It is always said that fiction is magical, but art comes from life, and you can never imagine how many strange things there are in reality.

Gu Xin also brushed one when brushing the video these days, and four men on the side of the Three Kingdoms gave a monitor lizard to the bow. The woman!

What an amazing “feat” this horse is taking! Did the monitor lizard provoke you? When will the monitor lizard stand up!

Gusin can’t even imagine, you want to say cows and sheep and the like, you can understand, but a monitor lizard? It even seems that I heard that the monitor lizard is still male…

It can only be said that the world is amazing.

So Gusin felt the need to be an elf in his shop

“Safety” to consider, after all, foreigners are really unsure, some foreigners’ thinking is really too Nima strange.

“Manager Gu, I think it’s important for me to emphasize it! I am an extremely normal man! ”

“In the words of Daxia, I am a master! Pure masters! Very manly gentlemen! ”

Edward’s white face turned black, and he pulled a smile stiffly, emphasizing his normal orientation to Gusin word by word.

Is he a pure master?

And what is “not the human kind”?

Even if his orientation may be questionable, he will not be hungry to the point where even animals are not spared!

“I can understand, after all, Mr. Edward, you seem to have a very strong body.”

Gu Xin was relieved in his heart, and then smiled and praised Edward, after all, what he just said was indeed very rude.

“This is what I’m most proud of!”

Edward is obviously not a small-bellied person, and when he heard this, a smile appeared on his face again, and he put on a pose to show off his figure with great pride.

“Maybe you don’t know, oh actually, I am also a very famous figure on the Internet, I don’t know how many beautiful women are coveting my body!”

“They always talk to me privately and want to spend a romantic evening with me, but is that the person below? In my eyes, there is only freedom and adventure! ”

Edward stroked his hair dashingly, and then changed his posture and fiddled with his muscles, his words full of pride.

After all, in order to explore freely, a strong and healthy body is necessary.

As a blogger who professionally shares beautiful scenery from all over the world, he is also a public figure!

Ruan Xinyi: “…..”

Nguyen Youxiu: “…..”

This foreigner always feels a little weird.

“So Mr. Edward, you really like this ice dragon, don’t you?”

Gushin awkwardly but politely said to Edward, who was addicted to pose, “You’re almost done.” Are eight-pack abs amazing?

“Yes, Gu Shop Manager! It’s truly the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen! Oh, I really don’t know how to describe it, I love it so much! ”

When Edward heard this, he immediately came to his senses and said seriously to Gu Xin with a good posture.

“Okay, the price of the Ice Snow Dragon is 450,000 Great Xia Coins.”

Gu Xin smiled and said, the strength and rarity of the ice and snow dragon are good, and now without discounts, the bottom is also starting from 350,000.

Originally, Gu Xin was also ready to give this young man a normal price, after all, he did not have a particularly bad feeling about the country where the sun never sets.

“But who let this product just show off in front of him? It’s normal to increase the price as a boss, right? ”


Edward’s eyes lit up, and the price was completely within his psychological expectations.

After swiping the card, Edward looked at the well-behaved ice and snow dragon with joy, this beautiful little cutie is his own elf!

“This is the elf guide, which allows you to understand the basic information of the elf, by the way, do you know the language of Daxia?”

Gu Xin took the props handed over by Rao Xiaofei and asked Edward.

“Of course! Manager Gu, I have been a language genius since I was a child! When I was young, my dream was to travel the whole world, so I learned to Chinese a lot! ”

Edward replied proudly.

“The name of the grip is called Love Dehua, please teach more~”

Then Edward also gave a very gentlemanly greeting to several people present and introduced himself in Daxia dialect.

Rao Xiaofei: “…..”

“Uh-huh, that’s a good point, I’ll tune you to the English version.”

Gusin touched his chin and praised, and then transferred Edward’s Elven Guide to the English version.

At the level of this half-hanged Daxia dialect of this goods, he seriously doubted whether this guy could understand the introduction of the book.

“That… It may be useless for too long, but believe me, I will soon be able to apply the Daxia dialect proficiently. ”

It seemed that he also saw that there was a problem in the eyes of Gu Xin, and Edward coughed dryly and said seriously.


After going back, he will practice hard, but he thinks he is the most handsome man who never sets!

“Of course, I also believe in Mr. Edward very much, the book has already adjusted the language for you, and this is the Poké Ball, a necessary prop to subdue the elves.”

“If you buy a Poké, you will give two for free, if you still want Poké Balls, you can buy them from me or go to the Poké Shop.”

“This is an energy cube, extremely nutritious elf food, by the way, the elf book is not free.”

Gushin handed Edward the Pokédex and the Poké Ball and the energy cube, and added at the end.

“Okay, I see, thank you very much Gu Store Manager.”

Edward happily took these things, fiddling with the Poké Ball and the Poké Book very novelly.

“Dripping Ice Snow Dragon, Rock, Ice Attribute, Tundra Pokémon Feature: Snowfall

Tricks: Fine snow, scream, one more time, discharge

“Ancient Pokémon resurrected from parts of their bodies that were frozen 100 million years ago, living in cold lands free of rough enemies such as monster-jawed dragons.”

The introduction of the ice and snow dragon sounded on the book, which made Edward exclaim, wonderful!

“It’s still a snowfall ice dragon, which is not bad.”

Gushin raised an eyebrow. Snowfall is a hidden characteristic of the ice dragon, which is quite rare.

“Manager Gu, can I touch it?”

Edward obviously didn’t know much about this, and he was still more interested in the ice dragon itself.

“Of course, you are currently its trainer, and you will be the best partner and partner in the future.”

Gusin smiled at Edward.

“Yes, I will definitely treat it well!”

Edward nodded vigorously when he heard this, and then approached the ice dragon excitedly but cautiously.

The ice and snow dragon seemed to feel Edward’s movements, and tilted his head slightly to look at Edward curiously.

“Hey dear, you are really so beautiful, can I touch you?”

Edward carefully controlled himself not to disturb the ice and snow dragon, while whispering to the ice and snow dragon.

“Know what? We will be the closest partners from now on, I am your trainer, and we can venture life together. ”

Seeing that the ice and snow dragon did not make defensive movements and expressions, Edward’s hand slowly reached out to the ice and snow dragon.

Close! It’s close!

“Beep si~”

The ice and snow dragon’s big eyes blinked and did not retreat, and a soft sound came out of his mouth.

“Oh, you’re so good, darling.”

Oh Shet! It’s too cold!

The finger lightly touched the head of the ice and snow dragon, and a cold chill instantly came over, making the expression on Edward’s face wrong.

But seeing the curious and innocent gaze of the ice and snow dragon, Edward still forced the chill and shouted to the ice and snow dragon excitedly.


It seemed to understand that Edward liked himself very much, and the ice dragon’s big eyes narrowed into crooked crescents, and he whispered happily.

Super cute!

Ruan Xinyi’s eyes are shining, this ice and snow dragon is too cute.

“Although the Ice Snow Dragon family is actually not weak, according to research, all Ice and Snow Dragons are very gentle and friendly, and they are easy to get close to people.”

“And they are very leisurely, life is always slow and comfortable, and they will be very comfortable in daily life, Mr. Edward’s luck is really good, which is very suitable as a novice Pokémon elf.”

Gu Xin looked at Edward, who was close to the ice dragon, and introduced several people with a smile.

“Hahaha, I think if I post the ice dragon on social network, my friends will definitely think that I have traveled to the age of dinosaurs!”

Hearing Gu Xin’s words, Edward’s face turned into a flower, and he couldn’t help but gently stroke the ice and snow dragon and humorously.

After all, the appearance of the ice and snow dragon is really too similar to dinosaurs, and now in 2202, the word crossing is not unfamiliar in the circle of young people at all.

Oh, labor and management were definitely a great benevolent person in their last life!

“But there is one thing that Mr. Edward needs to pay attention to.”

Gusin looked at the elated Edward and thought about speaking.

“The characteristic of your ice dragon is snowfall, and it is best to let it practice as soon as possible to master the application of this characteristic as soon as possible.”

“Manager Gu, can you elaborate?”

Edward was a little confused when he heard this, what happened to the snowfall characteristics?

“The snowfall property is just like the name, it can turn the weather into a hail blizzard for a short time, and if it is not well controlled, it will cause a lot of trouble.”

Gusin explained patiently.

“Isn’t this the same as the rain that Shallow drew before?”

Ruan Xinyi was stunned when she heard this.

“It’s different, asking for rain is a trick, but the ice and snow dragon is a feature, and the weather characteristics are much better than the weather trick.”

Gu Xin shook his head, the characteristic is ready to be urged, and the weather trick you have to find an opportunity to use in battle, otherwise it is to give the opponent the opportunity to attack.

The two priorities are completely different.

“Change the weather?”

“It seems that Mr. Edward doesn’t understand very well, so let’s go to the backyard and let the ice and snow dragon show you.”

Gusin led everyone to the backyard and asked Edward to let his ice dragon urge the snowfall characteristics.

“Beep si~”

With the light roar of the ice and snow dragon, the sky, which was already a little dark because of dusk, quickly darkened.

Snowflakes and hail fell from the sky, that is, in a few seconds, the sky over the backyard was already heavy snow, and the air temperature immediately dropped.

Hail days caused by snowfall!

Unfortunately, the range was smaller than when Laplace used to ask for rain at that time, and even the entire courtyard was not shrouded.

But even so, it was enough for Ruan Xinyi to shock several people.

“This is really…”

Ruan Youxiu caught a snowflake with his hand in shock, and it was gone! It’s outrageous! The celestial phenomena actually changed like this?

“OMG of…”

Edward was even more stupid, watching the snowflakes continue to drift. Mama gave a Shetfak and he seemed to see God!

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