Chapter 73: The First Natural Devil Fruit Sells!!

Time flies quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was the next day.

“Manager, get up for breakfast!”

Stussy got up early to make breakfast and knocked on Lu Li’s door.

“Got it!”

Lu Li, who is accustomed to sleeping until he wakes up naturally, was woken up for breakfast for the first time in this world.

After some washing, Lu Li looked at the breakfast on the table, still a little surprised.

“You can also cook?”

“Are CP0’s agents so all-powerful?”

Stussy covered his mouth and chuckled, tested the temperature on the side of his mouth, and handed the breakfast to Riku.

“I will!”

“But don’t forget where my Happy Street is.”

“The store manager will find out later!”

What is this implying?

Lu Li woke up early in the morning, and was almost caught on fire by the charming Stussy.

He glanced up at Stussy who was looking at him with one hand on his cheek, suppressed his restless anger, took the breakfast that Stussy had tried the temperature with his mouth, and ate it without care.

“Then let me know slowly later!”

“Eat first now!”

A breakfast is delicious and delicious, after all, as the saying goes, it is beautiful and delicious.

“Open the door, I don’t know how many people are crowded outside!”

“I’ll open it!”

Just like Lu Li said, outside the Devil Fruit Store, densely packed with people who couldn’t see the edge, one after another, crowded.

However, although there were a lot of people, it was surprisingly quiet, and no one dared to make noise in front of the store, they were afraid of making a noise.


The sound of the shop door rubbing the ground made many people who had been waiting for the night wake up instantly.

“Is this the door?”

“The store manager doesn’t sleep any longer?”

“It’s okay if we wait a few more hours!”

The silent crowd instantly became noisy.


Stussy, who opened the door, glanced at the crowd, his beautiful eyes froze, and he spoke directly. The sound is obviously not loud, but it can clearly reach everyone’s ears. The noisy crowd instantly quieted down.

Everyone looked at Stussy in front of the store in surprise. I thought to myself.

“Who is this?”

“So beautiful!”

“Could it be the store manager’s girlfriend?”

Without waiting for these people to think more, Stussy spoke: “Don’t sell ordinary fruits today!” ”

“The store manager is only going to sell three fruits today!”

“There are natural fruits in it!”

“The base price of the natural fruit is 100 million, and all those with a net worth of less than 100 million will be dispersed!”

“Those who feel powerful, you can stay and participate in the auction!”

As soon as Stussy’s words came out, most of the people in the crowd with a net worth of less than 100 million showed disappointment, but they did not dare to say anything more and turned to leave.

However, these people did not go far, and they all wanted to know whose house this first natural devil fruit fell on today.

At the same time, the official media personnel who had been waiting on the side hurriedly stepped forward and asked: “We are the live broadcasters of the official media!” ”

“We want to broadcast today’s Natural Devil Fruit auction, I wonder if the store manager can agree?”

Stussy knew that Lu Li would not care about this, and directly agreed: “No problem! ”

“However, we have to charge a broadcast fee!”

“Yes! We have prepared this for a long time! ”

The people led by the state media smiled when they heard the promise.

“Then you can start later!”

“People who have a net worth of more than 100 million and feel that they have the strength to win the first natural devil fruit, enter the store!”

Fortunately, the area of this Devil Fruit store given by the system is not small, and it will not seem too crowded for hundreds of people to enter.

As soon as Stussy said this, although many people with a net worth of more than 100 million, but not more than 500 million, also sighed and turned to the side to watch.

In the end, there were only a few dozen people left among those present.

Many of them are directors of various companies, as well as some hidden rich people.

After the live broadcast of the official media was opened, countless netizens poured in instantly.

“Lying groove, are you really going to start selling the first natural fruit?”

“What a envy!”

“I don’t know what the ability of the first natural fruit is!”

“You don’t care what kind of ability he has, eat the fruits of nature, and face the weirdo, he will be invincible!”

“This ability is not so much a superpower as the best means of saving your life!”

“Do you see how many rich people have come to buy it in person?”

“Alas, these people are so old and eat such precious fruits, and they will not have much energy to develop!”

“If you really give it to these capitalists, it won’t help killing weirdos at all!”

“The ability of the natural department, what a waste!”

“It’s a pity that I don’t have any money…”

“If you want to get the fruits of nature, you can’t just have money!”

“You have to be super rich!”

“The starting price is 100 million, how much do you say the final price can get?”

“Five billion less!”

While netizens in the official media live broadcast room were discussing wildly, those rich people with a lot of money entered the store.

On the counter inside the store is a devil’s fruit that looks extraordinary.

“Is this the fruit to be auctioned today?”

“This fruit is much more powerful than those fruits sold before!”

“I just don’t know what kind of ability it is!”

“Could it be the Thunder Fruit?”

“Are you thinking about fart eating, how can such an invincible ability be so simple to auction?”

The netizens on the barrage looked at the fruit on the counter, and their eyes straightened.

The rich people in those stores are similar to the netizens on the barrage, regardless of men, women and children, all staring directly at the natural fruit.

Lu Li got up from the chair, took the fruit in his hand, looked at the rich people in the store, did not hesitate, and directly said: “Everyone’s time is precious!” ”

“No time waste!”

“This Natural Devil Fruit, start auctioning now!”

“The starting price is 100 million, and each price increase must not be less than 10 million!”

While Lu Li was talking, Stussy prepared number plates for everyone at the scene to facilitate the auction.

“Two hundred million!”

An old man with gray hair couldn’t wait to hold up a card.

“You’re a grandfather of seventy or eighty, isn’t it a waste to buy natural fruits?”

“Let us young people!”

“Three hundred million!”

A man in a board-inch suit directly increased the price by 100 million.

“Lying groove, doesn’t it mean that the price increase of 10 million is enough?”

“How rich these people are, add 100 million to it!”

“Natural fruits are worth this price!”

“It is not too much to add to billions in the end!”

“You don’t care how old I am, I can just have money!”

“Five hundred million!”

The old man glared at Bancun, raised his card again, and directly called for 500 million! Not to be outdone, the other rich people present were not to be outdone.

It didn’t take long to rush the price to a full billion. And it’s far from the limit of these people.

At this moment, the sound of hurried military boots stepping on the ground came from outside the door.

Ran Ling, the director of the T1 Investigation Bureau, hurried to catch up, finally completed the task ahead of schedule, did not even sleep, and directly rushed to the Devil Fruit Store.

Behind Ran Ling, followed by several members of the Investigation Bureau whose clothes were torn and faintly bloodstains appeared.

Even Ran Ling’s camouflage uniform was torn, and there was a smell of blood from the dagger inserted in her waist.

With the arrival of Ran Ling, director of the T1 Investigation Bureau, the atmosphere in the store suddenly froze.

It is really a few people who have just bladed a lot of weirdos and criminals who make trouble, and the sense of oppression on them is too strong.

Where have these pampered rich people in the store seen such battles on weekdays? Ran Ling’s heroic face was also dyed with a unique camouflage mark.

I saw that she took out the phone from her pocket, nodded apologetically at Lu Li, and said into the phone: “You’d better go to the Devil Fruit store right now!” ”

“Otherwise, this first natural devil fruit, I will let others eat it!”

After Ran Ling finished calling, he put the satellite phone back in his pocket, glanced around at the rich people in the store, and forcefully opened his mouth to shout the price.

“Don’t raise the price by 100 million and 100 million!”

“Three billion!”

“Is there a markup?”

“I’ll quote again if there is!”

After Ran Ling made a strong offer, no one in the audience spoke.

The first reason is that buying Devil Fruit requires solid cash.

These rich people have money and money, but many of them are real estate, billions of cash, they still need time to raise to take it out!

Moreover, they were indeed calmed by Ran Ling, who was covered in blood.

Moreover, because the photos were published on the official news, these people recognized Ran Ling, the director of the T1 Investigation Bureau.

Ran Ling saw that these rich people no longer asked for bidding, so he said the words in his heart.

“You people have no use for eating the fruit, you can only use it to protect your own life!”

“After the world mutates, the ones who need the Devil Fruit ability the most are those of us who are rushing to the front line!”

“You will only be safe if we are alive and can fight weirdos!”

Ran Ling’s words were very unkind, but they were all facts.

Lu Li saw that no one was bidding anymore, so he threw the fruit in his hand to Ran Ling.

“This fruit is yours!”

Ran Ling held the fruit in his hand, looked it up and down, and did not eat it.

“Let’s verify the ability later!”

“Natural elemental abilities, I don’t like it!”

“I only love the ability that allows me to smash weirdos to death with one punch and one punch!”

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