"So it's absolutely impossible to think about destroying this world by deliberately giving this world to the mother of the gods."

"Maybe that lady goddess is really like what you said..." Gilgamesh said non-committal, "It's not you, and it's not her, so who else has the ability to control the sea and drown the earth? Woolen cloth."

"Perhaps, that dream, as Enkidu said, was just an illusory dream, and would not become a prophetic existence."

When nothing happened, Qiye could only think like this...

No matter what, Qiye has prepared many things for his dream, such as impregnable Babylonian walls, burly and strong Babylonian soldiers, and various weapons and armors.

"I hope these prepared things won't come in handy." Qiye whispered softly, and at this moment, the seam of the underworld was filled by the Uruk soldiers, and there was a hint of the breath of the underworld.

With the breath of the underworld, it turned into a pitch-black owl.

It is a conscientious and diligent owl~

Good boy who listens to his mother: For my mother, all the gods and gods should die!

Good boy who doesn't listen to his mother: For my mother, do you want to move all of you to the underworld?

Chapter 129 Chapter 25 The king of Uruk and the sage go to the underworld

The flute of the sages of Uruk for the Seven Nights is like an endless river flowing in the entire Uruk area.

The soothing and soft sound of the flute contained incredible magic, which made the hearts of those who heard the sound of the flute soften involuntarily, and then a feeling of comfort and comfort rose from the depths of their hearts.

The rosy lips breathed, the slender fingertips pressed the flute holes, and the wonderful notes came from the Ishtar flute. They beat each other cheerfully, turning into a gentle melody that made people sigh "seconds".

Just when all the residents of Uruk were immersed in this beautiful flute, the flute stopped abruptly, because the flute played by Qiye was snatched away...

"..." Qiye shook his empty palm, then looked at the black owl flying in front of him, "What are you doing, Xiao Hei?"

The owl that grabbed the flute opened its beak, and for the first time it spoke in front of Qiye.

"The previous game of Uruk, and the sound of your flute in Qiye, have seriously disturbed the gods in the underworld, so now I have taken your things on behalf of the underworld. If you want to take it back, find someone Come down to the underworld and discuss with me."

The owl's voice was even more pleasant to the ears than the flute played just now, but the content made Qiye even more confused.

But before Qiye could react, the owl flew away quickly. Ereshkigal was ashamed of her unreasonableness. In order to let Qiye go to the underworld, she actually... turned bad!

She was such a conscientious and good goddess before!

"What's going on?" Gilgamesh frowned.


Qiye slowly turned his head to look at Gilgamesh with a puzzled expression, "You played for three days and three nights, so you disturbed the gods below the underworld, so Gil, you have to go to the underworld and give me Inanna. The flute is coming back."

"This is very good. Although this king has set foot in the whole of Mesopotamia, he has never been to the underworld where there are only undead." Gilgamesh showed a look of eagerness to try.

For humans and gods, the underworld is a terrifying place that is forbidden to set foot in, but for the daring Gilgamesh, it is a good place worth risking.

Perhaps it was because Gilgamesh didn't see the horrors of the underworld, so he boldly said it didn't matter.

After Gilgamesh promised to go to the underworld to learn the flute, the owl that flew away turned back.

"Remember, you must come down for seven nights by yourself, and I will ignore others!"

"Why! Xiao Hei, you have to explain it to me clearly." Qiye looked at the owl in doubt and said.

"There's no reason! And I'm not called Xiao Hei. As for my name, I'll tell you when you come down to the underworld." After leaving these words, Ereshkigal's avatar hurried away again.

'Well...Did I do something that bothered Qiye, but the sound of Qiye's flute was indeed transmitted to the underworld through the cracks in the ground before, I...I shouldn't be talking nonsense! He shouldn't be angry...'

Ereshkigal, who grabbed the flute and flew away, thought in confusion.

The goddess of the underworld is not the goddess of Venus. She will be unimaginably ashamed and embarrassed about barbaric and unreasonable things, because this is the first time she has done such unreasonable things.

Because the gods didn't notify her of the royal seal meeting, she did such a thing on a whim... Maybe she just wanted to find an excuse for herself to mess around.

"I don't want to go to the underworld..." Nanya, who had a headache, looked at Gilgamesh.

"You see, it's useless for me, it's not that I don't want to go, it's that the mysterious bird of the underworld appointed you to go down." Gilgamesh shrugged and said, "I am at most a substitute for you to go to the underworld. That's it."

Living human beings can go to the underworld. After some kings, priests, and noble family members die, they will pass through the city of Kusa and go down to the underworld because of their reluctance and longing to see their deceased family members.

Or bribe the undead in the underworld with money to make them treat their dead family members better.

But if a living human wants to go to the underworld, they must meet a condition before they can come back alive.

That's the 'substitute ghost'.

If living humans and gods descend to the underworld, they will definitely be killed by the rules of the underworld, whether they are humans or gods.

Therefore, if you want to return to the human world alive, you must prepare in advance to replace the ghost, that is, find someone to die for you, so that only those who have descended to the underworld will be able to return to the human world alive.

This is one of the rules of going to the underworld.

"But the only place I don't want to go is the underworld..." Qiye said tangled, he had never been to the underworld, but he had heard a little about the conditions and rules of the underworld.

In that lifeless underground underworld, Qiye didn't know whether he could transfer his mind or not. He didn't want to enter the underworld when he couldn't secure a way out.

Even if there is an owl that he is very familiar with in the underworld, Qiye doesn't want to go down.

"Why don't I go down for you in Qiye's place. If it's me, I might be able to calm down the gods in the underworld." Enkidu offered to suggest.

As the lock of the sky created by the gods, Enkidu also has a little bit of right to speak in front of the gods.

So Gilgamesh's three days and three nights playing, and the annoyance of the flute, might be calmed down by Enkidu.

"No, how can you let Enkidu go on an adventure? If you lose the flute, just lose it. Anyway, I don't feel bad." Qiye shook his head and said.

"But, if Inanna finds out about your loss of the flute, you will be tied to the sky boat by her, and then shot out by the sky boat as a magic cannon."

Gilgamesh suddenly rubbed his chin and said something very rude, "But I really want to see the scene where you were shot by Tianzhou at Qiye. It must be interesting."

"Beat you, Jill!" Qiye glanced at Gilgamesh, who was laughing angrily, and then rubbed his hair tangled, "Now I can only go to the underworld, and I have to go to Inan. Before Na returns to Uruk, she has to get the flute back from the underworld."

Inanna is now going to check the tree of life weapons, and she doesn't know when she will come back. She is in a hurry to conquer Mount Abif with new weapons, so it is estimated that after the weapons are made, she will return to Uruk as soon as possible, Or go to Babylon and take the seven nights to conquer Mount Abif.

So before Inanna came back, Qiye had to get the flute back from the underworld below.

And Qiye also wanted to take this opportunity to go to the underworld to test to see if he could perform a mental transfer in the underworld. If he could, he wouldn't need to worry that he wouldn't be able to leave the underworld.

"This king will prepare two substitutes, and then go to the underworld with you. It would be good to have someone on the road to the underworld." Gilgamesh said.

"No, if you are by my side, I think you will cause me trouble..." Nanye said helplessly, looking at Gilgamesh.

"Nonsense, how could this king be the kind of person who would cause you trouble? That's it." Gilgamesh, who was in high spirits, patted Enkidu's delicate shoulder and said, "Enkidu, Uruk. Just ask you and the priests to take care of me, this king and Qiye will go to the underworld."

"Be careful, you two, I will take care of Uruk, although I have heard that the goddess of the underworld is a **** who obeys the rules, as long as humans are ready and abide by the rules of the underworld, they can come back from the underworld, But you two still have to be careful, especially Jill, don't talk nonsense." Enkidu urged.

"Of course." Gilgamesh agreed.

Just after Qiye and the three of them discussed their journey to the underworld, the chief priest Siduri appeared in front of the three of them.

"Lord Sage, everyone in Uruk wondered why the flute suddenly stopped, so there was some confusion in the city, so I came here to ask."

"I'm sorry, maybe this celebration has to stop, because my flute disturbed the gods of the underworld, so they asked the bird of the underworld to take my flute to the underworld. I'm planning to go to the underworld now." Qiye said apologetically.

"Is that so? That's really a disaster. After the sages arrive in the underworld, please be careful. There are many rules in the underworld. If you violate them, you will never come back." Siduri warned worriedly.

"Don't worry, chief priest, this king will go to the underworld with the sages. This king is familiar with the rules of the underworld, so there is no need to worry that he will violate the rules of the underworld."

Gilgamesh's remarks made Siduri's face stiff, and she immediately put on a kind smile, "King, you should stay here in Uruk, the flute stopped suddenly and caused I have to ask you to come forward to solve the riot, and if you follow the sage, it will only cause trouble for the sage."


"Hey." Enki couldn't help laughing. Among Uruk, who doesn't know that Gilgamesh is not reliable, and the sage is very reliable, although Gilgamesh has changed a lot in the past two years. , has become a stable king, but sometimes it still makes people feel a headache.

For example, the game of 'Puku and McCoy' a few days ago... Pull all the men in Uruk to play the game, and the game will last for three days and three nights!

Is this a reliable behavior?

"The king's intention to leave has been decided. Chief priest, don't try to stop this king, and this king has already handed over Uruk's affairs to Enkidu and the priesthood to deal with." Gilgamesh said arrogantly.

"...Sigh." Siduri sighed, "Since the king has made a decision, well, I pray to the city gods for the two of them, hoping that the city gods will protect the two of them on their journey to the underworld."

"Pray to Inanna that we are safe..." Qiye's mouth twitched slightly, will that goddess also protect people?

No matter how Siduri bemoaned, Gilgamesh has made up her mind. She has no way to change what this guy has decided.

So Gilgamesh and Seven Nights prepared for a little while before heading to Kusa City, and through the connection between Kusa City and the Underworld, they entered the Underworld.

And the way to get to Kusa City is naturally the canal that was opened in seven nights.

Originally, this canal was created by Gilgamesh who wanted to establish a canal trade with Kusa City, so he asked Qiye to help open it, so this canal can go directly to Kusa City from Uruk.

The journey to Kusa City was smooth, with the canals leading directly to Kusa City, plus the water driving the boats.

The scenery to Kusa City is very beautiful, with green mountains and green waters, cool breeze, Qiye and Gilgamesh sitting on the boat, tasting wine and food.

Because there were no Uruk soldiers to follow, Gilgamesh felt extremely free.

"Speaking of which, Gil Uruk is about to come to the oracle. If you follow me to the underworld, aren't you worried about delaying that matter?" Said Qiye, who was shaking his wine glass.

"What are you afraid of, there will be no delay. With you here, it doesn't take us an hour to go to Kusa City, and then we go to the underworld one day, leave the underworld one day, and then return to Uruk, it is impossible to delay that matter. Well, after all, didn't Inanna say that the oracle will come in a week." Gilgamesh said without any tension.

"If it can go as smoothly as you said, that would be the best." Qiye rubbed his hair, "After all, the underworld is not another place, you can leave immediately if you want to."

"What are you afraid of, even if we are locked in the underworld by people from the underworld, we will directly smash the sky of the underworld [the earth of the world], and then fly away directly, this king's Uruk treasure house hides the goddess Ningsong. The Golden Ark." Gilgamesh said very confidently.

Since the battle with Enkidu, Gilgamesh has started to like collecting Noble Phantasms. Ordinary exquisite weapons can no longer satisfy him, so in his current treasure house, he has collected many magnificent treasures. treasure.

And Gilgamesh's mother's golden ark is also in it. It is the reward given to him by the goddess Ningsong after he has made Uruk prosperous.

"If you bombed the sky of the underworld, that's what I worry about..." Qiye said helplessly.

"Oh, I said that you are a **** in Qiye. How can you be more timid than me, a demigod? The gods shouldn't want to make a scene and make a scene regardless of the consequences." Gilgamem Shi squinted at Qiye and said.

"That's why I despise all the gods except my mother." Qiye murmured, "To make others distressed for my own selfish desires."

When Qiye said these words, Ereshkigal, who was staying in the palace of the underworld, suddenly shuddered. Next to her were Gilgamesh's 'Micku' and Inanna. The Noble Phantasm for the Seven Nights.

"Why do I have a bad feeling now... Couldn't I make Qi Ye go to the underworld by doing this..."

"Well...why don't you return the stick and flute to them..."

Chapter 130 Chapter 26

While Ereshkigal was thinking about it, the illusory Garula spirit floated over.

"Honorable goddess of the underworld, in the passage from Kusa City to the underworld, we found two fallers, one was a demigod with blond hair and red eyes, the other was an ordinary man with black hair and white robes, the Ordinary people are very similar to what you described earlier."

"Maybe he is the target you are staring at."

After Ereshkigal returned to the underworld, he dispatched his subordinates, the Garula spirits, to stare at the entrances of the underworld. If anyone found a black-haired and white-robed person who fell into the underworld, he would come and report to her. .


Ereshkigal stood up happily, "The man with black hair and white robe is absolutely right for seven nights, and the demigod with blond hair and red eyes is probably Gilgamesh, who laughs all day. guy."

Garula stared blankly at the smiling goddess of the underworld. It was the first time she saw such a happy smile from a gloomy goddess of the underworld.

From her birth to the present, the goddess of the underworld has always been in the lifeless underworld, can it be gloomy... After all, the environment is the most influential person.

Ereshkigal, who was smiling, immediately ordered Garula Ling, "Go and lead the two of them to the palace of the underworld, and open the closed seven gates of the underworld, so that the two of them can pass directly through the seven gates of the underworld."

"But the noble goddess of the underworld, strangers cannot enter the palace of the underworld. This is the rule of the underworld, and the seven gates of the underworld have never been opened without [passers] paying any price." The rules of the underworld.

The seven gates of the underworld exist to harvest the wealth of dead humans and prevent the undead in the underworld from leaving the underworld.

No living person has ever reached the palace of the underworld through the seven gates of the underworld, and no one has ever been able to pass through the seven gates of the underworld without bribing the seven gates of the underworld or answering questions about the seven gates of the underworld.

Ereshkigal stomped the barren earth with her jade feet, and a spear-like cage rose from her feet. Holding the spear sill, she pointed at Garula Ling, "Go, the underworld is Ereshki. Gal, Ereshkigal is the underworld, and the rules of the underworld are all drawn up by me, so you can do whatever I say!”

"Yes yes yes!" The frightened Garula Ling hurriedly floated away, its heart was amazed, because it was the first time that the goddess of the underworld it was loyal to was so savage, what's going on!

Garula Ling floated away in a hurry, while Ereshkigal put down his spear and waited eagerly for his first meeting with Qiye.

Although Ereshkigal has met Qiye for a long time, it is not the first time she has met Qiye, but she has met in the way of an owl before, so this is the real meeting.

Qiye and Gilgamesh passed through the underworld passage in Cusa City and came to the underworld smoothly and unhindered.

When Qiye set foot on the land of the underworld, he immediately noticed the changes in his body. Now he has lost contact with the earth and the river...

Although Qiye stepped on the earth of the underworld, the earth in the underworld was not the same as the earth in the world, giving him a sense of security and connection.

Feeling the situation on the ground below, Qiye couldn't help but murmur, "The land of the underworld...is the land of death, the land that cannot breed life."

However, Qiye was relieved, because although he was in the underworld, he could not contact the earth and rivers, but he could still sense the clones left in the world, so Qiye in the underworld could still transfer his spirit from the underworld to the human world. on the body.

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