I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 280:

Mash, who showed a happy smile, said to Qiye with peace of mind, "It's really nice to be able to meet the seniors, Mr. Qiye and everyone."

"Meeting us can make you feel like 'it's great', then it's also great for us." Qiye responded to Matthew's words with a refreshing and bright smile.

"...Well." The pink-haired girl with ruddy cheeks smiled shyly and joyfully, and then stepped out of the room.

And what about Romani...

"Mash's current cells no longer have the defects of the past. As expected of the sage of Uruk." Da Vinci sighed with a look of joy and relief.

With the news that Matthew's body was healed, Da Vinci's tense heart also eased.

With a smile on her face, Romani continued, "Not only that, after my careful testing of Matthew's blood, I found that her cells were not only not in a defective state, but were also incredibly active."

"It's just a pity."

"Huh? Is there anything wrong with Matthew?" Da Vinci, who frowned, looked at Romani who sighed.

"No, for such a good situation, we should congratulate Matthew properly. Unfortunately, we are going to fight the last enemy, so there is absolutely no time to celebrate Matthew."

"...Romani, it turns out that your pity is here! It made me worry to death just now!"


"Give it back to me? Ask for a beating!"

Chapter 430 Chapter 6 Crown Time Temple [4]

Chaldea's final rest time has passed. Romani, Da Vinci, Fujimaru Rika, Matthew, and Seven Nights are all in the control room of Chaldea, preparing to start the transfer of spirits to the end. The singularity attacked.

"After our tireless and careful analysis, we have now confirmed that the last singularity is not located in human history, but is a huge inherent enchantment, the singularity formed by the inherent enchantment." Roma Ni earnestly told the information analyzed by the people of Chaldea.

"So we named this singularity... the final singularity, Solomon's Temple of Crown Time!"

"Inherent barrier??" Fujimaru Rika blinked blankly.

Fujimaru Rika, although she is a great Master who has repaired seven singularities, she is actually a... a magician Xiaobai! I don't even know much about magic, so I don't even know what an inherent barrier is.

"Senior, the so-called 'inherent enchantment' is actually the product of a great magician. The product of embodying the scenery deep in his heart can change the space around him, which is an extremely rare ability." Xiu Xin explained.

Mash's explanation was not very complete, so Seven Nights went on to say, "Inherent enchantment is originally an ability that can only be used by fantasy species such as elves or demons, but after many years, magicians can also create the inherent nature of the world of personal images. Enchantment."

"A lot of people in my time had this ability, but there shouldn't be many magicians in modern times who can have inherent enchantments. After all, the mystery is too weak."

"Okay, the inherent barrier is not the point, the important thing is where the inherent barrier is located." Romani pulled the topic back, and he said seriously, "The inherent barrier is the ultimate singularity, which is the magic king. And the base where the Seventy-two Demon God Pillars are located."

In the imaginary space where nothing exists, the magic king amplifies Solomon's body and creates an inherent barrier.

And this inherent barrier is the last singularity that Chaldea needs to solve.

"Now our Chaldea is constantly being pulled by the final singularity, and we plan to let Chaldea directly hit the inherent barrier, so as to achieve the situation of invading the singularity." Romani said seriously that they had already conceived it. s plan.

"Then you will transfer through the spiritual child to reach the final singularity that Chaldea hits, resolve the Demon God Pillar and the Magic King at the fastest speed, and then return to Chaldea."

"Huh? Don't you need to recycle the Holy Grail this time?" Matthew asked in surprise.

"No need, because the ultimate singularity does not have the Holy Grail, so as long as we defeat the last enemy and stop the burning of human principles, then human principles can continue." Romani shook his head and said.

"That is to say, it's enough to defeat the Magic King and the Seventy-two Demon God Pillars." Nanye summed up briefly.

"Yes, come and come~ Come and see this map. This is the result of my investigation using the observation lens Sheba." Da Vinci greeted the seven nights and his party in a brisk tone, motioning them to look away. Put it on her side.

In the direction that Da Vinci pointed, there was a machine screen, and the screen displayed a scene similar to a map.

"This is the basic structure of the final singularity." Da Vinci pointed to a huge red dot in the center of the screen, and then explained, "And in the very center, there is unmeasurable magic data, presumably there should be the magic king. where it is."

"So are we going there in one go?" Fujimaru Rika asked.

"That's right, but after investigation through the observation lens, the road to the center has been blocked, so everyone who enters the final singularity needs to destroy the final singularity [inherent enchantment] as a whole and let it collapse."

"After the investigation of the observation lens, here, here, and these places."

Da Vinci pointed to several small red dots on the screen, "These places should be the strongholds. As long as we destroy all of them, then we can go to the most central place."

"There are a total of seven strongholds that need to be destroyed. Can the three of us successfully solve so many strongholds..." Mash, who frowned slightly, said.

The ultimate singularity can be said to be the enemy's lair, so as soon as you step inside, there are enemies in all directions.

And this singularity, there is no Holy Grail, so there is no Servant who appeared because of the Holy Grail... In other words, the only people fighting are Fujimaru Rika, Mash, and the sage of Uruk, Nanye.

"Don't worry, we won't lose to them if we compare the numbers." Nanye said to Fujimaru Rika and Matthew with a smile. His smile was refreshing and confident, and as always, he touched the innermost relationship between Fujimaru Rika and Matthew. concerns in.

"That's right! Mr. Qiye can create many clay figurines, and every clay figurine has the power of a second-rate Servant, so there must be no problem."

When Rahmu came with the tide of chaos, Qiye summoned 12,000 clay figurines to help resist, so there were only seven strongholds that needed to be destroyed in the final singularity, so you can rest assured.

"So Lord Sage, I have to ask now, after you left Mesopotamia, is there still a way to summon so many and such powerful clay figurines?" Romani asked.

"Of course you can." The smiling Qiye nodded slightly.

Qiye's answer put everyone at ease.

Actually, what Qiye said before, "I won't lose to them compared to the number", that "number" doesn't refer to his clay figurine, but someone else.

It's the Servants, the Servants who have established a bond with the shield of the round table, Mash!

During the rest of the day, Seven Nights used Mash's Round Table Shield as a medium to communicate with Servants of different eras.

Nanye hopes that those Servants will come to support Fujimaru Rika and Mash.

As for what Servant responded to Seven Nights and accepted this offer of support, then... we can only wait for the final singularity to be revealed.

After receiving Qiye's response, Romani and the others were very at ease. Although the enemy was very powerful and terrifying, their companions were stronger and more reliable.

"I have one last thing to remind you of." Romani said very seriously, "This time the transfer of the spiritual child is different from the previous seven transfers of the spiritual child."

"Because this time we Chaldea directly crashed into the singularity, and entered the enemy's singularity by means of invasion, so this time the special spiritual transfer, but in essence, through our Chaldea and the final singularity the connection point, walk there on foot.”

"That's why it's impossible to transfer the spirit, so after you've dealt with the last enemy, you can't relax, and you have to run back quickly."

Romani, scratching his hair, said, "After the person who maintains the inherent barrier dies, the inherent barrier will collapse. It is very dangerous to want to run back from the collapsed inherent barrier."

"Doctor, it's just this dangerous, you don't need to worry about us at all." Fujimaru Tatsuka said vigorously.

"Yeah, along the way, you don't know how many things you have encountered that are more dangerous than this, but every dangerous thing has been solved by you, so the final singularity, I will ask Lixiang and his colleagues again. Matthew, you two." Romani said with relief.

"No, it's not the two of us. Doctor, you missed Mr. Qiye."

"That's right, this time I will fight with you Chaldea as a repayment for your free sacrifices in Mesopotamia." Qiye said with a chuckle.

"Yeah! Then Lixiang and Matthew will ask the sage to take care of them."

Qiye restrained his smile and said seriously, "Let Lixiang and Mash rest assured, and I will bring them both back to Chaldea. This is my agreement with you."

"That's right~ The next battle will definitely end with a great victory for mankind and Chaldea." Da Vinci said with a smile.

"Then everyone, let's start preparing the spirit transfer cage now, let's start the final GrandOrder!" Romani said loudly.


The crowd in front of the machine in the Chaldea control room responded excitedly to Romani.

As long as this war is won, then human principles will continue!

[Spiritual transfer case rises]

The steel floor in the center of the control room was cracked, and the three spiritual sub-baskets slowly rose from below. In addition to Fujimaru Tachika and Mash, the 'ancient man' Qiye also entered the spiritual sub-basket. .

As for whether Qiye has the aptitude to transfer the spiritual child... There is no need to worry about this issue, because Romani has already tested it, and Qiye has the qualification to transfer the spiritual child.

[Spiritual transfer program, ready to start, ten, nine, eight...]

While preparing for the transfer of the spiritual child, Romani said to Qiye, "I thought Lord Sage would summon Her Majesty the Empress."

"Semiramis? I'm not going to summon her now." Qiye shook his head. Now is the time for a decisive battle with the last enemy of Chaldea. How could Qiye summon his family? .

As for whether Seven Nights can summon Semiramis, there should be no need to worry.

Because this place is extremely far away from Mesopotamia, Semiramis should not be able to live in modern times, so she can be summoned in the form of a Servant.

Even if Semiramis was still alive, Seven Nights could summon her based on Merlin's 'replacement concept'.

[...Three, two, one, the spirit child transfer is ready, please enter the spirit child cage. 】

"Okay, Master Lixiang, Mash, and Sage, you can start the spiritual transfer."


The two girls with determination and fighting intent in their eyes stepped into the spirit child's cage one after another, and Qiye also entered the spirit child's cage. It was the first time for him to perform a formal spirit child transfer, and he felt a little strange.

As the three of Qiye entered the Reiki cage one after another, the Chaldean broadcast sounded again.

[Anti-summoning system, activate. 】

[Start the process, spiritual transformation. 】

[There are 3, 2, 1 left before the start of the spiritual transfer...]

[The whole project is completed, and finally the GrandOrder begins to execute. 】

Qi Ye, who was in the spirit child's cage, only felt that his vision went black, and then he clearly felt that his body and soul had all been transformed into spirit children.

'It's an experience similar to my mental transfer. ' Qiye, who turned into a radiance of a spiritual child, thought silently.

The three people who turned into the light of the spiritual child, under the transfer of the spiritual child, shuttled through the gorgeous space and reached the final singularity, the crowning time temple.

But during the transfer of the spiritual child, the three of Qiye saw a lot of pictures.

These pictures are unsightly killings, wars, and death.

Just looking at such a picture will involuntarily produce unbearable pain, despair, and sadness.

All these pictures have nothing to do with joy and happiness, only pain, humiliation, regretful resentment and loss, bloodshed and scorched earth, betrayal and revenge.

In these pictures, the transfer of the spiritual child was successful, and the three of Qiye had successfully reached the Temple of Crown Time, where the Magic King was located.

The Temple of Crown Time, located in the imaginary space, is a temple that does not exist on the timeline.

Now, the ground that Qiye and the three of them are stepping on seems to have been brutally burned by the raging fire, and it is pitch black.

Above the pitch-black earth, there are bedrocks similar to tubes. These bedrocks have clearly visible scarlet patterns, and there are strange pupils with cross eyes in the blood-colored patterns.

These bedrocks... just like the Demonic Pillars that Fujimaru Tachika and Mash once solved.

Seeing that there were no enemies raiding around, Qiye continued to observe this inherent barrier, the Temple of Crown Time. He raised his head and looked at the sky.

Above the sky are deep and fascinating cosmic stars, and there is a huge ring of light in it. This is the burning of human nature...

But the scale of the people here is bigger than that of Mesopotamia.

This is of course, because the Humanity Burning Ceremony in the Temple of Crown Time, but formed by the Seven Singularity Humanity Burning Ceremony, the scale is naturally unbelievable.

Qiye stared at the human body burning style above, he was not surprised, but the corners of his lips were slightly upturned, as if he had thought of some crooked idea.

After observing the general situation of the Temple of Crown Time, Nanaye looked at Fujimaru Rika and Mash.

Their faces were slightly pale, and their eyes showed a trace of unease and surprise. It seemed that the pictures they saw during the spiritual transfer before were too heavy and dark, which made them feel uncomfortable.

Qiye looked at Tatsuka Fujimaru and Mash who looked uncomfortable, and he asked, "Are you all alright?"

"Well, it's alright, it's just that the picture I just saw made me a little uncomfortable." said Fujimaru Rika, who was shaking her head.

"Did the Master also see the picture? I thought it was only me who saw it." Mash, who was pulled into the dream by the Magic King many times, said in surprise.

"I've seen it too, every time you perform a spiritual transfer, do you see the picture?" asked Qiye, the first spiritual transfer.

"No, this is the first time." Fujimaru Rika and Mash shook their heads.

Chapter 431 Seven Nights: Matthew, I'm not good at fighting, protect me! 【five】

Afterwards, Fujimaru Rika, who frowned, said inexplicably, "What happened to those pictures just now? Why do you see these pictures when the spirit is transferred."

"I may know that this singularity is formed by the inherent enchantment, and the inherent enchantment is the embodiment of the inner scene, so the picture we just saw came from it." The conjecture came out.

Matthew suddenly realized, "So it is, no wonder those pictures seem to be engraved in space."

The Temple of Crown Time is an inherent barrier formed by the seventy-two Demon God Pillars and with the help of King Solomon's remains, so the tragic scene they saw just now in Qiye was the scene inscribed in this inherent barrier.

"The three of you have already reached the singularity point, right? There is nothing abnormal about your body!?" Romani's nervous question came from Fujimaru Tachika's wristband.

"Yes, doctor, we have successfully arrived at the Temple of Crown Time, please give instructions." Fujimaru Rika replied quickly.

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