I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 6 The Gray Light Carrying The Breath Of Death!

"Brother Daqiang, don't hesitate! Activate the ability!"

Su Chen saw the hooves of a ferocious beast move slightly.

Immediately anxiously opened the mouth to urge.

There is only one chance of failure each time you enter the beast domain.

If they were killed by a paw, it would be over!

"Okay! I'll try!"

Hearing the words, Chen Daqiang forced himself to calm down, and then concentrated his attention.

It's not that he wants to ink, but that the activation of the ability requires complete concentration.

But he was really scared before, so he couldn't concentrate at all.

At this moment, under the comfort of Su Chen, Chen Daqiang finally calmed down a lot.

Su Chen looked at Chen Daqiang's clasped hands, and couldn't help looking at him hopefully.

Afterwards, the corners of Chen Daqiang's mouth moved slightly, and he suddenly shouted:

"We are invincible!"

The expression on Su Chen's face froze for a moment when he heard this, a few black lines appeared on his forehead and said:

"Brother Daqiang, it's not this sentence!"

"Uh...I know, I just want to cheer myself up first!"

Chen Daqiang scratched his head in embarrassment.

Then he turned his gaze to the ominous beast that had already moved not far away.

"Everyone named Zhang San must die!"

Chen Daqiang said word by word.

At this moment, he thought of his seriously ill sister again, and his tone was extremely firm.

Even Su Chen saw a white light faintly flickering from the depths of his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Su Chen turned his head to look at the tens of thousands of beasts.

no response? How come there is no response?

At this moment, tens of thousands of beasts have already moved.

They stomped on the ground and surged towards Su Chen and the two of them.

To kill Su Chen and Chen Daqiang, only one beast is enough.

These guys obviously want to be the one to kill them both!

"Brother Su, what should we do now?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Daqiang couldn't help but panicked.

A strong breath of death is coming!

He seems to have forgotten that dying here is not really dying.

He even thought about what would happen to his sister if he died here!

"Hey, maybe these guys are really not a thing!"

Hearing this, Su Chen could only sigh.

Ghosts know that the ferocious beasts in this beast domain are beyond the boundaries between people, things and things.

Not even a name!

Su Chen's ability is to rename everyone, things, and things, but they don't have names!

"Xiao Zi, I'm sorry, it's my brother who is useless!"

"I will still be your brother in the next life!"

Chen Daqiang raised his head with a sad face, two tears could not help but flow down his cheeks.

Seeing this, Su Chen froze for a moment.

Brother Daqiang is a little too deep into the play, right?

Wouldn't it really be dead to die here?

But in the end Su Chen still didn't remind anything.

Anyway, after these ferocious beasts trampled them to death, they would go out.

At that time, Chen Daqiang knew that he was not dead.

However, the physique of the two of them will be greatly reduced due to death in the beast realm.

Su Chen knew that Chen Daqiang was a child from a poor family, and this might be his only chance to enter the beast realm.

After Su Chen's physical condition deteriorated, he could make up for it by re-entering the beast realm, but Chen Daqiang could not.

Thinking of this, Su Chen secretly decided to give Chen Daqiang some compensation in the future.

After all, he was the one who brought Chen Daqiang to the beast realm.

"Huh? Wait!"

"Brother Daqiang, do you think these beasts have stopped moving?"

But at this moment, after Su Chen glanced ahead, the expression on his face couldn't help but froze.

"Ah? It's not moving? Hey, it's really not moving! Is our ability taking effect?"

Chen Daqiang opened his eyes abruptly upon hearing this.

When he saw that the tens of thousands of beasts in front of him had stopped in place, he suddenly cried out in surprise.

After receiving Chen Daqiang's answer and confirming that he was not hallucinating, Su Chen looked straight at the tens of thousands of beasts.

I saw that the tens of thousands of beasts suddenly became panicked at this moment.

They looked left and right, as if they felt some terrible power.


Immediately afterwards, a ferocious beast raised its head and shouted angrily, and the rest of the ferocious beasts followed suit.

Su Chen and Chen Daqiang obviously felt that the whole space was agitated.

Immediately, in the blood-colored land, countless scarlet auras that could be seen with the naked eye soared rapidly.

In the end, countless blood energy permeated tens of thousands of beasts, forming a huge defensive blood mask.

Under the protection of the blood mask, the expressions of those beasts finally calmed down.

But in the next second, there was a slight clicking sound.

The blood mask is covered with cobweb-like cracks at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, a gray light filled with annihilation aura emerged, surging from the center of tens of thousands of beasts.

Su Chen seems to have seen this scene before.

That brilliance is very similar to the momentary ripples when the planet explodes in a sci-fi film!

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