I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 228:

"Jill, you misunderstood. Six days is just the time for the monsters to breed. It will take several days for them to stand up and become reliable combat power, so the goddess of monsters will officially attack Uruk in ten days." Enkidu explained.

"I see."

"If more than 100,000 magical beasts are bred now, Enkidu, can you solve them or stop their breeding?" Qiye asked.

If Enkidu could do it, then Uruk would be much easier, after all, there are more than 100,000 monsters.

Whether it is the number or combat power, they are far more than the people in Uruk.

"For example, pour the poison of Semiramis into the place where the beasts are bred, let them absorb the highly poisonous poison, and die immediately."

Gilgamesh proposed an extremely sinister plan, Enkidu shook his head with a wry smile, "It won't work, because the Temple of Blood is responsible for providing nutrients, and there is no other way for them to absorb the poison."

"Then throw Semiramis' poison into the Temple of Blood, and directly kill all the beasts that were just born."

Qiye looked at Gilgamesh strangely, "I said what's the matter with you, Gil, why do you always mention Semiramis' poison, this is not your style."

Poisoning, backstabbing, cheating... These are not Gilgamesh's style, but Semiramis' style.

If it was Gilgamesh, he should have smashed everything to pieces with the Deviance Sword.

"What style, it's like this in this era, who cares what style." Gilgamesh rolled his eyes at Qiye, "Then do you have any other good ways to deal with those 100,000 monsters?"

"Who said I didn't have it." Qiye smiled confidently, "Do you know why Ellie hasn't come back to Uruk yet."

"Huh? This king is also surprised that the goddess of the underworld helped you, why didn't she come back with you."

"Because I asked her to dig a hole in the underground of the northern temple."

"Huh??" Gilgamesh stared at Qiye sluggishly, and Qiye continued to explain, "Five days is enough for Elle's Garula spirits to pierce through the underworld sky of the blood temple in the north. Earth]."

"Then I will let Babylon Garden fly over, bombard it with eleven clay tablets, directly blow through the barrier of the Temple of Blood, and then bomb it into the underworld."

"As long as the Temple of Blood falls into the underworld, then whether it is more than 100,000 monsters or the goddess of monsters, we will all be slaughtered."

The underworld, that is the realm of the goddess of the underworld. Although the goddess of beasts and beasts are both living beings, Alley can use the power of the underworld to suppress the goddess of beasts and beasts. At that time, it will be much easier to solve the goddess of beasts.

And this plan for the goddess of beasts and her more than 100,000 beasts, Qiye has already conveyed to Ailey, she is busy with her Garula spirit.

Although the plan of Seven Nights is a bit messy, it is definitely able to solve the plan of the Goddess of Warcraft.

"..." Gilgamesh looked at Qiye with a confident expression, and he couldn't help but say, "You are so sinister."

"Insidious... The only thing I don't want to be told by guys who plan to use poison is that."

Qiye glanced at Gilgamesh, and then he turned to the communication stone and said, "So Enkidu, you don't need to do anything, just wait silently, I will take care of the Goddess of Warcraft and the ten Thousands of monsters."

"I see, and..." Enkidu touched his belly, "The Holy Grail that disrupts this era is with me. When the Goddess of Warcraft has prepared 100,000 monsters, she doesn't need the Holy Grail. She Give it to me."

"Then take it with you now, and after the Goddess of Warcraft has been dealt with, Chaldea will recover this Holy Grail, and then our era will be calm."

"Well, then that's it." Enkidu ended his communication with Qiye, and then he tucked his knees with his hands alone, and sat deserted on the edge of Humbaba's tomb.

It seems so lonely and sad.

Qiye held the communication stone, and Gilgamesh said to him, "That guy Enkidu... Did he have feelings for the Goddess of Beasts?"

Have feelings? !

Don't get it wrong, the affection Gilgamesh said refers to 'family affection', the affection between mother and son, not love.

As a close friend of Enkidu, Gilgamesh can tell everyone clearly that he can hear his heart from Enkidu's words.

In the communication conversation just now, Gilgamesh heard that Enkidu didn't really want to solve the inner thoughts of the Goddess of Warcraft.

"Although Enkidu has recovered, he should have got Jin Gu's memory, so Enkidu will be reluctant to part with the Goddess of Warcraft, but you can rest assured Jill, Enki will not let us down. "Nanye said firmly to Gilgamesh.

"Hmph, of course this king knows that Enki will not let us down. This king is just unhappy. That guy Enkidu was actually affected by other people's emotions." Gilgamesh said with a light snort.

Since he was aware of the strange situation of Enkidu, why did Qiye tell this plan against the Goddess of Warcraft, and Gilgamesh did not stop Qiye from telling his plan to solve the Goddess of Warcraft.

Don't you worry that Enki will remind the Goddess of Warcraft Gorgon?

certainly! Don't worry anymore.

Because that person is their best friend.

In addition, Enkidu is not an idiot. He knows that the Goddess of Warcraft Gorgon is full of hatred for human beings, and it is absolutely impossible to let go of the idea of ​​destroying Uruk and human beings.

Therefore, Enki will never let the Goddess of Warcraft continue to live, disrupting the survival of this era and everyone.

Hmm... So Enkidu betrayed the Goddess of Warcraft Gorgon.

Now, the goddess of the underworld in the alliance of the three goddesses has betrayed.

Jin Gu [Enkidu], the mediator of the Three Goddess Alliance, also betrayed.

If Fujimaru Rika and the others persuaded Quetzal Coyatl, the goddess of southern beauty in the south, then they would all betray the goddess of beasts...

The Three Goddess Alliance, it is estimated that the name will be changed.

How about changing to 'The Betrayer Alliance'~

After finishing the communication with Enkidu, Qiye said to Gilgamesh, "Knowing that the monsters in the Temple of Blood will be cultivated in four days, then I will prepare the ending sword Enki, so that it will start in the different space. Condensed in the Great Flood."

"Wait a minute." Gilgamesh looked at Qiye in amazement, "You decided to bomb the Temple of Blood with eleven clay tablets from Babylon and let the Temple of Blood fall to the underworld, so why do you still use the ending sword Enki?"

"This is a backhand. In order to prevent an accident, there is no backhand to solve it. Anyway, I can release the real name liberation of the ending sword Enki. I don't need to worry about it causing an accident. Well, I will leave first." The Seven Nights stood up from the throne and left Uruk Palace.

Qiye first went to the craftsmen to check the situation, and after finding that everything was going well, he began to return to his Babylonian garden.

"With the implementation of the plan, the final battle will soon come." Qiye sighed softly.

After the completion of Noah's Ark, they will start the plan for the Goddess of Warcraft in Qiye. Before the more than 100,000 Warcraft in the northern temple of blood have been bred, they will bomb the temple of blood directly into the underworld.

Defeat the Goddess of Warcraft in the underworld.

Chapter 370 Chapter 59: Go to God Tiamat

After solving the Goddess of Warcraft, the matter is not over, because with the demise of the Goddess of Warcraft, the **** Tiamat in the deep sea will wake up.

For God Tiamat, who returned as a 'beast rank', Qiye has a solution to her, and only he can do it alone.

As long as that method goes well, then this era will calm down, and the Human Riku Burning Ceremony will stop and end as a result.

After walking for seven nights, he returned to the Garden of Babylon, walked through the promenade with flowers blooming, and returned to the room where he and Semiramis rested.

But Qiye was surprised because Semiramis, who had returned to the Babylon Garden before, did not rest. She didn't know what to do in the room.

Qiye walked over lightly, and from behind Semiramis, gently hugged this beautiful wife into his arms.

The feeling of softness and comfort came from his embrace, and Qiye, who rested his head on Semiramisxiang's shoulder, said intimately, "Little pigeon, what are you doing, why haven't you rested yet."

"Yeah." Semiramis leaned back slightly, put his body into her husband's warm embrace, and then said lazily, "I'm preparing something, and I'm not planning to rest just yet."

"That's it." Qiye hugged Semiramis in his arms tightly, and then said softly, "In order to solve the Temple of Blood in the north, I plan to use the Babylon Garden in a few days."

Qiye spoke out the plan to solve the Goddess of Warcraft, and Semiramis, who was listening, turned her head to look at her husband's face that was close at hand. She first kissed Qiye's profile with her crystal lips, and then He opened his mouth and said, "I plan to use the Babylonian Gardens at some point."

Feeling the beautiful feeling conveyed from the side of his face, Qiye smiled and said, "It will be a few days."

"How many days are there in the next few days, you have to give me an accurate time."

Qiye thought for a moment, and then gave Semiramis a "Well, within six days, I have to bomb the Temple of Blood into the underworld before the more than 100,000 monsters cultivated by the goddess of monsters are born. ."

"In six days, then give me five days. After five days, I will use the Babylon Garden." After Semiramis finished speaking, he broke away from the embrace of Seven Nights and stood up.

"Give you five days?" Qiye looked suspiciously at Semiramis who said this, "Why use Babylon Garden after five days?"

"I have something to prepare, so don't ask so much." Semiramis' expression was a little firm, as if he really had something important to do.

"I'm going to the magic workshop now, you can rest by yourself in Qiye."

After Semiramis left these words, she took some of the things she had tinkered with before, left the room, and headed towards the underground workshop in Babylon Garden.


Qiye looked at the shadow of his wife's departure delicately. According to the past, in the dead of night, when her daughter Decade was not around, she was like a charming snake girl.

Why didn't Semiramis bother him at all tonight, the idea of ​​having a second child with him...

Qiye was puzzled and puzzled by Semiramis' departure, but it's okay, Qiye can rest well tonight.

After Semiramis left the room, Qiye also left the room, and he went to prepare some things.


Qiye opened the King's Treasure, and took out a golden weapon with a strong divinity from it.

That is the treasure house of God Enki that Seven Nights and Ishtar broke into, and the God-made weapon Enki, the ending sword, obtained from there, is a Noble Phantasm for civilization, and a terrible weapon that can summon the Great Flood of World Destruction.

If the true name of this divinely-made weapon is released, it will start from the moment it is activated. Every day, the torrent will increase in the different dimension. After the seventh day, the accumulated torrent in the different dimension will be There will be a great flood.

A catastrophic flood that can drown the entire world.

But as long as the real name liberation does not accumulate to seven days, it will not have such a terrifying scale.

The ending sword Enki is a two-handed sword, and the style of the sword is TONFAKNIVE, which is a crutch. After the two swords are combined, the ending sword Enki will become a bow.

Seven Nights in the Gardens of Babylon raised the finishing sword Enki to form a bow, he faced the sky, and then pulled the bowstring of the finishing sword Enki.

As the bowstring of the end sword Enki was pulled, a sound like a tsunami roared.

It is a terrifying, daunting tsunami sound.

"Ending sword Enki... Real name liberation, Nabistin's flood, start accumulating." Nanya muttered to the sky and loosened the drawn bowstring.

The azure streamer shot out from the end sword Enki, it flew towards the sky, and finally disappeared into the dark night sky.

Beginning, the end sword Enki has begun to accumulate a great flood that is enough to destroy the world.

As long as Nanya releases the real name of the ending sword Enki again, a huge magic circle will unfold in the sky.

Triggered by the tsunami that became the prototype of the Great Flood, Nabistin's huge waves will surge down from the unfolding magic circle.

It will aim the seven nights at the target, impact, and drown.

Qiye put down the end sword Enki that he held up. He stared at the streamer that disappeared into the night, and muttered to himself, "I hope that by then, this backhand will not be used."

If all goes well, there is no need to use the finishing sword Enki.

After letting the Ending Sword Enki begin to accumulate, Qiye inserted the Ending Sword Enki in the Babylonian Garden, and then returned to his room to rest.

Although Semiramis didn't pester him tonight, but... he didn't sleep with his soft wife in his arms, and he was not used to the seven nights of resting alone in the room!

As time passed bit by bit, the day gradually came.

This day was the day when Rika Fujimaru and Matthew of Chaldea went to the south to persuade or resolve the goddess of Nanmei.

Originally, Fujimaru Rika planned to bring Merlin, because her decision was persuasion.

After learning from the goddess of the underworld, Ereshkigal, that Quetzal Coyatl did not kill any human beings, Fujimaru Rika made this extremely risky decision.

She didn't want to fight Quetzal Coyatl, but also wanted to draw her over and become everyone's ally and fight with everyone.

However, the people who accompanied Fujimaru Rika and Mash were not only Merlin, but also Rider Ushiwakamaru, Lancer Musashibo Benkei, Archer Ba Gozen, and Seven Nights Servant Heozhen.

Because Qiye and Gilgamesh have already provided information through Enkidu, they know that more than 100,000 monsters will be bred in six days, so during these six days, there will never be any problems with the monster front. of.

Therefore, the Servants who were free, all followed Fujimaru Rika and headed to the south.

If he fails to convince Quetzal Coyatel, then the next step is to fight. If it is a fight, those Servants might be able to become a fighting force.

"Mr. Qiye, don't you plan to go to the south with us?" Matthew asked Qiye softly.

Qiye shook his head and said, "No, I have more important things to do. I'm going to the Persian Gulf."

"What? Persian Gulf?!" Merlin looked at Qiye in surprise, "Are you planning to find that lady goddess?"

What kind of goddess is there on the Persian Gulf?

Um... God Tiamat!

The **** Tiamat was asleep in the sea in the Persian Gulf.

"Well, you guessed it right." Qiye nodded under Merlin's astonished eyes, and then he continued, "But Merlin, don't worry, I just went over to confirm the situation, and I won't mess around."

"If it's you, of course I'm relieved, it's possible that you will unlock my 'dream cage'." Merlin, who shrugged, said jokingly.

For Qiye, the son of Tiamat, Merlin was extremely relieved. Although Qiye was the son of Tiamat, he knew what to do and what not to do.

So there will be absolutely no mess.

At the moment of the decisive battle, Qiye decided to go to the Persian Gulf to meet his mother, Tiamat.

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