Chapter 306 Zerg Analysis Report

Su Chen was attracted by the contents inside.

Looking around here without blinking, the instruments here are still operating normally.

And connected behind these instruments is the Zerg that has been controlled.

Because of their continuous evolution through special means, the form of these Zerg is already very powerful.

It may not be big in size, but its lethality "557" is extremely strong, especially according to these analysis reports.

It can be seen that most of the Zerg have the ability to be invulnerable to fire and water, and invulnerable to weapons and guns!

This is equivalent to a group of steel warriors.

Unless you find their weaknesses, there is no way to eradicate them, because he won't feel pain when he hits them.


Wang Sisi couldn't help but sigh with emotion, because the number of Zergs imprisoned here is very large.

Moreover, these Zergs used special means to put them into a state of sleep.

Everything is constantly monitoring their physical condition and making a detailed analysis!

Not only that, but a finger-thick tube is connected to their bodies.

What flows in this tube is their blood, and their blood is actually interlinked.

The blood was concentrated in one place, and then sent to the body of the Zerg through another tube!

Is this a way of exchanging blood, allowing them to purify again?

If this batch of things wakes up, its lethality will be immeasurable.

If they are placed on the battlefield, it will inevitably cause the entire galaxy to become their prey!

If you really master such a group of Zerg, it is equivalent to having the ability to dominate the entire galaxy.

Thinking of these, Su Chen's face became even more ugly, no matter what, he couldn't let these Zerg race.

Running from here, it's a little better if these things are under control.

But it's still not very good, because people with good intentions will use them to do evil, then more people will suffer.

But if they are not controlled, it will be a human massacre.

They will carry out an endless massacre of human beings, and by that time, the human beings in this galaxy may all be extinct.

"No matter, we have to find a way to destroy this group of Zerg!"

Regardless of the considerations, this group of Zergs will definitely not be able to survive...

Su Chen suddenly remembered the Nether powder in his hand, and the effect of the Nether powder last time.

Su Chen saw it clearly, just a little bit was enough to make the Snake girl terribly miserable.

So using Nether might really be the only way to deal with these Zergs.

However, the number of these reorganizations is extremely large, and it may be difficult to deal with them, just a little Nether fans.

Su Chen was really worried, worried that it would not be enough, and that the desired effect would not be achieved by then.

But what if he poured these ghost powders into the blood they sent??

Will it have a different effect?

After Su Chen pondered for a moment, he felt that this was more and more possible.

Immediately moving forward, he decided to experiment. 0.7

After all, all ethical knowledge is more useful than practice, so he immediately approached.

"Brother Su, be careful!"

Although he didn't know what Su Chen was going to do, Wang Sisi couldn't help reminding him to be careful.

Su Chen smiled, then picked up the ghost powder and poured it into the blood.

This thing is very useful, but it can't be all at once.


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