I, Spiritual Roots, Lead The Family To Ascend

Chapter 114 Prepare For Foundation Establishment

Shen family, back mountain.

The wind is sunny and the sky is cloudless.

Looking from the outside, the Shen family is still the same as usual, without any changes.

However, all the high-level members of the Shen family in Houshan gathered together.

Shen Zhongzheng closed his eyes even more, and sat on the stone bench, his Divine Sense was released, and the entire Qinghe Town within a hundred miles could not escape his perception.

All the people sat cross-legged on the stone, but no one entered the state of cultivation, looking towards the secret room from time to time.

"Hey, Ah Xuan is already Foundation Establishment, he's only seventeen years old, I seem to remember his eighteenth birthday next month."

"Yes, it seems that he hasn't gone down the mountain for three years. He should also go down the mountain to have a look after Foundation Establishment."

"Our Shen family has Ruixuan here, it's really a great luck."

Everyone chatted happily.

Once Shen Ruixuan succeeds in the Foundation Establishment, it means that the Shen family will have a double Foundation Establishment.

This is unique within a thousand miles of Lanling City.

With two Foundation Establishments, the influence of the Shen family will quickly radiate outward, and their strength will also grow rapidly.

Unlike before, when Shen Zhongzheng went out, he was cautious. What he was afraid of was that if he was found out, other Foundation Establishments would directly copy the old den of the Shen family, which would be bad.

However, once you have two Foundation Establishments.

Then, one of the Shen family can stay at home and one can go out. In that case, more resources can be obtained.

"Quiet, we have to be extremely prepared, and we must not interfere with him!!!"

At this time, Shen Zhongzhi spoke, and everyone remained silent, looking at the secret room with hope.

Chamber of Secrets.

At this time, the Spiritual Qi lingered in the entire secret room, and Shen Ruixuan loomed in the Spiritual Qi, as if he was in a fairyland.

Faint fluorescent light continuously surrounds Shen Ruixuan's body, looking very sacred and solemn.


I saw a dull roar coming from Shen Ruixuan's body, and the whole secret room vibrated.

At this moment, Shen Ruixuan's expression was calm, the family's Qi Refining Art continuously controlled Spiritual Qi, and charged towards the bottleneck.

But the bottleneck has remained motionless, like a solid rock.

However, Shen Ruixuan was never in a hurry.

Because, he knew that if the Foundation Establishment period had such a good breakthrough, then the entire Lingnan would be full of Foundation Establishments like dogs and Gold Cores walking all over the place.

Although, as a body of luck, the difficulty of breaking through the bottleneck still exists.

It doesn't mean that, as a body cultivator, he can refine extremely fast, so there is no bottleneck.

In fact, most spirit bodies in the Immortal World, although the cultivation speed is faster, there is still a bottleneck, but the difficulty of breakthrough is much smaller than that of ordinary people.

Shen Ruixuan slowly controlled the Qi Refining Art to continuously absorb the Spiritual Qi in the secret room.

The Spiritual Qi in the entire secret room has become extremely abundant, and even a few drops of spirit beads can be faintly seen floating in the void.

However, with the operation of the Cultivation Technique in Shen Ruixuan's body, huge Spiritual Qi continuously entered his body, replenishing all the Spiritual Qi consumed by the impact bottleneck.

Every time a breakthrough Realm, it is a process of consuming Spirit Power.

That's why whenever you want to breakthrough a Realm, you must choose the abundant spirit veins of Spiritual Qi to breakthrough.

The purpose is to ensure that the Spiritual Qi is sufficient at the critical time, so that the breakthrough will not fail due to the lack of Spiritual Qi.

A moment later, with the filling of Spirit Power in his body, Shen Ruixing once again launched an impact on the bottleneck of the Foundation Establishment period.


Another dull loud noise came from inside Shen Ruixuan's body, even Shen Zhongzheng who was sitting outside was surprised.

He didn't expect that Shen Ruixuan's impact on the bottleneck was so loud.

Back then, when he broke through the Foundation Establishment, only he could hear the sound, let alone the sound outside the secret room.

At this time, everyone also looked at the secret room worriedly.

"Ah Xuan, this movement is not small, I don't know if I have encountered difficulties."

"Probably not. He has read the experience of the patriarch's breakthrough Foundation Establishment before, so he should be considered experienced."

"Yeah, it's fine, isn't there a Foundation Establishment pill, like our A Xuan's Talent, the breakthrough Foundation Establishment is absolutely 100%."

At this time, Shen Zhongzheng said slowly.

"Breakthrough Foundation Establishment is very difficult. If I didn't have a Foundation Establishment Pill, I might not have been able to succeed."

"According to my experience, the breakthrough Foundation Establishment is best completed in one go in the first three times, so the chance of success is very high."

"The longer the time dragged on, the harder it was for the whole person's mind, and the difficulty of breaking through also doubled in the end."

Everyone quietly listened to Shen Zhongzheng's explanation, listening very seriously.

After all, the weakest ones here have the eighth level of Qi refining, and the strong ones have already reached the peak of the ninth level of Qi refining.

Basically, as long as one can obtain the Foundation Establishment Pill, there is at least a 50% chance of becoming a Foundation Establishment cultivator.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan frantically absorbed Spiritual Qi in the secret room again.

And it was as if a tornado had blown in the secret room, all the Spiritual Qi frantically rushed towards Shen Ruixuan's body.

In particular, Shen Ruixuan's two nostrils can clearly see the Spiritual Qi emitting a faint fluorescence, which has penetrated into it.

"Third time!!!"

A low moan sounded in the secret room.

Shen Ruixuan's face turned pale, and then he directly operated the Qi Refining Art at the fastest speed.

The whole body seemed to speed up a lot at once, and the majestic Spiritual Qi kept rushing towards the bottleneck, just like the sea waves constantly churning.

However, Shen Ruixuan did not control Spiritual Qi to hit the bottleneck, but kept suppressing Spiritual Qi to prevent it from hitting the bottleneck.

The purpose of doing this is to obtain the greatest impact, so that the breakthrough can be achieved in one fell swoop.

After half an hour.

Shen Ruixuan's face turned red, he clenched his teeth, and strands of blood were clearly visible in his eyes.

Rows of fine sweat hung on his forehead, looking very painful.

At this moment, Shen Ruixuan already felt that suppressing Spirit Power had reached its limit.

He also knows that suppressing Spirit Power cannot be suppressed too hard, otherwise, he will suffer.

A ruthlessness flashed in Shen Ruixuan's clear eyes, and then he shouted sharply.


As the sound fell, the majestic Spirit Power seemed to be a flood that opened the gate, and the bottleneck was blown to pieces at once.

boom! ! !

A huge shaking sound spread throughout Qinghe Town.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan obviously felt that the whole person had been sublimated from soul to body, as if he had reached another level.

Shen Ruixuan looked outside subconsciously, and saw that the entire Qinghe Town was under his Divine Sense.

"Is this the so-called Divine Sense?"

Shen Ruixuan murmured subconsciously, with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, Shen Ruixuan released his aura directly, and a terrifying aura suddenly enveloped the sky over Qinghe Town.

The whole Qinghe Town seemed to have come to a standstill, and everyone looked at the Shen family's spiritual pulse in horror.

"What is the Shen family doing? Is something wrong again?"

"No way, the Shen family is the strongest in the entire Qinghe Town, how could something happen."

"Yeah, there won't be another Foundation Establishment."

At this time, Shen Zhongzheng who was outside frowned first, and then smiled like a flower on his whole face.

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