Chapter 138: Devil’s Portal! [4/7]

【ps: The fourth update, there are three more to go】

【ps: The picture above is a battleship. 】

On the sea, a lone ship is sailing with difficulty.

Like other ships, they are also stowaways. They have just survived a storm, and the five ships they were traveling with were all buried in the sea, and only they survived.

Although they survived, they also lost their way because of the storm. You know, getting lost in the sea is undoubtedly fatal.

They have been out of food on the ship for two days. If they can’t see land at this rate, I’m afraid they will really have to cannibalize each other.

“”Ahead! There is an island ahead!”

Someone on the deck cheered loudly.

His voice was extremely hoarse and weak.

“There’s an island?! We’re saved!”


Hundreds of people on the ship cheered.

Soon, the ship docked.

After sailing on the sea for a month, they finally reached land!

Many people fell to the ground as soon as their feet stepped on the land.

Finally! Finally reached land���

The sense of security that followed filled their hearts.

“Now men follow me to find food.”

One man said loudly


Soon he received a lot of responses.

If they didn’t find food, they would starve to death.

“There is a dense forest inside, let’s go in and look for it.”

Soon, they entered the dense forest.

“There are fruits here! We have food to eat!”

Almost an hour later, a man saw a banana forest and he cheered loudly!

“Finally there is something to eat!”

“Oh my God! We don’t have to starve to death anymore!”

All of a sudden, they rushed over here, and started climbing trees and picking fruits.

During the scramble, a bunch of bananas fell from the tree and rolled to the side.

One person was surprised and ran to pick up the bananas.

But he didn’t notice that when he ran, it was as if he passed through a layer of water in the air, and waves appeared in the air.

“Hmm? Human?”

The goat-horned demon who had closed his eyes to rest opened his eyes and looked at the haggard young man who ran into the barrier. A ferocious smile appeared on his lips.

The young man had just picked up the banana on the ground and looked up. His whole body froze.

Because not far away, there was a monster standing over two meters and five meters tall, with legs like goat legs in the lower body, extremely strong muscles in the upper body, and huge horns on his head.


An extremely shrill scream resounded throughout the area! It also alarmed other people.

More than a dozen men with extremely terrified expressions on their faces ran as fast as they could to the beach.

There were dozens of people resting on the beach, and they asked in surprise:”What happened?!”


Before the dozen people could answer, a flash of blood suddenly appeared, and in an instant, the bodies of the dozen people who were running were torn apart.

All of them were torn into five pieces, and the blood, flesh, and internal organs were splashed on the beach, dyeing the beach red.

“I didn’t expect a human ship to accidentally break in, but it just so happens that I’ve been here for too long and I’m so bored.”

A sheep’s hoof-like foot landed on the beach, and the goat-horned demon’s scarlet eyes were teasing. He raised his right hand covered with blood and licked the blood on it.

Then he spat it out with a”Pooh” sound and said,”The blood of you human pariahs is really unpalatable, the blood of magicians is still delicious!”

Three thousand years ago, there was a small-scale invasion of the continent by demons, and he happened to be one of them.

And he naturally liked the blood of those magicians very much.

It’s so wonderful, the feeling of the surging magic power.

Thinking of it, he basked in the sun, and unconsciously had an extremely intoxicated look.

“I’ll take you first, just to whet your appetite!”

Facing the extremely terrified stowaways, the goat-horned demon had a hideous smile.

Above the sea, there was a huge steel battleship sailing, and the flag of the Los Empire was fluttering in the wind on top of the battleship.

The huge naval guns on it were very scary and frightening.

At this time, suddenly a beam of light surged into the sky in the distance!

A huge portal was instantly opened on the sea!

The portal was extremely huge, a thousand meters high and hundreds of meters wide, spanning the sea, exuding an extremely bloody and evil breath!

“What is that?!”

An extremely strong gust of wind whistled in, blowing the dragon flag of the Los Empire on the battleship.

The captain, wearing a white naval officer’s uniform, widened his eyes and looked in surprise at the huge portal rising from the sea in the distance!

“This is, the gate to another world?!!”

He instantly remembered the legend on the continent.

The huge black portal exuded an extremely evil and frightening aura.

It was the devil’s gate to another world that had opened!

“How could there be a demon portal here!”

“Quickly spread the news to the country!”

“”Demons are invading! All the guns are ready!!”

The captain roared, and countless naval soldiers on the battleship began to move.

The huge battleship, which was 193 meters long and 29.6 meters wide, began to turn!

It aimed at the demon portal from the side!

At the same time, the four triple-mounted 355mm fifty-caliber huge main guns on the battleship also began to turn, ready to aim at the sky-high demon portal!

(355mm fifty-caliber means that the caliber is 355mm, and the length of the barrel is fifty times the caliber, which is 17.75 meters.) At such a close distance, I’m afraid we can’t escape……

The demon actually appeared in the sea so close to the imperial port. If the empire had not discovered it, it would have suffered heavy losses under the sudden attack of the demon.

The captain thought with a heavy heart.

At least, he had to delay time to buy time for the reaction in the Los Empire!

“”Soldiers of the Empire! Follow me to death!”

The captain roared, and all 1,900 officers and soldiers on the ship were ready to go, waiting for the devil to appear!

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