I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 219:

Gilgamesh took over the topic, and then he smacked his lips and said, "Tsk, isn't this one more day than the king asked for?"

"My lord, I have also seen the external hull designed by the craftsmen according to your requirements. I think that is half a month's workload. Now the craftsmen have shortened it to four days. You should be happy." Siduri said helplessly.

Gilgamesh's request is too much. He wants the outer hull of Noah's Ark, not only to accommodate the space for everyone in Uruk, but also to have space for planting and grazing...

If you want to manufacture such an external hull, it takes less than half a month.

The sleepless craftsmen directly shortened the half-month construction period to four days, which is already a miracle...

Now you have one more day!

Is it something that people do?

But well... no one dares to stand up to Gilgamesh when it comes to explosive work, because this king is a terrifying existence who works to the point of sudden death!

After Gilgamesh was resurrected, he went back to work immediately. With such a diligent king on the table, what else could everyone protest.

In addition, the external hull of Noah's Ark is related to everyone's next survival problem, so no matter how large the workload is, you must grit your teeth to complete it.

The news that Noah's Ark has been handed, made Gilgamesh put down a heavy burden, he let out a light breath, and said, "Now the goddess of the underworld, one of the three goddess alliances, has defected, and only the southern goddess of the South is left. Zal Coyatl, and the goddess of beasts of the north."

"Do you want me to tell you the information about them?" the black owl above said.

Now, Alley no longer has the contract of the Three Goddess Alliance, so she can tell Qiye and the others about the information about the two goddesses without any scruples.

"Then say it, we'll listen."

"Yeah~" Alley, who turned into an owl, cleared her throat and said, "Let's talk about the goddess of beasts in the north first."

"That guy has an unimaginable hatred for human beings, like a monster that wants to destroy all human beings. Our three goddesses once established an unstoppable covenant in her temple."

Following Alley's story, Qiye and the others were even more certain about one thing.

That is……

"There are really more than 100,000 monsters in the temple of the goddess of beasts?" Semiramis muttered to himself, with a jade hand resting on his forehead.

"That's right, the goddess of beasts uses the humans captured by the beasts as nutrients, and then cultivates beasts in that **** shrine. I don't know the exact number of beasts, but I only know a lot." Alley said in a low voice.

The atmosphere fell silent because of the Goddess of Warcraft, and Qiye changed the subject and said, "What about the goddess of South America?"

"That goddess... very strange, she is so strange that I can't understand it at all." The black owl frowned, "She didn't kill, not a single person."

"What?" Fujimaru Rika and Matthew looked at the owl above in amazement, and they couldn't help but say, "Impossible, that goddess didn't let everyone in Ur choose men and then perform live sacrifices. ?"

Yes, since it was a living sacrifice, why didn't it kill people?

"I don't know what the living sacrifice you're talking about, but she didn't kill anyone, because the souls of the dead humans will all come to my underworld, and none of the human souls come from the south." Alley said.

Humans who have been nourished by the goddess of beasts have no soul to go to the underworld, so Quetzal Coyatl will not be the same as the goddess of beasts, so there is no human soul to go to the underworld?

That's not the case. Alley has noticed Quetzal Coyatl, she is very clear that the goddess does not act like the goddess of beasts.

"Huh, if it is a live sacrifice, but the souls of the dead are not seen, then the king is really curious about this strange place." Gilgamesh said while rubbing his chin.

"When people are killed, they will die, and after death their souls will go to the underworld, unless they are not dead." Alley said seriously.

"If the goddess didn't kill humans, maybe..." Gilgamesh looked at Qiye, and then he smiled, "Maybe Qiye, you can go and win her over."

"After all, Qiye, you are the 'Goddess Killer'."


Except for Gilgamesh who said this, everyone including Nanye fell silent.

Female...what the **** is a goddess killer!

But what Gilgamesh said seems to make sense~

Ereshkigal and Ishtar are the proper goddesses of the sisters, and Semiramis is a demigod, so she might be considered a goddess for now.

And the hearts of these three goddesses are all tied to Qiye, so it seems reasonable to be called the "Goddess Killer".

Under the gazes of the three goddesses, Qiye shook his head with a calm expression and said, "Quizal Coyatel, the goddess of South America, I don't plan to get involved in her affairs."

Said Qiye, and looked at Fujimaru Rika and Mash, "Because I'm going to the north, I'm going to prepare for the Great Flood in advance, so I'm going to win over or solve the matter of Nanmei God. Can I leave it to you?"

Fujimaru Rika and Mash were slightly startled. They didn't expect Qiye to entrust this extremely important task to them.

When exploring the southern jungle, Fujimaru Rika and Mash were hit hard, so Nanye decided to let them go to the southern jungle again.

Qiye smiled at the stunned Fujimaru Rika and Matthew, "Our goddess of the underworld just said that there is no death in the south, so you are not curious, aren't you curious about the goddess who asked for a living sacrifice, Why didn't they kill humans."

"If you figure out this abnormal situation, you must know what to do next."

"Yes!" The buoyant Fujimaru Rika said earnestly, "We will try our best to convince that goddess to let her join us to protect this era and continue the principles of humanity."

"Yeah." Qiye nodded with satisfaction, and he continued, "Then I will represent Uruk and hand over this task to you, Chaldea. As for the accompanying personnel, except for Anna, you can choose as you like. "


Then Matthew asked suspiciously, "But Mr. Qiye, why is it other than Anna?"

Suddenly remembering something, Ishtar said, "Speaking of that purple-haired **** Servant and the goddess of beasts..."

"Hey, you don't need to say anything about this, Anna will solve it." Qiye waved his hand to interrupt Ishtar's story, "I will take Anna with me this time to the north, and she will solve it. Drop all that."

"So Anna will follow me to the north. Rika and Matthew, you can choose someone other than Anna."


"Remember to bring that guy Merlin with him. That guy doesn't do anything. He only fishes and is lazy, and if you bring the 'frauder' who is good at escaping, it's easy to escape." Gilgamesh said.

Qiye said, "Although it's not good to speak ill of people behind their backs, but I also think you must bring Merlin. Although he is frivolous and lazy, he is also a candidate for the title of Caster."


"Also, let me remind you." Alley looked at Fujimaru Tatsuka and Matthew below, and she reminded, "Quizal Coyatel, her divinity is better than mine and the Goddess of Warcraft. higher."

"And also has the privilege of being immune to 'good'. If there is a fight, the attacks and Noble Phantasms of the Servant of the good camp will not have any effect on her."

Qiye said, "Quezar Coyatel, she has nothing to do with Mesopotamia, but has a very high divinity, presumably because she built a 'shrine to worship her' somewhere. Right."

"Before you go to convince Quetzal Coyatl, you should be ready to destroy that temple. If you can't persuade, you can only destroy the temple, reduce her divine power and power, and then get rid of her. "

Whether it is the goddess of beasts or the goddess of Nanmei, they all built temples in this era to enhance their power and strength.

Goddess of Warcraft Gorgon's Temple of Blood, which can turn all human beings into nutrients for cultivating Warcraft.

The shrine of Quetzal Coyatl, the goddess of South America, was formed with the 'Sun Stone' as the center.

The Sun Lishi is an ancient Aztec boulder.

It is an Aztec calendar showing everything in the past and present of the world.

This boulder named 'Solar Rock' can channel part of the power of Quetzal Coyatl, who is the root of the gods themselves.

Therefore, if the Sun Stone is destroyed, it will greatly weaken Quetzal Coyatl's combat effectiveness.

The degree of weakening... It is estimated that it will weaken three-quarters of the terrible degree.

At the same time, because of the destruction of Sun Lishi, without the power and blessing of Sun Lishi, Quetzal Coyatel's "ineffective power for goodness" will also become invalid because of this.

By that time, even a Servant of the good camp could inflict normal damage on Quetzal Coyatl.

The southern goddess of beauty and the goddess of monsters in the north, the battle plan for them has ended, so the next thing to discuss is...

Qiye raised his head and looked at the black owl above, "Ai Lei..."

"Gumi Gumi~" The black owl now has a simple and honest expression of "who are you calling".

"Okay, Xiao Hei, do you know who the mysterious old man in the underworld is?"

"I don't know, it's obviously an existence in the underworld, and even the goddess of the underworld can't find his breath. It's really incredible." The black owl said distressed.

Obviously she is the goddess of the underworld who controls the underworld, and even a strange guy can't be noticed, really...

"It's too cheap, you're still the goddess of the underworld." Ishtar said with disgust.

"I don't want to be told by a little flying insect to drop the price, because it's really sad."

"What did you say!"

"If you didn't hear it, I can say it again~"

"Cough cough."

Qiye's helpless cough made the two sister goddesses stop staring at each other, and then Qiye brought the topic back.

"That old man is very mysterious. According to my speculation, he should be the crown that was attracted by the 'beast'."

A beast rank must be solved by seven crowns.

So when the beast appeared, the crown also followed, so Qiye felt that the mysterious old man who helped them twice was one of the seven crowns.

The most favorable evidence is...his sword severed the chain of the earth with the concept of Qiye, and the alliance contract of the three goddesses on Alley.

The weapon in his hand can sever concepts and contracts, so maybe it's not the crown Saber.

Qiye guessed wrong... The old man holding the big sword is actually the crown Assassin!

After all, no one has stipulated that Assassin's weapons must be daggers and knives, but big swords can also be used~

"If it's for the beast, then it's our ally?" Gilgamesh said thoughtfully.

"Maybe." Qiye looked at Fujimaru Rika, to be precise, at the bracelet Fujimaru Rika was wearing, "Doctor, have you detected the old man's spiritual foundation?"

If the spirit base is detected, then the spirit base can be used to determine what kind of existence he is.


"Sorry, our machine in Chaldea didn't detect the old man you met at all, it was as if he didn't exist." Romani came out of the bracelet with an apologetic and helpless voice.

"Really, if I can meet him in the future, I will look at him with 'eyes'. Although it may make him angry, I must find out his identity."

Ai Lei, who had been slightly sluggish just now, said quickly, "Wait a moment, beast? Qiye you said 'beast rank' just now, right? No...that's a beast! Human evil is also in our time??"

"I didn't know about the existence of beasts." Ishtar looked at Qiye in amazement and said.

"Me and Matthew too, um, by the way... what is the beast rank?"

Gilgamesh looked at a group of people who didn't know anything about the "beast", and then looked at Qiye, "This is your own leak, so you can solve their doubts yourself, this king doesn't care."

The mother of Seven Nights, the existence of God Tiamat.

The story of God Tiamat sleeping in the deep sea.

The information that God Tiamat is returning as a 'beast class'.

Only Nanya, Gilgamesh, and Merlin knew about it. Semiramis knew about the first two, but she also didn't know that God Tiamat returned in the 'beast class'.

So it can be said that everyone is confused about the 'beast rank' that Qiye suddenly mentioned.

"Ahem, it's not important, I'll release Noah's Ark from the king's treasure, so that the craftsmen can measure Noah's Ark." Qiye chose to escape, so he escaped.

Semiramis looked thoughtful as he watched her husband leave the palace.

The clever queen has already linked the 'beast rank' with her mother, who was sleeping in the deep sea at Qiye.

In fact, it is a very simple exclusion method.

Ishtar and Ai Lei are very aware of the existence of the Goddess of Beasts and the Goddess of Nanmei, and they don't even know the existence of the 'Beast Rank'.

Then it means that the 'Beast Order' will not be the goddess of beasts and the goddess of Nanmei, so there is only the goddess Tiamat, the mother sleeping in the deep sea of ​​seven nights.

'If my guess is correct, then... why didn't Qiye tell me? Was it because I was worried that I couldn't sleep because I knew there was a 'beast'? ' Semiramis thought silently, frowning his delicate eyebrows.

Maybe there is a reason for this, but Semiramis feels that... this reason is not the main reason why Nanya concealed the beast rank from her.


And why did Gilgamesh know about the existence of the beast class!

And she didn't even know!

So Semiramis was inexplicably frustrated!

As Qiye left Uruk Palace to release Noah's Ark from the King's Treasure, and asked the craftsmen to study Noah's Ark, then the temporary meeting in Uruk Palace ended like this.

Fujimaru Tatsuka and Mash went to find the Servant heading south with Nanya and Gilgamesh's permission.

Semiramis and Ishtar left one after another, and only the black owl remained in the palace.

Gilgamesh, who started to deal with affairs again, glanced at the owl above, "This king said why are you standing here stupidly, as a pet kept by someone else, go to your master."

"Who's a pet, you're really going too far." Alley muttered, and then her whole body turned into the breath of the underworld and disappeared into the air.

Alley dissipated the avatar she maintained, and her consciousness returned to her body in the underworld.

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