The hard stone walls, the icy river water, and the silent underwater constitute a strange underwater world.


The white crocodile continued to swim in front of the deep water area, and in a short while, it dived nearly a thousand meters.

Shen Ruixuan exudes wind Spirit Power all over his body, wrapping himself up to block the river.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan followed behind unhurriedly, and Divine Sense spread out to observe everything around him all the time.

After a stick of incense, the white crocodile finally stopped at the entrance of a cave.

"Master, this is it."

Shen Ruixuan looked at the hole in front of him curiously.

The entrance of this cave is almost ten feet wide, and it is surrounded by dense aquatic plants, which can even cover the entrance of the cave.

Shen Ruixuan winked at the white crocodile, and the white crocodile instantly understood.

The body like a hill crawled towards the cave.

Afterwards, enter the cave, where half of the space is submerged in water.

However, the white crocodile did not intend to stop moving forward, but kept crawling forward.

After a while, Shen Ruixuan clearly felt that the water was getting less and less, and the entire cave passage was slowly rising.

Then, a bright light appeared in the cave.

"Master, we're here!"

The white crocodile said to Shen Ruixuan.

Shen Ruixuan looked around, the whole cave was just a simple nest, and there was nothing special about it.

The rock walls are exposed stone, the ground is uneven, and in the corner of the cave, there are a large pile of Demonic Beasts bones scattered.

Looking at everything around, Shen Ruixuan frowned and asked.

"What about things?"

Hearing this, a trace of reluctance flashed in Bai Lingcrocodile's eyes.


Shen Ruixuan looked at the white crocodile sharply, as if sensing its thoughts.

"Why? Not willing?"

At this time, Bai Lingcrocodile looked into Shen Ruixuan's eyes and said quickly.

"Master, you are worrying too much."

After speaking, the white crocodile opened its mouth wide and bit a stone.

In the mouth of the white spirit crocodile, a large stone was lifted up easily like a fruit.


Then, the boulder was removed by the white crocodile, and the situation inside was presented to Shen Ruixuan.

In the deep pit, a scabbard appeared, which was said to be a tattered scabbard.

The scabbard was about three feet three long and three inches wide. The entire scabbard was stained with rust, as if it had been kept here for tens of thousands of years.

Next to the scabbard, there are several bones stacked, which have one common feature.

All the bones were chopped off with a very sharp instrument.

Moreover, the incision is very flat and smooth.

"Master, if you can't see clearly, pull it out to see."

At this time, Bai Lingcrocodile's eyes moved flexibly, but he didn't know what it was.

Hearing this, Shen Ruixuan thought for a moment and stepped forward.

However, the white crocodile moved slightly, and slowly took a step back.

Shen Ruixuan stared fixedly at the scabbard in the pit, and slowly moved his right hand towards the scabbard.

At this moment, Bai Lingcrocodile's eyes sharpened, and he slammed into Shen Ruixuan fiercely.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan clearly felt a huge force coming from behind.

If he was hit by this huge force, he would definitely fall into a deep pit.

At this time, the white alligator had already hit Shen Ruixuan's back, and it had already imagined Shen Ruixuan's tragic death.

However, at The next moment, Shen Ruixuan disappeared in place.

Yes, it was a sudden disappearance without warning, as if this person did not exist.

Seeing this, Bai Lingcrocodile's brain went blank.

However, the huge body couldn't stop anymore, and the head of the whole white crocodile plunged steadily into the deep pit.


I saw a sound of a long sword cutting through the body in the cave.

Following that, the white crocodile was dying.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan stood on a pile of dry bones, looking at the white crocodile indifferently.

The whole head was pierced by the scabbard, and the thick blood rushed out without money.

The white crocodile glanced at Shen Ruixuan with its right eye, and it still couldn't believe how Shen Ruixuan could suddenly disappear.

You know, even if you use the Movement Technique, it's impossible to be so fast.

Moreover, it is in the case of a sneak attack.

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

At this time, the white crocodile was extremely weak.

However, it still couldn't figure out what magic spell Shen Ruixuan used to disappear.

Shen Ruixuan glanced at the white crocodile lightly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

I saw a mass of white Spirit Power slowly emerging from Shen Ruixuan's right hand.

Seeing this, the white crocodile's eyes that were about to dim suddenly dilated.

"Space Spirit Power, you actually have space Spiritual Roots!"

Shen Ruixuan didn't feel the slightest fluctuation in his heart when he was surprised by the white crocodile.

"Actually, you have hated me from the very beginning, and surrendering to me also wants to bring me here."

"And this scabbard is your last resort!"

The white crocodile did not respond mysterious when it heard Shen Ruixuan's words.

Moreover, he roared towards Shen Ruixuan.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

It is very unwilling, obviously Realm is taller than this human being, why is it going to die directly.

Even the final sneak attack was unsuccessful.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan ignored the white crocodile, flicked his fingers, and a Sword intent pierced his skull, leaving him completely breathless.

Afterwards, Shen Ruixuan grabbed the white alligator's tail with his right hand and quickly pulled it out.

Shen Ruixuan looked at the scabbard in the deep pit in surprise. There was no blood on the scabbard, as if nothing had happened.

At this moment, Shen Ruixuan was startled by the scabbard.

It was clearly a scabbard, but its sharpness surpassed that of the Jinghong Sword.

You must know that Jinghong Sword cannot break through the scales of Bailing Crocodile without infusing it with Sword Intent.

But now, the head, which is the hardest part of the white crocodile's body, was easily cut by the scabbard, just like cutting a piece of white paper, so easy.

It can be seen from here that this scabbard is at least of the spirit weapon level.

More importantly, if Shen Ruixuan's guess is right.

This scabbard has the ability to shield the mysterious ancient ship and the woman in white.

Otherwise, why did the white crocodile live so well in the canyon for so many years.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan squatted down and looked at the scabbard.

The most important thing now is to take out the scabbard and take it away.

However, the scabbard is so sharp, how can it be pulled out.

Shen Ruixuan felt that his entire palm would be cut off if he did it with bare hands.

However, looking at the scabbard in front of him, Shen Ruixuan's eyes sharpened.


After speaking, he grabbed the scabbard with his right hand.

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