I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 31 The Golden Rooster Award Owes You A Trophy!

Good guy!

Su Chen turned to look at Li Huan.

He turned his head and looked at the group of well-behaved beasts.

At this moment, in Su Chen's eyes, the two formed a stark contrast.

They perfectly explained to Su Chen what it means:

"I am a billion times more moral, even if the person standing opposite is not my own father! I still have great respect for him!"

On the other side is:

"Even if the other side calls me dad ten thousand times, then he's not my real son!"

"I have no morals, so no one can kidnap me!"


"Brother, what's the problem?"

At this moment, Su Chen was staring at him.

Li Huan couldn't help but wondered.

Su Chen hurriedly shook his head upon hearing this.

"No problem, no problem at all!"

He was just afraid that Li Huan would have some psychological burden.

Now that he has said so, then Su Chen naturally has no problem at all!

"Okay, then I'll start!"

Li Huan rubbed his hands for a while, and then walked a few steps ahead.

Su Chen, on the other hand, carefully observed the reactions of the group of ferocious beasts with great interest.

"Oh! My son!"

"Today may be the last time Dad sees you!"

"There is a group of people outside waiting to kill Dad!"

"Father is really too weak! He is not their opponent at all!"

"I wanted to come to this beast realm to try my luck, but I didn't expect to encounter a scene where our father and son killed each other!"

"Farewell, dear sons!"

"Daddy won't hurt you!"

"Now I'm going out and fighting those guys that I can't win no matter what!"

When he mentioned the words "I can't win no matter what", Li Huan even emphasized his tone.

Originally, Su Chen didn't have high expectations for Li Huan's acting skills.

But look now!

This is a proper actor-level acting skill!

Even the Golden Rooster Award, Li Huan has to owe a trophy for Best Actor!

"But can those beasts understand Li Huan's words?"

Su Chen turned his head to look at the group of ferocious beasts, seeming suspicious.

And it doesn't matter if you don't look at it, Su Chen was immediately stunned when he saw it.

I saw the tears in the eyes of the group of ferocious beasts continuously falling down.

All of a sudden.

The ground under their feet was completely soaked with tears!

Immediately afterwards, the group of ferocious beasts suddenly straightened their bodies.

They rushed towards Li Huan quickly.

Seeing this, Su Chen couldn't help clenching his fists.

The red tattoo also appeared on his skin in an instant.

But looking at the fierce beast that was about to rush in front of Li Huan, he still didn't make a move in the end.

He didn't think these beasts wanted to hurt Li Huan!

After all, those ferocious beasts weeping bitterly did not look like they were staged at all.


But with Su Chen's dazed effort, the group of beasts had already approached Li Huan.

I saw the group of fierce beasts with their huge heads lowered, rubbing against Li Huan's body affectionately.

Seeing this scene, Su Chen couldn't help squinting his eyes.

Because from the group of ferocious beasts, he seemed to see a hint of farewell!

Now they are acting as if they are saying goodbye to Li Huan!

"Do these beasts really understand what Li Huan said earlier?"

Su Chen slightly raised his eyebrows and said in surprise.

But soon, Su Chen denied his own idea.

What he improved was the morality of these ferocious beasts, not the IQ of billions of times.

Judging from the previous performance of some fierce beasts.

Their IQ is definitely not too high.

"Could it be..."

"They can feel Li Huan's emotions!?"

"Even feel the meaning emanating from his emotions!?"

After negating one idea, another idea immediately popped up in Su Chen's mind.

It is said that mother and child are connected.

Now it is not too far-fetched to say that Li Huan has a heart-to-heart relationship with these ferocious fathers and sons.


It's just that the group of fierce beasts are connected with Li Huan and his son.

Because Li Huan does not have the blessing of hundreds of millions of times morality.

Obviously, he didn't have much feeling for these ferocious beasts.

Even at this moment when the group of ferocious beasts rubbed their heads on him affectionately, the expression on his face was still extremely awkward.

From time to time, he turned his head and looked at Su Chen for help.

In this regard, Su Chen can only express his helplessness.

Now the group of fierce beasts seemed to be saying their final farewell to Li Huan.

But Su Chen was still skeptical.

After all, these ferocious beasts felt the emotion that Li Huan just said.

Or did they sense Li Huan's heart and wanted to kill them! ?

If it's the former, that's fine.

If it's the latter!

Then this hundreds of millions of times moral improvement is too scary.

It turned out that it was only because of his father's idea of ​​wanting to die.

He will die without hesitation! ?


At this moment, a hissing sound not far away interrupted Su Chen's thoughts.

Seeing this, Su Chen hurriedly turned his head to look.

I saw that the two hundred beasts had already stood 500 meters away from Li Huan.

They gave Li Huan one last look.

Then suddenly raised his head and neighed.

................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

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