I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 244:

After all, Gilgamesh is so generous, so he can't be stingy!

But only the 'lock of the sky' is not enough.

Because the lock of the sky is the testimony of the friendship between Enkidu, Gilgamesh and Qiye, and he has no deep friendship with Qiye's daughter Decoduo.

"Jill, then what is Decade's favorite gift?"

"In her words, the gift she wants is very simple. Let their family celebrate her birthday neatly." Gilgamesh said.

"..." Enkidu was silent for a while, then said with a wry smile, "This gift is quite simple, but it's still difficult to achieve."


"I'll go to the Persian Gulf to see how Qiye and his mother are now."

"Alright, but just watch from the sidelines. No matter what Qiye does, don't interfere, otherwise it will interfere with his original plan." Gilgamesh said.

"Yeah." Enkidu, who didn't step into Uruk's palace, turned and left. He was now galloping directly towards the Persian Gulf in Mesopotamia.

After Enkidu also left, Gilgamesh entered a busy state. Although the battle with the Goddess of Warcraft was over, there were still many things that he needed to deal with.

Because of the post-war placement and handling, it was extremely cumbersome.

After a while, Siduri hurried back to the Uruk Palace. Semiramis had arrived at Noah's Ark and took Decade and their beasts away. So Siduri already knew that the war with the Goddess of Warcraft was over.

"King, congratulations on your victory."

"Congratulations? No, Siduri, if you want to congratulate, congratulate everyone, everyone who lives and works hard for this era." Gilgamesh said casually.

The ability to solve the powerful enemies of this era is not due to Gilgamesh himself, but the result of the combined forces of the human beings in this world.

So Gilgamesh didn't want to take the credit alone.

Siduri nodded slightly, and she quickly asked, "Now that the war is over, and our last enemy has been resolved, so King, should everyone who was in Noah's Ark return to Uruk? "

"After all, Uruk urgently needs to resume production and planting."

"Siduri, you are wrong, the last enemy of this era has not yet been solved." Gilgamesh shook his head, then he pondered, "But there is no need to let them stay on Noah's Ark now, Then Siduri, go and let everyone in Noah's Ark disembark."

The last enemy is the **** Tiamat in the sea of ​​the Persian Gulf, so the last enemy has not been solved, but now the people of Uruk must leave Noah's Ark and return to Uruk.

Otherwise, there will be no one.

"Okay." Siduri happily accepted the order, and then she left, taking the residents of Uruk who had set foot on Noah's Ark off Noah's Ark.

Uruk seemed unusually deserted because all the residents left, but now that all the residents have returned, the liveliness and vitality have once again appeared in the kingdom of Uruk.

Everyone already knew the news of the victory, so they were cheering enthusiastically. They shouted for the king and the people of sages, and happily prepared for the celebration tonight.

To celebrate their passage through the terrible crisis of this age.

From now on, no terrifying monsters will attack them anymore, and they can live and work in peace and contentment.

Compared with the liveliness and vitality of Uruk, the Babylon Garden next to Uruk seems much deserted.

The Babylonian princess Decoduo lightly tugged at the sleeves of her mother Semiramis' dress, and then asked puzzledly, "Queen mother, what about the king? Why didn't he come back with you?"

Semiramis bent down and hugged Decade in her arms. She hugged Decade tightly and said softly, "Your father, he has other things to deal with, so he hasn't come back yet."

"Is that so..."

"But don't worry, isn't today your birthday? Your father, who loves you, will definitely come back to celebrate your birthday."

Semiramis' words made Decade's little face smile. Holding the Mobius ring, she smiled and said, "Yeah! Father will never miss my birthday."

Seeing Decade's smile, Semiramis, who lowered her eyes, let out a sigh in her heart. She now has an extremely ominous premonition in her heart.

As long as Seven Nights didn't come back, Semiramis would always feel uneasy.

Because Semiramis knew that his departed husband was definitely going to his mother, God Tiamat.

After all, the last enemy of this era is the **** Tiamat who returned from the imaginary world.

And what about the king of Babylon and the sage of Uruk, Seven Nights, who everyone is thinking about?

Qiye has returned to the bottom of the Persian Gulf with God Tiamat. In the deep and dark seabed, God Tiamat once again picked up his child who "falled" into the deep sea.

And this time, God Tiamat protected his child in his chest, protecting him steadily, and would never let him leave again.

Qiye is now sitting on the palm of God Tiamat, and his back is resting on his mother's chest.

This delicate situation made Qi Ye, who was already an adult and no longer a baby, feel unnatural. Although he really wanted to be intimate with his mother, now...it's too close.

But now is not the time for Qiye to pay attention to this excessively intimate contact, because after God Tiamat held him, he ascended upwards again.

It seems... God Tiamat is still obeying the instinct of the 'beast'.

The instinct of beasts is to slay human beings.

Returning to the origin goddess of this world, she wants to clean up this world. After the cleanup, she will create a world that only belongs to her and her children.

The goddess Tiamat should be influenced by the goddess of beasts for actively obeying the instinct of the 'beast'.

God Tiamat felt the death and despair of the goddess of beasts through the connection of the "mother of beasts", and this feeling touched her heart, so...

If the current human beings are not destroyed, he and his last child will be destroyed.

So in order to protect his last child and himself, God Tiamat is obeying the instinct of the 'beast'.

Qiye had already noticed that God Tiamat was rising, and he squeezed it out of God Tiamat's hands again and floated in front of her.

God Tiamat stopped ascending, and the pink eyes that reflected the inner sea of ​​stars looked at the child floating in front of her. The big pink eyes revealed a little doubt.

It seems that God Tiamat is wondering why Qiye left her protection.

This, of course, is because his children also have things that must be protected.

God Tiamat, in order to protect himself and the last child of Qiye, chose to wipe out human beings.

The son of Tiamat, in order to protect his family and this era, must stop his mother.

Facing the slightly suspicious eyes of God Tiamat, Qiye closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were the same as God Tiamat.

It is the pink eyes that reflect the Inner Sea of ​​Stars.

Qiye is going to start his long-prepared plan in the deep sea near the bottom of the sea.

Seven Nights in the Sea approached God Tiamat, and he put his forehead on God Tiamat's forehead.

'Mother, your child, return all your rationality, as well as your gifts and gifts to you. I hope you can leave the rank of 'beast' and return to the identity of the mother of origin through the gifts I presented. . ’

Qiye said sincerely in his mind, he knew that God Tiamat would definitely be able to receive his thoughts.

And at this very moment, the Seven Nights that pressed against God Tiamat's forehead... His body radiated rational brilliance.

The radiance of rationality blooming in the seven nights is formed by the protection of the ocean, the giving of the earth, and the wisdom of the stars. If he returns his mother, he will turn into light.

The way to make Qiye's mother return to her senses and get out of the beast rank is to transform Qiye into light by herself!

Become the light of reason!

"I still want to go back to Decade's birthday, I don't know if I can make it in time..."

Qi Ye, who returned everything, thought silently.

I can't go back, I can't catch up...

Because at this time, Qiye has set a flag that he can't go back to.

The hands of God Tiamat moved, and she who stirred the sea held the seven nights that radiated the light of reason. After protecting the last child, she again... rose to the sea above.

Could it be that Qiye still can't stop God Tiamat?

No... not right!

Previously, God Tiamat rose toward the sea, causing the whole world to tremble, the sky to crack, the earth to shake, and the sea to rejoice, but this time it was different.

The sky is calm, the earth is calm, the sea is calm, only the stars are shining, and the light they bloom is almost comparable to the sun at noon.

"What's going on……"

The light of the stars, which was comparable to the sun, shocked everyone in Uruk. They seemed to raise their heads and look at the sky, looking at a strange sight that had never appeared before.

Now that Gilgamesh has left his palace, he stared at the shining stars in the sky outside, and then he said slowly, "A total of 270 stars are shining, corresponding to the **** Tiamat. The two hundred and seventy crystals of destiny..."

"Looking at this situation, Qiye has already started his plan of 'leaving the animal rank and returning to rationality'."

There was a rare look of anxiety and worry on Gilgamesh's handsome face, because after this plan, his best friend would die, and it was uncertain whether he would be able to return after his death.

But Gilgamesh knew that he couldn't help anything and could only wait here.

"King! Look at the sky..."

"This king has seen it."

Gilgamesh directly interrupted the priests and nobles who were looking for it, and he said loudly, "Go on, don't panic, this is their sage who is solving the last enemy, so now, you all give this king as sages. Praying for blessings!"


Enkidu flew to the Persian Gulf. In fact, he didn't think he could find Qiye and Tiamat. He just made an excuse to leave Uruk.

Because Enkidu felt that he had no face to stay in Uruk.

But he didn't think he could see Enkidu of Qiye, but unexpectedly saw Qiye and his mother, the goddess of creation, Tiamat...

Because God Tiamat has risen from the deep sea to the surface of the Persian Gulf!

Chapter 388 Chapter 76 Where is the man in my family! 【twelve】


God Tiamat rose from the deep sea, the blue water turned into whitish waves, slid down from her sea-colored hair and huge horns, and finally fell back into the sea.

God Tiamat, who left the deep sea, did not cause shocks in the world, everything was so peaceful and peaceful.

And now, Tiamat, who has left the deep sea, is standing, her snow-white slender feet are suspended above the sea.

Just floating on the sea, God Tiamat was very quiet and did not move.

Enkidu, who was above the sky, looked at God Tiamat emerging from the deep sea in surprise, and couldn't help but say something.



In fact, Enkidu did not recognize his mother indiscriminately. The gods of Mesopotamia would follow the 'creation goddess Tiamat' as their 'mother', because the world was constructed by her.

Therefore, Enkidu, created by the gods, must also be called Tiamat's 'mother'.


It doesn't seem right.

The gods are called mothers, so Enkidu, who was created by the gods, should call God Tiamat the grandmother, right?

Ah bah, it's not important!

Now Enkidu's eyes were focused on the hands of God Tiamat, where he saw Qiye's figure, and he was held in the palm of God Tiamat's palm.

And the two hundred and seventy stars above the sky are shining brightly.

These shining stars, intermittently falling towards Qiye, the starlight will melt into Qiye's body, and after that, the starlight will pass through Qiye's body and move towards God Tiamat.

And every time the starlight shifts, Qiye's body will be transparent...

Enkidu looked at his best friend Qiye with his eyes closed, as if he was sleeping, and bit his lower lip sadly.

Because Enkidu knew that when the 270 crystals of destiny crystals were all transferred to God Tiamat's body through Qiye, his best friend Qiye would completely disappear...

And God Tiamat also got out of the beast class and regained his senses.

As long as God Tiamat is freed from the beast rank, even if she exists in this era, she will not cause human beings to be burned.

Because she originally existed in this era.

rather than from other times.

Existence is reasonable.

Therefore, it will not cause this era to be burned down by people.

Now, everything seems to be going according to Qiye's plan.

Enqi didn't want to watch his best friend disappear, so he left sadly.

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