Chapter 131: Sea Devil’s Chart [4/7]

【ps: The fourth update, there are three more to go】

【ps: I am really drunk. One chapter was blocked yesterday and one chapter was blocked today. When will this end?】

“You said, you want to surrender to us?!”

The lieutenant took a deep breath and took off his wide-brimmed hat. The red dragon emblem on the hat emitted a strange light under the sun, and he rubbed his temples, hoping that it was not an illusion caused by his tiredness.

But the big knight in front of him wearing exquisite rune armor, the countless troops behind him, and the giant dragons that lived on the hill over there and occupied the entire mountain were telling the lieutenant that this was not an illusion, this was all real.

“If you want to surrender, you can go find a large army. We are just a small army of more than a hundred people.”

The second lieutenant took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He said to Han Si.

After encountering this huge army of Gutongs, the second lieutenant had prepared for all of them to die in battle, but he didn’t expect that after the enemy caught up with them, they not only didn’t attack them, but also directly raised a white flag.

Tell them that they want to surrender!

What a joke!

According to what you said, you have more than two million people and thousands of dragon knights, while we only have more than a hundred ordinary soldiers!

More than two million people surrender to more than a hundred of us?!

What are you thinking, are you crazy?

“That’s right, we want to surrender, and we hope to join the army of the Los Empire and fight bloody battles on the front line against the demons from another world in the future. Our blood should be shed on the demons instead of killing each other with the Los Empire, which is also human and the hope of mankind!”

Han Si said loudly to the second lieutenant officer of the Los Empire

“Wait, wait, you’re talking too fast, let me get it straight.”

The lieutenant rubbed his face with his gloved hands, then said,”You said you didn’t want to fight us because our Los Empire is the hope of mankind, you don’t want to die here meaninglessly, you think you should die on the battlefield fighting against alien demons, right?”

“That’s absolutely right!”

Han Si answered loudly.

“I never thought that there is someone like you in the Gutongs Empire who has ideals and ideas.”

The lieutenant touched his chin and said

“I thought you were all the kind of people who looked down on everyone and thought highly of yourself.”

“The Los Empire is different from ordinary mortal kingdoms. After such a long time of understanding, I am sure that the Los Empire is a very great country. Joining the Los Empire does not insult our identity. We will even be proud of the Los Empire!”

Han Si answered.

“”Okay, you wait. I, a small company commander, cannot make the decision on such a big matter.”

The second lieutenant put on his wide-brimmed military cap and turned to walk towards the camp.

The Los soldiers on guard looked at Han Si nervously. And the densely packed dragons that occupied the entire mountain not far away.

The second lieutenant used a telegraph to telegraph the matter directly to the regiment commander.

The regiment commander was stunned.

When had he seen such a scene?

He even thought that the second lieutenant was making up lies to amuse him.

After repeated confirmation and the guarantee of the second lieutenant, such news was reported layer by layer and finally came to Gu Yuan.

Gu Yuan was even more confused. He was a time traveler and had seen all kinds of scenes, but! He had never seen this scene!

All the troops, more than two million people surrendered to a small company of more than one hundred people.

Not to mention the other world, even on Earth, this There is nothing about it.

Well, maybe Falanxi in the previous life was one of them. After all, the war with Germany had only been going on for a month, and the capital had not been captured yet, but they surrendered directly.

Perhaps, this Gutongs Empire is a Falanxi from another world?

But this is not a small matter after all. An army of more than two million people is a huge number.

Gu Yuan did not dare to underestimate it.

He sent another 100,000 troops to accept the surrender of the two million troops of the Gutongs Empire.

Now the number of Los troops in the Gutongs Empire has reached 220,000. There are only 50,000 troops and a considerable number of new recruits who are being trained in the mainland of the Los Empire.

Because the number of surrenders was too large, Gu Yuan had to divide the two million surrendered troops.

Each regiment is responsible for the surrender of 10,000 to 30,000 surrendered troops.

And a huge district In the area, a division is responsible for about 100,000 surrendered soldiers.

Under the powerful weapons and firepower of a division, 100,000 cold weapon troops could not make any waves.

In this way, they began to accept surrendered soldiers in one area after another.

In the end, it developed into an extremely spectacular scene.

The entire Gutongs Empire can be said to be full of troops from the Los Empire accepting surrenders.

Such a scene lasted for more than ten days. The troops led by Han Si and nine other great knights, totaling more than two million people, finally surrendered to the Los Empire.

And how to resettle so many people, Gu Yuan was also racking his brains.

If it was just a simple surrender, it could be because the Los Empire had defeated the Gutongs Alliance Empire, then these troops could be disbanded and let them go home to reunite with their families.

After all, the Los Empire The country is not a devil, it is impossible to kill prisoners like Bai Qi.

But the key is that these people not only surrendered, they shouted that they wanted to join the Los Empire and fight on the front line for mankind.

The leader was a great knight named Han Si.

After knowing this, Gu Yuan had to admire Han Si’s brainwashing work.

He gave several speeches in different regions of the army, and then let those people spread it themselves. It was spread in the army that the Los Empire became a land of hope. There was something even more outrageous. They even thought that the Los Empire was the last harbor of hope for mankind.

This made Gu Yuan dare not speak.

This hat was too big, the last harbor of hope for the entire mankind, Gu Yuan said he didn’t dare to wear this hat.

But the key is that this hat is not something he doesn’t want to wear.

It has been spread among the two million surrendered soldiers, Gu Yuan, His Majesty the Emperor of the Los Empire.

It is the key to the rise of the entire Los Empire in less than a year! By the way, Gu Yuan’s whole person rose to hope.

What light of hope for mankind, the emperor of hope for mankind.

The name instantly became loud.

This made Gu Yuan’s head buzz.

How could he not know when he became so awesome? He could only cover his aching head and ignore the surrendered soldiers for the time being.

He turned his attention to the coastal port that had been built long ago.

Here, five huge battleships were being manufactured simultaneously.

In the future, some submarines will also be manufactured here.

Gu Yuan looked at the nautical chart in his hand that was said to be the devil’s, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

This map was presented to Gu Yuan by a man under the Duke of Golden Lion when he surrendered. According to that man, the Duke of Golden Lion wanted the former Kingdom of Los just to have a port to the sea.

The treasure of the devil at sea?

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