Chapter 69 Naval Six? Is there an army, an air force six?!!

“What else do they have to save?”


“The sternum is crushed, can it be saved?”

“This… This…”

When Zhou Fengfang heard Lu Li’s words, she was so shocked that she stood up directly, ~ and stammered when she spoke.

“Can save!”

“Why can’t it be saved?”

“It’s nothing more than a broken sternum and piercing into the lung lobe!”

“This injury is no more difficult for me than to cure a sprain!”

Lu Li looked at the stunned faces of Zhou Fengfang and Ji Xiaomei, and smiled. He was telling the truth.

For Lu Li, who has thoroughly mastered the ability to achieve the fruits of surgery, these injuries are really not a big deal.

Even if the chest is completely pierced by the scorching magma, it can be cured intact, and if the sternum is broken, in Lu Li’s eyes, it can only be regarded as a minor problem.

You know, magma this thing, not only can be burned with high temperature, but also attached to carbide, nitride and sulfide this toxic substance!

The original Luffy was pierced through the chest by this kind of thing, and Luo who could carry the surgical fruit ability has not yet been developed to the extreme…

The healing power of the surgical fruit can be imagined!

Of course, Zhou Fengfang and Ji Xiaomei did not know the ability of the surgical fruit, so they were shocked.

“So how do you treat it?”

“It won’t be right here, will it?”

Zhou Fangfang cried with joy, but the words asked were ridiculous.

“Of course not here!”

“Just find a hospital!”

“Their main problem now is excessive blood loss!”

Ji Xiaomei interjected, “There’s a hospital over there!” ”

“Not far, less than two kilometers!”

“I bought medicine there before, although it is a little smaller, but there should be everything!”

Lu Li looked in the direction pointed by Ji Xiaomei and said directly: “Without further ado, let’s go now!” ”

Even the stretcher was useless, Lu Li directly used the ability of the surgical fruit to float Jiang Tianhao and several people in the air, and walked towards the hospital with his feet up.

Seeing that Lu Li was leaving, the commander who came to support hurriedly walked over to follow Lu Li, and he also knew that it was important to treat the wounded.

So he said as he walked.

When Lu Li lifted his foot and left, the reporters of the major media who had already reacted rushed to this side like crazy.

The speed of the 100-meter race at the World Championships is not as fast as these reporters. The commander did not delay time, and directly asked: “May I ask you…”

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li interrupted: “I won’t threaten the safety of Daxia!” ”

“If I had this idea, I wouldn’t have waited until now!”

“Don’t worry!”

The commander was completely overwhelmed by Lu Li’s words, and he didn’t want to ask about this.

“No, I mean how did you practice your sword art just now?”

“Is it possible to spread it to the military?”

“I mean, is it possible for ordinary people to practice that kind of sword qi?”

“You have also seen that the world is changing, and many of those weirdos are not afraid of thermal weapons!”

“Heavy weapons in the city are difficult to use, or even useable, so…”

Lu Li heard the commander’s words and smiled.

“So you asked this.”

“Then I can answer you, after the world changes, human beings have the opportunity to practice sword qi!”

“It’s just that it takes a long time and the effort is unimaginable!”

“And until the basic physical strength is improved, it is useless to practice directly!”

Lu Li looked at the commander’s thirsty face and thought for a while: “After a while, you will come to the Devil Fruit Shop in the Demon Capital to find me again!” ”

“Sword art wants to be promoted, it is somewhat difficult!”

“But I have other ways to enhance the combat effectiveness of my soldiers here!”

“It’s not very convenient now, you come to me later!”

When the commander heard this, he looked pleased, originally he came to ask casually, did not report much hope, did not expect that there really was.

So he hurriedly asked, “What is the method?” ”

“Don’t worry, we will pay equal benefits in exchange!”

“It will definitely not let you suffer!”

Lu Li didn’t hide his private thoughts, and opened his mouth as he walked: “The method is very simple, and it is not as complicated to learn as any exercises in those martial arts novels!” ”

“If you practice to the extreme, like today’s weirdo leader, you can even single out and fight!”

“So strong?!”

Not only Commander Zhi was stunned, but Zhou Fengfang, Ji Xiaomei and the others who followed him were also shocked.

“It is indeed so strong! I can still guarantee that! ”

“What the hell is the method!? I’m going to learn too! ”

Ji Xiaomei and Zhou Fengfang asked the most urgent question for the commander in unison.

“The name is also very simple!”

“It’s called Navy Six!”

“Navy Six?”

Several people were a little puzzled when they heard this.


The commander gritted his teeth and spoke, “We are the army, this naval six… Could it be a little…”

“Did you come to the Army Six, the Air Force Six or something…”

When the commander asked this, he felt his face feverish.

In his opinion, he is a little excessive, the existence of such a strong person, willing to teach the Six Style to the Navy is already very generous…

Although he didn’t know why Lu Li had to teach the six commandments of the navy, he still wanted to fight for the army.

Hearing the commander ask this, Lu Li was dumbfounded, and then laughed.


“You commander is so cute!”


The commander was less than thirty years old, and he scratched his head a little embarrassed, not knowing why Lu Li said that.

“When I say Navy Six Style, I don’t mean that only the Navy can practice!”

“It’s just that’s what it’s called!”

“Whether it’s the army, navy, air force, or other branches of the military, you can train!”

“Moreover, it’s not that I won’t teach you more, but after you practice these six styles, there are more advanced ways to become stronger later!”

“But that’s for later!”

“Anyway, this naval six-style, if humans can master it, they can single out weirdos who are not particularly strong, and everyone can become superman!”

“Navy Six also has a name, called Superhuman Skill!”

“Oooh, so it is!”

The commander scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

“Then I’ll go first, and after a while, there should be a high-level of our army to talk to you about this!”

“Okay, I’m in the Devil Fruit Shop in the Demon Capital, and I won’t leave!”

Lu Li smiled and spoke.

After the commander left, Zhou Fengfang and Ji Xiaomei both looked at Lu Li with longing in their eyes.

“What are you looking at?”

“Have an idea for me?”

“I’m a serious person!”

Lu Li looked at Zhou Fengfang and Ji Xiaomei’s wolf-like eyes, and almost didn’t hold back.

“No, no, store manager, why are you still driving at this time…”

“We also want to practice that Navy Six!”

“Only after this monster fight found that we are really weak!”

“Especially me, I can’t even help!”

“Watching my friend die, but I can only stare dryly, this feeling, I will never experience again!”

“As long as we can also learn the Navy Six Style, we can do anything at any price!”

Zhou Fengfang’s eyes were firm.

Ji Xiaomei incarnated Zhang Yide again: “I’m the same!” ”

“Want to learn?”

The two female chicks nodded like pecking rice.

“Well said!”

“Just pay the tuition fee then!”

“This is not a secret technique that cannot be passed on!”

Hearing Lu Li’s promise, the two women jumped three feet tall and excited. While a few people talked, they walked to the door of the hospital.

Not far behind him was a large number of reporters from various media. Lu Li looked at those reporters and had some thoughts in his heart.

The world mutation is imminent, and he not only wants to advertise the Devil Fruit Shop, but also has something else to say.

However, it is imperative to first bring back several seriously injured people.

“Get me the operating room!”

“There are also blood types of various blood types, which will be used later!”

Lu Li ignored the shocked eyes of the dean who rushed out of the hospital and spoke directly.

“Good, good, good!”

“Get ready now!”

The dean used the telescope to see Lu Li’s shot clearly, and naturally knew who this person in front of him was!

However, he was a little curious in his heart.

The existence of invincible combat effectiveness is still a medical skill?

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