I, Spiritual Roots, Lead The Family To Ascend

Chapter 32 Mysterious Man In Black

As soon as the words fell, a huge Sword Qi erupted from Shen Ruixuan's long sword.

I saw a white beam of light running towards the tiger with endless power.

That Sword Qi is grand and majestic, neutral and peaceful, as if to purify all evils in the world.

At this time, everyone looked at the scene in front of them in surprise.

"Hey, it feels so powerful, what exactly is this Sword Technique?"

"It's so strong, I feel like I'm going to die."

"Go, if you don't go, it will be too late!!!"

At this time, the sharp-eyed people retreated towards the back.

Heihu looked at the scene in front of him in horror. He couldn't imagine why a young man of the seventh level of Qi refining could possess such a powerful Sword Technique.


The white Sword Qi collided with the tiger in the air, and a huge explosion sounded.

In the eyes of everyone, the two powerful attacks should cancel each other out.

However, what happened next shocked everyone.

I saw that the golden tiger quickly melted under the white Sword Qi, and disappeared completely in a short while.

However, that white Sword Qi didn't slow down, and rushed directly towards the black tiger with lightning speed.

At this time, Heihu's heart was beating wildly, his whole body was tense, and the sense of crisis that had disappeared for a long time suddenly sounded.

He knew that once he was injured by Sword Qi, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

Heihu hurriedly took out a first-level high-grade talisman from the storage bag, and directly activated the talisman with the Spirit Power in his right hand.

I saw a shield made of earth Spirit Power blocking in front of the black tiger. This shield was earthy yellow in color and exuded a powerful aura.

Judging from the breath, it is not weaker than the ordinary Qi Refining Ninth Level, that is to say, at this time, Hei Hu has the strength of two Qi Refining Ninth Levels to defend Shen Ruixuan's Sword Qi.

At this moment, Heihu's face finally relaxed a lot.


Just after the shield was activated, the majestic Sword Qi directly bombarded the shield.

A huge explosion sound came from it.


A clear cracking sound resounded throughout the cottage, and everyone looked at the shield in disbelief.

I saw a dent in the center of the khaki-colored shield, and then cracks spread out from the surroundings very quickly.

After a while, the entire shield was covered with cracks.

At this moment, Heihu's entire face darkened instantly.

Unexpectedly, the first-order high-grade talisman was so vulnerable that it couldn't withstand Shen Ruixuan's Sword Qi.

Without Heihu's reaction, the shield shattered directly, and the powerful Sword Qi directly hit Heihu's chest.


I saw that the whole body of the black tiger flew upside down, spitting out blood continuously from its mouth.

Shen Ruixuan coldly looked at the Heihu who fell on the ground, the Spirit Power in his hand was still circulating.

After not seeing the black tiger die, he will definitely not relax.

After all, there are too many opponents who counterattack when they are dying, and many people die because they underestimate the enemy.

At this time, Heihu looked at Shen Ruixuan in horror.

Unexpectedly, the seventh level of Qi Refining actually defeated his Ninth Level of Qi Refining.

What's even more hateful is that this boy's Sword Technique is really too strong, and he was seriously injured with just one move.

At this time, Heihu wanted to stand up from the ground, but there was a huge tear in his internal organs, and the pain spread all over his body.

His face was very ugly, and bean-sized sweat kept running down his cheeks.

Heihu looked at Shen Ruixuan with hatred on his face, and said without giving up.

"Well, you are indeed a genius."

"However, that blow just now has already consumed most of your Spirit Power."

After finishing speaking, Heihu laughed sinisterly.

In the cultivation of Immortal World, powerful moves often require huge Spirit Power to support them, this is an iron law.

Like Shen Ruixuan's Grand Sword Technique, with such a huge power, the Spirit Power consumed must be terrifying.

"Brothers, get on!!!"

Heihu directly called the robbers to kill Shen Ruixuan. In his opinion, Shen Ruixuan was now at the end of his battle.

The number of times, the robbers finally reacted from the fear just now.

Moreover, what the master said makes sense, a Qi Refining Level 7 can cast such a powerful Sword Technique.

Maybe, the Spirit Power in his body has dried up now.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan smiled lightly, yes, the Spirit Power in his body has indeed dried up.


I saw that Shen Ruixuan took out a bottle of Juling Pill from the storage bag, and poured it directly into own's mouth.

Under everyone's amazed eyes, the Spirit Power in Shen Ruixuan's body gradually recovered.

"Since you want to die, daddy will help you!!!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Ruixuan held a long sword and charged towards the crowd.

For a moment, the whole crowd was in a commotion, and Death's screams could be heard all the time.

Shen Ruixuan even defeated Hei Hu, who was at the ninth level of Qi refining, so killing this group of little guys is like a tiger entering a herd of sheep.

A moment later, dozens of corpses had fallen on the open space outside the cottage hall, and the red blood slowly formed a trickle, flowing quietly on the ground.

At this time, Shen Liangzhong, who was sitting on the side, looked at everything in front of him in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Shen Ruixuan became so strong. Not only did he defeat the black tiger on the ninth level of Qi refining, but he also killed the robbers completely.


Shen Ruixuan directly picked up the long sword and looked at Heihu indifferently.

"No one can save you tonight!!!"

After speaking, he was ready to swing his sword and cut off his head.

At this moment, Heihu's face changed drastically, and he shouted in horror.

"Sir, save me!!!"

The voice of help spread throughout the village, and it lasted for a long time.

Shen Ruixuan was taken aback for a moment, and then he directly chopped towards the head.


Heihu's head was like a ball, rolling down into the stream of blood.

At this time, a huge aura emanated from the back mountain of Tiger Village.

I saw that a green streamer came to Shen Ruixuan in two or three strokes.

Shen Ruixuan looked at the person who appeared not far away with serious eyes.

The person in front of him was wrapped in a black robe, so tightly covered that he couldn't see anything from the outside.

"Are you from Black Tiger?"

Shen Ruixuan asked tentatively, because logically speaking, if it was a person from Heihu, he would kill him as soon as he came up, so it's not like standing there now.

But, if it wasn't from Heihu, then why was he in Tiger Village?

So, what is his relationship with Black Tiger?

Hearing Shen Ruixuan's question, the man in black shook his head slowly, and Shen Ruixuan was even more stunned by his subsequent words.

"At such a young age, Qi Refining Level 7, possessing Wind Attribute Spiritual Roots and Space Attribute Spiritual Roots, it is indeed rare!!!"

"I actually learned the Sword Technique inherited from Haoran Sect. My comprehension is good."

As soon as these words came out, a murderous intent emerged in Shen Ruixuan's heart.

One must know that only four people in the entire Shen family know that he has the space attribute of Spiritual Roots, namely Grandpa, Father, Elder Elder and Grandpa.

However, the person in front of him could see through his details at a glance, which made Shen Ruixuan want to kill him.

Moreover, when learning Haoran Sword Technique by himself, only the grandfather and himself know about it, and no third person knows about it.

The person in front of him could see through it at a glance.

"Don't worry, I'm not from Heihu."

"However, Heihu gave me a place to live. I have to repay this kindness."

"You take my palm, and I will leave!!!"

A hoarse voice slowly came out from the black robe, the tone seemed flat, but the attitude was very resolute.

Shen Ruixuan looked at the person in front of him solemnly, and felt that his aura was very dangerous, even surpassing his grandfather.

Before Shen Ruixuan could think, the aura from the man in black soared.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan finally confirmed that the person in front of him was the Foundation Establishment cultivator, and the Spirit Power was more powerful than his grandfather.

"Give me a palm!!!"

The green Spirit Power was attacking Shen Ruixuan with endless might, looking very terrifying.

Shen Ruixuan glanced lightly, and did not move extra. He knew that it was his turn to participate in a battle of this level.

At this moment, an old hand emerged from Shen Ruixuan's side.

A gust of red Spirit Power charged towards the man in black with terrifying coercion.

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