Chapter 101 The Lost Elves [1/7]

【ps: First update, there will be six more updates today】

【ps: Someone in the comments asked, is the Gutun Empire equal to the Holy Roman Empire? Actually, I didn’t think so much when I wrote it, but since you said it, the author has to say: Holy Romans shed tears!】

“Sister, didn’t you say that you and Gu Yuan are already developing a relationship?…..”

Angelina followed behind Angelina, talking about things that were not related to the topic.

Angelina walked in front, walking faster and faster, her face getting redder and redder, and finally, like a pot of boiling water, she yelled angrily:”Angel, shut up!”

She turned around and kicked Angelina in the knee.


Anjizel screamed in pain, immediately holding his knee and jumping on one leg.

“this….Is he really the elf prince?….How come you look like a funny guy?”

“I don’t know, stop talking, the lieutenant is looking over here.”

The two soldiers on guard were whispering to each other. When Angelina looked over with a gloomy face, they stood at attention and shut up.

“It’s so embarrassing, get out of here!”

Angelina pulled Angel out of the detention center, followed by more than 20 elves.

To be honest, the way to enter the territory of Los was different from what they imagined.

Not to mention that there were people welcoming them all the way, there must be someone to welcome them into the city.

In reality, they were escorted all the way in military vehicles, and they couldn’t even see any scenery on the road.

Because of this, Angel and a group of elves were still surprised when they were in the city of Tino.

At this moment, the city of Tino is half modern and half ancient.

However, most of the modern buildings are under construction, because they are suspended due to the construction of the port.

But this alone is shocking enough. Nearly half of the street, there are almost a hundred buildings with scaffolding outside, standing there, giving people a brand new feeling.

People come and go on the street, and most of them are in a very good spirit.

Occasionally, a car passes by on the street, attracting the elves’ sidelong glances.

The vendors push their carts along the street and sell all kinds of snacks and food.

Most of them are various snacks from the previous life on Earth that Guyuan has asked people to promote.

The elves of this era have naturally never seen them.

Many people on the street looked at the elves passing by curiously.

The city of Tino has never lacked outsiders, but a group of elves like this is still very rare.

“”Young elf, would you like to try our special honey-braised pork?”

A vendor pushed a cart to an Anjizel and tried to sell him his product.


Anjizel waved his hand and refused:”I’m sorry, as an elf, I mostly eat vegetarian food……”

He said this, but in fact he was a little disdainful in his heart.

He had eaten food made by humans before, and he had eaten a lot when he passed through the Gutons Empire, but most of them were very unpalatable.

So when he saw the vendor trying to sell him something, he refused with the arrogance that is unique to elves.

As a high elf, he naturally disdains to eat human food.

But before he finished speaking, his companion next to him smiled slyly, and as a prank, he directly picked up a piece of meat with a toothpick and stuffed it into Angel’s mouth.

Although Angel is an elf prince, he gets along very well with his subordinates. They are more like friends to each other, and they often joke and play pranks.

“What are you doing?”

Angelzer was startled and was about to spit out the braised meat in his mouth.

Humans made the food taste terrible, so he didn’t want to eat it!

But at this moment, he raised his eyebrows and started chewing.

“Mmm! Mmm! This meat!”

“I’ve never eaten it before! It smells so good!”

Angelzer only felt a salty and sweet taste, and the sweetness was just right. The unique taste and flavor rushed directly to his taste buds. This unprecedented feeling directly paralyzed his mind, and the whole person was immersed in this unique fragrance.

“Another piece, another piece!”

He was still shouting.

“No way?”

The elf next to him was dumbfounded. He had just played a prank, thinking that Angel would spit it out soon, but he didn’t expect that he was addicted.

“You should try it too! It’s so delicious!”

He picked up a fork and forked a piece of shiny braised meat.

“No, no!”

The elf looked at the greasy braised meat and quickly shook his head and hands, with a look of rejection on his face.

“Come on, come on, brother!”

Anjizel seemed to be possessed by Wang Jingze, and he put the braised meat in his hand into the elf’s mouth.

“this….How about a bite?”

The elf hesitated, opened his mouth, and swallowed the braised meat. As soon as the braised meat entered his mouth, his eyes widened.

“”Wow! This meat! I’ve never tasted it before!” He looked at Angel in astonishment, nodding vigorously while chewing.

Angel had a smile on his face, and the two elves smiled at each other.

“Come on, come on, come on!”

With the vendor smiling, the whole cart of honey-braised pork was bought up by these two elves.

“Delicious food”

“We should have come to Los Kingdom earlier.”

After a while, the two elves, who had eaten their fill, held their stomachs and regretted why they had come to Los Kingdom only now.

Compared with this kind of food, the food they had eaten in their lives before could be thrown into the stinking ditch.

Angel picked his teeth with a toothpick in a very unpresentable manner, and turned around to call out to his companions, but when he turned around, he was dumbfounded.

“Where are the people?!”

The two elves were stunned, and saw that the team behind them had disappeared.

People were coming and going behind them, and Angelina had disappeared with other elves, leaving them alone in the crowd.

The two elves walked around the streets for a long time, and the unique street structure of human cities made them more and more confused.

In the end, they both confirmed that they were lost…….

Oh my God! They had never lost their way in the Golden City where nearly a million elves lived, but now they were actually lost in such a human city!

Telling others about this would make people laugh!

“Radio! The latest product in the kingdom, the radio. Do you want to listen to theater concerts at home? Do you want to listen to theater jokes at home? Then hurry up and buy the latest product, the radio.”

“Brand new product, radio, only five gold coins for one,”

“New Chinese clothes, new store opening promotion, 50% off on all items!”

“Roast duck, delicious roast duck.”

Many stores on the commercial street had loudspeakers shouting out their wares, while Anjizel and an elf walked down the street in a daze.

They were actually lost……

No matter how colorful this world is, at this moment in their gloomy world…..It’s all gray…..

“Wow, that looks interesting, let’s go check it out.”

Angel was melancholy for a long time like a handsome melancholy prince, but the next moment he was instantly attracted by the bustling human streets, and pulled the elf next to him and ran towards the commercial street.

The two of them successfully lost themselves in this colorful world.

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