I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 146:

"Of course I'm waiting for you to come back. I have something to tell you, come here." Edith took Editha's palm and pulled her into the room.

And Edith's move reminded Edith of something... that was once Kish's Aga encouraged Edith, and then asked Edith to encourage her to assassinate Queen Semiramis and capture the princess Decade, and finally occupied Babylon.

At that time, Edith sneaked her into this room.

After entering this room, Edith said mysteriously, "Edith, here's our chance to take back the kingdom!"

"..." Itisha was taken aback by what her mother said, she pointed to the ground, "Mother, look at what this is."


Just as Edith looked down at the ground that Edith pointed to, Edith raised her head and whistled at the beam above.

The bird that was already asleep was awakened, and then it stuck its head out when it built a nest on the beam.

"Nothing? Itisha, did you point at something just now? And why are you whistling?"

After seeing the bird's head sticking out, Itisha said casually, "I read it wrong just now, you don't need to care why I whistle, now mother, if you want to say something to me, just say it directly. "

...Etisa will listen to her mother after waking up the bird.

The reason is very simple. Now Edith already knows the existence of the white dove and the flock of birds, so she has to wake them up before her mother can say those inexplicable words.

Otherwise, what should she do if she is misunderstood, Edith doesn't want to drink the "poisonous wine" that Semiramis gave her.

Edith, who suppressed her excitement, said, "Listen, after the king of Babylon decided to evacuate with the residents, I received a letter from your father, the kingdom will soon belong to us!"

"Oh... so that's what it is." Itisha understood.

Because Qiye took everyone away from the Kingdom of Babylon, Aga of Kish felt that his opportunity was coming, so he quickly contacted Edith and decided to make a plan to 'take back' the Kingdom of Babylon again.

"This time the plan is easy to implement, because the Babylonian kingdom has lost its walls, and the Babylonian soldiers will follow the Babylonian king to leave." Edith said excitedly.

"Indeed." Itisa nodded.

After all, the walls of the Babylonian kingdom will soon be removed to build a defense line, and the Babylonian soldiers will follow the Seven Nights to Uruk.

Then the Kingdom of Babylon is an empty city, so of course it would be easy to occupy an empty city.

"But how can we manage such a big kingdom." Itisha said with a worried expression.

As expected, even Semiramis was able to hide her past acting skills. Now Edith believes that she also wants to help her realize her plan to 'retake the Kingdom of Babylon'.

But Edith is not... She just wanted to extract information from Edith, and she didn't cooperate with her thoughts at all.

"That's why we need you, do you know that most of the nobles, priests, and residents who chose to leave the Kingdom of Babylon before have been intercepted by your father, and they have all joined us, as long as we don't Need to worry about no one running the kingdom."

"After that, as long as we use your prestige, those people will manage the kingdom for us, so you should also stay, Edith."

That's why Edith would tell Edith about the plan.

Without Edith, those people might have difficulty obeying orders.

"I see, I understand." Itisha narrowed her eyes, and a vague murderous intent flickered from her eyes.

Traitors must die!

In fact, the reason why those people joined Kish's Aga's team also had an element of persecution in it. They either joined and contributed to the Kingdom of Babylon, or they were killed, and their family members and property were all occupied.

But in Editha's eyes, they are betrayers, no matter what the reason they become.

And Itisha felt that if they had always believed in His Majesty the King, they would not have suffered such a situation, and they would live in peace in Uruk.

It seems that those people have lived in the stable Kingdom of Babylon for a long time, and they have forgotten how **** and cruel the outside world is.

"Even if the king of Babylon and others took everything, food, wealth, livestock, but there is nothing to worry about, because the men of Semiramis can build a prosperous kingdom of Babylon from the ruins, then my man It can also make Babylon like an empty city prosper."

Semiramis, the men in your family can do things, and so can the men in my family!

Itisha glanced at her mother with a confident expression, she turned her head away, and then showed an expression of disgust.

Because Edith was disgusted...

The king that he admires and loves is compared with the kind of villain who abandons his wife and daughter and burns the city. It is too disgusting!

Itisha didn't think Kish's Aga could reproduce the prosperity of the Babylonian kingdom, because she knew very well that the man only exploited and squeezed, and didn't know how to guide people at all.

The thought of Kish's Aga would take the seat of king after they left the Kingdom of Babylon in the seven nights, Itisha couldn't take it anymore, she absolutely couldn't let this happen.

'And this time, isn't it the best chance to solve them, as long as they enter Babylon, then let him have a chance to atone for everyone who died in the fire of Kish. ' Edith thought silently.

Although there is such a good opportunity to deal with Kish's Aga, but Itisha's heart has disappeared because of the joy.

Look at the hope displayed by her mother Edith. Edith is not well. Semiramis has generously let you continue to live before. You are not giving up and continue to work. die.

Well then... let's all die together this time.

In the dead of night, the Babylonian Kingdom was exceptionally cold and quiet on this day. After her mother Edith fell asleep, Edith got up and left the house, heading towards the Babylonian Palace.

Seven Nights is no longer in the Kingdom of Babylon. He left with the Babylonian soldiers who were carrying the Babylonian Wall, and went to the position where the absolute monster front line was established.

Afterwards, Qiye will not return to Babylon, but will go to Uruk to discuss many things with Gilgamesh.

And for the next period of time, Qiye will live on Uruk's side, because the affairs of the Babylonian Kingdom are almost done.

The residents of the Babylonian Kingdom have brought their things and arrived in Uruk, and the Babylonian walls have begun to be dismantled and transported, so the Babylonian Kingdom has ended like this, and now the focus is on arranging to live in Uruk. the inhabitants of Babylon.

Therefore, in the Garden of Babylon, only Semiramis and Decade were left.

Decade stepped on the stairs leading to the Babylonian palace, and she entered the cold palace. As expected, she saw the enchanting and beautiful figure of Semiramis.

Semiramis has been waiting for Edith in the palace, because since Edith reminded the bird on the beam, she will definitely come to look for her.

Light footsteps entered the palace, and Semiramis, who was looking at the moon, turned around. She looked at Itisa who entered the palace, and said softly, "Itisa, to be honest, your mother's The desire for profit is really heavy.”

"Because she has failed all her life." Itisha gave Semiramis a sad smile, "The wealth and food I brought her cannot satisfy her."

Semiramis walked towards Itisha, and she touched her hair lovingly, "That should be because she got it so easily, what do you think."

"Perhaps, you won't cherish what you get easily, but instead become more and more greedy, wanting more..." Itisha whispered.

"Then what do you want to do?" Semiramis asked.

"Your Majesty, I want to ask you something."

Semiramis raised her eyebrows and looked at Itisha who said this. She nodded, "What, if it's not something important, I'll give it to you."

"Poison, a poison that can kill everything." Itisa said something that surprised Semiramis.

Then Semiramis withdrew her palm from Itisha's head, and she said casually, "Then do I need to prepare an antidote for you that can remove the poison that kills everything."

"No, because after you and Her Royal Highness leave, they [Aga of Kish] will rush in. At that time, I will let none of them leave Babylon alive." Iti with deep eyes Sarah said in a low voice.

"Then what about you, is your child already planning to die with them?" Semiramis looked at Itisha and said.

"I am ashamed of you and His Majesty the King. After this incident, I have no face to continue following you, so..."

"So you really plan to die with them." Semiramis sighed helplessly, she said firmly, "You must live, if you die, I will be very distressed, and Qiye will also be very sad. Angry, Decade will be very sad, so come back alive for me."


"Besides, if Qiye knew that you died because of my poison, he would hate me for the rest of his life, so I ordered you to come back alive for me and Qiye."

"Yes." Itisa nodded firmly, and Semiramis showed a delighted smile.

Chapter 316 Chapter Twelve King! You have to apologize to the people of the whole country!

When Qiye came to the gate of the palace of Uruk Kingdom, a large group of people wailed and fled the palace in a hurry. Some of them had clear marks on their faces.

This extremely familiar scene of embarrassment made Qiye show a strange expression, "Could it be that Jill is smoking someone again, shouldn't it?"

Before the Babylonian kingdom began to move, Seven Nights and Gilgamesh told the priests and nobles of Uruk the news of the merger of the Babylonian and Uruk kingdoms.

They all sincerely warmly welcomed, because the sages of Uruk have returned, and they have returned with Babylonian wealth, such as powerful Babylonian soldiers, motivated Babylonian residents, numerous wealth, and so on...

Therefore, Uruk's comprehensive national strength will double in an instant.

So of course they would sincerely welcome the return of the Seven Nights and the incorporation of the Kingdom of Babylon.

In such a welcome situation, what else could make Gilgamesh angrily whip the priests and nobles of Uruk away?

Because there were a lot of people who were pulled out by Gilgamesh with the whip, and they were still wailing, it was very noisy, and Qiye couldn't hear what they were wailing clearly.

Indistinctly heard the mourning words of 'King, how can you do this', 'You are a sinner with great sins'.

"So what bad thing did Gilgamesh do again?" Qiye muttered on the side, and he didn't know who saw Qiye. The nobles were surrounded.

"Lord Sage, you are here at the right time! Hurry up and persuade the king."

"That is to say, he did such a thing, but he has to apologize to the people of the whole country!"

What turks ... The sound of chaos is big, and the seven nights are big. Then there will be a cold and cold sound of the whip, and the Warrk priest and the aristocrats have quickly escaped from the Queen Gong gate.

Now that the wise sage, Qiye, has come over, then everything will be fine!


Looking at the group of people who dispersed, Qiye wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and stepped into the Uruk palace. Gilgamesh just happened to put the whip in his hand into the Uruk treasure house.

"I said, Gil, what did you do? They were so excited, and now they are as excited as you decided to go to the cedar forest for an adventure." Qiye said to Gilgamesh.

"It's nothing. This king just told them about this king's masterpiece and made them die." Gilgamesh shrugged and said.

"Your masterpiece? What masterpiece? And what do you want them to die of?" Qiye said suspiciously.

"Now everyone knows about the disaster of monsters in Mesopotamia. It is because they know the seriousness of this disaster that they pray to the gods all day. This king is impatient and directly separates the gods and humans Tell them what happened, let them die and let the gods come down to save their hearts."

Hearing Gilgamesh's words, Nanye stared blankly at this indifferent Gilgamesh.

"You, you, you... what did you say?! You told these things?! No wonder they are crying and saying that you want to apologize to the people of the whole country!"

Qiye rubbed his aching temples, this Gilgamesh was able to give him something to give him a headache every time, and his ability to cause trouble was comparable to the previous Decade.

"Don't worry, this king didn't say you have a share." Gilgamesh waved his hands and said, "Separating gods and humans is something that this king did alone."

"That's not the point, the point is why did you say such news at this special time..." Nanye said helplessly, walking towards Gilgamesh.

"Because this disaster belongs to the human beings of this era, this king wants to gather the power of human beings in this era, and then let them know that they can resist without the help of the gods, and they will no longer need it in the future. Go and pray to the gods." Gilgamesh said his thoughts.

Gilgamesh didn't break out the news that the gods could no longer reach the human world on a whim, he thought it through.

"Although I agree with your idea, you are too chaotic. Why don't you discuss it with me? We may come up with a better way for humans to abandon their belief in the gods and then believe in their own power." Qiye said helplessly. .

"There is not much time left for us. We have no spare time to waste on such insignificant matters, so cutting the mess with a quick knife is the best way." Gilgamesh beckoned to Qiye, and then signaled He sat down and spoke again.

Qiye sat on his throne in Uruk, and Gilgamesh threw a handful of things to Qiye. It was a golden thing, and at a glance, it was known that it was made of gold.

It fits Gilgamesh's style of giving gifts.

"What is this?" Qiye looked suspiciously at the gold thing Gilgamesh threw into his hand.

Gilgamesh snapped his fingers, and golden ripples emerged from the space in front. He took out the fine wine and the golden goblet and explained to Qiye, "This is the key to the treasure house of this king, Uruk, whose name is 'Key of the King's Law'."

"As long as you hold it, you can open Uruk's treasure house anytime, anywhere, just like this king."

After Gilgamesh, Seven Nights, and Enkidu killed the monster Humbaba, Gilgamesh got the wealth that the gods placed in Humbaba.

Now, Uruk's treasure house can be said to contain 70% to 80% of the treasures in this world.

"But Qiye, getting the key of the king's law cannot absolutely open the Uruk treasure house, because if the person who holds the key does not have the wisdom to interpret it in an instant, even if he has the key, he will not be able to open the Uruk treasure house."

Gilgamesh, who poured the wine by himself, said, and then he said, "What are you talking about, Gil?"

"I mean...you opened?" Gilgamesh, who looked at Qiye, was stunned for a moment, because a golden ripple appeared in front of Qiye. Obviously, Qiye passed the key of the king's law when he was pouring wine just now. Opened Uruk's treasury.

"Hum hum hum ~ As expected of the king's best friend." Gilgamesh grinned, because Qi Ye was able to open Uruk's treasure house, so he was in a good mood and drank the full wine in one breath.

"Hoo~" Gilgamesh breathed out a breath of wine, and then he continued, "Now Uruk's treasury is full of the treasures of the gods and the wealth you have stuffed into the kingdom of Babylon, so this The king intends to change its name, it's called..."

"It's called 'The King's Treasure', what do you think of Qiye?"

"It means the treasure of the king, is that what it means?" Qiye said sideways.

"That's almost what it means." Gilgamesh smiled, and Nanye threw the key of the king's law into the treasure of the king that was opened in front of him.

As long as you use the key of the king's law to open Uruk's treasure house [the treasure of the king] once, when you open it for the second time, you don't need to hold it, you can open it with a thought.

"Why do you suddenly want to give me this, Jill?"

"After all, you said that you threw all the things that Babylon brought into Uruk's treasury. This king thinks that you should also have the power to open Uruk's treasury." Gilgamesh explained, But Qiye squinted at him.

"Tsk, Qiye, are you Semiramis, you like to look sideways at me." Gilgamesh smacked his lips, and he said frankly, "Yes, this king gave you the key to the king's law, so that you can gain the power to open it. , and not just because your stuff fills Uruk's treasury."

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