I, Spiritual Roots, Lead The Family To Ascend

Chapter 203 Blood Knife Reappearance

Lanling City.

If it was a prosperous world before, then it is The Underworld now.

The entire Lanling City exudes a stench, which can be clearly smelled for hundreds of miles.

Countless corpses were lying in every corner of the street, all of them had dark complexions and pained expressions.

It's like suffering a lot of torture during his lifetime.

However, in the sky above Lanling City, countless vultures are flying non-stop.

After a while, groups of vultures flew into Lanling City one after another.

Facing it, the corpse on the ground kept pecking at it.

After a while, more than a dozen corpses were eaten up by vultures.

The vultures that had eaten enough of the carcasses had a black glow in their eyes.

At this time, a roar of resentment spread throughout Lanling City.


Then, the roar spread throughout Lanling City.

I saw that the sky over the entire Lanling City was covered with dark clouds and the thunder continued.

Wisps of black air continuously gathered in the sky, and wisps of eerie aura came from it.

A moment later, black air fell from the sky and landed directly on the square of the Great Hall of the Chen Family.

I saw a man in black on the square, roaring to the sky.

He was full of black air, and wisps of black air wrapped around his side.

The black air in the void enveloped his body, constantly nourishing his body.

After a while, the black air in the void was finally swallowed up by him.


The man in black roared towards the sky, and a powerful aura emanated from his body, which was the ninth floor of the Foundation Establishment.

Afterwards, the man in black turned to face the south, which was the direction of Qinghe Town.

"The four major families are extinct, so the Shen family will be next!"

"I want the Shen family to keep no chickens and dogs, and no grass will grow!!!"

After finishing speaking, a huge Killing intent shot up into the sky.

Afterwards, the dark clouds in the entire Lanling City dissipated, and it was clear.

A round of sunlight came in from the outside and shone on the face of the man in black. It was Chen Daoyi.

It's just that now his complexion is pale, and wisps of blackness flashed in his eyes, making him look very scary.

Then, Chen Daoyi waved his right hand.

I saw that four pillars suddenly rose from the ground of the square.

These four pillars have the waist of two adults, so thick.

There are four cultivators tied to the four pillars, three men and one woman. It seems that the Cultivation Base is in the Foundation Establishment period.

Afterwards, Chen Daoyi flicked his fingers, and four wisps of black air shot directly into the bodies of the four people.

After a while, the four woke up leisurely, and when they saw Chen Daoyi again, fear flashed across their faces.

At this time, Bai Yu, the patriarch of the Bai family, looked at Chen Daoyi angrily.

"Unexpectedly, I still missed you back then, and today it caused such a big disaster."

"I really regret that I didn't slap you to death at the beginning!!!"

Hearing this, Chen Daoyi was extremely angry.

Countless black air came out of his right hand, and he slapped the Patriarch of the Bai family.


A scream came from the mouth of the ancestor of the Bai family.

At this time, Chen Daoyi came to him and looked at him fiercely.

"According to what you said, I also want to thank you for not killing me."

"However, your four major families joined forces with the Shen family to slaughter my whole family of the Chen family, how should this blood debt be calculated!"

Then, Chen Daoyi's words fell.

Countless dead souls emerged from the entire Chen family's spiritual veins, and the faces of each dead soul could be clearly seen.

Seeing this, Chen Daoyi's blood surged and he was furious.

He turned his right palm into fists, and landed on the Patriarch of the Bai family continuously.

"Bang bang bang!!!"


The wailing of the Patriarch of the Bai family was heard throughout Lanling City, and the other three were terrified.

An hour later, the ancestors of the four major families had already been beaten to the point of inhumanity by Chen Daoyi.

Only the faint sound of breathing can prove that they are still alive.

"When I knew that the Chen family was wiped out, do you know how I got here?"

"I wanted to die at that time, because I knew that with my own strength, there was no way to avenge the Chen family!!!"

Chen Daoyi roared angrily at the ancestors of the four major families, his whole body was extremely excited.

"However, when I came to Lanling City again, I saw that your four big families were full of vigor and pride."

"I made up my mind that there is only one thing left for me in this life, and that is revenge for the family."

"Let all those who killed the Chen family descend to The Underworld to comfort the souls of the Chen family's ancestors!!!"

Hearing this, the four of them looked at Chen Daoyi in fear.

I can't figure it out, in just a few years, he has completely changed.

At this time, Chen Daoyi smiled evilly at the four of them.

"Just when I was desperate, I met my master."

"It was he who helped me become the Foundation Establishment cultivator, and even the Cultivation Base that reached the ninth floor of the Foundation Establishment within a few years."

Speaking of this, Chen Daoyi had a face full of admiration, as if he saw a street light guiding his life.

At this time, the Patriarch of the Bai family calmed down and said with difficulty.

"Chen Daoyi, you have already become a demon."

"Besides, it was the Shen family who killed Chen Yan, otherwise, how could your Chen family be wiped out?"

In addition, the ancestors of the three major families spoke out one after another.

"Yes, you should find trouble with the Shen family. The culprit of this incident is the Shen family."

"I heard that the head of the Shen family is only on the fourth floor of the Foundation Establishment. It is very easy for you to kill him."

"That's right, your Chen family's Foundation Establishment Cultivation Technique is in the Shen family, you should take it back!!!"

Hearing this, Chen Daoyi was extremely angry.

Foundation Establishment Cultivation Technique is the most important treasure of the Foundation Establishment family, and every family values ​​it very much.

And the Chen family's "Shui Ling Jue" is even more of the inheritance of the Chen family, and it is a shame that it is now in the hands of others.

Chen Daoyi narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled menacingly.

"You don't need to say these things here, you just want to use the Shen family's knife to kill me."

"But, do you think the Shen family can kill me? Their strongest Shen Zhongzheng is only on the fourth floor of Foundation Establishment."

"Don't worry, you will be able to meet your former partners soon."

"At that time, the Shen family will also be buried for my Chen family members just like you!!!"

Then, before the four of them could speak, Chen Daoyi waved his hand and the four stone pillars sank into the ground.

With a creepy smile on Chen Daoyi's face, he said slowly.

"Shen family, you just wait for my big gift!!!"

In the void, a stream of light flew across, and finally landed steadily on the ground.

The person who came was Shen Zhongzheng, when he saw everything in front of him.

Even though he was already mentally prepared, he was also shocked by the sight in front of him.

There are piles of corpses all over the city, and mountains of corpses are piled up in the prosperous Lanling City in the past.

Looking around, countless Yin Qi gathered in the sky above Lanling City.

Seeing this, Shen Zhongzheng frowned deeply, and then walked towards the city with big strides.

"I want to see what monsters are hiding in Lanling City!!!"

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