Hearing this, everyone was puzzled.

"Build a new city? No way, is it really going to be built?"

"Yeah, I don't think it's necessary at the moment."

"Is it too anxious? As far as the current Qinghe Town is concerned, it is enough."

In the Great Hall, most people did not say that they were in favor of building a new city.

In their view, to build a new city is to spend Spirit Stones, and there are still a lot of Spirit Stones.

In this way, it is difficult for them to see benefits in the short term.

Moreover, those who do not approve of building a new city are basically small families, with only tens of thousands of people.

To them, the new city is like a chicken rib.

At this time, Wang Youcai and Li Dao looked at each other.

They knew that Shen Ruixuan was smart, this guy wouldn't say this for no reason.

Moreover, through their understanding of Shen Ruixuan, it must be beneficial to Qinghe Town and even the Shen family.

Otherwise, I really thought Shen Ruixuan would be wasting his energy for nothing.

"Nephew, you can speak out whatever you think, as long as it is beneficial to Qinghe Town, our royal family will be the first to support you!!!"

Wang Youcai, the head of the royal family, had a big belly and smiled happily, looking like a Maitreya Buddha.

However, what he said was extremely ingenious.

If it is beneficial to Qinghe Town, it is also beneficial to the Wang family. After all, the Wang family is also a part of Qinghe Town.

"That's right! Count me in the Li family!!!"

Li Dao really hurriedly said that he felt that Shen Ruixuan was planning something.

Shen Ruixuan looked at the two old foxes indifferently and didn't mind.

After all, the establishment of a new city cannot be built by the Shen family alone, it is a long-term project.

"Let me talk about my thoughts first."

"First of all, our Qinghe Town has not expanded outwards for nearly a hundred years."

"The main reason is that there are only a few people in the whole Qinghe Town, and there are not many people coming and going, so this place is usually enough."

When everyone heard what Shen Ruixuan said, they agreed with each other, but some people also raised questions.

"In that case, why build a new city? Isn't this a waste of Spirit Stones?"

"That's right, the Spirit Stones might as well be used to improve the Cultivation Base."

"It will take at least ten years to build a new city, and it may not even be completed."

At this time, Shen Ruixuan has already adopted his old method.

Someone moved a table on which the two teacups were placed.

First, pointing to one of the smaller teacups, said.

"Everyone, please see, if this small teacup is regarded as our current Qinghe Town.

"Then it's only this big."

"However, our current situation is that there are more and more foreigners."

"I believe that in a short time, more people will come to our Qinghe Town. By that time, Qinghe Town may not be able to accommodate so many people."

Without waiting for everyone to think, Shen Ruixuan directly asked a bigger question.

"With the increase of foreigners, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts with the people in this town."

"However, the people in the town basically don't have any Cultivation Base. Facing outsiders with a strong Cultivation Base, they are no opponents at all."

"Even if we set up a law enforcement team, with mental calculations or inadvertently, things like today will still happen."

"So, the purpose of my plan to build a new city is to move the business of Qinghe Town to a new place for unified management."

"In this case, our Qinghe Town will remain the same, but there will be a new town outside."

After a cup of tea, Shen Ruixuan finally finished half of the sentence.

Everyone was also surprised by Shen Ruixuan's novel idea.

"It sounds good, it is indeed feasible."

"It's feasible, it's feasible, but how much Spirit Stones will it cost, and it doesn't work in ordinary places, you must have spiritual veins."

"Isn't it? I didn't have much property in the first place. If I did it like this, I would be ruined in the past few years!!!"

At this time, some people have even begun to cry poor.

Seeing this, Shen Ruixuan smiled slightly.

He also knows that any plan that is not linked to interests is useless.

Moreover, those who can sit on the position of patriarch are not fools, but old foxes.

However, Shen Ruixuan did not hesitate, and then took a bigger teacup and quietly placed it on the table.

"Everyone, this big cup is the new city we want to build."

"We can concentrate all the transactions in Qinghe Town in one city. In this case, it will be very convenient for our management."

"Moreover, we can earn Spirit Stones through the new city. If it works well, the new city will be the cornucopia of our Qinghe Town."

As soon as these words came out, everyone stood up.

Two eyes looked at Shen Ruixuan with radiance, as if The next moment was about to swallow him alive.

"What? You can also earn Spirit Stones, this is no joke."

"If this is the case, the new city must be built no matter what."

At this time, Wang Youcai narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked Shen Ruixuan.

"Nephew, I don't know how to earn Spirit Stones."

When everyone heard Shen Ruixuan's words, they were also curious about how Shen Ruixuan said to earn Spirit Stones.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Shen Ruixuan was not surprised, but rather calm.

After all, with Spirit Stones to earn, who would be foolish not to.

You can't get along with anyone, and you can't get along with Spirit Stones.

"After the establishment of the new city, we can use the city gate fee. All outsiders who want to enter the new city need to pay a certain amount of Spirit Stones to the new city."

"That's the first benefit I said. But there can't be too many Spirit Stones, otherwise it will backfire."

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Generally, large cities will charge at the gate of the city. For example, Lanling City charges five low-grade Spirit Stones, and you can enter.

"In addition, the shops in the new city are all alliances. As for the specific number, it is still divided according to the previous ratio."

"At that time, whether the store is self-operated or rented out is your own business."

"According to the current situation in our Qinghe Town, the number of people in our Qinghe Town will only increase in the future, so our income will also increase."

Shen Ruixuan finished his own plan in one breath.

Everyone fell into deep thought.

After a while.

"The Wang family is fine."

"The Li family too!!!"

Following the agreement of the Wang and Li families, everyone also agreed.

In fact, Shen Ruixuan had already talked with his grandfather and the other two patriarchs about the establishment of the new city last night.

Today, it's just going through the motions.

The night was dark, and the night slowly shrouded the entire Qinghe Town, as if it indicated that Qinghe Town was slowly transforming.

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