Chapter 7 Shadow

[Congratulations to the host for signing in successfully and getting basic rewards, psionic value +100, mental energy +100, physique +100, comprehension +10, foundation +10, luck +10...]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering special rewards and obtaining special items: fatal blow*1. 】

Mo Yun looked overjoyed when he heard the system prompt.

"A special reward has been signed in again?"

"Special props...a fatal blow?"

Soon, the detailed introduction of the fatal blow was displayed on the virtual panel.

[Critical Strike: Active skill, single damage, after use, it can create a one-hit kill effect on the selected object. 】

Looking at this message, Mo Yun was stunned, and slowly spit out two words: "Niu Bian——"

After thinking about it, Mo Yun's communication system: "This fatal blow is to ignore any level, is it effective no matter how strong the opponent is?"

[Back to the host, the fatal blow ignores any Cultivation Base level, regardless of any defense level, as long as it is locked, it will instantly die, and the death will disappear. 】

[Reminder: Special props are equivalent to a one-time card, which disappears immediately after use, and has a certain chance to sign in repeatedly. 】

Hearing this reply, Mo Yun nodded in satisfaction.

Although it was a one-off, it was pretty good, and his safety was somewhat guaranteed.

After all, he couldn't really stay in the Invincible Realm and never get out.

Like before, he went to the logistics office twice in order to exchange the calcined body fluid.

There must be some time to go out in the future.

At that time, it is uncertain what will happen.

Although Jiangnan Wuhan University is very safe, there is no absolute in everything. If you are unlucky, anything can happen.

In case the terrifying abnormality of Cultivation Base sneaks into the school and wants to do something bad, he happens to be hit by Mo Yun. With his Cultivation Base, most of it will be cold...

Now that he had a fatal blow, Mo Yun was more relieved.

"At least there is a means to save lives."

"But it's not enough. It would be even better if we had a few more special items like this."

"Don't worry, there will definitely be similar special items in the future, but I don't know the probability of shipment."

Mo Yun shook his head, no longer thinking about it.

Looking at the time, Mo Yun felt a little hungry, so he turned on the phone and ordered a supper.

"The cultivation of Vajra at night was too bad, it consumes too much, and I obviously ate a lot for dinner, and now I am hungry again..."

Mo Yun smiled and clicked on the beep station to watch the video.

Bluestar's video website is a bit different, although there are still some of them for entertainment.

But in general, there are more videos about Martial Dao cultivation to this kind of science.

There are many Practitioners sharing cultivation experience and recording martial arts videos.

Of course, Mo Yun didn't look at these.

He watched the video just to pass the time and to be happy.

He doesn't like it, he doesn't collect it, and he doesn't put coins.

Nothing else, white prostitution is the happiest.

He has accumulated 2333 coins.

However, before watching a video, Mo Yun frowned and looked out the window intently.

Next second.

There was a snap.

A figure in black clothes and black trousers, wearing a black mask, fell and fell heavily on his balcony.

The black figure oozes blood, the breath is very weak, lying motionless on the balcony.

Obviously, this person was seriously injured.

Mo Yun raised his brows and walked over slowly.

Looking at the man in black who was venting more and less air, Mo Yun was a little speechless.

He was familiar with the breath of the man in black.

During the day when Li Galaxy Cluster was still here, this breath passed through the invincible Realm.

Mo Yun thought this guy was just passing by, and didn't take care of it.

Unexpectedly, it appeared again now.

"In the middle of the night, dressed like this is not a good person at first sight."

Mo Yun frowned.

Although in Invincible Realm, he is the master.

But he didn't want to be tainted with unnecessary trouble.


This guy is in trouble right now.

It is impossible to save.

Not a relative or a cause.

It's not bad if you don't make up the knife.

Thinking of this, Mo Yun's eyes lit up and said seriously: "Why don't you quietly make up a knife and throw it out?"

However, as soon as Mo Yun finished saying this, the man in black on the ground convulsed.

Then, a weak and difficult voice came out.

"Don't, don't... don't kill me, I, I, I'm from the shadows..."

After speaking, the man in black spouted blood and fainted completely as soon as his head tilted.

Mo Yun: "..."


Mo Yun frowned, activated the Eye of True Knowledge, and glanced at the man in black.

[Liu Xiyan, the shadow gold medal assassin, has the best Martial Dao talent, a rare cultivation genius. 】

[The sixth rank pinnacle Practitioner, good at assassination, disguise and disguise, looks indifferent on the outside, but in fact kind-hearted, cold on the outside and hot on the inside. Severely injured, the breath of life is weak. 】

"Shadow man?"

Mo Yun was surprised, and stared at the man in black again.

If it's other people, he must be too lazy to control, even if he doesn't make up the knife, he will throw them out and let them fend for themselves.

But the man in black in front of him can't.

Because the other party is from the shadow.

Shadow is an official organization, affiliated to the Suppressor Division.

The Demon Division is the main force stationed at the human base to resist the invasion of demon.

It is no exaggeration to say that without the Summon Division, there would be no Blue Star today.

Without the Suppression of Demon on the front line, the current human race would not know what the chaos would be.

Still want to watch TV and play mobile phones at home?


It's not bad to be regarded as a ration by demon.

Mo Yun knew very well that they were able to live a stable life, relying on the devil's head and blood.

And Shadow is one of the most powerful departments in the Suppression Demon Division.

Good at raids and assassinations, can take the leader of demon among thousands of troops.

Mo Yun knew that no matter which world he was in.

The so-called quiet and good years are only because someone is carrying the weight for us.

Therefore, people must be saved.

Mo Yun stepped forward, picked up the man in black, and put it in the living room.

After thinking about it, Mo Yun walked into the bedroom again and took out a cushion and blanket.

Then, he ran into the storage room and found a few bottles of Healing Medicine Pill through the boxes and cabinets.

Finally, he opened the mouth of the man in black, and regardless of whether she was eating or not, he poured out a few Medicine Pill and stuffed it.

Miraculously, as soon as Medicine Pill entered, the man in black swallowed it instinctively.

"The desire to survive is really strong..."

Mo Yun covered his forehead.

These Medicine Pills were left by his parents. They have been put on for several years, and I don't know if they have expired.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s overdue and you won’t be able to eat it.

Besides, Mo Yun has no other healing Medicine Pill.

At night now, there is nowhere to find Medicine Pill for her to heal her injuries.

Let the dead horse be a living horse doctor.

After setting everything up, he checked the injury of the man in black and was taken aback.

"The internal organs have shifted, most of the Meridians are broken, and several kinds of poison are still in their bodies..."

"It's not dead?"

"And, looking at her, after swallowing Medicine Pill, the injury seems to be repairing quickly?"

"Niu Bian..."

"Does it belong to Xiaoqiang?"

Mo Yun spit out a few words, and at the same time he was relieved.

At least according to the current situation, the person in black will not be in danger of life.

At this moment, Mo Yun frowned.

There is a breath of Practitioner.

(Ps: What are the recommended tickets for collection?)

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