I Spread the Cosmos By Live Broadcast of Food

Chapter 343 I have nothing to do with Shen Panchi

Shen Panchi took a look at Lan Siyu, who smiled slightly with curved lips and bright eyes.

"Twice-cooked pork is specially prepared for Marshal."

After finishing speaking, Lan Siyu silently ate the plate of vegetarian dishes in front of him.

"Aren't you going to eat?" 666 asked doubtfully in his mind.

"I lose weight."

"You're not fat..."

"I'm 106 pounds, and I want to maintain a perfect weight of 105." She has a double chin!

She sincerely asked why Shen Panchi didn't have a double chin...

I'm so envious!

In order to increase the time spent together, Lan Siyu deliberately slowed down his eating speed, but no matter how slow he was, there would be times when a bowl of rice and a dish of food would bottom out. By the time she finished eating slowly, Shen Panchi had already finished eating and sat aside.

Lan Siyu looked at Shen Panchi suspiciously—'I'm going to clean it up? '

Shen Panchi looked back - 'Or I'll go? '

"It's not impossible..." Lan Siyu muttered over and over while clearing the table.

Seeing that Shen Panchi was still sitting there, Lan Siyu kindly reminded, "Stand up and walk within half an hour after eating, which is good for digestion. Sitting all the time will make your stomach grow."

Shen Panchi ignored him and returned to the office to start handling official business.

Lan Siyu started tidying up the bowls and chopsticks at a very slow speed, and it took her ten minutes to tidy up just a few bowls, chopsticks and plates.

The table was wiped and wiped until it became reflective.

After putting the dishes and chopsticks into the dishwasher in the kitchen, Lan Siyu stood on the aisle.

"How many minutes left?"

"Twenty minutes to go."


Entering the door, "Marshal Shen, where do I live today?"

"The revolver will take you there."

"Huh? Isn't it next door to you?" Lan Siyu was surprised, obviously it was agreed before, although Shen Panchi didn't agree.

Hearing this sentence, Shen Panchi stopped turning over the book, tilted his head to look at Lan Siyu, and asked slowly and word by word:

"You...want to live next door to me?"

"I'm just joking, haha. How can I?! Didn't I just say it casually to make you happy?! How can Allah be next door to you? I still know who you are and who I am! "

"Oh? Tell me, who are you and who am I?"

"Ah?" Lan Siyu was being polite, but Shen Panchi didn't expect to take it.

"You are the most dazzling star in the universe, shining brightly, illuminating the road ahead of me, no one else is half as good as you; you are the breeze in March, when it blows over, my heart will thump ; You are the warmest and warmest sunshine in winter, which makes me embrace the warmth again in the cold winter...

You are the best person in this world, everything deserves the best! "

Lan Siyu output a series of rainbow farts crazily, and finally came a fancy ending. She felt that the words she made up now were very good!

Shen Panchi licked his palate lightly, his pale lips curved, looked at Lan Siyu, his eyes were smiling, his half-curved eyes were like the half crescent moon, the tenderness he had never seen before was reflected in his eyes, it seemed to be filled with overwhelming Thousands of hectares of starlight, glittering and dazzling.

A soft laugh overflowed from his throat, and it sounded terribly sweet in the quiet room.

"I wish."

Lan Siyu was taken away by Zuo Lun, and turned around to a room.

"Miss Lan, this is your room for a week. Also, I hope you don't walk around."

"Okay okay."

Lan Siyu looked at the room, it was a little bigger than the room they lived in on the second floor, but only a little bigger.

A bed, a table, a chair, a cabinet, and a bathroom, nothing else.

The bed was still that kind of hard plank bed, and Lan Biyu felt aching when she slept soundly.

"The barracks are really rough. The most important thing is that there is no signal. There is only a local area network here, but unfortunately I can't connect."

Every military base is a place where federal signals are blocked, which is equivalent to being isolated from the outside world. There is a local area network for communicating with the outside world, but only people like Shen Panchi can use it.

After thinking about it, Lan Siyu fell asleep.

She is like a pig, too sleepy.

When she woke up, she checked the time, it was nine forty.

"Take a shower and go to bed!"

"Just to remind you, your two hours today are still five minutes away."

"It's still five minutes away?! So what should I do? Should I go find Shen Panchi now? Impossible, I don't even know where he lives!"

"Wait a minute, don't panic. I seem to feel him... He seems to be not far from the room!"

"Ah? Did he come to see me? In the middle of the night, it's not appropriate."

As soon as Lan Siyu opened the door and stretched out her head, she saw Shen Panchi standing in front of a door in the bright corridor, ready to open it.

The movement of the door opening here caused Shen Panchi to look this way.

As soon as I saw it, I saw a round head poking out of the crack in the door.

"Still asleep?"

"You live here?" Lan Siyu moved her mouth towards the room next to her.

"Well, go to bed early." After speaking, he opened the door and entered, and closed the door.

"Damn it, 666. He really put me next to him!"

In this way, Lan Siyu doesn't have to go to Shen Panchi every day to brush up the time! Ahhhh her happiness is back!

Lan Siyu rolled several times on the bed, and fell asleep slowly after taking a bath.

A man and a woman, separated by a wall, have a good night's dream.

With the lesson from the previous day, Lan Siyu arrived one minute earlier the next day.

Seeing the non-commissioned officer staring at her, Lan Siyu smiled brightly, as if to be taken aback.

After running all the way, Qiu Ye asked her all the way, the kind that didn't stop talking.

"I really have nothing to do with Shen Panchi! I swear! We have nothing to do with each other! Believe me?!"

Lan Siyu's voice was a little louder, and it happened to fall into the ears of the inspecting man next to him, and the man's lips, which were not smiling at all, were almost drawn into a line.

After the training, Lan Siyu immediately returned to the room. As long as she is the last to arrive and the first to leave, that weird trainer won't be able to trouble her!

When she prepared the meals and brought them to Shen Panchi's office, Shen Panchi was still working.

"Marshal, put the food here when it's ready. I'll leave first if I have something to do."

Since the two of them slept next to each other, no, the rooms were next to each other, then she didn't need to show her presence in front of Shen Panchi.

At least it's not necessary now, let's talk about the future... let's talk about it later.

"What's your business?"

"I... read a book, and I have an exam. I'm going to change my major, so I have to take courses for both majors, and I have to take care of my planet's affairs, so I..."

Lan Siyu was interrupted by Shen Panchi before she finished speaking.

"What you want to do, what you do, has nothing to do with me, and I'm not interested in these, so you don't need to explain to me so much. You just need to prepare the meals on time every day and put them here.

Well, if there is nothing else you can go. "

Lan Siyu patted her head and closed the door.

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