I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 199:

But Edith doesn't need to spend a lot of time, she only needs a few knives.

The golems formed by the broken consciousness of Mount Abeev raised their heavy rock arms, ready to smash the approaching Itisha to death.

The magic power rolled out from the golem, and the arm blessed by the magic power smashed down towards Itiza fiercely.

This huge body and the surging magic make their golems look very terrifying.

Faced with an attack that was enough to smash the ground, itiza with a cold face did not dodge, as if she was frightened, or... she did not take this level of attack seriously.

Itisha, holding the recurve blade in both hands, stared at the huge arm smashed by the golem, she tossed her body lightly, avoided it calmly, and then waved the recurve blade in her hand.


The recurve blade that Itiza swung out was very fast, and Fujimaru Rika, who was staring at her with a tensed heart, could only see a dark afterimage.

The recurve blade that she swung out was like a jet-black streamer, and it slid across the arm of the golem in an instant, and then her body flashed one after another, and finally came behind the golem.

Now, with her back to the golem, Edith continued to stare at the two golems running in front of her.

With her recurve blade hanging down, Itisha had no intention of turning her head to look at the enemy she had chopped into pieces.

Enigmatic confidence as if a real man never looked back at the explosion.

Matthew came here, and she looked at the golem in surprise, because this golem was like death, and there was no magic aura anymore.

The golem, constructed from pitch-black rock, was cut into several pieces, and then fell 'crashing', and then turned into a pile of shattered rubble on the ground.

"So strong." Medusa Lily, who took out the blade of slaughtering undead, couldn't help but exclaimed softly.

"Yeah, don't look at Edith like this, she is very strong." Qiye said with a proud tone, how to say Edith can be regarded as a big child he saw since he was a child, can have such a strong fighting power, He is also proud.

Matthew joined the battlefield. With her restraint, Itisha easily eliminated the remaining two golems.

Itisha, who retracted the recurve blade, said solemnly to Nanye, "Your Majesty, the obstacle has been successfully resolved, and we can move on."

"Thank you, Editha."

"You don't need to thank me, because I'm your captain of the bodyguard." Itisha responded with a hint of joy on her face.

"Okay, let's go and find Ishtar."

Qiye and the others set foot on the stairs of the Temple of Mount Abiv, and Ishtar seemed to have known about their arrival, so he was waiting for their arrival in the temple.

But it's a little bit of a sense of sight...

Because Ishtar's current appearance is similar to when the goddess of the underworld was waiting for Qiye to come.

The goddess of Venus, Ishtar, sat gracefully, dignifiedly, and noble in the temple, and the group of Qiye stepped into her temple one after another.


Ishtar snorted coldly first, she raised her chin slightly, and said in an arrogant tone, "It's really too rude, I touched my body without my permission before, and I'm still here now. Without my permission, set foot on Mount Abif, killed my guards, and broke into this temple."

The guards of Ishtar? Are you referring to the golems that Itisha and Matthew dealt with just now?

No way... You, Ishtar, smashed other people's consciousness before, and now you use the broken consciousness of others as your guard? ?

Are you a devil!

"Eh? Are you talking about me?" Fujimaru Rika pointed to herself and said.

"That's right!" Ishtar stood up. She pointed at Fujimaru Rika and said, "The contact at that time, the inquiries at Kusa City at that time, and the intrusion now! They all keep offending me."

"Because you all came from a foreign land, I just closed my eyes, but now! I can't just sit back and watch!" Ishtar seemed to be getting more and more angry, and her eyebrows were wrinkled.

Although she looked so angry, she didn't attack directly.


Maybe she was waiting for a man to speak.

Actually, when Ishtar was talking just now, he peeked at Qiye several times, and seemed to be peeking at his expression.

Tsundere's tone, but he was sneaking a glance, a little cute.

This time, Seven Nights brought Fujimaru Rika and the others to the temple of Mount Abiv, not to fight Ishtar, but to 'hire' this goddess.

So under Ishtar's sneak peek, Nanaya with a smile said softly to Fujimaru Tachika and Mash, "According to the plan."

"Understood! I promise to complete the mission." Fujimaru Rika and Matthew responded seriously to Nanye, and then walked towards Ishtar.

"Huh?" Looking at Fujimaru Tachika and Mash who came forward, Ishtar narrowed his eyes.

Fujimaru Rika solemnly took out a bag, "Goddess Ishtar, we came here this time because we have prepared a gem for apology, so we brought it here specially for you."

"!?" Ishtar's squinted eyes widened immediately. Seeing this, Fujimaru Tatsuka shook the bag he was holding, and there was a clanging sound inside.

Such a sound seems to be the sound of gems colliding with each other.


The inaudible voice of swallowing saliva rang from Ishtar's side. After hearing her voice, Qiye felt that this hiring plan should be successfully realized.

"Wh...what, so that's how it is. I have prepared a gem for apologizing to me. Then I will reluctantly regard you as my follower and accept your tribute."

Matthew glanced at Ishtar, and then whispered to Fujimaru Tatsuka, "Master, the goddess Ishtar is smiling now, I think I can continue."

Although Fujimaru Rika and Matthew were delighted by Ishtar's response, Medusa was very complicated, because how could this goddess feel so embarrassed... She was actually confused by the mere gems.

Actually, Medusa lily is not qualified to evaluate Ishtar in this way, because she, the goddess, was also bewitched by something.

It's delicious food!

Ishtar likes gems, and priest Rin also likes gems. When Ishtar relies on priest Rin, their love for gems becomes one, and their love for gems is even higher.

Although Ishtar loves gems deeply, she has no relationship with gems. She used to rely on humans to offer gems to her, but now she is threatened by monsters in this era, and she is not in Uruk, so she cannot learn from the offering of gems. Collect gems.

Gradually, it led to the dilemma of Ishtar asking for gems from ranchers.

"In addition to apologizing, we also intend to use gems to hire you as our reliable fighting force." Fujimaru Rika continued.

"Huh?" Ishtar's bewildered expression quickly disappeared, she looked down at Fujimaru Tachika, and said with a sneer, "What are you talking about, you still want to hire me for this gem? Yes? An insult to me!"

"No, that small bag of gems is just Lixiang's apology to you. The gems that hired you are here." Qiye snapped his fingers and opened the King's Treasure.

From the golden ripples, gems with golden rays of light fell in an endless stream, and they piled up on the floor of the temple, and the light emitted almost illuminated the entire temple!


This time, Ishtar's drooling voice could no longer be concealed. Now all her attention has been attracted by the pile of gems.

Ishtar, whose eyes shone with gems, asked Qiye, "Hey, Qiye can't do it, is this what you want to give me!"

"Yeah." Qiye nodded and said sternly, "Yes, if you accept our employment, become one of our members, and fight with us, then all these gems will be yours."

"real or fake!?"

"What I said, do you think it's true or false."

"Also... that's right, if you say it, it can't be fake, then okay, I'll take it... Wait a minute! Just wait for a moment, my anger over the years can't be dissipated with this kind of gem. ." Ishtar, who secretly glanced at the pile of gems, said righteously.

Ishtar was heartbroken, but she felt that she could ask Qiye for more gems, so she restrained her urge to roll in the gem pile.

Looking at Ishtar who was barely suppressing him, Qiye continued, "If this gem is not enough to hire you, I will give you 10% of the gems in the king's treasure."

"What!" Ishtar's eyes had turned into gems. "The treasure of the king? It's your Babylonian treasury, combined with Gilgamesh's Uruk treasury."

"That's right, the treasure of the king is stored in the treasures of Babylon and Uruk, so there are so many gems in it that we can't even count them." Qiye nodded.

Itisha, who was behind Qiye, echoed, "His Majesty's Babylonian wealth, transported from Babylon to Uruk, requires thousands of trucks to transport, and the stacked gems are already higher than Mount Abif. "

"So many!" Ishtar and Fujimaru Rika and the others were surprised together.

Even Fujimaru Rika was shocked by the wealth of the Babylonian kingdom.

In fact, the wealth of the Babylonian Kingdom really has so much. It is the so-called knowledge that brings wealth. Under the knowledge provided by the seven nights of the Babylonian Kingdom, I don't know how much wealth I have earned.

Otherwise, the previous seven nights would not have had so much money to make eleven celestial clay tablets.

The thick clay tablets made of priceless lapis lazuli didn't even know how much it cost the Kingdom of Babylon.

"So Ishtar, you should accept our employment. This is not only to increase Uruk's combat power, but also the common wish of all Uruk people. They long for your return." Qiye said seriously.

Ishtar glanced at Qiye with a serious expression, and then glanced at the dazzling gems piled up like a mountain. She struggled with difficulty and gave her answer very readily.

"Okay! Since everyone is so eager for my return, then I will agree, but! But ah, I will only accept your employment in response to the desire of the Uruk believers, so I will not obey Gilgame. What's the order!" Ishtar reminded strongly.

"Of course, you don't need to obey Jill's orders, it's enough to just fight with us." Qiye said with a smile.

Originally, Ishtar wanted to continue to refuse, but there are too many gems in the treasure of the king.

So~ the plan to win over the Venus goddess was a great success.

Afterwards, Ishtar with glowing eyes packed up the pile of gems, followed Qiye and the others to leave the temple of Mount Abiv, and began to return to Uruk.

Matthew, who was sitting in the car, raised his head and looked at Ishtar who was flying slowly in the sky, and said with peace of mind, "It's really great, I didn't expect to be able to win the goddess Ishtar so smoothly. come here."

"Well, after all what happened to us with her in the past, I thought she must be difficult to get along with." Fujimaru Rika said with a smile.

Itisha glanced at Fujimaru Rika and Mash, and she shook her head gently.

The Venus goddess Ishtar, difficult to get along with is something that the whole Mesopotamia knows, whether it is humans or the gods, there is nothing to do with this barbaric and freewheeling goddess.

Only that man.

Only the man can make the goddess obedient.

"I heard what you said~"

Ishtar, who was sitting on the Tianzhou Maanna, looked sideways at Fujimaru Rika and Matthew, "Actually, what you think is correct, I am a goddess who is difficult to get along with, so don't offend me when you go. , I will be hung behind the Tianzhou Ma Anna."


Qiye glanced at the restrained Fujimaru Rika and Matthew, and he said with a smile, "You don't need to be overly nervous, Ishtar is actually very easy to get along with, and now we have Ishtar by our side, Then there is no need to worry about the monster group in the north."

"That's right, with me here, you don't need to worry, so Qiye praise a little more, praise a little more! Even if you praise me, I won't do you any favors, but I'm happy to hear your praise... eh?"

Ishtar, who had a pretty smile on his face, looked at Qiye in puzzlement, "Wait, the monsters in the north? What do you mean, Qiye?"

"I mean the bull of the sky. When you fought with Jill, didn't you say that you were still in control of the bull of the sky? If you brought the bull of the sky to the north full of monsters, then the tens of thousands of monsters would not be needed. Let's go fix it."

Looking at Qiye's smile, the corners of Ishtar's crystal-clear lips twitched slightly, she turned her head in a guilty conscience, avoiding the gazes of everyone below.

"Oh heh heh, yes... yes! Qiye, you are talking about the bull of the sky, so that's what it is."

Ishtar, who had lost the bull of the sky, said with a guilty conscience, "But, Seven Nights, you should know, if I use the bull of the sky, it will turn the north into a seven-year drought. There is a cedar forest on the side!"

The last 19,000 characters, all right! Apple has all paid off.

I hope you all have fun watching...

But I don't know if you will be happy when Apple wrote about Ellie like this. How about throwing a blade to scare Apple to death! 【Light speed escape】

Section 347 Chapter 39 The plan to destroy the northern monsters and temples

"If the cedar forest is dry for seven years, then there will be no cedar wood to see, and that's bad isn't it!"

Then Ishtar with the expression of 'for everyone's sake' said very seriously, "So I won't use the bull of the sky unless I have to, and you are so smart, Qiye, you will always come up with something other than the one in the sky. It's the way the Bulls used to do it."

"Of course, His Majesty the King has a solution that won't hurt the earth and can also deal with the monsters in the north." Itisa said with a confident expression.

"Right, right, so I don't need to use the bull of the sky that will bring seven years of drought."

"I didn't expect Miss Ishtar to care about everyone so much. It's changed." Matthew said happily.

For the sake of everyone's earth, so I don't want to use the bull of the sky, no matter how I think it is a goddess who thinks about everyone.


"..." Qiye narrowed his eyes and looked at Ishtar, who was sitting on the sky boat Ma Anna. He was very familiar with Ishtar and knew that she would not say such words of caring about everyone and the earth.

And now Ishtar looks very guilty...

'Is it influenced by Rin's character? That's why after mentioning the bull in the sky, he felt guilty. ' Qiye thought silently.

Although the Bull of the Sky is the most powerful divine beast in Mesopotamia, as long as it descends into the cedar forest in the north, it can kill most of the beasts.

However, because the bull of the sky once affected the kingdom of Babylon, Ishtar, who was influenced by the character of the priest Rin, felt guilty in Qiye's eyes.

If that's the case, it's not unreasonable.

So... Qiye misunderstood Ishtar in such a 'cool' way.

As for Ishtar, who lost the bull of the sky, she didn't want to be told by Qiye that the bull of the sky had been lost, because it was too embarrassing.

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