The police stations in the magic capital are almost busy, and the urban area is fine, but the suburbs are really chickens and flying dogs.

Do you dare to imagine how you feel when you enter the orchard in the morning and see a unicorn fairy and praying mantis bigger than you?

Therefore, the police officers in the police station have long received the above order, except that they were a little helpless at the beginning when they received these calls for help, and slowly gained experience.

First ask, does the other party have an intention to attack? No? If not, just treat it as if you were passing by. And if it has already broken into your own home, try to appease it with fruit and food.

Human receptivity is extremely impressive, and after the initial panic and fear of these strange creatures has passed, they also find that these strange creatures are not too hostile to them.

Of course, this is as long as you don’t go to the main action to die, for example…

“Sir, please don’t do such a dangerous thing in the future… You are just an ordinary person, you actually take two sticks and you go with this monster… Elf hit? ”

The young attending doctor helplessly opened his mouth to the middle-aged man with a plaster cast on his neck in front of him, and the corner of his eye kept looking at the praying mantis next to the middle-aged man.

He had never seen anything so outrageous!

Yes, it is a praying mantis, but it is a green praying mantis that is actually taller than an adult.

Especially the two cold and shining sharp scythe arms, which made the attending doctor’s whole person bad. This is a monster!

How did this middle-aged man get hurt? As far as he said it, it was because when he was fighting with this praying mantis, he was raided behind by the praying mantis and hit his neck with the back of the knife… If it weren’t for the fact that this middle-aged man seemed to know this praying mantis, and no one dared to stop this praying mantis, no one would dare to let this praying mantis in.

But at this moment, this big praying mantis lowered its head slightly and looked at the middle-aged man apologetically.

It dared to swear to the sky, it was so lightly touched, but it didn’t expect to almost discount this human neck…

It didn’t even work hard!

Pokémon House chat group.

It’s the male fox: @所有人! Groove slotted brother cute! Earthquake, earthquake! Super earthquake! Poison pet lovers: Don’t earthquake earthquake, we are a magic capital, because of the elves, right?

It’s a male fox: you saw it too?

It will turn into a dragon: the official announcement of the magic capital at five o’clock in the morning, the elves appear in the magic city, please calm down and don’t panic, you know?

Miss Yun: It’s all messed up on the Internet, so many elves!

Meow Meow: I live here in the western suburbs, and I was just about to take Mew Mew to special training in the morning, when I saw an elf bigger than me fly over on the way… The booklet says it’s called Bidiao [Cover your face. JPG】

Kotori Yiren: How could so many elves suddenly appear? And the official seems to have known for a long time that there will be this matter.

From small beauty to large:????

Chu Pitai, who had just woken up, looked at the news in the group chat with a confused look, but then woke up instantly, and a large number of elves that the boss said before appeared?!

I’m pretty!

Chu Pity hurriedly entered the VB and found the official magic capital that he followed.

Magic Capital official: “A large number of elves have been found in the magic capital today, please don’t panic, if you encounter strange creatures, try to keep a distance and don’t disturb them.” ”

“Pokémon are generally docile, so residents can try to ignore their existence, if you encounter an attack by an elf, please call Unitary Zero or Unitary Zero as soon as possible, and rescuers will arrive at the scene as soon as possible.”

“After research, the appearance of elves this time will be a signal, please familiarize yourself with the existence of elves as soon as possible, maybe in the future, we and elves will live together on this planet.”

“Finally, please trust the official people, the official will do its best to ensure the safety of all citizens, but please remember not to actively harm and tease the elves, and please do not go to the depths of the wild for a short time.”

More specific messages will continue to be stated later, above. Hiss~ Looking at this statement from the official of the magic capital, Chu pitifully gasped, the elf really came! And looking at the official attitude, it is obviously extremely friendly to the elves, and it is famous!

Chu looked pitifully at the comments under this announcement.

“When I wake up, I instantly feel that the world has changed…”

“Good fellow, has the magic capital turned into an elven cave?”

“I seriously suspect that this is premeditated above, and it has only been a few days since the above created momentum for the elves?” There are actually so many elves in the magic capital, and it is extremely frightening to think about it. ”

“What about the sand sculpture upstairs in Dinima, can conspiracy theories roll away? Do you know how big the magic capital is? There are so many elves in the demon capital overnight, do you think there is such a big skill on it? This is the case, there is only one country left in the world for a long time, Daxia, stupid comparison. ”

“Let the quarrel let it go, I want to know how to prepare and how to solve this matter?” I didn’t send one at all. ”

“The solution.”

“Wow! My house is in the eastern suburbs, and a yellow pangolin entered the yard, and it gnawed my vegetable field, not to mention, I couldn’t drive it away with a broom! ”

The comment area is simply hot, saying everything.

Chu Pity turned over with interest for more than ten minutes, and suddenly came back to his senses, no, why do you still look at this at this time?

“Hello? Shallow treasure? Still sleeping? You are like a pig, I will pick you up now, ten minutes will come, get up quickly, the good news is coming and you are still sleeping. ”

Chu Pity called Bai Qiansha while getting dressed, and the urging movement in his mouth was not slow. After washing up and not even putting on makeup, Chu pitifully went straight to the garage.

Make up a fart, Miss Ben is naturally beautiful and does not need makeup at all! Home of Pokémon.

Gushin yawned and opened the door, then blinked.

“Boss! You’re finally awake! ”

“emmm? What are you doing? ”

Gu Xin let go of his position and looked at the spirited Chu pitiful and the still a little confused Bai Shao in front of him.

“Buy a Poké Ball! Boss, bring me thirty high-grade balls first! And that space backpack mentioned on the official website! ”

“Forget it, I also wrapped the light treasure!”

“Of course that’s fine, but don’t you have to go to school today?”

Gu Xin returned to the front desk, put the high-grade ball into the space backpack for Chu Pixi, and asked the second daughter curiously

“What kind of school, how interesting is it to go to school, then it is okay if you don’t go to the broken school.”

Chu pitifully brushed her bangs very dashingly, joke, she is a woman who wants to become a master of elves and Pokémon!

School? What about funny? Starting tomorrow, she goes to school again, she’s a dog!

Bai Shaosha finally sobered up, heard the white look at Chu pitiful, now it sounds good, when the aunt has a face, this woman has to be like a quail again.

“It’s you.”

Gushin smiled.

“One thousand two thousand high-grade balls, a total of sixty, five thousand space backpacks, and 82,000 pieces of sincerity.”

Gu Xin put the two space backpacks, one green and one blue, on the table and smiled at the second daughter.

“Very good! With this backpack, you won’t have to worry about going out with you in the future. ”

Chu pitifully settled the account, picked up the cyan backpack with satisfaction, and looked at it curiously, just such a large bag, there is actually a square space inside, it is really too scientific!

But Chu is pitiful and too lazy to think about it, anyway, Gu Xin’s black technology is already strange.

“Looks like you’re trying to go on an adventure, right? A word of advice to you, don’t go too deep in the wild, your current strength can’t cope with too strong wild elves. ”

Gu Xin hugged Manafei, who was floating over and yawning, and reminded the second daughter.

The elves who descended are not novice level, and even many of them are hegemon-level, just now Chu pity her two strength, if she encounters the hegemon’s wild Pokémon…

Well, only escape.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, I’m a future Pokémon master! What a big deal. ”

Chu Pi patted his not full chest with great confidence, and there was a dazzling smile on his pretty face.

“emmm…… Then good luck to you. ”

Gusin tilted his head.

“Wait for us to return with a full load, boss! Hahaha~”

More than half an hour later, Chu Pian and Bai Qianshao drove to the western suburbs, stopped and walked towards the western suburbs.

“Wow! Flaming Sparrows! ”

“Huh? This is Little Rada. ”

“Bobo, it doesn’t look very strong.”

Chu Pian took the elf guide to record the elves she met one after another, and this novel experience made her extremely energetic at the moment.

“Aren’t you going to accept it?”

Bai Qianshao also recorded these elves, and asked Chu Pi curiously.

“This girl is determined to be a dragon trainer.”

Chu pity pouted, and Bai shallow was not confiscated.

Bai shodded her shoulders, she didn’t want to be a trainer specializing in water systems, but she really didn’t look at these elves, and she would rather lack than abuse.

“Wow! That little lake is so beautiful! ”

Suddenly, Chu Pi’s eyes lit up, and hurriedly ran towards the small lake, the sparkling lake was simply beautiful.

Bai Shao shook his head, took out a bottle of water from the space backpack and took a sip and looked around, while the Jeni turtle at Bai Shashian’s feet held a camera and beautifully photographed the surroundings.

Well, it’s a poetic turtle.

With a gentle breeze, emerald meadows and forests not far away, the natural scenery is truly picturesque. But……

Bai shallow tilted his head in confusion, was this location in the western suburbs so beautiful before? But that’s it.


“Asabao!! My shallow treasure!! Asabao come and save me!” ”

Chu Pitiful’s sharp shout suddenly came, which startled Bai Qianshian. Bai Qiansha hurriedly turned his head to look, and then the whole person was dumbfounded.

Chu Pian was running towards her side in embarrassment, and the little fire dragon was also two small short legs jumping behind Chu Piao.

Behind them, however, was a big ferocity that was eight meters long and had a small water tank thick in its body, and was roaring! The overall snake-like body, the terrifying giant mouth can even swallow an adult in one bite, and the fierce and violent aura is shocking.

It was the Tyrannosaurus.


Bai Xiao’s shallow eyes widened into circles, and a beautiful Chinese popped out. How did this stupid woman get into trouble with this kind of cruelty?

She stepped on the horse and lost her mind to mess with this thing?

Jeni Turtle looked at the tyrannosaurus blankly, and the whole turtle was not good.

“Save me!”

“Save Nima! Silly woman, step on the horse and stay away from me! Don’t run to my side, Soulless! ”

Bai Qianshao turned around and ran without hesitation, roaring at Chu Pity.

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