I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 62 With A Sound Of Sword Strike, Millions Of Spiritual Swords Gather! ! ! (Seeking First Ord

"Brother, why is there no response?"

Sun Xiaowei looked at the plane space where there was no movement.

He looked at Su Chen with a dejected look on his face.

Su Chen gave Sun Xiaowei a calm look.

Then he exerted a little force on the soles of his feet.

The figure straight up from the ground.

After jumping in front of the space, Su Chen stretched his head over.

He wanted to see if it was all spirit swords.

They were all suppressed by the immortals in the top plane.

But at this moment.

Su Chen suddenly felt a chill down his back.

An extremely terrifying fluctuation suddenly appeared from the plane channel in front of him.

Su Chen didn't even have time to pull back.

You can only quickly move your head to the side.


Immediately afterwards, a sound of breaking through the air sounded.

Su Chen could only see a rainbow flashing away in front of him.

At this moment, Su Chen seemed to sense it.

He hurriedly turned his head to look at Sun Xiaowei not far away.

"This!? This is?"

Looking at the floating object above Sun Xiaowei's head.

Su Chen couldn't help but widen his eyes.

It was a long sword with emerald green ripples all over its body.

It's just the aftermath of sword energy emanating from it.

Make Su Chen feel as small as an ant!

You must know that he is a fierce man with one hundred thousand strength attributes!

He can definitely be regarded as the first-class powerhouse of Blue Star.

But it is a spirit sword facing the top plane.

And it's just the aftermath emanating from the spirit sword.

Let Su Chen not have any desire to resist!?

If standing in front of him is the owner of this spirit sword.

With just one look from the other party, wouldn't Su Chen die!?

The strength of the top plane is so terrifying!?


At this moment, Su Chen couldn't help his throat wriggling and swallowed.

Then Su Chen had no time to sigh.

He hurriedly pulled back and retreated tens of meters away!

Immediately afterwards, Su Chen and Sun Xiaowei stared dumbfounded.

Spiritual swords that glowed with terrifying fluctuations rushed out from the space plane.

In just a few breaths.

The number of spirit swords surrounding Sun Xiaowei is no less than one hundred thousand!

And this number is still increasing at a terrifying rate.

The entire space behind Sun Xiaowei.

At this time, it was already filled with the sky filled with spiritual swords.

So densely packed, it is impossible to count how many spirit swords there are!

"Stop, stop!"

Watching the spirit sword rushing out of the space channel seems to be endless.

Su Chen hurriedly shouted at Sun Xiaowei.

He just wanted to test whether the combination of his abilities with Sun Xiaowei would work.

I don't want to destroy Blue Star!

At this time, the countless spiritual swords that Sun Xiaowei summoned.

There are already signs of shattering space.

You must know that these are all spirit swords in the top plane.

The terrifying sword energy carried on it.

A plane like Blue Star can't bear it at all!

"oh oh!"

Hearing Su Chen's call, Sun Xiaowei hastily responded.

Then he put away his two fingers and stopped calling.

Immediately, there was no spirit sword rushing out of the space channel.

But even looking at the countless spirit swords around him.

Sun Xiaowei's mind was already excited enough.

Now he has a very strong feeling.

Even if he wants to destroy the world.

It was just one of his thoughts.

But Su Chen looked at Sun Xiaowei's excited appearance, but didn't feel worried at all.

Although Sun Xiaowei can manipulate these spirit swords.

But in the plane space, Su Chen has the final say.

Su Chen also has a feeling.

That is, with a thought, he can send all these spirit swords back to the top plane in an instant.

He can make Sun Xiaowei an invincible existence.

It can also make Sun Xiaowei become a useless person again in an instant.

But seeing that Sun Xiaowei just looked at those spirit swords excitedly.

And not too over the top after that.

Su Chen looked away from Sun Xiaowei.

Then he turned his head and looked into the plane space.

He wanted to see the power of facing supernatural powers.

Are the immortal cultivators in these top planes really powerless to resist!

As he moved his head closer to the dimension of the plane, a magnificent world suddenly appeared in front of Su Chen's eyes.

Then Su Chen's thoughts moved slightly.

Immediately, the picture of the plane space was switched from time to time.

At this time, countless sects are on the top of the mountain.

Countless cultivators looked at their empty palms and were a little dumbfounded.

Where is the sword?

What kind of impoverished sword!?

He looked down at his palm, and then looked up at the sky.

Those cultivators immediately turned their heads to look at a misty mountain in the depths of the sect.

"Old Ancestor! All our swords have been taken away!"

"This is a powerful person who took advantage of your old retreat and bullied us little heads!"

*You have to decide for us!"

Such scenes are repeated on the top of the hills.

Not long after, the 23 back mountain forbidden area of ​​countless sects.

There was an aura of terror.

The ancestors of each sect came out one after another!

Walking on the clouds, he stepped in front of his disciples.

Seeing that their ancestors actually came out to make decisions for them.

Those cultivators were almost moved to tears.

With this old ancestor, what more can I ask for!?

But when they looked up at their ancestors.

Then something felt wrong.

"Why do you feel that the ancestor is a little different from before?"

"Could it be that... the ancestor has become stronger again!?"

"The joy of the sect, this is simply the great joy of the sect!"

"Let's see if the mighty one who snatched our sword dares to be arrogant! The ancestor killed him in seconds!"

"Fuck, stop talking nonsense! Are you really blind!?"

"???Brother Dao, why did you say that?"

"Of course the ancestor is not the same as before. Didn't you see that the sword of the ancestor is gone!?"


"Hiss! Where's the ancestor's sword!?"

"Could it be that even the ancestor's sword was taken away!?"

"My God!! Who has such great skills!?"

Listening to the murmurs of the disciples under the door.

The forced calm expressions on the faces of the ancestors finally couldn't hold back.

Immediately afterwards, roars suddenly spread throughout the entire top plane.

"Li Qingshan! You shameless person! Return the sword!"

"I'll fuck you, Li Qingshan! Don't think I'm afraid of you, that sword was left to me by Miss Lian Er! Give it back to me immediately!"

"I swear by Zhong Tianzong, I will surely crusade against your Qingshan Sword Sect, and I will definitely crusade against you Li Qingshan!"


Listen to the roaring sound from all directions.

The disciples gathered from countless sects were all dumbfounded.

"It turns out that we are not the only ones who have been robbed of the sword!?"

"Eight Great Schools, Four Great Desolations, Thirteen Holy Sees..."

All the swords of the top sects have been robbed!?"

"Even the ancestors failed to keep the sword!?"

"I know Qingshan Sword Sect, who is Huiji Qingshan? Is he so fierce?"

"Junior brother, you don't know, this Li Qingshan is the originator of the Qingshan Sword Sect!"

"It is said that the realm has reached the realm of perfection, and he is definitely the number one person in our Xuantian Continent!"

"Hiss! The ancestor of the sword sect is so strong!? But he stole the swords of the whole world, isn't he afraid of making enemies of the whole world?"

"Could it be that... Qingshan Sword Sect wants to go to war with all sects in the world!?"

Listen to the discussions of these immortal cultivators.

Su Chen almost couldn't help bursting out laughing.

He didn't expect to use the power of supernatural powers to summon countless spirit swords to Blue Star.

It actually caused such a big commotion to this top plane.

But listen to what they said about Qingshan Sword Sect.

Su Chen couldn't help but think of the scene when he first connected to this top plane last night.

On a mountaintop hall.

Su Chen had seen the four characters of Qingshan Jianzong before.

Following the memory in his mind, Su Chen began to draw the plane closer to the east.

Since the ancestor of Qingshan Sword Sect is the strongest in this top plane.

Can the supernatural power also forcibly summon his sword?

When countless roars resounded.

On top of a lush green mountain.

Countless figures in green clothes looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Is it true that the ancestor stole everyone's sword?"

"It must be, who else has this ability except the ancestors in the world!?"


"But why did the ancestor take our sword away?"

"Isn't this nonsense? The ancestor made a contribution, and the sword will return to the clan!"

"Your sword and my sword are all ancestor's sword!"

"It doesn't matter if the ancestor takes our sword away, but the sword ancestors in the whole world have been taken away!"

"Could it be that our Qingshan Sword Sect really wants to start a war with all the sects in the world!?"

"Hmph! So what if we start a war!? It's time for our Qingshan Sword Sect to unify the Xuantian Continent!"

"Hush! Stop talking! The master is here!"

"Huh, the master's sword was also taken away by the ancestor?"

In front of the main hall, a middle-aged man full of coercion appeared out of thin air.

The moment he appeared, the entire square in front of the hall suddenly fell silent.

Immediately afterwards, seven or eight elder-level figures of Jianzong also appeared one after another.

Then they all looked towards the west with wry smiles on their faces.

However, there are only endless clouds and mist there, and the scene inside cannot be seen clearly at all.

"Brother Sect Leader, does Patriarch really want to start a war with the world's sects?"

An elder couldn't help asking.

Although their Qingshan Sword Sect is strong.

But is it really possible to win a war against sects all over the world?

The majestic middle-aged man was silent when he heard the words, but shook his head slightly.

Take away the weapons first, and then meet each other with swords!

It really does look like going to war!

But in Qingshan Sword Sect, only he has seen the ancestor.

He knew that Patriarch was not the kind of ambitious person!

Simply unable to figure it out, the majestic middle-aged man cupped his hands and said loudly:

"Ancestor, please give me instructions!"

"If we want to start a war, we will wait for the disciples of the Sword Sect to fight to the end!"

"Kill until no one refuses to accept my Qingshan Sword Sect!"

Ling Ran's plain and murderous voice spread throughout the mountain.

Countless Sword Sect disciples felt their painstaking efforts and paid homage.

Follow behind the head of Jianzong.

Each of the disciples also shouted in a deep voice:

"If we want to start a war, we will wait for the disciples of the Sword Sect to fight to the end!"


Under the gaze of tens of thousands of Sword Sect disciples.

At this moment, the cloud and mist that had been lingering for thousands of years seemed to be stirred up.

Then an ethereal voice suddenly sounded.

"Fight your sister, fight!"

Sword Sect Disciple: "???"

Head of Sword Sect: "???"

Hear this sentence.

Countless Sword Sect disciples were dumbfounded.

even a little bold

The disciple couldn't help but slander in his heart at this moment.

"Don't fight, your old man took away all the swords in the world?"

Even the head of the sword sect with a serious face.

At this moment, several black lines could not help appearing on his forehead.

He really didn't understand what the old ancestor was doing.

But the next second.

The head of Jianzong put away his puzzled expression.

His expression instantly became solemn.

The other Sword Sect disciples also turned their heads and looked directly under the mist.

I couldn't help but widen my eyes.

"Then! Is that our ancestor!?"

"Why does the ancestor look like he is only seventeen or eighteen years old!?"

I saw it at the focus of the eyes of countless Jianzong disciples.

A boy in white clothes stepped out.

One step over a mountain.

One more step and he was in front of everyone.

"The 23rd generation head disciple of the Qingshan Sword Sect has met the master!"

At this moment, the serious middle-aged man knelt down with a plop.

Seeing this, the other Jianzong disciples dared to have doubts.

Everyone knelt down and shouted:

"Jianzong disciples have met the ancestor!"

The boy in white faced everyone's bowing.

Just waved casually.

Then he looked up to the boundless sky.

At this time, there were still many roars coming from all directions.

It was the voices of the ancestors of each sect wanting to crusade against their Qingshan Sword Sect and other Jishan Mountains.

Although the sound is thousands of miles away.

But the anger contained in it is astounding.

The head of Jianzong watched this scene, and immediately looked curiously at the back of the boy in white.

He wanted to see how his ancestor would deal with the situation in front of him.

Since there is no intention of war at all.

Why do you want to take away the swords of all the people in the world?

Under the watchful eyes of countless Sword Sect disciples.

The boy in white finally spoke.

There was a hint of a wry smile in the flat voice.

"Everyone, I really didn't take away your swords."

What the boy in white said in a low voice seemed to spread throughout the world in an instant.

The entire Xuantian Continent became quiet in an instant.

All the roaring stopped abruptly.

But then.

The more angry roars frantically gathered towards the Qingshan Sword Sect, and gathered towards the white-clothed boy.

"Damn! Who else in the world has this ability except you, Li Qingshan!?"

"Is it true that anyone can take away Lao Tzu's sword casually!?"

"Li Qingshan, stop making excuses! I think you just want to start a war!"

"I'm going to gather my disciples now, and I'll kill you on Qingshan in a few days!"

Don't say others don't believe it.

Even the disciples of Qingshan Sword Sect couldn't help shaking their heads.


Men have to be brave!

Isn't it just a war?

Why are the disciples of the Sword Sect so afraid!?

Besides, when you were young, you were very tough!

We've all heard it.

Your mantra is only one sentence.

"Do you want to die?"

Why is it so inked now?

The boy in white must not be able to hear the voice of his disciple.

Otherwise, I'm afraid today will be the day to clean up the door.

As for the roaring sound...

The wry smile on the boy's face spread completely.

"Even my God Killer has been confiscated, do I have to lie to you?"

While talking, the boy in white looked up at the sky.

His eyes were full of helplessness.

But there was a trace of fear mixed with the helplessness.

What power took away his sword he did not know.

But he knew that he had exhausted all means, but he couldn't keep his sword.

The boy in white cannot see Su Chen, but Su Chen can see Shaohui in white.

And he looked up at the sky.

Su Chen happened to be intertwined with his gaze.

Just one glance made Su Chen almost lose his mind.

This kind of strength is simply beyond Su Chen's reach.

Withdrawing his gaze from the plane of space, Su Chen looked at Sun Xiaowei with lingering fear.

At this time, Sun Xiaowei was manipulating those spirit swords with great interest.

Every sword passing over the mountain wall can leave a ten-foot-deep sword mark

That is to say, there are no people within a radius of ten miles.

Otherwise, you will definitely be shocked by this scene!

Meanwhile, Su Chen's gaze was now on a black and red long sword engraved with strange patterns.

When other spirit swords approached this sword.

The blade will tremble uncontrollably.

And if you can't get close, you will definitely not get close.

Su Chen guessed that this should be the god kill that the boy in white was talking about.

"Hey, if you close the plane space, don't return these swords!"

"Wouldn't that be more than seven chances to summon the spirit sword?"

At this moment, Su Chen suddenly thought of it.

Although he can't control these terrifying spirit swords.

But Sun Xiaowei can do it!

And he didn't have to worry about Sun Xiaowei betraying him at all.

After all, the power of the plane has a 24-hour time limit.

Although he couldn't summon the spirit sword from the plane space.

But you can use the plane space to summon the spirit sword back!

after a day.

He only needs to send these swords to a certain top-level space at random!

Thinking of this, Su Chen thinks he can give it a try!

Licking his lips, Su Chen began to activate the power of the plane.

Immediately afterwards, the space channel in front of him began to slowly close.

But at this moment.

Su Chen stared at the space around Sun Xiaowei, and suddenly his scalp became numb.

Then he activated the summoning power of the plane ability without hesitation!

The spirit swords hovering around Sun Xiaowei.

Immediately they all returned to that top plane.


After doing all this.

Su Chen let out a long breath with lingering fear.

And Sun Xiaowei sat down on the ground.

He looked at Su Chen in bewilderment.

"Big brother! What happened just now!?"

"Why do I feel like the whole space is going to be shattered!?"

Hearing this, Su Chen turned his head and looked around Sun Xiaowei.

Where those spirit swords stood before.

The space is clearly showing signs of breaking.

That's why Su Chen sent all those spirit swords back without hesitation.

If the space once broken.

Then he and Xiaowei are afraid that they will all die together.

With Su Chen's current physical strength.

It simply cannot resist the terrifying suction in the space crack.

As for why the space is broken.

Su Chen could also figure it out.

Because those spirit swords are really too powerful!

It's not something they can suppress in this plane of space.

Previously, the space channel was always open.

Because of the intercommunication between the two planes.

The pressure of those spirit swords didn't completely fall on their plane space.

And when that top-level space is about to close.

All the pressure from countless spirit swords fell on the blue star plane.

So the space will naturally be unable to hold on and will break apart!

Su Chen looked at Sun Xiaowei and briefly explained the reason to him.

Sun Xiaowei sighed with pity after hearing this.

"Oh, if only I could control those spirit swords all the time!"

"How about this, brother! Can you send me to that dimension?"

"Anyway, they call me trash here, I might as well go to that plane!"

Sun Xiaowei looked at Su Chen with burning eyes and said.

When Su Chen heard the words, he took two steps forward and came in front of Xiaowei.

He felt that he needed to tell Sun Xiaowei first.

"First, there is no way for people to pass through the space channel."

"Second, I can only activate the plane ability seven times! After seven times, we have no chance to cooperate!"

"Oh, that's right. It's already been activated once! Now we only have six chances left."

"If you want to become stronger and stop people calling you trash. Then I suggest that we use these six opportunities in the beast realm."

"If you want to act aggressive in front of others, then just pretend that nothing happened just now.

"When I didn't show up."

After speaking, Su Chen looked straight into Sun Xiaowei's eyes.

He needs to know Sun Xiaowei's true inner thoughts.

And Sun Xiaowei didn't expect Su Chen to tell him so much all at once.

After some digestion.

Sun Xiaowei immediately patted his chest and said:

"Brother, I will listen to you!"

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even know how awesome my abilities are!"

"Although there are still six chances left, it is enough for me, Xiaowei, to be proud for the rest of my life!"

Su Chen nodded upon hearing this.

"Well, at eight o'clock tonight, we will enter the beast realm and use up the remaining six opportunities!"

"You wait for me in front of the beast tower."

"The connection code is..."

Su Chen took what he had told Chen Daqiang.

I explained it to Sun Xiaowei again.

Then rest and say something.

But suddenly felt a group of people approaching here quickly.

Frowning slightly, Su Chen turned his head and looked to the side.

Could it be that there was too much movement just now?

Was it noticed by some sensitive supernatural beings?

A moment later, under Su Chen's gaze.

Several vans finally appeared in his sight.

But looking at the big characters on the side of the van.

The expression on Su Chen's face couldn't help but be taken aback.

Dragon Kingdom National Museum?

He glanced at the vans again.

After confirming that they are heading this way at a high speed.

Su Chen then looked back at Sun Xiaowei.

Looking at Sun Xiaowei with an embarrassed look on his face.

Su Chen thought of something.

Then he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

Ten seconds later, those vans finally stopped in front of the two with a sudden brake.

Then an old man with gray hair jumped out of the car.

While running towards Sun Xiaowei, while spitting stars flying all over the sky:

"Sun Xiaowei! How many times is this the first time!?"

"I beg you, my old man, can't you!?"

"Stop tossing Goujian sword, can you please!?"

"This time we added an eight-layer safety wall, but you still got it out!"

"If Goujian's sword is broken, my old man will fight you desperately!"

The old man walked up to Sun Xiaowei aggressively.

It's like eating his mind.

Seeing this, Sun Xiaowei hastily apologized with a resentful smile:

"Professor Zhao, don't be angry, don't be angry!"

"Goujianjian is not good!"

As soon as Sun Xiaowei said that, he wanted to hand the Goujian sword to the old man.

But when he manipulated the Thousand Thousand Spirit Sword earlier.

I didn't know where to throw Goujian sword.


He smiled at Professor Zhao.

Sun Xiaowei hurriedly turned left and right to search for it.

"Hey, where's the sword!"

"I clearly remember it and put it here!"

"The Goujian sword is so precious, I must put it away properly!"

Su Chen at the side watched Sun Xiaowei search blindly.

Immediately couldn't help but shook his head.

Previously, the sword was not in Sun Xiaowei's hand, but in Su Chen's.

Because of the critical situation of opening the space channel several times.

Su Chen conveniently put the sword behind the big tree.

It was covered by weeds at the moment, so naturally Sun Xiaowei couldn't find it.

"But what is this guy's ability for?"

Su Chen pouted slightly.

Sun Xiaowei is really timid.

When I met such an old man, I was so frightened.

Do you still want to be sent to that top-level space?

It's a murderous place.

The world of immortals is the most ruthless.

Sun Xiaowei didn't even know why he was slaughtered there.

Although he has the ability to control the sword.

But Su Chen guessed that the ancestor of Jianzong didn't use a sword at all.

Sun Xiaowei can be crushed to death with just one finger.

Even if he has Mantian Lingjian, he is definitely not the enemy of the ancestor of the sword sect.

The reason why the ancestor of the sword sect looked at the sky with fear.

It's just that he is afraid of the power that can snatch the spirit sword from his hand.

And this power can only be used in the matter of grabbing the spirit sword itself.

It is impossible for Sun Xiaowei to use it!


Thinking of this, Su Chen's eyes suddenly became enlightened.

Before, he always thought that supernatural power was a kind of power beyond the law.

It is a power that some cultivators are completely unable to resist.

But now Su Chen suddenly reacted.

The power of supernatural power may not be a power beyond the law.


It itself is a force of law!!?

Su Chen's thoughts were pulled to infinity in an instant.

It was as if he had entered a level he had never thought of before.

But just when Su Chen was going to catch this ray of inspiration and think deeply.

A voice suddenly interrupted Su Chen's thoughts.

"There's the sword!"

Su Chen came back to his senses with some annoyance, and then glanced at the person next to him.

Several people in uniform got out of the car with the old man.

Some of them are security guards of the museum, and some are people from the National Security Bureau.

At this moment, the speaker was wearing neither the clothes of the security guard nor the clothes of the National Security Bureau.

It is a navy blue suit without any logo.

But Su Chen doesn't care who he is.

Suddenly interrupting Su Chen's thoughts made Su Chen very upset.

Looking away at the man, Su Chen also unabashedly released his displeasure.

Wow! Really here!"

"Brother, your eyes are really good!"

Sun Xiaowei ran under the big tree, touched it a few times and took out the Goujian sword.

But the young man with flat hair listened to Sun Xiaowei's compliment, but he snorted coldly:

"Although the law on supernatural beings has not yet been introduced.

"But don't think we can't do anything about you!"

"If you use your ability to summon Gou Jian Jian away again, I guarantee you will end up well!"

Sun Xiaowei hurriedly confessed when he heard the words:

"I promise not to summon Goujian Sword again!"

"I assure the people and the government!"

The crew cut youth looked at Sun Xiaowei and snorted again.

Then he suddenly turned his head to look at Su Chen.

"There was a fierce battle here before."

"The residual prestige in the air is still strong!"

"Sun Xiaowei naturally doesn't have this ability."

"Is this fluctuation related to you?"

Listening to the questioning voice of the flat-headed youth.

Su Chen couldn't help but chuckle slightly in his heart.

He could still feel the residual wave of the Thousand Thousand Spirit Sword?

Is this also a supernatural power?

Su Chen tried it carefully.

Even his perception couldn't feel the wave of the spirit sword that had dissipated long ago.

But this young man saw it all at once?

"No, it shouldn't be obvious!"

Su Chen looked at the twitching nose of the young man with flat hair, and suddenly reacted.

"Isn't this guy's ability the sense of smell?"

"Dog nose?"

"No wonder you can find things so well!"

"I'm afraid it's the dog's nose that was able to find Goujian sword all the way here!"

The crew-haired youth looked at Su Chen and didn't answer his words at all.

The frown suddenly deepened.

Of course, this meant that he didn't know what Su Chen was thinking.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he would have gone berserk long ago.

"I warn you too!"

"Although I don't feel the smell of blood here!"

"But if you casually use abilities to hurt people or even kill people, your end will be miserable!"

The flat-headed youth said with a cold face.

Su Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

He didn't blame the crew cut youth for interrupting his thoughts.

This young man with a flat head actually warned him first?

If so, Su Chen directly opened his mouth and said:

"Didn't you feel the smell of blood?"

"I think you sniffed it out with a nose sharper than a dog's?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, the veins on the forehead of the flat-headed youth popped up suddenly!

Then he reached out and grabbed Su Chen's collar.

"If you have the guts, say it again!"

Su Chen pursed his lips, and his chest tightened slightly.


The body of the flat-headed youth flew upside down in an instant.

A person with only a keen sense of smell.

Whenever Su Chen moves 197's hands and feet, it is considered bullying him.

At this time, the dozen or so people who came with the young man with flat hair all looked at Su Chen warily.

They didn't see Su Chen move at all before.

The flat-headed young man named Wang Hu flew upside down!

No matter what Su Chen's ability is.

It must be something they can't deal with with their fists.

So a dozen men in uniform drew pistols from their belts at the same time.

On Su Chen!

"Stand still and don't move!"

Su Chen glanced at the dozen or so pistols facing him around him.

There was a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

Unless it's a heavy weapon, it's like tickling him.

Even his power spread outside his body.

The bullets did not touch his skin at all.

"Follow me back to investigate!"

"I now suspect that you have violent tendencies!"

"It's dangerous for someone like you to have powerful abilities!"

After Wang Hu got up from the ground, he looked at Su Chen with a livid face and said.

But that's why Su Chen didn't use any force at all.

Otherwise, it would be a miracle that he could get up from the ground.

"Oh? Then what if I don't go back with you?"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows and said with a dangerous look on his face.

Hearing this, Wang Hu raised his gun and aimed it straight at Su Chen's forehead.

"If you arrest for disobedience, I have the right to enforce it!"

Su Chen licked his lips, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face.

This is really forcing him to do it!

"Brother, don't, don't be impulsive! This is a person from the country!"

"Not far away, there are many soldiers in the Second Ability School!"

"Brother, think twice!"

Seeing that Su Chen was going to do something to these people, Sun Xiaowei hurriedly stopped him.

After hearing Sun Xiaowei's words, Su Chen suddenly patted his forehead.

He said it seemed that something important had been forgotten.

Things that were too immersed in the top plane before.

I almost forgot about applying for the supernatural school.

"I don't have time to play with you today."

Su Chen looked at Wang Hu and curled his lips, then his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Wang Hu and the others were stunned for a moment, and hurriedly searched left and right.

When they caught Su Chen's figure again.

Su Chen had already rushed out several hundred meters away, leaving only a shadow behind them.

"Brother Hu, are we still chasing him?"

Several young people in uniforms looked at Su Chen's back, swallowed and said.

"Chasing! He can't run away with me!"

Wang Hu twitched his nose, took the lead and chased after him.

But has his IQ been turned negative by anger?

Relying on the strength that Su Chen showed just now.

He caught up with the dog's nose, so what?

When Su Chen rushed to the second supernatural school at full speed.

The Second Ability School was already very lively.

Because Su Chen stayed there for too long.

The admissions exam has already come to an end.

The 30,000 selected students stood on the high platform, receiving congratulations from the audience.

Especially around a dozen or so teenagers and girls, a large crowd gathered around them.

Obviously, these teenagers and girls are all the best in the previous ability selection test.

"Girl, is the little guy you mentioned not coming?"

At this time, in a slightly quiet corner under the stage.

An old man with a kind smile on his face asked.

And standing next to the old man was the ponytail girl who had met Su Chen before.

"Grandpa, he is willing to come!"

"Otherwise why would he appear around here?"

"I can tell you, losing him is definitely a loss for your second supernatural school!"

Zhang Zhenmin looked at his good granddaughter, and couldn't help but fell silent.

Zhang Zhenmin knew what his granddaughter was capable of.

The person she fancy can never go wrong.


"Now that 30,000 candidates have been selected, my old man can't violate the above regulations!"

"Even if he shows up now, I won't be able to recruit him.

The ponytail girl looked at her grandfather, and suddenly said with burning eyes:

"What if his attack can reach level seven?"

Zhang Zhenmin's eyes widened when he heard this!

"Level 7!? How is this possible!"

"Do you know how huge the attack energy is?"

The ponytail girl gave the old man a white look, and then pouted slightly.

It seemed that he was very dissatisfied with the old man's questioning.

Seeing his granddaughter's expression, Zhang Zhenming suddenly burst out laughing.

Xinxin, I'm getting confused. "

"Grandpa knows that you can see through the energy output rate of all organisms."

"But is his power really that strong?"

The ponytail girl gave the old man another look.

Then he stretched out his hand and pointed to the east.

"You supervised the construction of the Fourth Military Region back then, right?"

"He stomped on the cobblestone road you worked so hard to pave."

"And it's stepped on and sunk in by 20 centimeters!"

Zhang Zhenmin shook his head and smiled when he heard this.

"That slate is indeed a strategic slate, and it was the last barrier of the previous Demon City.

"It can be stepped on to a depth of 20 centimeters, and its strength is far worse than level seven."

The ponytail was short and white again and gave the old man a look.

"Did I say that he is already his full output power?"

Zhang Zhenmin's expression froze for a moment.

Then he looked at his good granddaughter full of desire for knowledge.

Seeing this, the ponytail girl didn't hold back anymore.

Stretched out two slender fingers and said:

"His kick only used 20% of his strength."

Looking at his good granddaughter, Zhang Zhenming rubbed his ears again.

After making sure he heard correctly, Zhang Zhenming was finally moved!

But at this moment, a shout suddenly sounded from not far away.

"Dean Zhang, now we need you to distribute school badges to the new students with supernatural powers!"

"Hurry up and get ready to go on stage!"

Zhang Zhenming glanced at the assistant not far away.

Then he looked at his good granddaughter with hesitation.

"Xinxin, once the school seal is issued, it cannot be changed."

"Even level seven strengths have to be applied layer by layer."

"But if he comes, you must help grandpa keep him!"

"I'll find a way to get him into school!"

After Zhang Zhenmin finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the high platform.

The ponytail girl waved her hand upon hearing this.

Then she looked in the direction of the school gate with some upset.

Is the old guy crazy?

Let her keep Su Chen?

How can she keep such a small body?

But at this moment, the ponytail girl's sight suddenly froze in a certain direction.

Immediately, a bright smile bloomed on her face.

"Grandpa, he's here."

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