Chapter 125 Tricolor Domineering Comes Out! Ordinary people’s shortcut to the strongest!!

Before starting to sell the last fruit, Ziruf was still thinking about the terrifying strength of the tall blind swordsman in the picture just now who dragged the meteorite from space.

The more he thought about it, the more curious he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he couldn’t help but ask.

“The store manager…”

“I want to know how the blind swordsman in the picture just now used the ability of gravity fruit to pull down all the meteorites in space?”

“I racked my brain, but when I thought about it, I couldn’t figure it out!”

“Because even if I develop the ability of the gravity fruit to the same extent as the person in the picture, I don’t know what to do to drag meteorites in space!”

“The most important thing is…”

“How does that person know where meteorites are in space, and can accurately apply gravitational energy to meteorites?”

“This is what I can’t understand the most!”

“It’s like…”

“It’s as if that person can directly sense the various meteorites floating above his head without high-tech detection!”

“Compared to his ability to pull meteorites down with the ability of gravity fruit…”

“I think what is even more terrifying is his ability to sense the recessive ability of meteorites!”

Qirufu’s words asked the voices of many people present and watching the live broadcast. They also couldn’t figure out how this trick was done.

“Yes, General Qi asked the question we all want to know!”

“I have always felt that this is the key to the strength of that blind swordsman!”

“I originally thought that he detected meteorites in outer space through scientific and technological means.”

“But then I felt that something was wrong, it wasn’t like this at all!”

“It’s as if he knows where meteorites in space are at any time!”

“It’s really hard to understand!”

The people on the barrage are also using their brains to think about this problem. When Lu Li heard Qilufu’s words, he smiled and spoke, “I thought you wouldn’t ask this question!” ”

“Actually, I wanted to say something about this, but I never had a good chance!”

“Today is an opportunity to officially tell all of you something!”

“That is…”

Lu Li coughed lightly twice and cleared his throat.

“Even if you don’t have the ability to fruit, you can become the world’s top powerhouse.”

“Just relying on your own physical strength, you can still kill a dragon-level weirdo!”

“It’s not about playing, it’s true!”

“Moreover, I can even say a word of prediction!”

“If someone after today can learn the three powers I will talk about next, relying only on their own physical strength, they can also become one of the supreme combat powers of the Great Xia Dynasty!”

“Moreover, such a pure flesh-type powerhouse has no weaknesses!”

“Once you reach the peak, no one with fruit ability is willing to easily provoke this purest powerhouse!”

Lu Li’s words made the people present suddenly stunned, and even Qilufu, who originally just wanted to know how to perceive meteorites, was stunned.

The barrage that was originally rolling wildly seemed to have stopped at this moment. Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

It took a while before someone started to send barrages.

The exclamation points full of screens express the amazement and excitement of these ordinary people!

“Is this a dream?”

“Or is today the lucky day for the entire Great Xia Dynasty?”

“Does anyone come to pinch themselves and try it, it really feels like a dream!”

“Ordinary people don’t need to eat fruits, they can also become the strongest by their own efforts!”

“This is simply the best news I’ve heard since the advent of the Age of Freaks!”

“The store manager is really the savior of this world!”

Ziruf was shocked.

He originally wanted to ask how to perceive the location of the meteorite, but he didn’t expect that Lu Li would actually take this opportunity to say something that shocked them as the big men of the military region.

“The store manager… You…… Are you telling the truth? ”

“What is the method that allows ordinary people to become the strongest?”

When Qilufu asked this, even with his determination, his palms were full of sweat, for fear that Lu Li would say that this was false.

“Of course it’s true!”

Lu Li smiled slightly, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

“The foundation of this method is the Navy Six I gave you before!”

“After ordinary people practice the Navy Six Style, the advanced means of becoming stronger is the method I will talk about next!”

“Three ways!”

“The first is the most basic, any strong person must master and master the ability!”

“It’s called Armed Color Domineering!”

Saying that, Lu Li stretched out his right hand, and in the shocked and doubtful eyes of everyone, the entire arm turned black, giving people an extremely refined feeling.

Several of the natural ability people present looked at Lu Li’s blackened right arm, and felt a little frightened, as if they saw their own natural enemies!

“This is armed color domineering!”

Lu Li raised his right arm and spoke.

“This kind of power, even if it is only initially mastered, can greatly increase the user’s attack power and defense power!”

“Initially mastering this power, you can easily resist the attacks of most of the weirdos of the same level!”

“Armed color domineering can enhance an individual’s defense, and the effect is like invisible armor!”

“It can also evolve into attack power, and then compete with the Devil Fruit ability!”

“You can even touch the entity of a natural fruit ability!”

“In addition to acting on your own body, armed color domineering can also attach to objects!”

“Such as all kinds of cold weapons!”

“If the power of armed color domineering is practiced to the extreme, it can flow up and destroy the human body from the inside!”

“Those who practice their armed colors to the extreme are also not inferior to those with powerful fruit abilities!”

“Mastering armed color domineering is the only way for ordinary people to become the strongest!”

When the people present heard Lu Li’s words, their eyes widened one after another.

“An entity capable of attacking those with natural fruit abilities!”

“No wonder I looked at the store manager’s arm and felt a sense of panic!”

“It’s like being targeted by a tiger!”

“But how can you master this kind of power?”

Lu Li seemed to see the problem on the barrage, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then spoke: “And if you want to master the armed color domineering, the best way is to practice the Navy Six Style!” ”

“Armed color domineering is actually an energy generated after the human flesh body is exercised to the extreme!”

“Therefore, it is possible to acquire this ability through a lot of exercise!”

“Moreover, different people’s mastery of armed color domineering, as well as the amount and quality of accumulation, are different!”

“In general, all other things being equal, the stronger the user’s armed color domineering, the stronger the combat effectiveness!”

“The iron block in the Navy Six is the ultra-low version of the armed color!”

“As long as you work hard, ordinary people can also master this power!”

“And once you master this power, dragon-level weirdos can’t beat it, but ordinary ghost-level weirdos can touch it!”

“This is the most basic way for ordinary people to become stronger!”

Lu Li’s words were not wrong at all.

Armed color domineering power, in the second half of the original great voyage in the new world, even just an ordinary navy, a small pirate, can master armed color!

This kind of power is indeed a force that can be popularized on a large scale! The people present widened their eyes when they heard Lu Li’s words.

“The best way to learn to arm the color domineering is actually to practice the Navy Six Style!”

“No wonder the official people have begun to popularize the scientific training method of the Navy Six Style!”

“Even I have seen some people with good talent in many places, and I plan to open a martial arts hall to specially lead people to learn the six styles of the navy after they have practiced their own fame!”

“Although the popularization of the Navy Six has just begun, there are still a very few people who are super talented and physically strong in their own right!”

“We ordinary people must also keep pace!”

“Don’t seek to become a peerless powerhouse, as long as you can protect yourself from causing chaos to the Great Xia Dynasty when the weirdos attack!”

“Since I have an armed color domineering, then I don’t need to think about selling property, and then go to the store manager to buy fruit!”

“I’m going to spend all my money to improve my Navy Six level!”

Many people think this in their minds.

Qilufu and other military personnel, hearing Lu Li’s words, couldn’t be more excited in their hearts.

“Store manager, since ordinary people can improve their strength through this armed color domineering!”

“Then those of us with ability, can’t we also learn the color of armament and improve our strength in various directions!”

“Of course you can!”

Riku put away the armed color on his right arm, “But there is one thing you should understand!” ”

“That is, a person’s energy is limited!”

“Whether it’s developing fruit abilities or exercising armed color domineering!”

“It all takes a lot of energy!”

“I want to do both, and both reach the level of a cutting-edge powerhouse…”

“It takes more than just day-to-day effort, but also super talent!”

“But you’re right, even people who specialize in fruit abilities must learn to arm themselves domineering!”

“Otherwise, if you encounter some weirdo abilities similar to nature, you will be helpless!”

“Moreover, the defense and attack power of the armed color have been greatly improved, and it can also be integrated into the fruit ability!”

“Specifically, how to practice selectively, and grasp the degree between developing fruit ability and exercising armed color domineering, you need to measure it yourself!”

Qilufu nodded, and then asked: “Store manager, what is the ability to perceive meteorites in outer space in the picture just now?” ”

“That ability, I feel very powerful!”

“If a person’s perception ability can reach that level, it is almost no different from that of an immortal!”

Lu Li nodded, he also felt that in the original work, Tiger Smile could perceive the location of meteorites in outer space with his domineering appearance, which was too outrageous.

Therefore, in the previous life, many people thought that the strongest person was actually Fuji Tiger Yixiao!

This statement, strictly speaking, is not wrong.

In terms of the range of perception of smell and color, Fuji Hu’s smile is really the strongest!

Lu Li looked at the curious Qi Lufu and spoke, “This is the second domineering power!” ”

“It’s called Seeing and Hearing Domineering!”

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