I, Spiritual Roots, Lead The Family To Ascend

Chapter 337 Refining Concentration Pollen

On a boulder in the open space, Shen Ruixuan sat cross-legged on it, and the Concentrating Grass lay quietly on his lap.

On the right side of Shen Ruixuan, the little Demonic Beasts with black fur curled up and slept sweetly, and Xiao Bai was also nestled together.

It all looked very peaceful.

The entire forest was silent, and the two hill-like Demonic Beasts had been put into the storage bag by Shen Ruixuan.

Shen Ruixuan carefully held the Concentration Grass in both hands, and looked at it carefully.

The Ningshen grass is about nine inches long, and its age is about nine thousand years.

In other words, as long as it grows an inch longer, it will be a panacea for ten thousand years.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan shook his head regretfully.

If the year of Concentration Grass is ten thousand years, then the effect of enhancing Divine Sense must be greatly increased.

However, Shen Ruixuan changed his mind.

If the Concentrating Grass is really ten thousand years old, it might attract sixth or even seventh rank Demonic Beasts.

You should know that the sixth-order Demonic Beasts are equivalent to the Expanding Aperture stage of humans, and the seventh-order Demonic Beasts are equivalent to the Fractionated Divinity stage of humans.

In that case, it will definitely not be Shen Ruixuan's turn.

Afterwards, Shen Ruixuan continued to study the Concentrating Grass in his hand.

There are four leaves in the whole Concentration Grass, and each leaf has a very strange shape, like a bright moon in the sky.

Some films are like a full moon, while others are like a crescent moon, with a faint blue light on the edge of the leaves.

Where the top two pieces connect the branches, there are two light blue flowers.

"Concentration flower!"

Shen Ruixuan shouted subconsciously.

The reason why Concentration Grass can increase Divine Sense is mainly because it can bloom Concentration Flower.

Only the Ningshen grass that blooms the Ningshen flower has real value.

Otherwise, the Concentration Grass is worthless.

At this moment, Shen Ruixuan looked at Ningshenhua intently.

The whole Concentration flower is composed of eight petals shaped like a half moon, and there is a stamen in the center of the flower, with a little bit of starlight on it.

These dots of starlight are concentrating pollen,

Seeing this, Shen Ruixuan was extremely excited.

If it is said that Ningshenhua is the most important part of Ningshencao.

Then, Ningshen Pollen is the most important part of Ningshenhua.

Because, only when Divine Sense absorbs the pollen can it be strengthened.

Otherwise, even if you eat the whole plant of Concentration Grass, it won't help.


Shen Ruixuan annoyed his excitement, and exhaled deeply.

Afterwards, Divine Sense slowly emanated from the sea of ​​consciousness.

I saw a majestic Divine Sense wrapping the two Concentration Flowers together.

The two Concentrating Flowers quietly floated in the void, looking very strange.

Afterwards, Shen Ruixuan's expression froze.

"Bang bang!"

The two Concentrating Flowers sprayed out the pollen as if they had received some force.

Suddenly, a ball of pollen with a little bit of starlight appeared in the void, which looked like a night sky.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan's breathing was a little short, his eyes fixed on the pollen in the void, and he tried his best to control the Divine Sense to wrap the pollen, fearing that it might miss a little bit,


Shen Ruixuan directly retracted the Divine Sense into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and was brought in by the Divine Sense along with the concentration pollen.

The moment the pollen entered the sea of ​​consciousness, Shen Ruixuan's whole body trembled, as if he became much clearer all of a sudden.

Afterwards, countless concentration pollen scattered in the sea of ​​consciousness, just like countless stars shining in the sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, the entire sea of ​​consciousness is like a starry sky, very mysterious and vast.

In the center of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, an ancient bronze coffin was quietly suspended there.

Looking at the ancient bronze coffin, Shen Ruixuan felt a palpitation in his heart.

This mysterious ancient bronze coffin has never moved since it entered his sea of ​​consciousness.

Moreover, it didn't affect him at all.

However, Shen Ruixuan has always been wary of the ancient bronze coffin.

At this time, he silently prayed in his heart that the ancient bronze coffin must not be messed with.

However, what is often feared will come.

At this moment, what Shen Ruixuan was worried about happened.

I saw that the ancient bronze coffin inexplicably emitted a strong suction force, directly sucking countless concentration pollen into the coffin.

Shen Ruixuan was completely stunned.

Just now, he kept praying that the ancient bronze coffin would not come out to make trouble.

But now, all the concentration pollen that was originally used to enhance the divine sense has been snatched away by the ancient bronze coffin.

At this moment, Shen Ruixuan couldn't find any adjectives to express his feelings.

At this moment, a faint white fluorescence was emitted from the surroundings of the ancient bronze coffin.

In just a moment, the entire ancient bronze coffin was like a dazzling sun, and the natural white light filled Shen Ruixuan's entire sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan noticed that he was refreshed and his mind was clear.

Even many things that I didn't understand on the road of cultivation before, I understood all of them at once.

In just a moment, the white light disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan released Divine Sense, covering the entire void.

In an instant, a terrifying coercion descended from the sky.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan was overjoyed.

He clearly felt that this coercion faintly reached the level of the Nascent Soul period.

In other words, based on Divine Sense alone, Shen Ruixuan has surpassed 90% of the young people in Eastern Wasteland.

At this moment, Shen Ruixuan felt excited.

Originally thought that the concentration pollen was absorbed by the ancient bronze coffin, and own Divine Sense would not be enhanced.

Shen Ruixuan made a rough estimate in his mind.

If he absorbs those concentrating pollen, Divine Sense can only be upgraded to the peak of Gold Core at most.

However, now Divine Sense has reached the Nascent Soul early stage.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan had some thoughts in his mind.

The ancient bronze coffin likes mindfulness pollen, that is to say, as long as it finds mindfulness grass again.

Then, it is possible to make the ancient bronze coffin emit white light again.

Thinking of this, Shen Ruixuan looked brightly at the little Demonic Beasts sleeping beside him.

It found the Concentrating Grass, so it must also know the location.

At this moment, a figure appeared in the void in the distance.

"Concentration Grass?"

Shen Ruixuan looked up after hearing the words, his expression was very indifferent.

All I saw was a man in a black robe, with his feet on the ground and his face full of arrogance.

In fact, Shen Ruixuan noticed it before.

However, he didn't take any action.

He even beat Yan Liangyu, even Mo Fansheng, he dared to beat him.

What's more, it's an unknown guy.


I saw that the visitor released a Spirit Power from his right hand, and the Concentrating Grass under Shen Ruixuan's feet flew out directly.

At this moment, Shen Ruixuan grabbed the Concentration Grass and looked at the person indifferently.

"Fellow daoist, if you want Ningshencao, shouldn't you take the initiative to say hello?"

"Otherwise, it's out of style!"

Faint words resounded throughout the forest.

At this time, the person standing in the void looked at Shen Ruixuan with a frown.

Then, he smiled contemptuously.

"When did Gold Core middle stage have the guts to talk to me like that?"

"I think you are impatient."

Then, a terrifying breath erupted from the human body.

The pinnacle of Gold Core!

Shen Ruixuan faintly felt the aura of terror, and his whole body remained unchanged.


I saw that the visitor stood with his hands behind his back, stepped forward, and glanced at Shen Ruixuan.

"No. 3 on the talent list, Cui Ziming!"

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