I, Spiritual Roots, Lead The Family To Ascend

Chapter 96: Great Heaven Expansion Wind Art


Suddenly, Shen Ruixuan sat up from the ground, staring blankly at the jade piece in his hand.

At this moment, his heart was shocked, the jade piece in his hand was safe and sound.

However, the Tianlong in the jade piece has disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"Hey, why is it missing!?"

Shen Ruixuan asked subconsciously, and turned his head to look around the room, as if nothing had changed.

At this moment, Shen Ruixuan recalled in his mind the last picture he saw before he fainted.

I saw a bright light flying into Own's body.

Thinking of this, Shen Ruixuan shuddered and sat cross-legged, entering the inner vision.

At this moment, his heart was very tense.

When repairing the Immortal World, it often happens that a genius is taken away. This kind of thing is simply a disaster for the weak.

However, there is now a celestial dragon in Shen Ruixuan's body, and this celestial dragon is likely to be the idea of ​​a strong man, once the idea enters the body.

Then, Shen Ruixuan will definitely be taken away.

The Spiritual Roots of the Earth have the attributes of space and wind, and they are also the body of luck. This Talent is jealous even the heavens.

Ordinary people will be jealous when they see it, let alone the well-informed and powerful.

There are generally two reasons why the strong choose to seize the genius.

First, the own body has been destroyed by others, or does not exist anymore, so the only choice is to seize it.

Second, the strong are influenced by their own Spiritual Roots, but want to breakthrough a higher Realm.

At this time, he will also choose to seize the house, of course he will choose Talent who is stronger than him, but the talent is very weak.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan first checked the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Sea of ​​Consciousness, as the name suggests, is the residence of Divine Sense.

Before the cultivator had a breakthrough Foundation Establishment, Divine Sense stayed in the sea of ​​consciousness, it could be said to be the most important place of the cultivator.

If a cultivator does not have Spiritual Roots, then he can still survive, but the Cultivation Base disappears.

However, if a cultivator does not have Divine Sense, then he is dead.

It can be seen that Divine Sense is more important than Spiritual Roots.

However, for many cultivators, the loss of Cultivation Base is worse than Death.


After a while, Shen Ruixuan breathed out a foul breath, and felt relieved immediately.

After his careful inspection, the Sea of ​​Consciousness is considered safe, so Dantian is next.

Shen Ruixuan quickly looked at Dantian, his expression very nervous.

You know, there are two types of Spiritual Roots in Dantian, and the two major Spiritual Roots are his reliance.

At this time, Shen Ruixuan finally saw his own Dantian.

A very vast spiritual sea, the huge Spiritual Qi is constantly rolling and undulating in the ocean, which looks very spectacular.

And above Dantian, two Spiritual Roots quietly suspended in the void.

One of them is the spatial attribute Spiritual Roots, which is transparent throughout, as if made of a piece of glass, and you can even see the opposite of Dantian through the Spiritual Roots.

Around the Spiritual Roots, there are dots of starlight shining. These starlights are the space Spirit Power, which looks very beautiful.

Shen Ruixuan checked it carefully, for fear that the sky dragon was hidden on the space attribute Spiritual Roots.

Because Tianlong is transparent, and the space attribute Spiritual Roots is also similar, so if you want to hide it, this is the most suitable place.

After a while, Shen Ruixuan looked at the wind attribute Spiritual Roots aside.

However, just as he glanced casually, he froze.

I saw, on the cyan wind attribute Spiritual Roots, a majestic and domineering sky dragon quietly wrapped around the Spiritual Roots.

At this moment, Shen Ruixuan was shocked, what should have happened finally happened.

However, he found that Tianlong seemed to be asleep, and his eyes were closed tightly.

Only, from Tianlong's nostrils, there are two cyan wind Spirit Power, following its breathing, one in and one out, it looks very regular.

Half an hour later, Shen Ruixuan reluctantly withdrew from his body, feeling extremely depressed.

He couldn't understand the current situation.

Tianlong has been entwined on the wind attribute Spiritual Roots, as if it has entered silence.

Just when Shen Ruixuan was going to get up to find Shen Zhongtian to answer the doubts in his heart.

Lines of blue text appeared in the void in front of him, which looked very unusual.

"Great Heaven Expansion Wind Art!!!"

Shen Ruixuan subconsciously read the first few big characters, and his whole heart was shaken again, and the sound of the beating heart rang in the house.

At this moment, Shen Ruixuan felt excited.

So, he quickly looked at the cyan text in the void, and after a while, he finally read all the text.

Just after he read it, the void text disappeared.


Seeing this, Shen Ruixuan breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he was smart, otherwise, he would have disappeared without remembering half of it.

"Great Tian Yan Feng Jue is actually a Cultivation Technique!!!"

At this time, Shen Ruixuan's inner ecstasy can be said to be comparable to his current mood only when he was detected by Spiritual Roots from birth to now.

The Datian Yanfeng Jue is a Cultivation Technique for cultivating immortals, and the complete Cultivation Technique can be cultivated to the Mahayana stage.

However, the jade piece currently in Shen Ruixuan's hand is only a part, and it is still broken.

The content recorded above can only support Shen Ruixuan's cultivation to the peak of Gold Core.

Still, it was enough for Shen Ruixuan.

Now, Shen Ruixuan is already at the ninth level of Qi Refining, and I believe that he will be able to break through to the Foundation Establishment stage in a short time.

However, Shen Ruixuan is troubled by the Foundation Establishment Cultivation Technique.

The Foundation Establishment Cultivation Technique of the cultivator is selected according to the Spiritual Roots, and a single Spiritual Roots can only choose the Cultivation Technique of that attribute.

However, a cultivator with multiple Spiritual Roots can choose one of the attributes he is good at to practice Cultivation Technique.

Just like Shen Zhongzheng's top-grade Spiritual Roots, he can practice three Cultivation Techniques, and he is good at fire attribute Spiritual Roots, so he can practice "Raging Flame Jue".

And Shen Ruixuan seems to have two Spiritual Roots, but in fact he has no choice.

Although Wind Attribute Spiritual Roots are rarer than Five Elements Attribute Spiritual Roots, but there will be individual ones more or less.

However, the space attribute Spiritual Roots is that there will not be one in ten thousand years, and it is simply a rare existence.

Therefore, Shen Ruixuan can only choose the wind attribute Cultivation Technique.

Once upon a time, Shen Ruixuan believed that the wind attribute Cultivation Technique was very rare, and it might take years or decades to find it.

However, now a wind attribute Cultivation Technique appeared in front of his eyes.

This made Shen Ruixuan have to firmly believe that he is the legendary body of luck, otherwise, there is no way to explain all this.

When the sky was slightly bright, Shen Ruixuan walked out of the room in good spirits. After a night of contemplation, he found a Movement Technique from the Cultivation Technique called "Wanli Xianting".

On the street, Shen Ruixuan walked with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face, and he came to a tofu shop before he knew it.

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