Su Chen figured it out!

He finally figured it out!

Why did Huang Mao in front of him say something about friendship to those classmates?

Because the relationship between them is only the friendship between classmates!

The degree of politeness towards these few people has been increased by hundreds of millions of times!

That is also limited to the friendship between classmates!


Even if Su Chen raised the moral values ​​of those beasts a billion times, he had nothing to do with them after all.

How polite can a stranger be with a stranger, no matter how polite they are?


What if his relationship with the beast was no longer a stranger! ?

What if he could make those ferocious beasts kneel down and call him daddy?

Since ancient times, the father's will is hard to disobey!

Even in this era, many fathers tell their children to go east, but the children dare not go west!

The period of conferring gods——

What's more, there is Nezha who cuts the bones to change his father, and cuts the flesh to return his mother!

A father.

The morals contained in it are too heavy!

And when this morality was raised billions of times, Su Chen couldn't imagine how terrifying a father's majesty could be. !


Su Chen couldn't make the group of beasts kneel down and call daddy.

But someone can do it! ...!

In an instant, Su Chen thought of the brother who was at the top of the power list before.

Isn't his ability to make everyone call him dad?

When Su Chen cooperates with his abilities, it will definitely have a miraculous effect!

Thinking of this, Su Chen no longer hesitated.

He took out his mobile phone and logged on to the waste wood ability network again.

Yesterday, he browsed through the entire useless ability website, but forgot about the list of useless abilities.

If he had looked at the list at that time, he might have already had an idea!

But it's not too late now.

The time is too late for Su Chen!

Click on the list of useless abilities, and Su Chen looked directly at the top.

But at a glance.

The expression on Su Chen's face couldn't help but froze.

"Hu Xiaoxiao! I really belong to you!"

The ability to call dad, which originally held the top spot, has been squeezed to the second place.

Now at the top of the list is:

"Worse than supernatural powers? I don't even have supernatural powers!"

When Hu Xiaoxiao released this competition information yesterday.

In less than ten minutes, it was pushed to the ninth position on the ranking list.

Su Chen didn't expect that after one night, he actually reached the first place in the list of useless abilities!

"This year's netizens are really free."

Su Chen looked at the comments below.

at this time.

Not even twenty-four hours had passed.

But the number of comments has soared to hundreds of thousands!

Is this impure and a bit idle?

Looking away from the top position, Su Chen felt that the business was still important.

Now, he has to quickly find the contact information of this supernatural person!

Click to open the comment area of ​​​​the second place.

Su Chen wanted to see if he could find some useful information from here.

But he didn't expect that there was no need to look for it.

Because the first comment that was pinned to the top was commented by the supernatural person himself!

"I don't agree!"

"Dissatisfaction in capital letters!"

"Why am I not at the top of the list!?"

"Without special abilities, there is no way to get any benefits!"

"But let alone the benefits of my ability, it will bring deep harm to me!"

Su Chen glanced at the time.

This comment was posted by himself half an hour ago.

And now there are tens of thousands of follow-up comments.

"I can't live laughing anymore, I can't live laughing anymore! So the competition on the trash list is so fierce?"

"I have to say, everything this brother said is true!"

"Haha! Go up! Let's help him get back to the throne!"


The comments in the comment area can make Su Chen laugh to death!

Resisting the urge to read on, Su Chen clicked on the profile picture of this superhuman.

After seeing the option to send a message, Su Chen immediately beamed with joy.

After pondering for a moment.

Su Chen directly edited a message and sent it.

"Brother, I'm your loyal fan, can I get to know you?"

Information is somewhat generic.

But if you come up too enthusiastically.

Su Chen was afraid that he would be scared away.

But in the next second, Su Chen was stunned.

reject! ?

It turned down! ?

He sighed in disappointment, the road was blocked.

I don't know how many people have sent him private messages.

The supernatural person was afraid that he would be annoyed, so he directly refused to accept the private message.

put down the phone.

Su Chen put his hand on his chin and felt a trace of melancholy.

The world is so big, where can he find this supernatural being?

Isn't this like finding a needle in a haystack?

"Student? Is there any trouble?"

"I wonder if there is anything I can do to help you?"

at this moment.

Suddenly, an unusually enthusiastic inquiry came from behind Su Chen.

Su Chen looked back, the expression on his face froze for a moment.

Who is it if it's not the yellow-haired man from before?

Well, the improvement of moral quality by billions of times directly transformed this guy into a living Lei Feng!

"It's nothing, I just want to find someone and can't find it."

Su Chen waved his hand and said casually.

Unexpectedly, the yellow-haired man continued to say enthusiastically:

"Find someone?"

"I know a lot of friends, maybe I can help you!"

Hearing this, Su Chen said without much hope:

"I want to find this person. Do you have any friends who know him?"

Su Chen showed the yellow-haired man with his mobile phone.

In the next second, the action of the yellow-haired man frightened Su Chen back several steps.

I saw the yellow-haired man kneeling on the ground with a plop.

Looking at Su Chen's cell phone, tears suddenly flowed down his face.


"A father is an unfilial son!"

................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

PS: Ask for data every day!

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