Wind Spirit Fruit, wind attribute, third-order high-grade elixir, blue in color, only the size of a baby's fist.

The cliff that likes to grow, on the windy side, has been blown by strong winds all year round, full of strong wind Spirit Power.

If the Spiritual Roots cultivator eats this fruit, it can greatly increase Spirit Power, and more importantly, it can restore Spirit Power more quickly.

You should know that the Ju Ling Pill that the cultivator usually eats does not contain any attributes.

It must be transformed into corresponding attributes through the Spiritual Roots in Dantian before it can be released.

However, the Wind Spirit Fruit, which contains unique Spirit Power, is filled with Wind Spirit Power.

As long as the wind spirit power is swallowed up, the wind spirit power in the body will directly increase.

In the battle of the strong, a split second of effort can determine victory or defeat, life and death.


Shen Ruixuan turned his head and walked towards the place where the demon bears haunted, entered the innermost part of the valley, and suddenly became enlightened.

I saw that there was a huge river in front of me, and the river was turbulent and surging.

At this moment, Shen Ruixing was surprised.

Unexpectedly, separated by a small hill, the sound of the river cannot be heard, which is simply amazing.


At this time, the purple-eyed golden-haired ape stood up from Shen Ruixuan's shoulder, pointing with one paw at the big footprint ahead.

Shen Ruixuan Divine Sense swept away, and saw clearly a huge footprint on the ground, about the size of the demon bear's footprint.

Then, Shen Ruixuan found the same footprints 100 meters ahead.

Moreover, the ground of the footprints was mixed with blood, and there were a few blue leaves.

Shen Ruixuan picked up the leaves, and clearly felt the faint wind Spirit Power contained in the leaves.

"That's right, these are the leaves of the Wind Spirit Tree!"

Shen Ruixing said happily, the leaves in his hand tightened even more.

At this moment, Shen Ruixin became more and more excited, and walked straight ahead.

After a cup of tea, Shen Ruixuan came to a cliff.

There are bloodstains all over the floor, and even the fur of the demon bear.

Moreover, some scales were found on the ground, which were very hard.

Looking at the mess all over the place, Shen Ruixuan probably guessed the whole story.

It should be that the demon bear fought another Demonic Beasts, but the demon bear was defeated, so it fled back to the valley.

Moreover, he happened to meet Shen Ruixuan and was killed by him with a sword.

"Ah Xuan, there is the breath of Demonic Beasts below, and it is stronger than Demonic Beasts."

At this moment, the purple-eyed golden-haired ape stopped playing and looked down at the cliff seriously.

Shen Ruixuan walked slowly to the cliff, and the long-lost feeling in his heart reappeared.

"Five hundred meters!"

He knew that from the breakthrough to the Foundation Establishment period, the range of that feeling was five hundred meters.

In other words, the Wind Spirit Tree is five hundred meters below the cliff.

And, if nothing else, there is a Demonic Beasts on the Wind Spirit Tree.

Afterwards, Shen Ruixuan looked at the purple-eyed golden-haired ape encouragingly, patted it on the shoulder and said.

"As a warrior of the purple-eyed golden-haired ape clan, now is the time for you to show your strength!"

The purple-eyed golden-haired ape was startled by Shen Ruixuan's eyes, and said quickly.

"Ah Xuan, you don't want me to go down, do you?"

I saw that the purple-eyed golden-haired ape looked down the cliff deliberately, and clearly felt a huge aura below.

The purple-eyed golden-haired ape was so frightened that it retreated a few steps and patted its own small chest with its little paws.

"Ah Xuan, my small body is not big enough for that guy."

At this time, Shen Ruixuan was out of breath.

The whole person was depressed, how innocent and brave he was when he first met the purple-eyed golden-haired ape.

However, in just ten years, a good child has turned into a cowardly one.

Sure enough, human society is a big dye vat.

Shen Ruixuan took out the Jinghong sword, hating iron and steel, and glared at the purple-eyed golden-haired ape fiercely.

"I'll go down and lure it away, you go pick wind spirit fruits!"

"That's all right!"

Hearing this, the purple-eyed golden-haired ape stood up.

"Ah Xuan, you go."

After finishing speaking, he stroked his chest with his left hand and bowed his head silently, which meant farewell.

Seeing this, Shen Ruixuan lost his temper.

Cheap, too cheap.

Directly control the Flying Sword and fly towards the bottom of the cliff.

The cliff here is as high as ten thousand feet, soaring into the clouds, steep and steep.

Shen Ruixuan stepped on the Flying Sword and was in the clouds and mist. A moment later, a big green tree appeared in front of him.

I saw a ten-meter-high tree rooted on the cliff.

Wind Spirit Tree, a fourth-order spiritual plant, likes to grow on cliffs, grows against the wind, and is rich in wind spirit fruits, which are of great benefit to the wind Spiritual Roots cultivator.

A strong wind blew by, and there was a rustling of leaves.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan's gaze fixed, Divine Sense swept away.

He clearly felt a Demonic Beast lying on the trunk of the Wind Spirit Tree.

However, the breath of this Demonic Beasts is much stronger than that of Demonic Beasts.

Just when Shen Ruixuan was driving the Flying Sword, he was getting closer to the Wind Spirit Tree.

A cold roar came from inside.

"Hiss hiss!"

I saw a huge snake head appearing in front of Shen Ruixuan, staring at Shen Ruixuan with cold eyes.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan finally saw the appearance of Demonic Beasts clearly.

A snake!

A giant snake head!

Shen Ruixuan's heart froze, this snake is actually a third-tier middle-grade, which is equivalent to the Cultivation Base of the Gold Core middle stage.


Shen Ruixuan didn't talk nonsense, with a wave of his right hand, a gust of wind Spirit Power flew towards the snake's head.

I saw that, with a swing of the snake's head, Spirit Power was defeated.


A roar came from Shekou.

Shen Rui Xinxuan could see the anger and killing intent in its eyes.

Afterwards, Shen Ruixuan didn't talk nonsense, and cast a few Spirit Powers again.

However, Orochi easily defeated Spirit Power.

However, the big snake was completely enraged by Shen Ruixuan, and roared angrily at Shen Ruixuan, and the whole snake flew out of the Wind Spirit Tree into the void.

Shen Ruixuan dodged directly and flew a hundred meters away.

Just when Shen Ruixuan was about to wait for the big snake to fall off the cliff, the next scene shocked him directly.

I saw two wings protruding from both sides of the big snake's body, which were as thin as a cicada's wings and were blue in color, flapping non-stop in the void.

With the flapping of its wings, the big snake flew very flexibly in the void.

"Blue Sky Winged Snake!"

Seeing this, Shen Ruixuan flew directly into the void with his sword, and the blue sky double-winged snake flapped its wings and chased after it.

At this time, a thin figure quickly came to the Wind Spirit Tree from the cliff.

The purple-eyed golden-haired ape looked worriedly at the two voices in the void, picked up a shovel from the storage bag, and smashed it wildly at the cliff.

"Ah Xuan, you have to hold on!"

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