't it be simpler this way?

Just make a phone call to the person in charge at Toei, and Tomoko Ikezawa's quota will be immediately removed.

By the way, one more thing, from now on, Tomoko Ikezawa will find it difficult to move forward in the entertainment industry.

Don't blame Lynn for being cruel.

Ushering in such an ending was entirely caused by Tomoko Ikezawa himself.

After all, if she can develop her career with peace of mind, and everyone stays safe, Lynn has no reason to target her, right?

"This President..."

Lynn told me to deal with it, and then hung up the phone.

This made Xishenjing Saori whisper in her heart.

What should be handed over to the president?

What is he going to do?

However an hour later.

When Saori Nishibuka found out on the news that Yuko Ikezawa had suddenly terminated her contract with the crew, she finally understood what her president had done.

It turns out that the energy of the president of the family is far stronger than she imagined.

Even Toei's decision-making can reach out to intervene.

From now on, in Dongying entertainment circle,

Couldn't the artists of their own family walk sideways?

Thinking of this, Saori Nishibuka felt genuinely excited.

Hastily grabbed the phone and dialed Yoko Okino.

"Miss Yoko! Did you watch the news?"

"News? What news?"

Yoko Okino in the room was lying on the bed, but couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

After all, what happened today had really hit her hard, and at the same time, Lin En's figure was always appearing in her mind, which made her unable to sleep at ease.

Yoko Okino felt baffled when she suddenly received a call from Saori Nishibuka.

"Tomoko Ikezawa! She was terminated by the crew!"


On the phone, Saori Nishibuka's voice was filled with excitement.

Originally hearing Ikezawa Yuko's name, Okino Yoko instinctively frowned.

But after hearing the next sentence, she froze on the spot.

"How is this possible?"

How could it be possible to terminate the contract with the news that has already been made public in the media?

But in the next moment——

"Miss Yoko, guess who kicked Ikezawa Yuko out of the crew?"

? ? ?

Saori Nishibuka's sudden question made Yoko Okino's expression change.

Involuntarily, the figure of that man appeared in front of her eyes again.

"Could it be... Lin Enjun?"

"That's right!"

"Isn't that the President!"

"I really didn't expect that Mr. President even has connections with Toei."

"That's it, Miss Yoko, if you want to make a movie in the future, there will be a way."

"Hello? Miss Yoko, did you hear me?"

Saori Nishibuka's rambling voice reached Yoko Okino's ears.

But at this moment, she couldn't hear anything.

All she was thinking about now was Lynn.

at this moment.

How she wanted to rush out of the room, to rush into Lynn's arms, to thank him for everything he had done for her, to pour out all her heart!


She knew she couldn't do it.

Because beside Lynn, there are already two girlfriends.

Even though she has never given up on this feeling from the beginning to the end, at least for now, she cannot be discovered by Xiaolan and Yuanzi.

What she needs to do most now is to wait silently until the time is right.

At the same time she believed it.

After all, one day, I will be able to get what I want!

just before that...

I still have to restrain this feeling.

Lin Enjun...

Do you know how much I want to be with you?


Lin En definitely doesn't know Yoko Okino's mood at the moment.

At the same time, he was receiving a call from Conan——

"Do you... know something?"

Because Conan's position at the moment is beyond the receiving range of the communicator, he is calling Lynn from the public phone of the hot spring hotel at the moment.

Standing by the old-fashioned telephone in front of the hotel entrance, Conan's immature face carried a dignified look that was completely different from what he should have at his age.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

Hearing Conan's inquiry from the phone, Lynn secretly found it interesting.

Of course he knew exactly what was going to happen at Mori Kogoro's class reunion today.

But at this moment, he had to pretend to be ignorant and listen to what Conan told.

"That Horikoshi Yumi you made me stare at, she was almost shot!"

"Thanks to my timely discovery, otherwise she would be dead!"

"Did you know about this a long time ago, so you let me stare at her?"

Just like Conan said.

At the beginning, he thought it was just a simple stalking mission, as long as he was sure that Uncle Mao Li had no special relationship with the target person, and it would be fine to keep an eye on Uncle Mao Li so as not to cheat.

But it turned out well.

After finally pestering Kogoro Mori to go to the class reunion, but when he came to the hot spring hotel, he found that Kogoro Mori had no special relationship with the target Yumi Horikoshi at all.

Just simple college classmates, nothing more.

This made him feel that he was being cheated, and even complained about Lin En in his heart.

But after complaining.

He thought about it again, Lin En probably wouldn't deliberately lie to him, just to let him come to a class reunion of a group of uncles and aunts.

So after that, he also set his sights on Yumi Horikoshi, just to see what was so special about her.

In the end, it was okay not to stare at it, but once I stared at it, something went wrong.

He found.

The lover of Yumi Horikoshi, the target person, who is in an unusual situation.

The other party and Horikoshi Yumi have been in love for eighteen years, but the two have never married, and they are planning to marry another marriage partner in the near future.

Although this incident seems to be nothing special on the surface, during this class reunion, he discovered that Horikoshi Yumi's lover, Kazushi Nakamichi, had complicated expressions many times.

That kind of look that is not only nostalgic, but also resentful and decisive.

Conan subconsciously realized that this man might have to make a decision with Yumi Horikoshi.

And it's not an ordinary decision.

The fierceness flashed in the opponent's eyes from time to time, which made Conan, a elementary school student who was used to seeing murder scenes, shudder!

Therefore, he can completely conclude that the other party has a great possibility of hurting Horikoshi Yumi!

It's a pity that he couldn't make people believe his own judgment before the other party made a move.

At the same time, as a primary school student, he was also powerless to prevent the other party from committing crimes.

Under such circumstances, he can only use his best skills to guide Mori Kogoro secretly, and use this tool man to break through the scene of the crime!

But Conan didn't expect it anyway.

That Zhongdao Kazushi was so ruthless that he participated in this class reunion with a gun, and was going to shoot his former lover!

When Nakamichi and Kazushi raised their guns together with Mori Kogoro, Conan's face was immediately covered with cold sweat!

Be reasonable.

This is thanks to the luck of the two of them. Nakamichi and Shi himself are not decisive murderers. After discovering that his behavior was exposed, he hesitated at the first moment, and even lowered his gun, which made him react. Mori Kogoro attacked decisively and threw him directly over the shoulder, throwing him heavily to the ground.

so far.

An attempted murder case was resolved.

Afterwards, before being handcuffed and escorted to the police station, Nakamichi and Kazushi also confessed his feelings, letting people know the depression of these years.

But all of this is no longer what Conan cares about.

The only thing he cares about is.

Did Lin En know it well a long time ago, so that he would let himself break through this case in the name of monitoring Kogoro Mori!

"Shooting? What the hell is going on here?"

"Aren't you going to Mr. Mori's class reunion?"

"How come there is a shooting incident?"

Conan's sixth sense is telling him that Lynn is absolutely inseparable from this incident.

But on the phone, Lynn's reaction was also very surprised, as if he didn't know anything about it.

"How are you and Mr. Mori? Are you both uninjured?"

Hearing Lynn's genuine concern and inquiry, Conan couldn't help hesitating for a moment.

Could it be... I was thinking wrong?

Student Lin En really just wanted to keep an eye on Uncle Mao Li, and all this was just an accident?

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