I Signed-In in Tokyo

Five hundred and thirty-three Yuanzi's heart knot? The current girlfriend VS fiancée war?

Based on Lynn's understanding of Yukinoshita Yukino.

This stubborn girl never asks for help.

Under normal circumstances, she would choose to bear it by herself when she encountered trouble, so how could she bow to Lynn for help like this?

It is precisely because of understanding this.

He just froze at this moment.

But he didn't know.

While he was puzzled, Yukino Yukino who was facing him was also experiencing a difficult inner struggle.

Lin En didn't misread Xue Nai's character.

Generally speaking, she really doesn't ask people for help.

But this time.

But she knew very well that saving the Ministry of Service was only the second step. Letting Lin En help her and taking this opportunity to draw the relationship between the two closer was the first step to make their fiancé couple more legitimate!


It is also the biggest help her sister Yang Nai provided her today!

to be honest.

Yukino actually doesn't want to accept her sister's help.

In order for Lynn to accept herself, she is more willing to rely on her own efforts.

Yet she also understood.

Sometimes, the strength of only one person is not enough.

The key is.

There is not much time left for her.

Once Yang Nai took the initiative to attack.

She really doesn't have the confidence to win against that impeccable and perfect sister!

So she didn't want to wait any longer.

She wants to seize this opportunity with her own hands!

"Student Yukinoshita..."

Facing the sincere plea from Yukinoshita Yukino.

Lynn was also a little helpless.

He was very clear.

The marriage contract between himself and Yukinoshita Yukino, I'm afraid there is no way to get rid of it as easily as I imagined before.

Even if he rejects the other party this time, Yang Nao will still have a series of moves waiting for him in the future.

Of course the most important thing is.

Lynn has also figured out something lately.

Although I have no interest in melting icebergs, since I came into contact with Yukinoshita Yukino, she doesn't seem to show any cold attitude in front of me.

On the contrary, he keeps refusing, which seems very unreasonable.

So if Xue Nai's personality can be changed, it's not that he can't accept another fiancée.

after all……

He didn't like the golden retriever Tsundere before.

But as you get along with Erina.

Isn't it really fragrant afterwards?

cough cough...

all in all!

"It's okay to let me help."

"But in advance, I don't have that much time to participate in club activities."

"Furthermore, when the association is reviewed, if the review fails, even if I can help within the scope of my ability, it is estimated that there is a limit to what I can do."

After staring at Yukino for a while.

Lynn sighed slightly, nodded in agreement.

But right away, he opened his mouth to make three chapters, directly showing that he was just a coward, and even if he could help, it would not have much effect.

"Master Lynn..."

Yukino, who bowed to Lin En, never expected that the other party would agree so readily.

In fact.

She was already prepared to be rejected, after all, it was not the first time she had experienced this kind of thing.

But I didn't want to.

The surprise came so suddenly.

She even couldn't believe her ears.

"I see."

"It's okay to not be able to participate in club activities frequently, but in order to cope with the club's review, I hope that Master Lin En can show up a few times when dealing with incidents in the service department."

"is it okay?"

Although the heart is full of huge surprises.

But on the surface, Yukinoshita Yukino calmed down quickly, as if she immediately accepted the result.

It's just that the slightly accelerated tone at the end, and the hope in her eyes when she looked at Lynn at the end, still greatly exposed her mood at the moment.


"It's not a big problem."

Lynn naturally knows that students like himself who have joined multiple clubs need to make achievements and contributions in club activities.

This was the case when I joined the light music department before, and this time the service department is no exception.

Although he didn't know what grades the Ministry of Service needed to meet the review, it didn't stop him from agreeing to Xue Nai.

After all, seeing her expression at the moment.

He really couldn't say no to it.


"Tell me, why did Hiratsuka-sensei call you to the office?"

Under Yukinoshita Yukino's agitated gaze, Lin En bid farewell to her and returned to the classroom.

Just sat down in the seat.

Sonoko approached him with great interest, and asked curiously.

In this regard, Lynn naturally has nothing to hide.

He directly explained the situation just now, and his decision to help Xue Nai through this hurdle by agreeing to join the service department.

After hearing what happened before and after.

Sonoko immediately frowned.

"So... are you still softhearted?"

"Are you going to accept the second lady from Yukinoshita's family?"


Although he was careless on weekdays, he always wanted to bring Lin En and his sister together.

But when it's time to be jealous, Yuanzi is not ambiguous at all.

Especially at this moment, Lynn couldn't laugh or cry.

"What is this all about..."

"I'm just helping to make a name, and I don't have much contact with her at ordinary times. Why do you feel soft-hearted?"

"Besides, whether the marriage contract between me and her can be fulfilled is still unclear."

"Are you talking about accepting or not?"

"Also... you're not like this usually."

"Why are you so jealous today?"

If Lynn usually has a lot of girls around him, there are more girls who are close to him.

It is impossible for Yuanzi not to see the mystery, but most of the time she just turns a blind eye and ignores it.

How come Yukinoshita Yukino is so hostile and jealous?

"Yeah, Sonoko, what happened to you today?"

"Isn't it some kind of stimulation?"

Lynn couldn't understand Yuanzi's sudden outburst of jealousy, and Xiaolan at the side also felt a little baffled.

The marriage contract arranged by the family cannot be chosen by Yukino Yukino.

Especially with Suzuki Ayako's experience, Xiaolan has a deeper feeling about the marriage contract of the rich and noble.

So Sonoko suddenly fired at Yukinoshita Yukino, she felt very incomprehensible.

Could it be that he blocked Yuanzi last night, suffocating her, and being irritated?

Otherwise, why is she so abnormal today?

"I'm fine!"

Xiaolan's puzzled eyes made Yuanzi very helpless.

"I didn't mean to target that Yukinoshita on purpose, it's just..."

That's all for now.

Sonoko sighed softly.

Is she jealous because of Yukinoshita Yukino?


Actually not.

Even if Lynn had so many girls around her, she wasn't too jealous, so why would she only target Yukinoshita Yukino?

She really cares.

It's just the marriage contract between Yukinoshita Yukino and Lynn.

After all, with that engagement, it proves that the relationship between Lynn and Yukinoshita Yukino is justified.

Even if she doesn't care at all.

For this, she must also care about it!

But she really didn't know how to say this.

It also happens to be at this moment.

The class bell rang, and the teacher stepped onto the podium, forcing the topic to be temporarily suspended.

Wait until after class.

Before the matter was brought up again, Yuanzi seemed to regain his usual lively and cheerful attitude, as if nothing had happened, and actively changed the new topic.

On the surface, everything is calm.

But is it really over?

Looking at Sonoko carelessly, laughing and dancing for a while.

Lynn kept this incident deeply in his heart.

Although he still doesn't know that Yuanzi has a heart knot because of the marriage contract.

But sooner or later, he will discover the truth and untie the knot hidden in Yuanzi's heart!


In an instant.

The time came to noon.

Originally, everyone had packed their lunch boxes and planned to go out to find a place where no one would disturb them.

But before she could go out, she saw Yukinoshita Yukino's pretty figure appearing at the door of Class B, Year 2. At the same time, behind her, there was a pink dumpling head looking into Class B's classroom.

"Student Yukinoshita?"

"You are..."

It is impossible for Lynn to turn a blind eye to Yukino under the snow.

As for the pink dumpling head behind her, although Yui Hihama recognized the other party at a glance, the two seemed to have not formally known each other, so they subconsciously ignored it.

Lin En was puzzled by Xue Nai's arrival.

Didn't the Ministry of Service's abolishment problem have been promised to her?

Then she is here now...

"I would like to invite Master Lin En to have lunch together to discuss the abolition of the Ministry of Service."

"After all, Master Lin En is also a member of my service department."

"and also……"

"If possible, I would like to invite Mori-san and Suzuki-san to come too."

"Some things, I want to chat with them personally."

Facing Lin En who came forward to ask, Yukinoshita Yukino nodded slightly, and then directly confessed her reason for coming.

This is a good reason to discuss the abolition of the Ministry.

But why does Lynn think that the focus of her arrival this time seems to be the latter, especially since he noticed that Xue Nai's eyes have been looking at Xiaolan and Yuanzi in the classroom more than once.

She wants to talk to Xiaolan and Yuanzi?

What can they talk about?

Don't create a Shura field for me, so I can't live well?

A sense of crisis suddenly broke out.

Lynn subconsciously wanted to refuse.

But don't wait for him to speak.

Looking behind him, Xiaolan and Yuanzi had already heard the news.

"You want to talk to us?"

"Okay, let's talk then."


Facing Yukinoshita Yukino, Sonoko was in full bloom at the moment.

In front of the other party, she didn't lose the slightest bit of disadvantage, but she couldn't help but stare at Lin En.


Is this really king versus king?

Turning his head to look at Xiaolan, he found that Xiaolan didn't say a word, just let Yuanzi play.


That being the case, don't speak up yourself.

Although I don't know what Yukinoshita Yukino plans to talk to Xiaolan and Yuanzi.

I just hope that this won't turn into a war of current girlfriend VS fiancee...

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