Inside the Pokémon House.


“Okay, I see.”

Bai Xiaosha held Chu’s pitiful head expressionlessly, preventing this stupid woman from rushing up again.

“Hmph! Asabao, you really break my heart. ”

Chu Pity changed her face in a second, this stinky woman is now becoming more and more cold to herself, and she wasted her sincerity!

“You can get it, what do you want to do after pulling out a copy of Dragon Dance?”

Bai shallow is not angry right

“Pretending” Chu pitifully spoke.

Yes, although just now Chu Poor just drew the elf and wiped out the whole army five times, but Chu Poor drew a dragon system move learner!

TR move record. Dance of the Dragons! Damn it!

The Dragon Dance is a very powerful amplification trick, and it was actually drawn by Chu Pixie’s sand sculpture.


Chen Yun on the side couldn’t help but help, he was also completely black today, even the move learner was thank you for your patronage


“How long have I been gone! I haven’t had a move learner for a long time, okay? ”

Chu pitiful and beautiful face smiled, looking at the blue-black disc in his hand couldn’t stop being happy. Dragon Dance that increases speed and physical attacks!

“you, how long has it been since your sponge bird came out?”

Bai shallow and sour looked at Chu pitiful. This woman is really a period of time, and then a euro is not good!

Hearing this, the smile on Chu’s pitiful face became even brighter, Meizhi

“Boss, I also want to draw a trick learner.”

Unable to see Chu’s pitiful and smug strength, Bai Shao turned his gaze to Gu Xin.


Gu Xin handed the store manager’s guide to Bai Qianshian.

Bai took the guide and clicked Go directly.

To be honest, she hasn’t shipped good goods for a long time, and the move learner is really not easy to smoke, after all, there is a thank you option.

And even if you win, it is not necessarily the trick you need.

Chen Yun and Chu Pi both looked at the picture book in Bai Qianshian’s hand, what would they draw? Soon, the Pokédex screen lit up.

“Congratulations, you won the TR move record: Surf! ”

The Pokédex tip lights up.

“Oh, surfing is a great trick.”

Gu Xin raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

The surfing of the water system is not only powerful, but also has a large attack range, and can also be used to feint and cooperate with tactics, etc., which is a very practical water system trick.

Especially suitable for trainers with many water elves like Bai Shaoshao.


Bai shallow’s eyes lit up.

“The water system trick that rises the waterfall?”

Chu was also stunned, she had seen a video, a stupid hippopotamus in the wild had used surfing, and directly set off a ten-meter-high wave to expel the trainer.

That’s a powerful visual! It looks like a fierce batch!

“That’s right, surfing is one of the more powerful in the water system.”

Gusin nodded.

“Shallow, this is enhanced again…”

Looking at the white light on his face that showed joy, Chen Yun had a headache even more.

Originally, Bai Shao was extremely restrained in his team, but now he actually drew a powerful water system trick.

Ah this…

“That’s nice!”

Bai Xiaosha happily took the move recording disc handed over by Gu Xin, and was already thinking about who to use this trick learner for.

Cami turtle? Well, sure enough, it’s better to give Laplace. After all, Laplace is the strongest workhorse in her team.

“Boss, I want to ask, how can they evolve?”

“Or is there a lack of evolution items?”

Chen Yun couldn’t help but ask Gu Xin out loud, if it goes on like this, it will be difficult for him Chen Aotian to win the championship.

Hearing this, Bai Shao and Chu were also stunned, and looked at Gu Xin curiously.

“No, the only ones in your team that need to evolve props are the Big Rock Snake, and the others only need normal special training to evolve slowly.”


“Of course, the hoop bear also needs props if it wants to evolve, but that’s for later.”

Gu Xin recalled Chen Yun’s elves, if Chen Yun had not taken the wild elves himself to supplement the team.

Then the only ones in his team who need to evolve props are the big rock snake and the circle bear evolved from the baby bear after it.

“Is there no way to get the evolution item at present?”

“There may be in the wild, but there is a high probability that there is no way, or you come to my store later, and now my store does not provide evolution props for sale.”

Gu Xin shook his head, he knew Chen Yun’s thoughts, by Kira, Coco Dora, and the evolution level of the baby bear are relatively high, Chen Yun is estimated to be a little anxious.

The big rock snake needs to carry a metal membrane if he wants to evolve, considering the thunder stone brought to him by the lightning bird before, perhaps some wild elves may have brought some props when they arrived.

But the metal film is a relatively rare evolutionary prop, and the chance is not great.


Chen Yun’s brows frowned slightly, he was not in a hurry about the evolution props of the circle bear, after all, the baby bear had not evolved into a circle bear.

However, if the big rock snake can evolve before the start of the main competition, it will undoubtedly improve his strength a lot.

Where can I find the evolution props of the Great Rock Snake?

“Boss, my ugly fish seems to have no signs of evolution at all now…”

Seeing that Chen Yun was in thought, Bai Xiaosha blinked his eyes and asked Gu Xin.

“There are two ways for ugly fish to evolve, the first is to enhance its beauty and intimacy natural evolution, as long as you cultivate it well, its evolution time will be greatly shortened.”

Gusin smiled and replied, the so-called beauty is a value of the gorgeous competition in the game, and one of the evolution methods of ugly fish in the game is to improve beauty.

Feeding an ugly fish an energy cube or taking it to a gorgeous contest can boost its beauty.

But in reality, there is naturally no such standard data measurement, in addition to the so-called beauty, giving ugly fish care and trust is also a very important measure.

“The second is the evolution prop Beautiful Scales, as long as the beautiful scales are carried and used by ugly fish, it can evolve into Menas.”

“As for how to get the beautiful scales, I think what I just explained to Mr. Chen is already clear.”

Gu Xin said tactfully to Bai, yes, after the fifth generation, ugly fish need beautiful scales to communicate evolution if they want to evolve, although the fifth generation still retains the setting of beauty, but in fact there is no way to improve beauty.

In reality, there is no need for communication evolution, as long as the evolution props needed by the elves are given to the elves to carry and use, they will evolve.

But beautiful scales are not so easy to find, compared to evolutionary props such as water, fire and thunder evolution stones, the evolution props such as metal film beautiful scales are rarer.


Bai shallow thoughtful, beautiful and intimate, so really I still have to pay more attention to some ugly fish?

emmm…… Or bring the ugly fish tomorrow and go to the wild to bully the king carp to boost its confidence?

Chen Yun wanted to cry even more after listening to Gu Xin’s words, the ugly ugly fish still has the opportunity to evolve naturally, and the big rock snake must evolve props.

Alas…… It will only be interesting to see if Kira can evolve before the main race starts. Ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past ten days, the qualifiers of the Magic Capital Tournament are still in full swing.

Perhaps because of the enthusiastic response of the qualifiers, after seeing the matches in the schedule, the number of registrations has dropped a bit.

Because there are fewer people who sign up for the competition as soon as their brains are hot, this also makes Gu Xin feel relieved. After all, with an elf like King Carp to fight, he really can’t stand it! Green caterpillars are stronger than king carp!

The day of the main competition is getting closer and closer, and it also gives many trainers a sense of urgency in their hearts. Because the first batch of contestants has come out!

Pokémon House group chat.

From small beauty to big: ahahhaha brother cute brother cute! Ben girl has entered the main competition! See you when the tournament officially starts! 【Image】

And what Chu pitifully posted was the notification text message of the main competition quota.

Xin: You’re so fast, it’s really enough, I still have to play two more games today and tomorrow. Miss Ben is a big school flower: I have also received a text message, I am coming!

Yukira is not a foodie: ibid.

The most honest person: To be honest, the qualifiers are really not interesting, I encountered either unicorns or chrysalis for three days in a row…

Dragon City No. 1: It’s normal for the quality to be uneven, didn’t the boss say that the threshold should be set for future competitions? It should have been much better then.

Little Bird Yiren: Harm Zheng Shao, how long have you not been back to Dragon City? The big and young people in Dragon City have complained about you on the Internet, haha ~ Dragon City No. 1 Few: That group of sand sculpture things, take me to drag racing every day to pick up girls, bully them? It’s purely jealous of me, the elf is the most fragrant, and it’s enough for me to have a heart scale.

Miss Yoon: Speaking of which….. It seems that Xiuyan and I haven’t been back to Hangcheng for almost a month…..

Your whole family is frigid: it’s twenty-five days, it doesn’t matter, I will be where there are elves. [This is love. JPG】

The most handsome man who never sets: brothers brothers, look what I found? 【Image】Gu Xin, who was lying in the rest area of the Pokémon House pet store, was also curious to click on this picture. Inside the picture, several gray steel ants crawl with a cylindrical piece of metal.

Gushin raised an eyebrow.

From small beauty to large: emmm… This is ants carrying food, right? It looks like it should be a steel Pokémon, and it’s normal to eat steel.

The most handsome man who never sets: NoNoNo, you don’t feel it at the scene, that piece of steel is not simple, it is shining with beautiful silver light, I dare to swear in the name of God, this is definitely a baby!

It will turn into a dragon: God’s reputation is almost ruined by you, brother Edward.

The most handsome man who never sets:??? Oh! Brother Worm, how can you slander my innocence out of thin air like this??!

Ancient board: This is iron ants and metal membranes, and Edward did not say that this is indeed a treasure. Yukira is not a foodie: metal film??

Yukira is not a foodie: @日不落最帅的男人! Edward! My dear! My treasure! Good brother loves you! Tell me where you are? I’m coming to you! 【Excited. JPG】

The most handsome man who never sets on the sun: [O. o】

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