I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 116:

"Looking for death!"

Anger flooded into Inanna's heart again. She was already furious because of the marriage proposal. Now this 'old hatred' jumped out of her own accord and attacked her again!

It's simply a dead end!

The angry Inanna drove the Tianzhou Ma Anna, turned into a golden streamer, and chased the fleeing white dove.

The Garden of Babylon is the highest place in the Kingdom of Babylon. Semiramis located in the Garden of Babylon can clearly see Inanna who turned into a golden streamer and left.

Looking at the golden streamer, Semiramis, who was pursing her cherry lips, clenched her jade hand slightly. She was worried about the white dove, worried that it would be smashed into pieces by the angry Inanna, but it was a fait accompli, then she It's pointless to worry here.

"I can't let the dove's adventure go to waste." Semiramis resolutely came to the huge lapis lazuli jade in the Garden of Babylon.

This is a gift that Qiye prepared for his mother, and it is also a console that can control eleven lapis lazuli tablets.

Semiramis pressed his jade hand on the huge lapis lazuli jade, and then mobilized the magic in his body, poured it into the lapis lazuli gem, and activated it.

At this time, the golden-eyed lion Lamasu approached and asked cautiously, "Your Majesty, don't you plan to send me out to fight?"

Semiramis glanced at the lioness, "Can you beat a bull?"

"Uh... I shouldn't be able to beat it." The golden-eyed lion Lamasu said very honestly.

No, it should be absolutely right.

"You can't beat the bull of the sky, and you can't run as fast as a white pigeon. Do I let you go out and die? And you're pregnant now, and it's not just you who died, but also the child in your belly." Semirami Si withdrew his gaze from the golden-eyed lion Lamasu.

Hmm... The golden-eyed lion Lamasu is pregnant.

Chapter 260 Chapter 153 Semiramis What are you doing! 【six】

Lamasu, the golden-eyed lion who has been staying in the Garden of Babylon, is pregnant... But there is only one male in the Garden of Babylon.

That is Seven Nights.

Could it be that Qiye has such a heavy taste...

Ahem, that's not actually the case. The reason why the golden-eyed lion Lamasu got pregnant was not because of Qiye.

The way this lioness conceived was very subtle and novel.

Because Lamasu's pregnancy is different from that of other animals, it doesn't need a mate... It has the magical power of 'self-pregnancy'.

So you don't need a spouse to get pregnant!

On a night full of stars, the golden-eyed lion Lamasu in the Garden of Babylon stared at the bright stars, and then used this power to make himself pregnant.

Now the golden-eyed lion is located in an extremely safe and comfortable environment, not the desert rock it used to be.

Now that it has a safe shelter [Babylonian Garden] and enough food, and the Lamasu clan is left with only it and the cub, Rama, it begins to conceive itself, spreading the branches of the race. leaf.

"But now you are in danger. If I don't help, I will always feel sorry."

"Really, then you go to my daughter Decoduo and help me protect her. If I don't smash the bull of the sky, the bull of the sky will probably rush over to the kingdom of Babylon." Semiela Mies said.

"Okay." The golden-eyed lion Lamasu walked towards a certain place in the Garden of Babylon, where Seven Nights and Semiramis' daughter Decoduo lay sleeping among the flowers in the Garden of Babylon.

As the princess of the Kingdom of Babylon, Deketo lay in the midst of the flowers and slept without any image, and the cute baby's fat face showed a very peaceful atmosphere because she was asleep.

The sleeping Decade was still holding the cub Rama, who was resting sweetly just like Decade.

When the golden-eyed lion Lamasu looked at such a lovely Decoto and the lion cub, its golden lion eyes could not help softening.

"When these two little guys fell asleep, they were really cute."

In other words, when Decade and the cub Rama were awake, they were both unlovable existences because they were too noisy.

As Semiramis poured his magic power into the lapis lazuli gems in Babylon Garden, the eleven lapis lazuli clay tablets began to behave strangely.

rumbling rumbling...

Slight vibrations came from the walls of Babylon. There were eleven vibrations in total. The Babylonians, who were sensitive to the bulls in the sky, looked around in panic, trying to see what caused these vibrations. of.

"Look! The wall over there is rising!" A sharp-eyed Babylonian hurriedly pointed to the Babylonian wall, and the others subconsciously looked in the direction he pointed.

Yes, the walls of Babylon rose, but not all of them rose, only one wall rose.

No... a total of eleven walls have risen!

All eleven celestite clay tablets rose up, and as they rose up, the clay blocks that concealed their existence began to fall off, revealing the jade-like celestite clay tablets.

Under the astonished eyes of the Babylonian residents, these lapis lazuli slabs slowly rose to the sky, and the bright sunlight shone on the surface of these lapis lazuli slabs, causing them to bloom with an incomparably beautiful halo of gems.

"It's so beautiful..." The people in the Kingdom of Babylon looked at the celestite slabs rising into the sky, and these lapis lazuli slabs, under the control of Semiramis, flew to the sky. direction of the bull.

Some guys with ulterior motives followed the lapis lazuli slabs that flew out, but the gates of the city walls of Babylon had already been closed by Itisha's order, and the people in the city could not leave the Kingdom of Babylon now.

Looking at the Babylonian soldiers guarding the gates of the city, those people stopped angrily.

There are a total of eleven lapis lazuli slabs. Under the sunlight, they exude a dazzling and dazzling beautiful halo. Because of their huge size, they have a full sense of existence.

So Seven Nights on the Golden Ark also saw this situation.

The flying speed of the Golden Ark is no less than that of Inanna's Heavenly Ark, Ma Anna. After all, this Golden Ark is the throne of the Goddess Ningsong, so the three of them flew from the Cedar Forest to the Kingdom of Babylon extremely quickly in Qiye.

Seeing the eleven lapis lazuli slabs flying towards the Bull of the Sky, Qiye frowned immediately. He took out the communication stone to contact Semiramis, and said to Gilgamesh.

"Jill, don't fly into the kingdom of Babylon, we'll stay outside here, Semiramis, she didn't know why she ignored my instructions and used the lapis lazuli plate when we didn't come back."

"Okay." Gilgamesh immediately stopped the high-speed flying golden ark.

The Golden Ark, which was flying at super high speed, suddenly stopped, and it stopped steadily.

The stop of the Golden Ark is not a slow deceleration, and then a slow stop, which is very magical.

The communication stone that Semiramis was holding lit up again, and she connected the communication this time while controlling the console of the lapis lazuli plate [lapis lazuli gem].

"Semiramis! What are you doing! Semiramis!"

The voice of Qiye burst out from the communication stone. His voice made Semiramis look away with a guilty conscience. At the same time, it also woke up the sleeping Decade.


"I said I didn't do anything. I saw the flying lapis lazuli slabs. Didn't I tell you that I will attack after I come back." Qiye complained with strong helplessness.

"You can see the flying lapis lazuli plate now, so it means that you are back near Babylon, so I attacked, what's the problem?" Semiramis said sophistry.

"...Hey." Qiye sighed.

"I'm sorry." Semiramis apologized.

"You don't need to apologize either, because we've already returned to the vicinity of Babylon, so you can attack, but it's really strange, why isn't Inanna here." Qiye looked at the bull of the sky in confusion in the distance. I didn't feel Inanna's breath from there.

Shouldn't Inanna be there waiting for him to apologize? Why not over there? ?

Hearing Qiye's words full of doubts, Semiramis pretended not to hear his doubts and started to activate the magic cannon of the eleven lapis lazuli plates.

Section 261 Chapter 154 Queen Mother, I think... [seven]

Semiramis was preparing for the lapis lazuli plate attack, and Deketo, who was awakened, came over, holding the cub Rama in one hand, and she pulled La Semiramis' dress.

When Semiramis looked down, Deketo said slyly, "Mother, the father's voice was super loud just now, you annoyed the father just now, so the father thinks he likes it the most. It's me Decade."

"Really, but you annoyed your father more times than me, so your father's favorite person is still me." Semiramis rolled his eyes at the daughter who competed with him for seven nights.

"If you don't have a serious business to ask for me, just stay there. Now that the Babylonian kingdom is facing a crisis, don't come to disturb me."

"Is that the golden bull?" Decade pointed to the bull of the sky in the distance and said.

"That's right." Semiramis nodded.

Decade, who was holding the cub Mary, looked at the bull in the sky in the distance. She opened her mouth and said, "Queen Mother, I think..."

"Don't even think about it, that divine beast can't be tamed to become your mount, give up." Semiramis directly interrupted Decade's words.

"They didn't even say anything." Decade pouted slightly.

"Don't you want to make that very powerful and terrifying divine beast a mount?"

"That's right..."

"So I'll let you give up, don't think about it."

Once upon a time, when Qiye wanted to eat pigeon milk, Semiramis interrupted him like this. It seems that Semiramis not only knew what Qiye was thinking, but also knew exactly what his daughter was thinking. what.

As expected of Semiramis~

With the activation of Semiramis, the eleven lapis lazuli slabs began to operate, and the magic circle engraved on the lapis lazuli slabs was touched.

The pattern of the magic circle, like a canal flowing through water, quickly filled up and shone, and a strong and strong magic energy burst out from the eleven celestite slabs.

The Bull of Heaven felt uneasy from these magical auras. It lifted its huge head, and the horns made of lapis lazuli began to bloom with deep purple lightning.

Although Inanna, who controls the bull of the sky, is not here, and the bull of the sky has no orders to act, but it is not a wooden puppet without wisdom. When it encounters danger, it will attack and counterattack.

So the bull of the sky wants to destroy the eleven lapis lazuli slabs ahead that give it a sense of unease!

With the deep purple thunder and lightning bursting out of the celestial horns of the Bull of the Sky, the clouds above it began to rotate, as if they had encountered a storm.

A cloud vortex with a diameter of several hundred meters was formed, and the purple electricity in the cloud layer rumbled and shone, exuding a suffocating sense of coercion.

Lightning is the weapon of the gods and the symbol of the gods.

Therefore, the sudden change of thunder and dark clouds in the distant sky made everyone in the Kingdom of Babylon feel timid.

Qiye stared at the bull in the sky. He knew what it wanted to do. It was nothing more than wanting to destroy the lapis lazuli slabs before they attacked it.

"What an amazing divine power, is this the strongest divine beast in Mesopotamia? Unfortunately, the power of this king is gone, and eight strange winds cannot be summoned to seal its power." Gilgamesh said with a sigh.

"Then I'll stop it when I go, Jill and Enkidu, you two, just follow suit." After Qiye finished speaking, he jumped off the golden ark directly.

Although Qiye can also control the chain of the earth in the air, he can only exert his most complete power when he steps on the earth or is in running water.

Enkidu looked at Qiye, who had already landed in the ground, then looked at Gilgamesh and said, "Gill, can we just watch now?"

"That's right, Qiye is going to stop the bull of the sky from destroying those celestial slabs. If those lapis lazuli slabs can't kill the bull of the sky, it will be our turn to play."

With a grin, Gilgamesh took out the Deviance Sword from Uruk's treasury, "Actually, this king hopes that this divine beast can resist the magic cannon of the lapis lazuli plate, because in this case, this king will You can use it to test the power of the Deviance Sword."

"I hope those lapis lazuli slabs can solve the bull of the sky smoothly, so that we don't need to risk fighting the bull of the sky." said Enkidu, who did not have a strong fighting spirit.

Although Enki is a weapon made by God, he hates fighting more than anyone else and hates losing his life.

After Qiye landed on the earth, he melted into the earth like raindrops falling into the river, and then passed through the dark river under the earth, and quickly approached the direction of the bull in the sky.

If it was in the river, Qiye's speed would not be slower than Gilgamesh's golden ark, but the underground dark rivers crisscrossed each other, making him unable to move straight towards the bull in the sky.

However, Qiye arrived at this battlefield before the bull of the sky attacked the celestial plate.


Qiye, who broke out of the ground, smashed the ground with a ruthless punch.


The barren earth that was subjected to the power of the bull of the sky shook instantly, and huge cracks opened. These terrifying cracks like an abyss spread wildly from the Qiye side to the bull of the sky.

The bull of the sky, who was preparing for the thunder and lightning, was staggering. The cracked earth made it unsteady, and then thousands of earth chains shot out from the cracked earth abyss.

These earth chains danced like snakes, swiftly winding up the body of the Heavenly Bull, and finally entangled in its pair of celestial horns.

Gilgamesh and Enkidu stared at the battlefield from a distance, and they were surprised by the earth chain that Nanye used this time.

Because the earth chain used by Seven Nights this time is not as dark as mud, but as shiny as the sun shines on the surface of a lake.

It's a silvery white light.

"Silver radiant chains? It feels weaker than black chains." Enkidu muttered to himself. He was also able to control the earth, and he could sense the abnormality of the earth chains that Qiye used this time.

This time, the earth chain used by Seven Nights will show a shimmering silver color, that's because he mixed silver ore.

Qiye has eaten a lot of soil and a lot of ores. He is probably the one who knows the properties and functions of these soils and ores best.

Chapter 262, Chapter 155, Eleven Ex-level Magic Cannons [Eight]

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