At this time, a strange phenomenon appeared in the valley.

A huge snake head lay quietly on the ground. The snake's eyes were tightly closed, as if it was asleep.

Ten feet in front of the snake head, a huge incense stick was erected, and the thick smoke was constantly blowing in the direction of the snake head.

However, in the middle of the valley, six people worked hard to collect Lingmi.

I saw that Shen Ruixuan directly waved a large piece of Lingmi with his right hand, and Shen Ruixuan pulled up the root and soil, and then put it into the storage bag.

Before, when they were in the family, everyone learned how to keep Lingmi alive as much as possible.

Spiritual rice grows on spiritual rice, and spiritual rice cannot leave the soil with Spiritual Qi for a long time.

Otherwise, the ling rice will die easily, and the Spiritual Qi inside the ling rice above will dissipate in the air.

Therefore, when moving the Lingdao, it is necessary to take away as much soil as possible.

In this way, Lingdao can survive longer.

Also, never damage the root system.

Once the root system of Lingdao is damaged, there is no way to absorb the Spiritual Qi in the soil.

Then, the spiritual rice in the spiritual rice will not be ripe, it will not be full, and there will not be much Spiritual Qi.

At this time, the six people in the valley were digging the spiritual rice with all their strength.

And Shen Ruixuan looked at the Aoki demon python from time to time, he always felt that the Aoki demon python was about to wake up.

After a while, two-thirds of the incense had been burned.

At this moment, everyone also collected most of the spiritual rice in the valley into storage bags.

Just when everyone was about to collect the last piece of spiritual rice in the northeast corner, they were stopped by Shen Zhongzheng.

Everyone didn't have any doubts, after all, this is spiritual rice that can grow spiritual rice, shouldn't the more the better.

Shen Zhongzheng smiled slightly.

"Leave a thread in everything, so as not to make it extinct."

Hearing this, Shen Ruixuan instantly understood the meaning of his grandfather's words.

This piece of Lingmi is wild and can be said to be a gift from Heavenly Dao.

However, it is already very good that the Shen family can obtain so much Lingmi.

Leaving a part of the spiritual rice, so as not to let this piece of spiritual rice become extinct.

In this way, if something happens to the Shen family's spiritual rice, they can come back and use the spiritual rice again.

At this moment, Shen Ruiyun exclaimed.

"Look, what is this?"

At this time, Shen Ruiyun's exclamation echoed in the valley.

Everyone looked at Aoki demon python with horror on their faces, for fear that it The next moment would wake up.

When they saw that Aoki was still sleeping, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Patriarch, what kind of Lingmi is this?"

At this time, everyone has gathered around.

The scene in front of them shocked everyone.

All I saw was a half-meter-high spiritual rice quietly taking root in the soil.

Three or two branches swayed in the wind, and on the top of the spiritual rice, three golden grains of spiritual rice hung.

These three grains of spiritual rice were plump and glittering with golden light, and everyone could clearly feel a trace of Spiritual Qi emanating from the spiritual rice.

At this time, everyone understood that this spiritual rice plant was very special.

Other spiritual rice is light yellow, and there is no Spiritual Qi on the surface.

However, the whole body of this spiritual rice plant is golden yellow, and there are only three grains of spiritual rice.

The most surprising thing is that these three grains of Lingmi are three times larger than ordinary Lingmi.

"Hiss, is this another kind of Lingmi, but why are there so few of them?"

"Yes, but the Spiritual Qi in it is very sufficient. I feel that the Spiritual Qi in the body has increased significantly after taking a sip."

"Have you noticed? There are no other spiritual rice within three feet of it."

Hearing this, everyone took a closer look. There was really no other spiritual rice around this spiritual rice, not even a single weed.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan measured it with his palm, and it was exactly three feet, no more, no less.

Moreover, Shen Ruixuan discovered a strange phenomenon.

"Can you see that all the spiritual rice here, the direction in which their ears hang down, is facing this spiritual rice."

Hearing what Shen Ruixuan said, everyone began to observe carefully.

"That's right, it's true. Could it be that this Lingdao plant is the boss here?"

Shen Ruilin made a joke.

At this moment, Shen Zhongzheng spoke with the sound transmission talisman.

"I have sent a voice transmission to Brother Zhongtian, I believe he should know what kind of Lingmi this is."

Hearing this, everyone was relieved.

In the hearts of everyone, Shen Zhongtian is an encyclopedia, most of the puzzles in the family can be answered by asking him.

At this time, behind the crowd, Aoki slowly raised his eyelids, and glanced coldly at Shen Ruixuan.


Just now, Shen Ruixuan felt a chill in his back, as if something was watching him.

Shen Ruixuan looked around, only Aoki was lying quietly on the ground.

Seeing this, Shen Ruixuan flashed his energy, and directly transmitted the voice to Shen Zhongzheng.

Hearing Shen Ruixuan's words, Shen Zhongzheng didn't say anything.

At this moment, Shen Zhongzheng's sound transmission symbol flashed again.

After a while, Shen Zhongzheng suppressed the excitement in his heart and said slowly.

"This is a King Lingmi plant. As long as it is well protected, it can produce Lingmi continuously."

"Moreover, this Lingmi King can still be advanced, and the current one is only a second-tier mid-grade."

Hearing this, everyone was very excited.

As long as this Lingmi king is brought back to the Shen family, then the Shen family will not have to worry about Lingmi.

With the increase of Lingmi, cultivators eat Lingmi day and night, which is very effective in purifying the body, and it can be said to indirectly improve the physique of the cultivator.

Although the effect can be seen in the short term, the effect is obvious in the long term.

More importantly, this kind of Lingmi has a mild temperament and can be eaten by ordinary people.

Ordinary people who eat Lingmi can not only improve their physical fitness, but more importantly, they can affect the next generation, indirectly increasing the chance of giving birth to Spiritual Roots.

It can be said that once the entire Shen family eats Lingmi, it will be a major event that will benefit the present and benefit the future.

At this moment, Shen Zhongzheng directly asked Shen Liangfang to take Shen Ruikun and the three back to the previous mountain peak.

Although everyone was puzzled, they also understood that the patriarch must have his intentions in doing so.

At this time, Shen Zhongzheng and Shen Ruixuan looked at each other.


Afterwards, Shen Ruixuan swung four Spirit Powers and slashed towards Lingmi King's surroundings.

Afterwards, the King Lingmi rose into the air and landed firmly in Shen Ruixuan's hands.

At this moment, a roar full of killing intent came from behind the two of them.

At this time, Shen Zhongzheng raised his beard slightly upwards, and his backhand was a fire Spirit Power.

"It's you who's waiting!!!"

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