After Lu Li finished the lottery, he had nothing to do and waited in the store for the afternoon customers to come to the door.

At the same time, he is also studying the xenomorph energy in the air with the color of seeing and smelling and the heart net.

He didn’t know about the news of the appearance of the weirdos and berserk beasts gathered together on the outskirts of the Demon City.

Of course, even if he knew, Lu Li would only be a little interested.

At most, he will only rush to the scene to see the situation.

Lu Li’s idea is simple, although he is powerful, he is not interested in being the savior of this world, and he cannot save it alone.

Now he is not capable of changing the course of the world.

In Lu Li’s opinion, those who have obtained the ability of the Devil Fruit can only truly grow up if they are honed in the war of blood and fire.

In the end, Lu Li is not a person in this world, even if Daxia is very similar to the Huaxia in the previous life, but no matter how similar it is, it is not the same thing after all!

If the Great Xia Dynasty of this world wants to become strong in the abnormal world, it must be strong enough!

And those who were created by the Devil Fruit that Lu Li sold were opportunities!

Other countries do not have Devil Fruit powers.

What he wants to see is that all kinds of abilities become stronger in the abnormal world and carry forward the ability of the Devil Fruit!

Instead of being a nanny for these capable people himself.

It is okay to save once, twice, or even three times, but if you save more times, those people will form dependence!


While Riku was waiting for the afternoon guests to come to the door.

On the outskirts of Magic City, on a beach, it has been surrounded by groups of military vehicles and heavily armed soldiers.

A few hundred meters away, many people who are not afraid of watching the excitement are watching.

And on the beach in the center of the encirclement, there are dozens of corpses lying horizontally, and the red blood stains have dyed the beach scarlet, shocking!

There are women in bikinis, there are men in swimming trunks, and so on.

These dead people had extremely frightened looks on their faces, as if they had seen a monster that terrified them before they died.

In the middle of these corpses stood a large group of weirdos that seemed to be weirdos at a glance, seven or eight weirdos clustered around a humanoid weirdo who was more than three meters tall and had several sharp horns around his head.

This strange man was full of muscles, his arms were as thick as a baby’s body, and his blood vessels were hideously bare.

Under this weirdo, you can also clearly see the jeans of the Hailan House that were broken after transforming from human form to a weirdo!

The noble bird belt on the waist has also been bent off by the soaring body size and hangs from the belt loop of the jeans.

In the center of the top of this strange man’s head, a short crystal-clear horn that was clearly distinguished from the other horns, shimmered sharply in the sunlight.

Even in the summer of 378 degrees, the people around me felt the chill from this short horn.

Around these seven or eight humanoid weirdos are a group of crazy beasts of all kinds.

The most are various breeds of stray dogs, stray cats, about forty or fifty, gathered together, all with blood stains on the corners of their mouths, blood-red eyes, and an extremely strong desire to attack.

More than three hundred soldiers rushed to the scene, all wearing the best body armor, holding explosion-proof shields in their hands, and their bodies were filled with all kinds of weapons!

These soldiers were all separated by tens of meters, holding their guns and pointing their guns at the weirdos and berserk beasts in the center.

Those who died in a very miserable state blinded these soldiers whose duty was to protect person M!

The soldiers who rushed to the scene were all weirdos and beasts who saw mutations for the first time, although they were soldiers, they were all normal humans, and they also had fear in their hearts!

However, the anger brought by the tragic situation at the scene dispersed the fear of weirdos and crazy beasts in the hearts of these ordinary soldiers!

“What the hell are you guys!”

“Why do you want to do this?”

The commander who led these hundreds of soldiers, his eyelids jumped wildly, and he asked.

He measured the gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides and did not rashly let the soldiers shoot.

And he has also received reinforcements from his superiors.

Therefore, he now wants to ask for as much useful information as possible.

The weirdo in the middle of the weirdo, who was more than three meters tall and wearing jeans, opened his mouth full of fangs and snorted coldly:

“I don’t know what the hell I am now!”

“As for a few of them, they all came to follow me spontaneously!”

“I don’t know what they are, so they should be considered weirdos, right?”

“But I remember clearly that I was human before!”

“But now, I really like the feeling of being so powerful now!”

“When ordinary humans are overwhelmed by heavy work all day, how can they be comfortable being weirdos?”

The chief saw that this strange man obviously had the intelligence of a normal human and could communicate normally, his expression changed greatly, and he hurriedly asked:

“How did you go from being human to being like this?”

“Why kill?”

“What the hell do you want?”


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