I, Spiritual Roots, Lead The Family To Ascend

Chapter 348 The Land Of The Golden Horned Demon Bull Clan


Following Geng Liangcai's continuous attack, countless Spirit Power flew into the valley.

For a moment, the whole valley seemed to shake.

"Moo moo moo!"

Countless bull roars echoed in the valley, and then, the ground shook, as if the sky was about to collapse.

In an instant, more than a dozen terrifying auras appeared in the smoke and dust at the intersection of the valley.

After a while, the smoke dissipated.

I saw a dozen or so golden-horned demon bulls standing at the intersection of the valley, looking at Geng Liangcai aggressively.

The golden-horned demon bull in the lead even more angrily sprayed two streams of gas flames with his nose, and stared at Geng Liangcai with blood-red eyes.

"Human, you are provoking the great golden horned bull."

"You are courting death!"

At this time, Geng Liangcai felt a guilty conscience when he looked at a dozen or so third-rank top-grade golden horned demon cows.

Although, Geng Liang is the pinnacle of Gold Core, and his strength is not bad.

Facing so many third-tier high-grade demon cows, even if they don't die, they will have to peel off their skins.

However, Geng Liang couldn't help shivering when he thought of Yan Liangyu's eyes.

Compared to a dozen or so third-rank top-grade demon cows, Yan Liangyu was still terrifying.

Afterwards, Geng Liangcai flipped his hands and stood the huge abacus on the ground, looking arrogantly at the golden horned bull.

"Provocation? A group of demon cows still need my provocation, Mr. Geng!"

"Be smart, move out quickly, I've taken a fancy to this place!"

Afterwards, Geng Liangcai's eyes slanted, he didn't even look at him, he was extremely arrogant.


At this time, the Golden Horn Demon Bull was completely irritated by Geng Liangcai.

A human at the pinnacle of Gold Core came to their house and told them to leave because they liked this place.

Whoever it is, will be very angry.

The leader of the Golden Horned Beast Bull looked at Geng Liangcai viciously, the bull's hooves kept digging the ground, and a deep pit was formed when he stepped down.

"Human, I will let you know the fate of angering the Golden Horn Monster Bull Clan."

"kill him!"

Then, with an order, more than a dozen golden-horned demon cows rushed towards Geng Liangcai with their golden horns on their heads and their hooves scratching the ground.

All of a sudden, there was a heavenly and earth-shattering sound outside the entire valley, the roaring of cows, the sound of hooves, and the sound of running mixed together.

At this time, Geng Liang just dodges, and the whole person flies into the air, stepping on the escape light, standing in the void.


I saw that Geng Liangcai clamped the two ends of the abacus with both hands, and the huge abacus was turned 360 degrees between his hands.

Then, he pushed forward with both hands, and the two rows of beads on the abacus returned to their respective positions.

Geng Liangcai looked at the golden-horned demon bull below with a smile, holding the abacus in his left hand, and plucking beads with his right hand.

"Hmph, a bunch of beasts."

"For things that can be solved with money, daddy must use Spirit Power."

"The nickname Geng Dafu is an insult to me!"

After finishing speaking, several powerful Spirit Powers shot towards the herd of cattle.

All of a sudden, the entire herd was in chaos, and there were constant roars.

At this time, the leader of the Golden Horned Beast Bull was steaming from both nostrils, and the bull's eyes were staring at the boss.


A bull roar spread throughout the herd.

I saw that all the golden-horned demon cows became quiet one after another.

Their hooves stepped on the ground vigorously, the bull's head was raised, and the golden horns were facing Geng Liangcai.


Then, the sound fell.

The golden horns on the heads of more than a dozen demon bulls were shining, and a huge Spirit Power gathered on the golden horns.

"No, the Golden Horned Beast is about to unleash their ultimate move."

Seeing this, Yan Zhengyang's expression changed, and he said anxiously.

Hearing this, everyone became nervous.

After all, there was only one Geng Liangcai, and there were more than a dozen golden-horned demon bulls on the opposite side, and the number was not at the same level at all.

"Golden Horned Beasts are metallic Demonic Beasts. Their greatest support is the golden horns on their heads, which can release a golden Spirit Power ten times more terrifying than themselves."

"Generally speaking, enemies one level higher than them are unwilling to mess with them."

"Because of their golden horns, and also, they're gregarious Demonic Beasts, very united."

Yan Liangyu explained calmly.

"However, you don't have to worry about that guy."

"As the Young Master of Shen Xiaozong and Geng Family, even the underwear on his body is Magic Treasures, how could he get hurt so easily."

"Let's get ready."

Everyone felt relieved when they heard what Yan Liangyu said.

Along the way, everyone understood.

Yan Liangyu and Geng Liang are cousins, and they have lived together since childhood, and they are very familiar with each other.

At this moment, voices came from the intersection of the valley.


More than a dozen golden lights emanated from the golden horns on the demon bull's head, aiming directly at Geng Liangcai in the void.

The horror of this golden light has reached the peak of Gold Core.

In other words, this attack was a joint attack by more than a dozen Gold Core peak players.

"I rely on it!"

Geng Liangcai saw more than a dozen golden lights flying towards him, the speed was unimaginable.

At this time, Geng Liang knew that even if he was flying in the light, he could not compare with the golden light.

At this moment, more than a dozen golden lights hit Geng Liangcai.

With a flash of golden light, piercing explosions erupted from the entire void, and the sound spread thousands of miles away.

After a while, everyone looked at the void worriedly.

Then, everyone knew that Geng Liangcai was powerful and had many Magic Treasures.

However, it is still inevitable to worry.

At this time, a hearty laughter came from the void.

I saw that Geng Liangcai was still standing in the void, without any injury.

It's just that there is an extra big red cape behind his back.

"It's so coquettish!"

At this time, Zhang Yu shouted subconsciously.

When everyone heard this, they nodded their heads in agreement.

At this time, Yan Liangyu's eyes turned white, and he looked helpless for a while.

"This is a fiery red cloak, a low-grade spiritual weapon that can defend against attacks below the Nascent Soul stage."

When everyone heard what Yan Liangyu said, their eyes lit up.

Local tyrant, what a fucking local tyrant.

It's a low-grade spiritual weapon as soon as it is shot, it's really good to have money.

At this time, Geng Liangcai swung his right hand, and the bright red cloak moved without wind, looking at the golden horned bull below with extreme arrogance.

"It seems that your attack is not good, you should go home as soon as possible to feed."

"Daddy won't play with you guys anymore!"

After finishing speaking, Geng Liang flew away slowly by riding the escape light.

At this time, Geng Liangcai muttered in his heart.

"Catch up, catch up quickly, or waste daddy so long."


The leader of the golden-horned demon cow gave an order, and more than a dozen demon cows chased wildly on the ground.

For a moment, the entire valley crossing suddenly fell silent.

At this time, everyone looked at each other and entered towards the back mountain of the valley.

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