I Signed-In in Tokyo

551 Where did this gun come from? Lynn is a goblin for real?

According to Miyamoto Yumi's idea.


It must be like the one in the legend, with a petite body and a pair of transparent wings growing on the back, the one that is both beautiful and cute.

You can look at the fairy in reality.

Each of them is in the shape of a mascot.

Although some are really cute.

But the problem is.

In Yumi Miyamoto's heart, she couldn't equate them with goblins no matter what!

She really can't accept this reality!

"If you can't accept it... I can't help it either."

"After all, that's the truth."

For Yumi Miyamoto's disappointed reaction.

Lynn is no different.

But before he could say anything more to Yumi, the topic ended abruptly with the appearance of Sento Isuzu.

It is estimated that she heard the news of her coming from the security room, so she hurried back?

"Manager Lynn."

Qiandou Isuzu appeared on the stage, still as unsmiling as ever.

But taking off her school uniform and putting on this red uniform imitating a military uniform added a lot of charm points to her invisibly.

"You're here, classmate Qiandou."

"Let me introduce you first. This is Ms. Miwako Sato, this is Ms. Miyamoto Yumi, and this is Ms. Miike Naeko."

"They are all my best friends and know some secrets about the wizarding world."

"I'm here today, and I'm taking them to visit Ganhui Paradise, and inspect the operation of the park when it opened today."

"I should have told you this before."

"As for this...Student Chito Isuzu, she is currently serving as my deputy. Ms. Sato, if you don't understand anything, you can ask her."

He greeted Qiandou Isuzu.

They introduced each other again.

Lynn did not hide the purpose of this trip.

Looking at Qiandou Isuzu's reaction, he didn't care too much about it, after all, he had already greeted her before.

"Hello, everyone."

Wait until the introduction is over.

Qiandou Isuzu said hello to the three with a dull expression.

no way.

After all, she is a communication disorder patient, no matter how much she thinks in her heart, she can't express it smoothly, which makes people feel that she is very indifferent.

But on the contrary.

Miyamoto Yumi's expression at the moment suddenly became very excited.

He didn't mind Chito Isuzu's indifferent reaction at all, and took a step forward to hold the opponent's hand.


"Student Qiandou!"

"Excuse me... are you a fairy?"

? ? ?

This inexplicable handshake and inquiry made Qiandou Isuzu a little at a loss as to what to do.


She nodded slightly.

But in the next second, Miyamoto Yumi became even more excited!

"I'll just say it!"

"Only such a beautiful and lovely girl can be a real fairy!"

"Then Chidou-san!"

"Can you use magic?"

"Can you show me real magic?"

this person……

What is going on?

Because Yumi Miyamoto was so enthusiastic, Chito Isuzu's brain froze completely at this moment.

She wants to see real magic?

Logically speaking.

The magic of goblins should not be exposed to outsiders.

But the other party was brought by Manager Lynn.

I don't even know if I should refuse.


As soon as Sento Isuzu raised his hand, he directly pulled out the magic gun Steinberg from under his skirt.

According to her habit, when encountering this kind of thing, she usually just shoots and crashes.

But the problem is.

The moment she took out the magic gun, she reacted.

I can't do this by myself!

This is a distinguished guest brought by Manager Lynn!

don't shoot...

Facing the current situation, what should I do?

When communication barriers are encountered, cheerfulness is full.

It is really difficult for Qiandou Isuzu.

At this time, look at Miyamoto Yumi again.

Witnessing the scene where the magic gun appeared out of thin air with her own eyes immediately made her fuss again!


"Is this magic?"

"Where did this gun come from?"


'boom! '

"Hey! It hurts!"

At the same time as she exclaimed, Miyamoto Yumi subconsciously wanted to search for the bottom of Sento Isuzu's skirt, because she really wanted to know where the gun came from.

But her behavior was really a little too much.

At least Miwako Sato, who was on the side, couldn't stand it anymore!

Hitting his friend's head with a fist made Yumi Miyamoto cry out in pain.

"Miwako, what are you doing?"

He complained involuntarily.

But when she looked at Miwako Sato again at this time, she glared at him with an angry look.

"What am I doing?"

"I still want to ask you why?"

"I'm really sorry, Chito-san."

"My friend's head is not very good, please don't mind."

First she reprimanded Miyamoto Yumi, and then Miwako quickly apologized for her friend's recklessness.

But at this time, Qiandou Isuzu was already blushing from the trouble.

Holding the magic gun in his hand, he didn't know what to do, and couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

"Alright, Ms. Miyamoto."

"I can understand your excitement, but even if you are a girl, you were too much just now."

Seeing such a scene, Lynn felt helpless.

And at this moment, he also had to stand up and say a few words, at least not to leave grudges in the hearts of both parties.


"Sorry sorry, I was too excited."

"I'm so sorry."

First he was punched, and then Lynn stepped forward.

Yumi Miyamoto finally came to her senses, she was indeed a little over the top, even if the beautiful girl across from her was a real goblin, she couldn't turn up her skirt, could she?

Sincere apologies for the haste.

Chito Isuzu's originally stiff cheeks finally eased.

"This is not an example."

After saying this sentence.

She turned her gaze to Lynn.

"Manager Lynn."

"About the operating status of the amusement park today, I want to report to you..."

Today is the first operation of Ganhui Paradise after it closed for renovation.

After half a day of class at school, Chito Isuzu asked for leave in the afternoon and returned to the amusement park to start his own work.

After all, if it wasn't for Lynn, she wouldn't need to go to school at all.

Therefore, in school, she also arranged for herself to be a weak and sick person, so it should not be too simple to be absent from class.

This is not.

After an afternoon of business.

Although Qiandou Isuzu was pleasantly surprised by the substantial increase in tourists, at the same time, some disadvantages were gradually revealed.

So taking advantage of this opportunity, she also planned to report to Lynn what she saw, and then ask Lynn to make a decision.

But just as Chito Isuzu was serious about continuing to report——

"I'm so tired, Dragon..."

"Really... I'm exhausted, Mi... Why are there so many guests today, Mi?"


"Isn't that an Isuzu rice?"

"And that's... Manager Lynn Dragon!"

"It's Manager Lynn Mi! Manager Lynn! I have something to report to you Mi!"

Walking in front of them is the trio of popular mascots of Ganhui Paradise with their shoulders and shoulders crossed.

Judging from their performance.

It was as if after a big battle, it was exhausting.

But as they walked forward, they whispered and complained.

But by chance, they bumped into Lynn and his party who were not far away from them.

This discovery made Tirami, the flower fairy among them, exclaim loudly.

Then I saw him rushing towards the direction of Lin En and his party!

"Student Qiandou, gun!"

Tirami, the mascot in the shape of a pink Pomeranian, showed an almost distorted facial expression at this moment.

This made Lynn see it.

Involuntarily turned around and stretched out his hand to Qiandou Isuzu.

Then Isuzu also cooperated and handed over his favorite gun to him.

Raise your gun!


Realizing that Tirami was being pointed at with a gun, his expression, which was already full of artistic sense, suddenly became more exaggerated, and he subconsciously wanted to stop.

However, he charged too hard and couldn't stop the brakes at all.

And when he almost came to Lynn under the influence of inertia!

There was a 'bang' gunshot!

Then what caught everyone's eyes was a magical scene of a pink mascot flying in the air, and then turning seven 360-degree turns in the air!

"This gun..."

See this scene.

Miwako Sato who was beside Lynn suddenly turned pale with shock.

Originally, seeing Qiandou Isuzu draw a gun out of thin air, the exquisite and gorgeous musket made her mistakenly think that it was just a work of art.

But who would want to.

This gun can actually fire.

And looking at this power, it is also amazing.

At least the gun in her arms at this moment can't knock people into the air and make so many turns!

"Don't worry, it's not a lethal weapon. Being hit by the magic bullet of this weapon will only hurt but not hurt."

Lynn naturally knew the reason for Miwako Sato's exclamation.

At that moment, he also explained with a smile, otherwise it would not be a good thing to cause trouble.

"And this kind of magic item can only be used by goblins. Even if it falls into the hands of ordinary people, it's just a decoration."


"Scare me."

"So that's how it is."

With Lynn's explanation, Miwako Sato finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now she was still worried about what she should do if the residents of the wizarding world held guns.

Can this human law control goblins?

But if it's not a firearm, it doesn't matter.

At least she won't get into trouble because of it, and there's no need to worry about it anymore.


Miwako Sato breathed a sigh of relief.

But Miike Naoko, who heard the conversation between the two, discovered a blind spot at this moment.

"Lin Enjun..."

"You said that this magic item can only be used by elves."

"But you just now..."

Subconsciously pointed to the magic gun in Lynn's hand, and then turned his gaze to Lynn.

Magic items can only be used by fairies.

Lynn just used a magic item.

So Lynn = Leprechaun.

This formula... seems to be valid!


"Miao Zi is right!"

"So Lin Enjun... you are not human, right?"

Originally, Miyamoto Yumi was still attracted by Tirami who was shot and flew.

But after hearing Miike Naoko's words, she turned around immediately and looked at Lynn in surprise.

Before that, she suspected that Lynn was not human.

Now look at it this way.

Good guy!

It really is a fairy hammer!

For this scenario.

Lynn also came helplessly.

What is this all about!

Why am I not human anymore?

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