I, Spiritual Roots, Lead The Family To Ascend

Chapter 19 Family Concentrated Iron Ore

Qinghe Town, Shen Family, Back Mountain.

A stream of light flew towards the Immortal Sword Mountain Range, and disappeared in an instant.

Anyone with a heart can definitely guess who this person is.

After all, only after reaching the Foundation Establishment can one be able to fly with the sword, and there is only one Foundation Establishment cultivator in the entire Qinghe Town, and that is Shen Zhongzheng, the head of the Shen family.

"Ah, it's too exciting, I can't stand it!!!"

At this time, Shen Zhong was stepping on the Flying Daggers, standing with his hands behind his back, standing in the front of the Flying Daggers, with Shen Ruilin in the middle, and Shen Ruixuan in the back.

At this time, Shen Ruilin was extremely excited, and at first he didn't dare to stand on the Flying Daggers.

However, now the whole person is shouting loudly in the air.

With the flight of Flying Daggers, the entire Xianjian Mountain Range is at their feet. Different views and different experiences give people a very different feeling.

However, although Shen Ruixuan didn't show too much, his eyes were unusually bright, and flying with Yujian was simply too cool.

"Ah Xuan, aren't you excited?"

"I must achieve the Foundation Establishment, otherwise, I will never be reconciled."

At this time, Shen Ruixuan smiled lightly, patted Shen Ruilin on the shoulder seriously, and said forcefully.

"Second brother, you can definitely become a Foundation Establishment cultivator."

"Look, grandpa is a top-grade Spiritual Roots just like you, and now he is a Foundation Establishment cultivator, you still don't have confidence."

Hearing this, Shen Ruilin's eyes lit up.

Yes, the patriarch is a vivid example. Even the patriarch can achieve Foundation Establishment, why can't he.

Shen Ruilin nodded gratefully towards Shen Ruixuan.

"Ah Xuan, thank you!!!"

"However, I still hope that you can become the second Foundation Establishment cultivator of our Shen family."

"I've heard people say that the sooner the Foundation Establishment is achieved, the greater the potential in the future."

Shen Ruixuan said with a smile.

"Don't worry, there will be more and more Foundation Establishment cultivators in our Shen family in the future."

After a cup of tea, the three finally arrived at the Xianjian Mountain Range.

At this point, the three of them got off the Flying Daggers and couldn't help admiring.

"Yujian flies, it's simply too fast."

"Just so, it usually takes two hours to ride a horse."

"However, now it only takes a cup of tea."

Shen Zhongzheng heard the conversation of the two juniors, and a smile appeared on his face.

Following the achievement of the Foundation Establishment, Shen Zhongzheng's temper has calmed down a lot, and his mood has also become very good.

"Okay, let's go into the stockade."

Shen Ruixuan looked up and saw a small village in front of him, which looked very ordinary.

It is so simple that it is built with a few pieces of wood. In addition to being used to shelter from wind and rain, the other function is to guard against Demonic Beasts and avoid the attacks of Demonic Beasts.

The refined iron ore here is mainly used to produce refined iron, which is used for smelting. Most of them are sold to the Wang family, and a few are sold to Lanling City.

Shen Ruixuan has also been here several times before, mainly to deliver supplies to the clansmen stationed here.

At this time, a muscular middle-aged man walked out quickly. He was a little rough, but his eyes were shining brightly.

Shen Liangxiu, the eighth level of Qi Refining, has been stationed in the family's refined iron mine all year round. He is stable and shrewd, but he is not good at speaking.

"Liangxiu, meet the patriarch."

At this moment, Shen Liangxiu looked at Shen Zhongzheng with burning eyes, and was so excited that he couldn't speak.

Just two days ago, he received the news of the patriarch's achievement of the Foundation Establishment, which made him so excited that he didn't sleep well all night.

"Ruilin, meet Fifth Uncle."

"Ruixuan, pay my respects to Fifth Uncle."

At this time, Shen Liangxiu looked happily at the two juniors, especially at Shen Ruixuan as if he had seen a ghost.

"Ah Xuan, your improvement speed is too fast."

"It's going to catch up with me after a while, that's great!!!"

"The two of you can't fall behind in your cultivation, but you must also remember to combine work with rest."

Without waiting for the two to reply, Shen Zhongzheng grabbed Shen Liangxiu's arm and walked towards the fine iron mine.

"You have worked hard these years, and the family is trying to find a way to promote the spiritual vein."

Hearing this, Shen Liangxiu was taken aback for a moment, and then was overjoyed.

"Promote spiritual veins?"

However, Shen Liangxiu knew that the family's spiritual veins were first-level top-grade spiritual veins, and if they wanted to be promoted, they would be second-level spiritual veins.

The spiritual qi of the second-order spiritual veins is not only more abundant than that of the first-order spiritual veins, but the purity of the spiritual qi is much higher.

Otherwise, why Spirit Stones will be divided into top-grade Spirit Stones, top-grade Spirit Stones, middle-grade Spirit Stones and low-grade Spirit Stones is because the purity of Spiritual Qi is different.

The higher the grade of Spirit Stones, the higher the purity and the higher the value.

"That's right, after the promotion of the spirit veins is completed, you will take turns guarding the family business, and the rest will all enter the secret room to practice."

At this time, Shen Liangxiu heard the patriarch's thoughts, and he was so moved that he couldn't be more moved.

Before, it was because the first-order spiritual veins could only support so many people to practice, so the rest rarely returned to the family to practice.

Moreover, the cultivation of the first-order spiritual veins is not too different from the outside world, and many people don't like to run at both ends.

However, the second-order spiritual veins are not comparable to the first-order spiritual veins, and the family has started to rotate, and everyone has a fixed time to return to the family to practice.

This can be a great joy for the clansmen.

"Come on, let's go in and have a look. Is that mountain-piercing armor still here?"

As everyone entered the fine iron ore, the light also became dim.

Along the way, Shen Ruixuan watched the clansmen digging for refined iron ore, putting pieces of refined iron in baskets and transporting them out.

These are members of the Shen family, and they don't have Spiritual Roots, but digging spiritual mines can get corresponding wages.

Moreover, the wages of the Shen family are usually 50% higher than those of the Wang and Li families.

After all, they are all members of the Shen family, and they have to take care of each other.

With the continuous deepening, everyone finally came to the deepest part of the refined iron mine.

Here is a huge deep pool, turbid sewage, with a little pungent smell, filled the entire fine iron ore.

"I don't know, what's going on, the mountain-piercing spirit armor hasn't been here for the past half month."

At this time, Shen Liangxiu said suspiciously.

"I've also been investigating this matter recently. I thought the mountain-piercing armor had already left."

"But, Patriarch, guess what I saw?"

At this time, everyone was attracted by Shen Liangxiu's words.

Shen Zhongzheng rolled his eyes slightly, and then asked.

"Could it be that the Demonic Beasts are about to break through the second order?"

"It shouldn't be possible. I just went for a stroll around the area two days ago."

Shen Liangxiu slowly expressed his own thoughts.

"Several times, I felt its breath at the entrance of the cave, sometimes strong and sometimes weak, but it was far from reaching the edge of breakthrough."

At this moment, Shen Ruixuan's eyes lit up, and then he said mysteriously.

"Grandpa, according to my speculation, the panshan spirit armor should belong to the head mother."

Hearing what Shen Ruixuan said, everyone's eyes lit up.

"You mean, it's going to..."

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