I Signed-In in Tokyo

Six hundred and eleventh, you are being cheap and acting like a good boy, I will pester you for the

Although so many years have passed, Lin En has already started a family and started a business, and has successfully married the girls he likes, and even has children.

But even so.

He still couldn't figure out the little girls' thoughts.

But forget it.

If you can't figure it out, you can't figure it out.

In fact, Lynn doesn't have time to guess what the girls are thinking.

Because after today's concert is over, he still has another appointment to attend——

that night.

In Yang Nai's apartment, men and women who have experienced a great war are embracing each other, enjoying the aftermath of the war.

to this day.

Yukinoshita Yoshino had already fulfilled her original promise to Lynn and became his woman.

But I don't know why.

Obviously, based on the relationship between the two, she wanted to marry Lin En, and it was only a matter of one sentence.

But she refused to marry Lin En, which made Lin En unclear about her thoughts.

"Xiaoxue has suffered a lot lately, so you don't plan to care about her?"

Lying sideways in Lynn's arms.

Yang Naizheng was drawing circles in his arms with his fingers, while laughing like a little fox, and murmuring in a low voice.

And looking at Yang Nao with a smirk on the corner of his mouth.

Lynn shook his head lightly with a slight headache.

"You made me care about Yukino, but the problem is... I don't know what to do?"

"God knows why she and Erina are so at odds, and she suddenly has such a strong sense of competition."

"It turned out well."

"The two of them are fighting vigorously now, but it's difficult for me to be a man in the middle."

"I'm helpless too, okay?"

so much time has passed,

Lynn had already let go of her prejudice against Erina and Yukino, and walked into the marriage hall with them as they wished.

But the problem is.

Life after marriage is not as beautiful as imagined.

Since getting married.

The two strong women, Yukino and Erina, had a dispute for no reason, and they always wanted to distinguish between each other.

Faced with this situation.

Lynn said he was helpless.

The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, what should he do?

But I didn't want to.

As soon as Lynn said this.

Yang Nai, who was still drawing circles, suddenly clenched his fingers into a fist and punched him lightly angrily.

"They fight vigorously, you are the happiest, right?"

"Do you really think I don't know anything?"

"You're getting cheap and acting like a good boy, you know that?"


No wonder Yang Nai would say that.

Although there are always conflicts between Yukino and Erina, they do not fight as soon as they meet in the traditional sense.

The opposite of.

Every time the two met, they would always call each other intimately.

It's just that in secret, the two are competing with each other, vowing to tell the difference.

So here comes the problem.

Yang Nao and Erina, how did they compete?

it's actually really easy!

At the beginning.

They chose to win over the women around Lynn, hoping to persuade them to join their side and strengthen their side.

However, although this idea is very good, it is very difficult to implement in practice.

Because many people are not something they can easily win over.

Especially in front of Lynn, it was even more difficult for them to operate.


Faced with difficulties, did they just give up?

of course not!

Since you can't win over the woman next to Lynn, then you can win over your own people first, and then turn her into Lynn's woman, isn't that all right?

The first to use this trick.

It's actually Erina.

After all, she has a loyal little secretary who will always follow her by her side, and she also knows that Xinhu Feisha has always had a good impression of Lynn.

That being the case.

She simply pushed the boat with the flow and directly helped the two achieve good things.

But I didn't want to.

Her actions seemed to have opened Pandora's magic box, making the whole situation uncontrollable.

Secretary Erinella enters the stage.

Couldn't Xue Nai win over the companions around her?

Yuigahama Yui has been secretly in love with Lynn for so many years, why can your little secretary be on the scene but not mine?


Yuihama Yui was pulled into the battlefield, and the two sides drew again in an instant.

Seeing this, Erina must not be able to bear it!

Come on with me, right?


Then I'll send Alice out!

When Erina succeeds here, Yukino takes another look...

You are ruthless!

Even my own cousin is not spared.

Then let's not talk about it, just pull Megumi Kato over!

that's it.

The rivalry between Yukino and Erina has been dragged into the current tug-of-war.

But the problem is.

Erina is backed by the entire Totsuki Academy, and even behind her, there is the huge Dongying cooking world.

Who can beat her when it comes to networking with a beautiful woman?

Not to mention the secretary and Nakiri Alice, the follow-up new and old Yuanyue Shijie, and even successful graduates.

As long as she is a beautiful girl, she dares to send it to Lin En all at once!

In the end, even Lynn was scared.

Otherwise, how could Yang Nai say that Xue Nai was deflated.

In this contest, even if Xue Nai pulls all the girls she is familiar with, it is impossible to compare with the queen who sits in the entire Dongying cooking world!

Of course.

Although the rivalry between Yukino and Erina is a headache.

But it is also undeniable.

Lin En really took advantage of it, and most of the beautiful girls in Chunwu and Shiji didn't escape his grasp, so in general, he should actually thank his two wives.

Of course.

There is no need to tell this kind of truth in front of Yang Nai.

Especially since the two of them had just completed a battle, it was too boring to talk about this.

"Okay, let's put these headaches to a later date."

"Let's talk about you."

"Are you going to continue like this in the future?"

"You don't even want a title?"

Sighing, Lin En looked into Yang Nai's eyes and asked softly.

In fact, if she wanted, he could really hold a grand wedding for her.

However, in the face of Lynn's inquiry.

Yang Nai shook his head and refused without thinking.

"Why should I marry you?"

"Aren't there not enough women married to you?"


With this sentence, Lynn who asked directly was speechless.

But before Lynn could say anything else.

Looking at Yang Nao again, she suddenly showed a smile——

"If I don't marry you, I will be the most special woman in your heart."


"Don't think that if I don't marry you, I will let you go."

"My whole life...will haunt you!"

Say this sentence.

As soon as Yang Nai turned over, he directly turned against the guest and looked down at Lin En.

"Recently, there seems to be a wave of pregnancy preparation among your women?"

"Even Xiao Xue Nai wants to give birth to a son for you, right?"

"What a naive little girl."

"Obviously we all know that your favorite is your daughter."


"Let's hurry up and give birth to a daughter!"

It should be said that she really deserves to be the woman who knows Lynn best?

Yang Nai really saw through Lynn's mind.

Then, without further ado, after the two started the next round of efforts to give birth to a daughter——

Turn around.

Lin En came to the old house of Nakiri's family and met Erina.

Although married to Lin En, Erina never moved out of the old house.

This is not only because there are many women around Lin En, who live in no fixed place most of the time, but also because this old house has now become the base camp for Erina to dominate the Dongying cooking world.

Yes, that's right!

Years passed.

With Lin En's support, Erina has become the queen of cooking in the culinary world of Junlin Dongying.

Today, she not only controls the entire Tosakura culinary world, but also takes over the position of the head of the Nakiri Senzaemon, becoming the new head of the Nakiri family.

And as the former commander-in-chief of Yuanyue.

Nakiri Senzaemon chose to move out of the old house and find another house to live in.

Although Lin En and Erina both tried to persuade him at the beginning, this persistent old man still refuses to live any longer, which makes people quite helpless.

"I said Erina."

"The rivalry between you and Xue Nai should come to an end, right?"

"If this goes on like this, don't say I can't stand it, Xiaolan Yuanzi and the others should have objections?"

Today's Erina in front of Lin En has long lost the youthfulness she had when they first met.

Especially after getting rid of her ghost father, Nakie Jiji, and the late-night cooker organization behind him, her aura became more and more powerful, and she carried a strong queen demeanor in every gesture.

No wonder she is now known as the well-deserved queen of cooking in the cooking world.

But in front of Lynn.

Erina could no longer maintain her queenly aura.

As soon as she pursed her mouth, she revealed the posture of a little girl.


"That Yukinoshita guy filed a complaint with you?"

"She finally realized that she couldn't compare to me, so she started playing dirty tricks?"


Listen to what this says.

Lynn didn't know how to continue this conversation.

After pressing his temple helplessly, he looked at the wronged wife in front of him.

"It's not that Xue Nai is complaining, but that what you are doing now is really going too far."

"You should know."

"After all, my energy alone is limited. There are so many people, and I can't promise all of them."

"not to mention……"

Although the topic between Yang Nao and Yang Nao was interrupted yesterday.

But Lynn kept her words in his heart.

Today I came to see Erina, mainly because I want to make things clear and persuade this somewhat superior wife.

But I didn't want to.

Lin En was interrupted by Erina before he could finish his earnest words.


"You can't promise everyone, I believe that."

"But you said that your energy is limited..."

"are you sure?"

"Every time I toss people to death, even if we all fight together, I can't see you being able to beat you."

"So this reason...is it really appropriate?"

have to!

As soon as Erina said this.

Lynn really has nothing to say.

His body is no longer that of an ordinary human being. Even if his energy is exhausted, there is a secret method that can instantly revitalize him.

So face the problem.

He really couldn't refute for a while.

I have a lot of energy.

Can this still be my fault?

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