Lu Cheng waited for about two full hours before Lin Hui called back.

When Lu Cheng saw the call coming in, he quickly connected: "Master, did I cause you trouble again?"

Lu Cheng really added a lot of trouble to Lin Hui, because Lin Hui could enjoy life in the magic capital, even if someone discovered VI later, it is unlikely that Lin Hui would come over.

Lin Hui's previous clinical specialty was orthopaedics, and his research direction was bone tumor, and this matter could not be beaten.

It is estimated that no one would want to involve Lin Hui.

However, Lu Cheng came up with this matter, and the first person Lu Cheng reported to was Lin Hui. Lin Hui had no choice but to come.

This matter is very important, and it is not something that Lu Cheng can handle now. At least Lu Cheng doesn't have the backing of Lin Hui's previous achievements as a backing for pressure. This storm is enough to smash Lu Cheng into pieces.

Moreover, Lu Cheng's current identity is also different from Lin Hui's. The current Lin Hui is in charge of the health research business at any rate, and it makes sense for him to take the lead in this matter.

Now, Lu Cheng wanted to go back earlier, and called Lin Hui again. Lin Hui didn't return until two hours later. There must have been a lot of mediation involved!

At this point in time, it can be said that VI is the most important. The most important thing, basically, except for extremely extreme special events, it has to make way for the fight against UID.

Under such a torrent, personal feelings, personal life and death are really too trivial, and they may easily be crushed into the tide and smashed to smithereens!

In the VI incident, everyone was going in the opposite direction, but Lu Cheng had to follow the trend.

And it has already been out once, and I have to go out for the second time. In ancient times, it was a deserter in the battlefield, and it was going to be beheaded.

This is an invisible battle, and the war has already sounded the horn of the charge. At this time, the fighters use a nonsense reason to go home to "visit relatives", isn't this funny?

If Lu Cheng applied personally, it was basically impossible to get a positive reply.

Lu Cheng thought very clearly.

Perhaps in his heart, Fang Nixin was quite important.

In the eyes of the people around, Fang Nixin is still a bit beautiful.

In the eyes of people who are familiar with Fang Nixin, Fang Nixin still has some talent, whether in clinical or scientific research.

But if you zoom in a little more, Fang Nixin has become a 'martyr', and at most she will be credited with merit. It is impossible to change some principled things just because of her.

In a larger environment, there are thousands of Fang Nixins in this world, and this Fang Nixin is not bad.

If Lu Cheng is successful in the fight against UID, and he has contributed a lot.

Whether it is with a man, why is there no wife?

At present, where are the personal grudges? Where does personal enmity exist?

It is trivial to die alone, and there are already many innocent people who have dedicated themselves to it. It is worthy of respect, but it is still not worth changing something.

It's not callous, and it's not ruthless.

In extraordinary times, in order to reduce the number of deaths, only people can die!

This is the iron law of history.

"The trouble is really not small! Xiao Lu."

Lin Hui was very tired and had a hoarse voice. As soon as he heard it, he made a lot of phone calls, quarreled a lot, spent a lot of thought, used a lot of brains, and even killed too many brain cells.

"Little Lu." Lin Hui then said with emotion.

"If it weren't for your master being a little more affectionate now, he would be more and more unable to hold you back. You have grown too fast."

Hearing Lin Hui's words, Lu Cheng's heart clenched violently involuntarily!

Feel very guilty.

Who is Lin Hui? Strictly speaking, he was only his graduate tutor, and now it is no longer counted.

From the moment Lin Hui resigned, the name of master and apprentice has been broken, and the relationship after that depends on how the individual views it.

Moreover, Lu Cheng treats Lin Hui as a master from the bottom of his heart, a master is like a father.

But what about Lu Cheng, what did he do?

From an overall perspective, Lu Cheng is indeed great, and what he does is indeed important.

But from Lin Hui's personal level, Lu Cheng got into trouble, but he wanted to put Lin Hui into unknown danger, and he might have to die!

This is a pit master.

Besides, that's all, at least it's righteousness, and to put it more eloquently, it's for the sake of the overall situation, and it's not an exaggeration for the sake of the common people!

But now, what Lu Cheng did was to ask Lin Hui to apply for him to leave P City again.

How outrageous is this?

What's more, before the surface of H city "fallen" and the existence of the UID was confirmed, for Lu Cheng's safety consideration, Lin Hui had already done a terrible thing, and sent Lu Cheng, the person who originally mined the UID data, away.

That was to send Lu Cheng away in advance while no one was paying attention.

Under such special circumstances, it was basically impossible to pull Lu Cheng into the game. After all, H City was also in a period of unknown factors at the time, so pulling Lu Cheng away might not be useful.

But now, Lu Cheng is the proponent of the multi-point multi-source theory, and has just announced a very important research progress.

At this critical time, what everyone wants to see is Lu Cheng's attack in one fell swoop and a greater breakthrough and success.

For every extra second, at least one person is spared the pain of VI.

Less threat!

Lu Cheng is now wasting his time doing other things, which is naturally very unkind.

"Master, I'm sorry!" Lu Cheng quickly admitted his mistake.

Of course, Lu Cheng didn't regret it either.

Because from the perspective of the overall situation, he is a Chinese national and a member of the Chinese country. He is very happy that he can contribute to the Chinese country. If he can contribute a lot to the Chinese country, this is his honor. !

This is what Lu Cheng should be proud of. What he has learned, being able to repay the country is the greatest glory that Lu Cheng has learned.


However, purely from the personal level of Lu Cheng, Lu Cheng is a person.

He has his own joys and sorrows, his own parents and friends. Each of these people is unique and can never be replaced without any one.


So even if it was difficult, Lu Cheng tried it. Even if it didn't work, it was due to the constraints of the current situation and there was no other way.

But if he didn't try it, Lu Cheng would regret it for the rest of his life.

But no matter how Lu Cheng's role-playing is in the whole environment, his essence must be a person first!

It's like, if Lu Cheng is to be a doctor, then he must be a person first.

If he wants to do surgery and treat patients, he must live first, and death is like a lamp goes out.

Life is gone, where to talk about what work, what contribution, what life ideals?

Lu Cheng must first be an individual before he can assume social responsibilities, assume his role-playing, and consciously control his own behavior. Instead of being like animals, most of the behavior depends on instinct, or trained conditioned reflexes...

Lin Hui replied, "I'm sorry, but you don't have anything to be sorry for. Saying sorry is not enough."

"It's my pride to have a student like you. To be honest, whether it's clinical or scientific research, I've brought you and taught you the least."

Gu Ling

"You call me Master, I feel guilty most of the time."

"Mr. Li Dongshan and Mr. Min Hong have taught you a lot, and I feel sorry for them to be your master."

"Fortunately, it's okay, your master suppressed this matter. In addition, you have made some achievements, so someone should contact you soon."

"However, before that, Master has to tell you a quid pro quo."

"Just in principle you can't stay in Shashi for a long time."

"When you are in Shashi, your research cannot be interrupted too much, and for three days at most, you have to go back to your post."

"In addition, you can't be too emotional about this matter, and it will affect your research progress. Otherwise, your master will not be easy to communicate with."

When he said this, Lin Hui's voice was a little hoarse.

Persuade: "Lu Cheng, don't be angry. Don't think this requirement is very harsh."

"Because now is really a special period, at a critical time, in the face of VI, some people have lost their lives, some people have lost their freedom, and even more people have lost their future."

"There are many more, the future is uncertain."

"Now the emphasis on this matter, the investment in them, and the joint efforts of people from all walks of life."

"Can't be let down."

"You have to know that even leaders are human beings. Looking at it from their perspective, this kind of thing is also grabbing their hearts. He is not targeting you alone, but must be united now."

"I don't know if you have watched the news. Although H City looks a little scary today, the people here are really warm."

"This may be the truth and sincerity that we usually don't see in the hospital."

"In times of adversity, you know that our nation is really great. This is true of every industry, every industry, and everyone."

Lu Cheng was silent for a while, then replied, "Master, don't worry, no, it won't affect your emotions."

"I also don't bring personal emotions to work."

"I also read the news, takeaways, couriers, medical staff returning from the retrograde, volunteers, volunteers..."

"And everyone who secretly delivered meals for us, and everyone who silently grounded themselves."

"I saw it all."

"Master, I thought of a sentence at this time, the essence of medicine is to cure diseases, but the premise of curing diseases is necrosis and understanding of the living organisms parasitized by diseases."

"The uniqueness of each living being lies in its thinking, and the difference between each kind of thinking lies in its own heart."

"A person's original heart is formed by the environment in which he lives and his life experience."

"So, our country is a great country."

Lu Cheng remembered that a teacher once said this when he was an undergraduate. After graduate school, you can properly read a little philosophy, which will help you understand the world better.

Making you less ignorant also enables us to better seek happiness.

The above words are not copied by Lu Cheng, they are all from the heart of Lu Cheng, and most of them have sources, but they are not the same.

Lin Hui nodded and smiled: "Well, well said."

"Come on! Xiao Lu."

"Life is long, and parting from life and death is too common."

"One of the stages when we become more and more mature is that we have to accept and face the separation of life and death. People have birth, old age, sickness and death, which is inevitable, and birth, old age, sickness and death are inevitable."

Lin Hui inquired about Fang Nixin's current situation, which was not good.

Lin Hui was afraid that Lu Cheng didn't have much emotional experience and would be hit. Moreover, Lu Cheng was still a little young. He was afraid that he would delay time, affect the overall situation, and be held accountable.

"Good master."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chengcai silently added to Lin Hui's last sentence.

Yes, professionally, Lu Cheng didn't learn much from Lin Hui, but at most he learned different realms of learning. In scientific research, Lin Hui did not have time to teach him much.

However, a good teacher teaches by words and deeds, not necessarily teaching now, but always teaching.

Lin Hui's past has taught Lu Cheng a lot.

Of course, Lu Cheng didn't know about Lin Hui's premeditated suicide.

Huang Xu didn't tell Lu Cheng, Lin Hui's good brother Zhuo Zhuo naturally wouldn't say it.

As Lin Hui said, after half an hour, someone contacted him.

It may be that Lin Hui got through and persuaded the leaders above, so the people who came to Lu Cheng were very polite and respectful to Lu Cheng.

Their physique is strong, they should be in the army.

However, they were not as rude as Lu Cheng did and took for granted, but were very careful!

He took the initiative to take a lot of luggage for Lu Cheng.

Just after getting in the car, Lu Cheng was going to talk to them. After all, it would take a lot of time to go to Shashi, but they didn't return to Lu Cheng, and said apologetically, "The task is at hand, so I can't communicate at will. "

Lu Cheng didn't embarrass them either.

Whether he did it right or not, it should still be right.

But it should also be wrong. UU Reading

Right or wrong, how is it so obvious?

But no matter what, there are footprints left on the road that has been traveled. Maybe they didn't sink into the ground, they all stayed behind. Even if they turned back, they couldn't take back their previous steps, but they just made more footprints.

I don't know how long it took, I rushed from P City to Shashi, and got off the car not far from the Second Xiangya Hospital.

After getting off the bus, the tall man above the co-pilot bowed to Lu Cheng and said, "Mr. Lu, we have arrived in Shashi, which is not very far from the Second Xiangya Hospital."

"We need you to come to a place to check in every day. Within three days, you are not allowed to leave Shashi, and you must come to the location I sent you in person every day."

"Three days later, I will be ordered to bring you back to P City again. This is my order, please understand."

The attitude is firm, but the affection is still there.

Lu Cheng naturally wouldn't embarrass the other party who was carrying out the 'mission'. Originally, they came here because of their own reasons.

I'm the kind of person who gets in trouble.

"Thank you, thank you for your hard work." After thanking the two of them, Lu Cheng quickly got out of the car, then swept the shared motorcycles that were ignored on the street, and walked in the direction of the Second Xiangya Hospital.

When they got to the door, it was a coincidence that Lu Cheng just met Fang Han, who was only released for two hours after being released.

This time, he took a lot of gifts in his hands, but the gifts were scattered all over the place. It was estimated that the gifts could not be passed through the back door, and there was a fight.

However, Fang Han, after all, was invincible with both fists and four hands, and was restrained by the explosion-proof shield.

Beside him, a middle-aged woman stomped her feet anxiously and said, "Stop hitting, don't hit. Fang Han, stop."

At this time, Lu Chengcheng walked to the door.

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